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mcawthon 10-10-2007 05:35 PM

Can't wear socks
I have been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, probably as a result of my celiac disease. My pain in my feet and ankles has recently gotten worse so that wearing socks is very uncomfortable. I am hoping that this is a temporary setback like some I've had in the past where the symptoms get better over time with rest. I'm hoping that I can get back into wearing socks. Other than rest, would my best approach be to: (1) immediately begin increasing my time wearing socks a little each day to build up my time wearing them or (2) treat this more like a sprained ankle and not wear socks AT ALL until the pain in my feet and ankles has improved?

Approach 1 would be based on the assumption that the longer I go without wearing socks, the more likely it will be that my nerves will become iritated when I put them back on. Approach 2 would be based on the assumption that putting socks on during this setback would just irritate the nerves more than they are already irritated and prolong the setback.

mrsD 10-10-2007 05:52 PM

socks are a problem...
I don't wear any socks unless it is very very cold out.

There are socks made for diabetics which are larger, less binding and

So far the ones at WalMart work for me. They are about $3.00 a pair.

But has some too.

During the cold months I use leg warmers instead of socks to bed. They keep the blood in the feet warm and don't bind. But these are typically a female thing, and also hard to find. There are some websites with legwarmers..a dark pair would work for a male.

I just bid on 4 pairs of leg warmers for $10.00... a bargain. No stores here even carry them anymore. This bid was for black.

Men would have to come to some understanding about this problem. But some diabetic socks do come in black for those guys.

Here is a good site on Ebay for diabetic socks:

They are more than WalMart for 4 pr. however.
But here is a real deal:

Dakota 10-10-2007 06:48 PM

Mrsd, you are so funny with your new ebay hobby! I have never done ebay before, and you are making it seem like a lot of fun!! I may have to try it out!

dlshaffer 10-10-2007 07:46 PM

I also wear the diabetic socks and can attest to the comfort of them. Wal-Mart also has them in a tan color. I have gotten black and also have a blue pair from there, although I have not seen the blue color for some time. I am quite surprised there is not more of a market for these types of socks! :rolleyes:

MrsD - you are going to start a trend here - and Mel with her knowledge - maybe a request should be put in for a forum - NeuroTalk Ebayers! :icon_lol:

darlindeb25 10-10-2007 08:06 PM

Hi mcawthon--celiac here too, my feet hate socks and shoes. It is so hard for me to find anything that is comfortable, especially for work. I work in a doctor's office and he wants us to dress nicely, with dress shoes, which is very difficult to wear all day with neuropathy. I spend 1/2 of the day with my shoes off, under the desk. I have 2 pair of the diabetic socks and for me, they are too loose, which bothers my feet more--weird huh. It's better for my feet to have something that hugs them, then too have something that is too loose. We are all so different!!!

How long have you been gluten free? Some celiac's find great relief of their neuropathy symptoms when they go gluten free, I wish you the best.:hug:

mrsD 10-10-2007 08:40 PM

Yep, I am suffering from Ebay-itis!
Yes, there is everything there at Ebay...

Now that my hours are flexible and I have a LIFE (my job was consuming in that regard), I can sit like I am tonight watching my bids! (12 min left)
Also this DSL is much faster than my old dial-up...that makes a huge difference too. Slow dial-up is not great for something like this!

I lost the propane refrig, because the guy wanted it picked up (it was be a long way all day drive) and I didn't think ANYONE else would want it...but two people bid on it .50 a piece. It went for $27.00 The seller couldn't guarantee that it worked and could not answer my questions. So I let it go. We were going to go to his place if there were no bids on it and look only. It was just one of those things...I'll watch and see if it shows up again with a new seller.
Seems there are people "dealing" there, buying and reselling at higher prices.
The cookware is going that way.

But the leg warmers are a stroke, since I have so much trouble finding ANY locally. They just are not in fashion.

So this thread was very good for me...LOL. Timely.
I am still a bit paranoid about Ebay, and will probably get "burnt". I've yet to have something ARRIVE. All purchases are small potatoes. I've only been at it for 3-4 days!

I like your new avatar Susan. Are those YOUR feet?

