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EmptyNest68 07-31-2007 11:27 AM

Bladder spasms
My diagnosis was over 4 years ago. Up until this year, my symptoms seemed pretty controllable. They still are-controllable-but becoming more impeding on my daily life.
One thing that's cropped up-for which I am a little embarrassed to ask about-are bladder spasms. I have had what I THOUGHT were infections-3 in the past 2 months-but this last one is not going away with antibiotics and rather than "burn" it feels like my bladder is spasming. Does anyone else suffer from this? and if so, should I suggest any particular test to my primary care physician? He has been very helpful but does not always know what to look for with parkinsons.
If you'd prefer, you could PM me, that would be appreciated, too! Thanks in advance for your advice!

steffi 001 07-31-2007 01:32 PM

hey there
Have just noticed your mood tag.Hope you feel brighter soon.And despite the lovely invitation to pm with THIS one I feel that no...[and this is only my personal opinion] it is a good time to spill about some of these hush hush issues. We are all in this together...all of us I guess have wanted to die of embarrassment at some point but hey..we get over it.
Boy...I used to pee myself laughing BEFORE I got Parkinsons so excuse then.:(
But I am sorry you are going through an uncomfortable time.In all seriousness this is a common symptom that certainly does infringe on our freedom to a great degree... and I empathise greatly.I hope the infection has gone because that is so very painful and can make you feel really ill and fluey
I of course am no expert, but it seems that the pathways from brain to muscle are responsible yet again for this lack of the bladder knowing when to detect if there are a couple of cuploads of fluid in there or a teaspoon.Apparently under normal brain functions,the brain knows to repress voiding..until we find a loo....but with PD,these signals are compromised and apparently the bladder gets the urge when only a few drops of urine are present.It becomes overactive.Again we can parallel this to what is happening to our limbs..the stuff we can see.I guess until it is upon us we don`t think about our internal bits going to the wall cos we can`t see them..but they are affected by this confusion in the correct signals of when to tighten and when to relax just as much.Perhaps the spasms are because of this change in normal activity of the bladder. my gp once said to me..don`t pin everything on Parkinsons which is a wise comment I think but it would seem a big possibility.
I hope you get some relief from this soon.Drugs are available so it doesn`t need to be suffered unneccessarily.

If it weren`t for the fact that you must be suffering so much with this...I would tell you a funny story about my peeing disaster.But another time..when you are feeling better perhaps...


EmptyNest68 07-31-2007 01:39 PM

steff thanks for your kind and gentle approach to this topic! And I always appreciate my next step will be to get to my pcp and get some testing done...yah hoo!

PS...Funny stories about peeing disasters are welcome...I have already done the old crossing of the legs when sneezing....

EnglishCountryDancer 07-31-2007 03:29 PM

I am the partner of someone with P.D
I do not have P.D but had voiding problems so what your doctor says on not blaming everything on P.D is very true.It may be P.D but it may not.I have seen a varirty of consulants and a herbalist and this is what I have learnt.If you have this problem and it is not an infection do the following.Slowly give up drinking tea and coffee as they irritate the bladder.(Slowly drop one cup a day or you will get one h*** of a headache)Do not drink fruit drinks or wine as too acid.Roobosh or redbush tea is a good and o.k Available in Health shops and Supermarkets in UK ,Avoid spicey food.When I am very bad I can only drink bottled water as even the chlorine causes problems.I know this is a drag but I have done it for the last 20 years an it is well worth it.

EnglishCountryDancer 07-31-2007 03:32 PM

If it is an infection it will take a while to calm down even after the infection has gone.My heart goes out to you as this is a miserable condition.

EmptyNest68 07-31-2007 03:53 PM

Thanks ECD, good advice....I know, I need to give up coffee....I only drink a couple cups a day, but am sure that makes a difference & luckily stay away from fruit juices and wines...will take your advice into consideration & increase my water supply as much as I can stand; am seeing my doctor tomorrow. It is a little worrisome because 1) of parkinson's; 2) recurrent UTI in such a short span of time-are my kidneys involved? What's going on :confused: & 3) my (late) uncle and mother have the same type of bladder cancer, which their doctors have found to be familial, with no regard to age or sex.
It's probably nothing...

jeanb 07-31-2007 04:18 PM

me too
I have bladder "urgency" problems - neurologist says it is from PD. I take a med that helps - oxybutinen. It helps a lot!

