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SandyC 07-04-2008 12:30 PM

Update on Jim
I haven't really updated to everyone on Jim's condition so here it is. :D

The new urologist is wonderful and he's on top of Jim's condition regarding his chronic UTI's. Although he is hard to get in touch with, he is talking with Infectious Disease to figure out a plan of attack on his various bacteria wreaking havoc on his bladder. One idea will be to flush his bladder with antibiotics. I currently flush his bladder now every other day with saline. The urologist is concerned with resistance and so flushing seems to be the route to take. I'll update further once he gets back to us.

Jim's new primary concurs with the urologist and is on the team as well. His FIL has ms and is resistant to all oral antibiotics due to his chronic UTI's as well and is interested in Jim's case not only for Jim but for his FIL. Jim, in the meantime is taking Azo cranberry and vitamin c as a preventative.

We also saw the neuro last month. Jim has NO active lesions!!!!! She recommended us to try cutting back on Jim's meds to see how he does. All of Jim's doctors, urologist, neuro, spinal cord and primary knows he smokes mj and approve. So far Jim has been able to cut back on his valium, gabapentin and tizanidine. Our goal is to completely come off the gaba and tizanidine. For some, mj works and not for others. We see a major impact in terms of cutting back on so many meds. We don't encourage anyone to do what Jim does, but for him, it works.

His pain level is the same and we don't think we'll be cutting back on his methadone or baclofen as these meds work on his daily ms symptoms. The gaba and tizanidine were specifically given for nerve pain so this is why we've been successful so far. The valium we are weening because Jim has taken that since 1988 at the same dosage. At this point we feel it may not even be working and the other meds are over riding it anyway.

Nothing is in stone, it's all a trial. So that's Jim's update and we are encouraged for his future. Once the UTI's are under control we are hopeful Jim will be able to finally live the rewards of having no active lesions, if only for a little while. :D

Kitty 07-04-2008 12:46 PM

Thanks for the update, Sandy. Jim is so fortunate to have take such good care of him. :)

He's been through so much - he's due for a break and so are you. I hope this new doctor is the ticket to a much deserved reprieve for the both of you. :hug:

CayoKay 07-04-2008 03:58 PM

great job, as always, Spitfire !!


weegot5kiz 07-04-2008 03:59 PM

thank you Sandy and as Kelly said Jim is one lucky guy, to have you by his side,

McGimpy 07-04-2008 05:01 PM

Good to hear things are moving foward:)

Jan4you 07-04-2008 05:37 PM

HI sweetie pie Sandy!! Glad to hear an update on your darling Jim. Give him a BIG HUG for me... and tell him to hug YOU back for me to ok?

Have you ever had him evaluated by someone who uses NRT? THat is nutrition response testing. Specialized nutritionists, chiropractor, wholistic type professionals use this. Its amazing in finding out where you may be toxic, deficient or however your systems may be off balanced which in turn keeps the body suffering, causing multiple symptoms or infections.

NRT identifies and evaluates all body systems, and parts of the brain. It has amazing results using whole foods ( in tablet or drop form) where the body lacks in nutrition. He was able to give me back my balance, correct my fatigue and cognitive abilities really improved a lot!! My neuros send me to him whenever I have new symptoms. My grandson could not speak, autistic like and was detoxed from mercury and another chemical. He talks well now.

Just being chronic with meds and all that Jim goes through would make him a candidate. My husband went through an eval and it amazingly found out where he was so toxic that it was keeping him sick with seizures. Too late for him tho, as you remember he suddenly passed last July 5th. At least I have peace of mind that we know what took him so young. ITs worth your Jim feeling better with optimal health. The meds alone, along with his symptoms, would warrant better nutritional balance. Amazing health benefits and wellness when the brain is well fed nutritionally. Our American diet alone robs us of so many nutrients.

OH well.. thanks again.. miss you

Because I care...Jan

NurseNancy 07-04-2008 09:30 PM

that is GREAT news sandy. i'm so pleased for both of you.
having a good team of drs working together is the best.

i hope jim has con't good luck coming off these meds.
it sounds like you've got a great plan of care working for him.

Koala77 07-04-2008 09:48 PM

Thank you Sandy. We always like to hear how Jim is going, but good news is always the best.

Thanks for the update, and thank you also for sharing your photo album. :D

lady_express_44 07-04-2008 10:04 PM

Really glad to hear there is no active inflammation, and Jim seems to have stabilized. :hug:

Thanks for the update.


GladysD 07-05-2008 06:35 AM

That's great news Sandy!!!

I hope they are able to figure out the UTI issue, sooner than later!!!


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