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Brandon_0101 02-28-2008 01:18 PM

A Question About Prayer
I'm not really a very religous person. I was never raised to follow any specific religous doctrines and I've never really felt like I "belong" to any major religion. So I guess I'm agnostic, but I do feel somewhat lost in a sense of spirituality. I don't really want to take on a new religion but I kind of feel like I could use some general spiritual advice if that makes any sense. And for example, I see a lot of things on this site for giving prayers to people in need. I feel like I want to offer my support too but I'm not really sure what to say since I never really "pray" for things in my daily life and it almost seems like anything I say would seem insencere for that reason. To tell the truth, for a while I considered myself to be athiest but since then I've felt more and more in need of spiritual support. And I pride myself with always being as open as I can to other religious beliefs and customs but it's just seemed like nothing has worked for me personally.

SandyC 02-28-2008 01:44 PM

Hi Brandon. For me, praying to someone at a higher level comforts me. I am a Christian woman and believe in God. However, other religions believe in their own higher power. I guess it depends on your belief of where we came from? Are you more scientific in your beliefs (Big Bang Theory) or do you believe we came to this place by something much larger than science?

My best advice is for you to figure that out first. If you believe we came from something larger than science you can start by researching the various doctrines relating to religion and find what fits your beliefs best.

I am a non-denominational Christian. That means I do not conform to a specific religion or doctrine. I am a Christian who believes in God but I do not belong to an organized religious church. If I attend church I go to a non-denominational place. My husband and I are faithful to watching Joel Osteen (Lakewood Church) every Sunday more than attending a particular church setting. This doesn't mean we are against any particular religion. It just means we are more comfortable in this type of setting. I was baptized Catholic but realized that that doctrine didn't mesh well with how I truly felt. However, with that being said, I hold a deep respect for the Catholic church in that, they are what brought me closer to God in my adult years.

I wish you nothing but the best in finding out what it is you need to understand and come to a place that feels good to you. As far as offering support to those in need it can be as simple as saying they are in your thoughts.

If you have any questions please feel free to Pm me.


Idealist 02-28-2008 01:58 PM

Hi, Brandon!
All I know about prayer is that Jesus said when you pray, go into your room and close the door, and God, who hears everything, will hear you. Start your prayer with the word "Father". And maybe if you want to pray, your very first prayer should be to ask God to teach you to pray. It's a very personal thing. Good luck and God bless!


Lasgo 02-28-2008 03:40 PM

Hello Brandon
One of the things that has helped me over the years has been to keep a prayer journal. Just think of this as a record of your personal discussions with God. Use it as a point of reflection and also to help you actually verify what it was you were praying for.

If, for example, you put down in your journal, "God, please help me with my anger problem." You would have a point of reference with which to say, at a later date, "Thank you God, on such and such a date I asked for help with my anger problem and 3 days later a news documentary on anger management was shown on..."

It could be as simple as asking simple verification of God's existence - "God, just give me a sign of your awe and wonder." Then, you wake up the next morning, early enough to watch the sunrise, and you see hues and colors in combination that can only be described as originating from the hands of the divine.

The bottom line of the journal is to form a daily dialogue, a relationship with God the Father. Start today and it will continue forever. Start later, and it will still continue forever. But richness comes with age so why not start now:

The great French Marshal Lyautey once asked his gardener to plant a tree. The gardener objected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for 100 years. The Marshall replied, 'In that case, there is no time to lose; plant it this afternoon!'
- John F. Kennedy

Hope this has been helpful. All of this of course takes faith. Exercises like this and operating off of a daily journal is pointless if, at first, you do not believe in God. After three tours of Iraq I have grown deeper in my love and devotion to God and have never felt closer. If, in battle, or slipping on a patch of ice in the states, I die tomorrow - no problemo - it'll mark for me the beginning of a relationship I have already invested many journal pages to.

1 Corinthians 13:12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face-to-face; now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am known."

I believe God knows me better than I know even myself, the loved ones I care for, and the friends I've met over the years. He has a plan for you as well, one that will extend jillions of years beyond this blink we call life. :Good-Luck:

DM 02-28-2008 09:19 PM

Hi Brandon! When I was alot younger, I used to think you had to save your prayers and only ask God for really special ones. It was like I didn't want to use my quota up. As I grew into an adult and became more aware of my spiritual beliefs, I now find myself either talking to God or praying to him quite often.

I truly don't think you have to learn to pray. It's in your heart, or you wouldn't be asking our opinion. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer and praying for someone makes me feel complete.

If you ever want to offer prayers to someone here, just say what you are thinking. All positive comments are helpful.

take care Brandon. I admire you for posting this....

Chemar 03-01-2008 10:39 PM

I have been thinking a lot on this since you first posted Brandon
and was so blessed reading the responses here :grouphug:

Deep calls to Deep is how David describes it in psalm42........
I love that. that's really what prayer is to me...communicating with God nomatter where I am or what the circumstance. And remembering to stop talking sometimes and listen ......:)


Kitty 03-02-2008 06:36 AM

This was an interesting question. Like Sandy, I watch Joel Osteen on TV every Sunday morning. Partly because I love his positive messages that I can incorporate into my daily life and partly because I just do not have the energy to get up, get dressed (appropriately for church) and make the trek. I also don't believe that you have to go to a specific building and sit in a pew to worship.

I used to be very intimidated by prayer - I would hear people in church pray and it seemed so "rehearsed" and "proper". I never wanted to be called on to pray outloud! Now, I pray just as I would speak in normal conversation. I talk to God as though he were sitting beside me (and I believe He is). :)

Abbie 03-02-2008 10:28 AM

I was talking with a "friend"... She said I need to pray about things going on in my life...

I began to cry... she looked at me with questioning eyes.... my words back to her... HOW, I DON'T KNOW HOW.... (yes, I was loud when I said that.... tears rolling down my face.)

Her reply back to me:
Talk to Him just like you are talking to me.....

I'm not good at prayers to this day.... but I try....

dorrie 03-02-2008 12:58 PM

What a wonderful post! I do beleive there are lots of people who would love to ask the same question and for some reason or another just don't. I can understand you, Brandon. About 7 1/2 years ago I joined a 12 step group. I am a sober alcoholic now but when I joined the group I was a total mess...inside and out. I tried so very hard to get sober on my own and kept going back to those meetings for help but just could not do it. I learned from those people about the power of prayer. I felt a little akward at first, as I beleived it o be private...I beleived in God but did not really have a connection with him. I was so desparate to change my life that I gave it a shot and started placing my will and my life over to God. I lived and breathed God. I needed life depended on it. 7 1/2 years later and a whole lot of first for help and then for how grateful I was, I am still happily sober! That connection saved my life! Now I pray because I love to. I talk to God as the friend and Father to me that he is. Brandon, whether you are praying for help or not...PRAY! It will fulfill your heart...and change your life for the better!! God Bless you!! ps. I never knew what to say either....just say what you heart'll come out the way it is supposed to!!!:hug:

FinLady 03-02-2008 04:28 PM

I'm what I call a Bible reader Christian. I grew up in a Christian household, but don't belong to any church at the moment since I haven't found one that I agree with the doctrine or feel comfortable in.

But I simply call prayer talking to God. I've yelled at Him, cried to Him, and just talked to Him. I've asked Him to give strength and comfort to others.

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