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nikmcjo 02-25-2008 10:22 PM

:mad: ok, i went to an "rsd specialist" today two hours away. people come from far away to see him. i thought yayy, maybe a good dr.


he walked in and was kinda like whatever. then he asked me why exactly i was there to see him and what we expect him to do (nice greeting). yeah...anyways he was getting info and my mom showed him the binder she keeps that is organized w/ my rsd stuff. he sighed and said it would take awhile bc it was big and not organized correctly. what a pleasant man.

afte criticizing my mom a bit, he said put on a gown, i have other patients. you need the braces and socks off too. of course, we have to look around the room for the gown bc he never told us where it was.

he came like 20 minutes later. i kept my fuzzy socks on bc my feet get realy cold and i still had on my hand brace. he yelled and said "i told you to get dressed and take those off! you're wasting time!" i was like sorry, my feet get cold and you took awhile. he sighed and said lets hurry pleas. so i had to take them off and he grabbed the reflex hammer (grr) and said tell me if it hurts (...). he did one arm and i screamed and cried. then stupidly, he asked "did that hurt??" and i said cant you see that?! then he did the other arm and i did the same thing. he yelled and said "stop doing that!!!!!!!!!!!! how do you suppose im gonna get good results with you doing that??" i was like I CANT HELP IT! CANT YOU SEE THIS HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then he said "you have to tell me if it hurts. otherwise i cant tell." i was like hurt. he said "it didnt look like it hurt as bad as the other arm. how do i know you arent faking it?" yahh, im a talented actress who can scream and cry on cue. YES, it hurts. then he said i need to cool off. this is gonna take awhile and i have other patients. obviously you dont want to get better if you arent letting me do the exam. then he left.

i told my mom i HATE him (and i have NEVER hated a person before until today). she said just try to give him a chance. right now, we really dont know what to do. i just cried and aid id try again, but i still hate him.

later on, he came back. he said "are you actually gonna cooperate and let me examen you?" i just rolled my eyes and said finish. he then yelled at my mom about her binder again. then he grabbed the hammer and did my right leg. that is where the rsd started so its worse there. he did it and i screamed and almost fell off the table. he said "was that worse? you need to tell me." (yahh, how do you expect me to just be like oww, yeah it was worse) i had to catch my breath. after a minute, i said yes. he was like "well, that didnt appear to be as bad as the other areas (even though i screamed and cried louder). what do you think (to my mom). thankfully she was like yeah,couldnt you hear her and see her? obviously it was worse. he was like "oh..well you need to speak up as soon as i hit you. yo know what. forget it. i give up. you arent cooperating. hit yourself and let me see if it hurts." i poked my leg and squirmed. "forget it. you are never going to get better. i dont know why i wasted my time with you. you and your mom are hopeless. why did you even come here to get treatment? what can i do?" i said ohh. i dunno...FINISH THE EXAM like my other drs did. then he lectured and said he treats pain and i am in pain and i want help but in the wrong way (??) and something about wasting his time and it thankfully not being a busy day or else it was a waste of time for him (what about me?!) and he cant help and he is one of the best drs (HA!!) and can treat pain. im never gonna recover. me and my mom are beyond help. im bright yet not bright (??). etc etc for like 20 minutes. i was SOOOO close to walking out of the room. i would have but i was on the table, my ankle brace was off, and he threw my crutches across the room. he finally said "you arent coming back here until you can control the way you act and arent in pain (ok, if i wasnt in pain i would be seeing him because...??). have a good day (sarcastically)." we left and i just looked at my mom and she broke down and felt awful. i comforted her. then we insultd him and called him some names on the way home. we felt better.

but he is one of the worst drs!!!!!!!!!! grr!!!!!

oh, and when i jumped when he touched me, he asked me if i had ever been molested or touched innapropriately. that is one of the rudest questions a dr can ask. i was like NO! he was like, then stop squirming!

Abbie 02-25-2008 10:54 PM


I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you!!!!

What this doctor did is not right!!!!

He's a pain doctor and doesn't want to see you until you are not in pain?!?!?!