MelodyL 10-10-2007 09:50 PM

Ah, Diabetic Socks
I forgot about buying them on Ebay. That would make about 20 items I have bought on Ebay. I have always bought the white diabetic socks.

Alan and share them. While they don't last more than a few months, I wouldn't put anything else on my feet. And this is BEFORE I even had neuropathy. My neuropathy is not bothered by any type of sock.

It's just that these white socks are so comfortable, that the first time I saw them, I said "yup, these are for me". So, come winter, these socks, and a pair of crocks, and I'm good to go.

And these diabetic socks are such a bargan on ebay.

I once went to a store near my house called Castle Clothes. They cater to big and tall men. Do you know how much I paid for a pair of diabetic dress socks. They were white, they were long, and they were marked Diabetic Socks. I paid $6.50 a pair. Then, when I got the socks from ebay I said "Now these are diabetic socks". and I paid something like $1.00 a pair (when you buy them in a bundle). So comfortable.

So happy ebaying everybody!!!!


Snikerdudl 10-10-2007 10:56 PM

Legwarmers...what a great solution! I avoid socks all the time, but my legs get chilly. Hmmmm...wonder if I can crochet some? Now to look for patterns.



Megan 10-11-2007 12:35 AM

I've had that happen only a couple of times especially in the the early weeks of PN when trying to wear socks. Do you have increased sensitivity to bedsheets also? As you probably know it is called allodynia and is quite common with PN.

I don't know whether it is the same cause but I find that my lower legs are now extremely sensitive when under the shower it feels like the water is either too hot or too cold, yet I know that it is not.

Sorry I can't give any advice about what to do, but I hope it improves for you.

aloneouthere 10-11-2007 01:22 AM

I don't really think wearing socks or not wearing socks would improve/worsen your PN. I mean, if it bothers you, then it's because it is irritating nerves that have already been damaged. PN I believe is damage that comes from the inside of your body, so in terms of making your PN worse or better, it wouldn't really matter. I would suggest just go on with your normal life, wear them if it doesn't bother you too much, don't wear if you can't stand it. Make sure you eat gluten free food and take those vitamins to help with the repair! Refer to the stickies for which vitamins and minerals would assist in your recovery. Again this is based on my knowledge, someone correct me if I'm wrong. Hope it helps.

matia 10-11-2007 02:11 AM

Cant wear socks
Hi / I am from New Zealand/ and we have a critter called the opposum, It's a pest to our trees but to make a pair of socks out of the hair , they are so good
The fibre is hollow which makes the wearing of socks so good.Perhaps you should shift to NZ to get these socks Cheers

darlindeb25 10-11-2007 07:28 AM

Oh Matia--sorry, but I could never, ever wear a pair of socks make from opossum:eek:--that is such a disgusting thought to me. They are like seeing a huge rat:eek: to me and just the thought of that being on my feet--OMG:eek:thanks, but no thanks. Its great that you find comfort in them though!:hug:

mcawthon 10-11-2007 08:43 AM

I do have sensitivity to bed sheets and have to sleep without any cover. I have been on a strict gluten free diet for several years, but unfortunately, going on the diet did not help my PN. Actually, nothing has helped, not exercise, not supplements, not medications, not diet. It's so depressing to have a condition that is incurable and untreatable.

mcawthon 10-11-2007 08:44 AM

Thanks for the suggestion. I have not tried diabetic socks. I'll check the ones out at WalMart.

mcawthon 10-11-2007 08:52 AM

Thanks for your reply. I have been on a strict GF diet for 5 years but no relief, unfortunately. I recently retired, but when I worked, I also had to take my shoes off under the desk. I was fortunate to have a desk job.

daniella 10-11-2007 10:27 AM

Hi. I'm not gluten intolerant but my pn is my inner ankle/foot. For the first 4 months I always worse socks but then one day I took them off and didn't wear them for two months. After when the weather cooled I put them on and it sent me into a lot of pain. I had to retrain my body to feel less sensitive to them. For the first few days was so hard and I often wore them half way on. Now I can wear them all day. I read an article about desensitizing the nerve. I realize how when I get away from even "normal" things it takes my body time to adjust. You may want to try different types of socks like the others said. Even different materials. Good luck!