But it gives me 'dry mouth' :( ... but I just learned that oxybutinen comes in a patch - which doesn't cause dry mouth. So i'm going to ask for a script for that!

RLSmi 07-31-2007 04:59 PM

The male gender
is subject to this "inconvenience" also. As with UTIs, other conditions can complicate nailing down its origin, e.g., prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Prior to my operation in '98, I don't remember significant problems with bladder urgency or leaking.

One of the drawbacks of the current prostate resection procedure is that one of the bladder sphincter muscles is lost in the process of removing the seminal vesicles and rebuilding the lower end of the bladder for re-attachment to the urethra. In addition to possible ED issues, a significant fraction of patients have some degree of incontinence post-surgically.

Although I was not Dxd with PD until '01, I think I first experienced minor leaking and bladder urgency several months after the prostate surgery. It did not occur immediately after the foley catheter was removedat three weeks post-op, since I had full control at that point. My current situation with urgency and slight leaking may have had its origin as a result of progressing autonomic system degeneration as part of the pre-Dx PD effects. Anyway, that's the way I have processed it. That goes along with my 8-10 year struggle with depression before PD Dx.

Several months ago my urologist encouraged me to try one of the medications to soothe the bladder urgency, but I declined because of the dry mouth effect. If there is a patch approach now which avoids that problem, I think I might try it. Thanks, Jean! Wearing panty liners is not very masculine! :rolleyes:

steffi 001 07-31-2007 05:23 PM

Hi again Steph
I think Cranberry juice is meant to be good too for water infections.You must be anxious and I feel all of us here are so trying to put your mind at rest...but you should go check this out for complete peace of mind.
It does seem to connect though..the PD and the infections as I have read that infection arises when the bladder is not completely emptied....again,lack of muscle control, equated with PD.
thinking of you

proudest_mama 07-31-2007 09:37 PM

too coincidental
Oh my gosh, this is just too coincidental to be coincidental.

Any of you who don't like talking about ... let's say the "ugly" part of PD, quit reading now.

A couple of days ago, I noticed that one part of my internal organ ... yes, in THAT area, is sagging, literally. Talk about a wake up call. This came in conjunction with a little dribbling effect when I use the "loo" (or the "Lou" my dad says, because his BOSS was named Lou, and my dad's name is John which is what we name the "loo" here in the U.S.) We could get into a topic about rubbers, but we'll save that for another day. LOL

Okay, so tonight I shocked the pool and needed to get in it this evening to see if some good ole' elbow grease would do the trick (it didn't). My period just started yesterday so ... excuse me boys, cover your eyes ... but there was no way in heck that the tampon I inserted was going to stay.

I cried, I scrubbed, I cried, I scrubbed, I hid my tears by turning the other way ... I ran to the bathroom after said tampon did fall out ... I scrubbed again, I cried again, and then it was time to take the dog for a walk.

I told my husband about it and said that I would research the topic on the website. Honest, this was no longer than 15 minutes ago.

I typed in the search engine tampon, then vagina, and then finally incontinence. I truly couldn't believe my eyes that this discussion took place TODAY.

And, so, even though I'm teetering on the edge of keeping my sanity, this thread; this topic; and the people behind this topic is what keeps me ticking. First and foremost is my faith, but this PD "family" is the only one who truly understands. I feel so very blessed.

Anyway, I really DO need some questions answered so I'll try to stay on topic.

Will medication help with what I descriibed? Surgery? (Just cutting away my insides?!!) I know how to do kegels (having given birth to five children) and I do believe that this would still be possible for me to achieve, but will the disease eventually progress to the point that the muscle tone is gone, and the neuro transmitters simply can't connect, so doing kegels is out of the question?

Something tells me that I don't want to know the answer to this, but heck .. lay it on the line and maybe all of us can find humor in a very depressing subject.

And I, too, have some funny stories that I'd be willing to share but, for now, my bed is calling my name.

Gosh, God is good. How else can you explain the above?

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