Was this doc at a clinic or hospital??? If he was I would be calling asking to speak with the top administrator.


mollymcn 02-25-2008 11:12 PM

Please provide us with the name of this doctor and the facility!

nikmcjo 02-25-2008 11:44 PM

thanks :) yahh, he is confusing :confused::confused:

his name is Robert Schwartz (i am pretty sure that is spelled right). there is all of this info on the internet. it is easy to look him up.

we saw him in greenville, sc (top part of sc) at the hospital. idk the name, but greenville is small so there is only one.

i will tell my mom to call and complain if my pther drs dont. we are also seeing my pm dr friday and my mom is calling pediatrition in the morning. they WILL know about this.

for all of you rsd'ers: never ever see dr schwartz!

thanks again :)

hugs, nikki

Jomar 02-26-2008 01:01 AM

I think I'd seriously consider filing a formal complaint - maybe he is on drugs or something - sounds like he was waaayyy out of line and very unprofessional.

You can check his name on your state website - medical board section
see if there have been any restrictions on him.

I really think we all need to speak up and take appropriate action when drs act like that one did.

I sure wouldn't feel right about having to pay him for that sort of "treatment".

Desi 02-26-2008 04:19 AM

Hi and first of all, I had to write here about the JERK! I am so sorry about what he did and said to you and your mother!. I know if you were my daughter, I would have told him to go ^%$##@# himself,had your mom put your brace back on and walked out, saying;"You'll be hearing from my attorney" Yes attorney!! He invaded the privacy rights, by saying, were you molested? touched innapropatly? what if you were way back?? His butt is notning but a burnt out old fool who needs to stop being what he is! Maybe he was mad because your mom came in the room with you? This guy sounds dangerous, on drugs, like Jo said. How dare he!! Go on and get you an attorney mom and fight to win this battle. You come to him, he took a very special "oath" and that oath was a lie. I don't see why other people are still in the waiting room wanting to see this man from hell. Again, I am sorry that the burnt out, no good for nothing son of a gun(Yes, I want to cuss) can treat you like this when all you wanted was help. He must like seeing his patients in pain. None of my doc's ever used even a rubber hammer on me. What an idiot. Much love and (((Hugs to you and your mom))))

dreambeliever128 02-26-2008 09:47 AM

I just googled him. An RSD'er I know here went all the way to SC to see him. He spent a week there and only got to spend 1 hour with him after calling them. They did that test on him where the RSD turns up red on it and gave him a copy of the test. He made a tshirt showing the results. What a joke.

I ran up on a TOS Dr. like that in Denver. He is one that a lot of people from the TOS forum goes to. He spent all of 5 minutes with me and got mad because I wouldn't let him pull my arms every which way. He wasn't even my Dr., his partner was and I'd done been there several times and already had my diagnoses. He put on my paperwork that I was uncooperative.

It makes you wish they got a taste of their own medicine in their lifetime. What goes around comes around.

I would definitely report him to the AMA, BBB, and any other place you can think of. I would also make copies of the emails or letters you write to these places and send copies to him showing you have dealt with the way he treated you.

I hope both of you get to feeling better soon. I know it will take time though, that doesn't get out of your head overnight.


Abbie 02-26-2008 11:02 AM

Found this:
Piedmont Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, P.A.

Robert G. Schwartz MD, Greenville, SC

He has a web site but I'm not sure if I can post that or not....:confused:

Debby 02-26-2008 06:01 PM

Why can't you post his website?? Other websites get posted here.........

Lynns409 02-26-2008 08:00 PM

I'm so sorry that you went through this. I saw one doctor before I found my current doctor who I LOVE that was evil. He told me that I needed to exercise more and that would solve the problem. I told him that I could barely walk, let alone exercise, and he told me to "just get over the pain." Sounds like these two might be friends! One thing that you can do is call up your insurance company and tell them not to pay this man. Tell them that he was extremely rude and unprofessional and HURT you! You can have them dispute the charges and that will send a message to this evil doctor!

Linnie :hug:

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