mcawthon 10-11-2007 10:37 AM

This is very interesting. Do you have a link to the article about desensitizing the nerves?

mcawthon 10-11-2007 10:51 AM

Thanks so much for the suggestion. I thought you were kidding, but found this New Zealand web site that sells two kinds of possum socks:

Dakota 10-11-2007 06:52 PM

Thank you, Mrsd, for complimenting my avatar. Alas, they are only my dream feet. My real feet are fatter and have age spots on them... But I would like everyone here to think that I am young, slim, and beautiful. Ha.

matia 10-12-2007 02:55 AM

cant wear socks
Hi Deb

id rather have socks made from these disgusting like rats( as you say ) than have sore feet
Thats all
matia opposum ):):):):):):)

matia 10-12-2007 02:59 AM

cant wear socks
Hi mcawthon

You are on to it ( the Rolls Royce of Socks)
cheers matia:):):):):):):):):):)

Megan 10-12-2007 05:02 AM

Good solution Matia....
Hi Matia from the beautiful paradise of Wanaka - are you near the Lake and Puzzling World?

The Opossums you refer to are they the possums that were imported to NZ from Oz and have now become pests in their millions? Our Australian indigenous people used the possums for thousands of years to sew together possum skin coats to keep warm - so it sounds to me like the NZ'ers are being very creative and sensible dealing with the overpopulation of possums in this way. Go fer it!! :)

darlindeb25 10-12-2007 05:26 AM


id rather have socks made from these disgusting like rats( as you say ) than have sore feet
Honest, I wasn't being sarcastic or anything, I honestly could not wear these socks, just the thought of where they came from. It really has nothing to do with how good they could make my feet feel, it's the fact that I am terrified of mice, rats, and possums, I actually stop breathing when I come across one. Irrational yes, but a very real fear and something that only seems to get worse, never better. As a child, I used to hold mice, yet the older I became, the worse the fear grew. My ex used to yell at me when I would scream when seeing a mouse, "You'll scare the kids!" :eek:

Tis true, possoms are pests wherever they live, they get into your pet food, they wander on your porches, they are forever found dead in the street. You have to warn your kids to keep away from them because they could be diseased and on top of it all, they are about the ugliest thing ever.

I did click on the link and the clothing is very nice, even the socks looks very comfy, BUT, I would know. I wouldn't beable to touch them if someone told me what it was made from. If I didn't know before hand, it probably wouldn't matter, but the minute you told me I had possum socks on, I probably would pass out!:eek:

No offense intended:hug:

HeyJoe 10-12-2007 09:08 AM

the possums in new zealand and the opposums in north america look very different and are from different orders.

dahlek 10-12-2007 03:56 PM

Getting back to Medi-Peds?
and not oppossums....

Yes you can find them at times at the Bigger Box Stores...I've usually found mine at Wal-mart, BUT where they are displayed varies from store to store, or what phase the moon is in....

Look in the footwear section or the pharmacy sections [usually 'tucked'] on the aisle ends... Their [medi-peds] website states they are available in black as well as white, but, I've not seen them yet. They run about $3-5 a pair, far better than diabetic specialty socks costing 3times that -and which I find usually have a very tight sock top band. Since I've edema at my ankles, I've found the medi-peds to be the least tight at those super fussy 'spots' on my feet/ankles.

Good luck finding them! - j

darlindeb25 10-12-2007 05:42 PM

Sorry Joe, I researched it and this is what I found:


This one-of-a-kind animal in North America is a marsupial. Marsupials are common in Australia, but this is the only marsupial here. Marsupials have pouches on their stomachs to hold their babies. The kangaroo of Australia keeps its baby joey in its pouch, because a kangaroo is a marsupial, too.

The early Indian tribes named this animal, and English speakers took the name "opossum" from them.

