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Burntmarshmallow 04-22-2008 10:10 PM

wonder thread 85
I wonder how long 2 weeks can actuly turn out to be?
I wonder how alffe and bizi are doing tonight?
I wonder how Abbie and nohopes day went and how there night will go tonight? I wonder if they will capture some sleep? I hope so.
I wonder if twink and tam have enough stamps for their post cards?
I wonder if twink knows we ate all the doughnuts so I have this chocolate muffin here if she wants it...:)
I wonder if av8 is feeling slightly better :hug:
I wonder if curious knows we are still praying :grouphug:
i wonder if david is mad I got number 85?
I wonder how my friend is doing tonight I wonder if she will do some of the things from apt today?
I wonder if I wonder if I wonder if ...
I wonder if I will stay up all night and wonder?

bizi 04-22-2008 10:26 PM

I wonder if I can give BMW a hug tonight
I wonder if you will understand when I say....there are alot of spiritual people here and you can say, share, feel what ever you like....we listen....
No one is going to judge you here....we are all imperfect yet perfect the way we are....
I wonder if that makes sense.....

Burntmarshmallow 04-22-2008 11:12 PM

I wonder if Bizi knows how hard and undecided I am and how easily my ignorance will show in that area of church and bible but in the knowing of God well not so ignorant?
I wonder if I will get brave ?
I wonder if I can pass out thanksyous and hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :grouphug:

Abbie 04-22-2008 11:47 PM

I'm beginning to wonder which way is up....

I wonder if you can all tell... I'm still awake... yes... no sleep yet....I think last time I slept was 4 or 5 days ago...

I wonder why little things are really beginning to bug the you know what out of me...

I wonder if BMW will reach inside herself and push the button marked brave... it's there.. you just have to reach for it.

I wonder why I'm craving donuts???

I wonder if I can just leave :hug: for all and wander off to the kitchen...


Twinkletoes 04-23-2008 12:05 AM

I wodder if you cud tell I can't breedthe!!!

I wodder if my dose iz gonna stay stopped up all spring?

I wodder why my eyes keep leaking?

I wodder why you guyz ate all the donuts? (It's okay, I lubb choccy muffids).

I wonder who else is in Bizi's avatar? I wodder if can say that Bizi's post made sense to me?

I wodder if eighty 26 cent stamps will be eeduff to send all my postcards?

*note to self: buy bore 26 cent stamps*

I wodder what I'm going to fix for Tamiloo and OlHipie for lunch Friday?

I wodder if these allergy drugs will hepp me sleep toddight.

I wodder if Abbie will ever widd the lottery equivalent of a bmillion winks?

I wodder if I'll ever quit takking wike Elmer Fudd?

I wodder if anyone wants a hug from me? (I'm dot contagious!) :wink: :grouphug:

DMACK 04-23-2008 06:50 AM

I wonder if Twink knows how funny she is.

I wonder if bizi knows i too get her post

I wonder at times why life is so complicated.

I wonder if i posted too may tunes last night..if i did i wonder if you all, will excuse me. [ had a bad hair day. lol lol]


Burntmarshmallow 04-23-2008 08:06 AM

I wonder why some think because I am posting in here I am suicidal? I wonder if they know I am here because suicide and death has been all around me all my life and maybe I can help another make it threw a tough time.

I wonder why suicide is so taboo ?

I wonder if others know how strong I am and how much I care even though I dont really even know you.

I wonder if ya alls know my daughter won 750$ at science fair last week and this weekend we are going to science center and she is competing for 5000$
her project .."the power of poop".

I wonder how cool getting away for a couple days will be.
I wonder if I just made you all jealous bragging like a fool ?
I wonder if I best get going and tackle more of my math.
BUT BEFORE I DO I WONDER IF I CAN LEAVE SOME HUGS :grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Doody 04-23-2008 09:26 AM

I am in total wonderment at how fast the wonder threads are going and how much fun they are.

I too think Tammi is hilarious and wonder if she knows I look forward to reading her posts. I tot I taw a tammiwoo.

I wonder if Loo should just put something in her nose to block the drainage. :picknose:

Maybe...Abbie and Nohope could use some magic sleep elixer. :Yawn: I could mix it up all by myself... :stirthepot: ... and I wonder if they would take it. :cool:

I wonder at how proud (((BMW))) must be with her daughter. :winner_first_h4h:

I wonder at the love that burst in my heart when I saw this photo of my daughter and grandson. (He had an owie and mommy kissed the booboo.) She loves him SO very much. :heartthrob:

tovaxin_lab_rat 04-23-2008 11:02 AM

I wonder if BMW knows that I am starting 3 days of IV solumedrol today.

I wonder if everyone knows that hugs are great, especially the gentle ones.

I wonder if spring is going to stay. The trees are pretty.

I wonder if the drugs will work quickly or slow this time.

I wonder if everyone knows that I am tired of being sick.

I wonder if its ok to leave a big group hug for everyone today :grouphug:

Burntmarshmallow 04-23-2008 02:10 PM

I wonder if I can send a suitecase full of gental easy hugs with av8 and lots of prayers and comfort for the medication to work fast and that it works well.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: keeping you in my thoughts av8!!

I wonder how fast the wonder thread will go over the weekend?

I wonder if Abbie knows sometimes when you dont know which way is up the best thing to do is stay still?
I wonder if Abbie and nohope have sunshine where they are today I hope they can feel and see the sunshine .

I wonder if they sell tissues by the truck load so we can send it to twink.

I wonder how some of the other who havent been around are doing?

I wonder if David will get number 86

And I am wondering if the REDSOCKS will beat tampa bay this weekend while I am out? I have Jason Var. autograph :cool: (the catcher on REDSOCKS.)

I wonder if everyones knows i want the REDSOKCS TO WIN???????????

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