What is the difference between an opossum and a possum?
No difference - just two words for the same animal.
Just what I thought, oppossum or a possum--all the same--huge, ugly looking rat creature--long creepy tail--ewwwwwwwwww:eek::eek: Not this time bro, can't fool the farm girl, I grew up with these critters on the porch. You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl!:D Still love ya though!

daniella 10-13-2007 06:04 PM

I'm sorry I don't have that link but my mom told me about it. Also when I was the cleveland clini they talked about it. They actually had a machine and it was of warm sand to stick your feet in. This was suppose to help desensitize the nerves. Trust me I relate as nothing for my pain so far including meds,diet,exercise has helped. The socks were a huge issue and I still feel the best without but on cool mornings my feet go numb so I need them. I have gotten a lot better but the first few days of them were complete hell. I would try different fabric but it may just take time to adjust. Do you live in a climate where these socks are needed?Well for me even now in CA the morning since I'm so sensitive to cold I need them. Also my mom bought me ugs so I don't need socks. The boots are suppose to be worn without so that could be an option.Good luck

jannaw 10-13-2007 06:36 PM

I buy chennille booties at either Target or Costco, I use them instead of socks. They aren't clingy and I wear them with my roomie box toed Borns. I can't wear regular socks or tennie shoes anymore, I really miss them but the burn is unbearable. Also, I run cold water on my feet in the tub for about a minute and that gives some relief for awhile. As for dead animals on my feet if they killed the pain I would wear them!

mcawthon 10-13-2007 07:38 PM

I'm a guy and I do need socks in the winter. I just tried 3 different kinds of Med-Peds today, including footlest but they are all too tight.

daniella 10-13-2007 07:58 PM

MMM lets see. When I was trying on all sorts of socks for me regardless of style they bothered me and felt too tight. I tried short,tall,thick and thin. I'm a thin girl and tried mens but still felt too tight. I know for me a fan blowing on the area even hurts like a gun shot to the leg. For me it just took adjusting and time. I would still rather them be off but know I need to each day have them on so I won't get used to them being off. It may be different for you so maybe ask your doc but for me it was getting used to it again. Kind of like pt its painful now but hopefully in the long run better. Could you start with wearing them for short periods? Do guys where ugs? Do you have edema? No idea why I'm asking just the other poster mentioned and I know when I had edema that made things in my feet painful too so I can't imagine having pn and edema. Sorry not much help but I do understand the frustration and pain. Thats why I moved to ca from mi cause of the temp and my tolerance.

Dakota 10-13-2007 09:16 PM

mcawthorn, I have sock issues too. When the weather is cold and I am at home I wear down booties that you can buy online at REI. Yummmm. They have a smooth soft lining and they are soo warm. I want to be buried in them.

mcawthon 11-02-2007 05:50 PM

No, thankfully I don't have edema, just PN. I'm a guy living in Georgia where the winters are cold, so I do have to wear socks. I ordered around 10 different brands of diabetic socks. None of them work as well as a pair of old Pierre Cardin's that have extra wide tops. The possum socks feel pretty good, but I haven't kept them on for long. After reading some of the replies to my post, I decided to try gradually building up time wearing socks. So far, I've built up to 3 hours a day and my tolerance for the socks is increasing. Thanks everyone for your help.

shiney sue 11-02-2007 08:11 PM

wound Dr. told me Sue you must have your feet and legs to just below your
knees measured,then we will sent them to Germany make those rubber
compression hose...You will thank me and there just a little higher then those
100 dollars ones we told you to buy...
Well even though he's on a cane,as soon as i can catch him i'm going to
choke him with those 400 dollar rubber things i can't wear. I'm glad i'm going to rehab for a month,now those drs. couldn't stop laughing when they saw them...Insurance does not paid for these little honies,and i'm not either.
Oh well i carry them in case i can catch him....:( Sue

RU3N 10-01-2019 01:57 AM

Finally im not alone!!!!!
Im actually crying as I read this thread. I thought I was crazy, thought I was alone. I'm a T1 Diabetic and I suffer from everything from being able to not wear shoes and socks or underwear and even regular pants and not a special type of gym shorts. Laying in bed hurts if the sheets aren't pulled tight. Cant sleep under blankets. Can hardly walk most the time. Went from weighing 165 down to 122 in less than a few months. All this led to my wife asking for a divorce. No one believed me. Everyone just called me lazy. I'm in too much pain to be lazy. I'd laugh but it's TRUE. Im never comfortable anymore. Ive been like this for almost 2 years and no luck narrowing down the exact illness. And now I know I'm not crazy. Thank u

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