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who moi 07-08-2008 12:43 PM

just some thoughts 07-08-08
I just really wanted to come back and get some thoughts out and I hope nobody minds.

I wanted to come here to assure those that thought that I was angry or mad that I am NOT, I really really am not...LOL really really...

I was bothered a little bit by the situation itself, but I wasn't bothered by anybody.

I think that for me, I really try to balance it out as much as possible. So when I joke around, I usually would end up posting else where to let people know that I was thinking of them and that this IS an SOS forum and that we joke in trying to ease our pains and such.

I think those posts of mine are actually often lost vs. the ones where I am cutting up and I don't want anyone to think that I didn't care. And I try to reach out to as many as possible within my own means.

speaking of "judgement with love"

what Alffe did was actually a perfect example of that. She was concerned for those that come here even to just lurk and was afraid that they would get "lost" in the fun.

So, she had to make a judgement, with remind those of us, especially moi...LOL that can get a little bit wild sometimes...and she did it with "LOVE" underneath it all...

But don't be fooled...this woman can joke with the best of them....I've seen it...

her laughter is infectious in person...and her soft deep blue eyes has love shining right behind them when she pulled my ears...

and those same laughter that I have met in person include doody and duckys. I can still remember all of us laughing in our dining room when I played Jimmy Buffet's "why don't we get drunk and "brew" LOLOLOL

she had to make a judgement call and say, OK, calm down a bit...joke, but don't forget others...

to be honest, I don't think those of us joking forget others...but it is hard to tell in a forum situation and I think she just wanted to point that out...

that was a judgement, with love...

and if I may mention this, Alffe's gotten mad with me many times...LOLOLOL...:p but through it all, my love for
her has never I am sure hers for me as well (at least, I hope so?? LOL) and that is what true friendship is about...I know she cares and she knows I care and sometimes, she'll get mad at me....then, I run away then she yanks my ear right back...LOLOLOL

I don't think what was said was meant to shut anyone up to have fun. I just think that it was called to say "hey, don't forget the others while you are having fun..."

I'll admit, I am very sensitive like the rest of you, and there was a time when this probably would've upsetted me greatly...but that was my former insecure self talking...

but I've grown up...I am a different person now even than I was 6 months ago...

so, I am hoping to keep on growing, there might be two steps backwards here and there, but I am hoping that I'll keep on moving forward...

July seems to be a rough month for a lot of folks and I think with the pain that a lot of us are going through, it has made some of us joked while the others retrieved...but that's what being different means....

as for the semi-nekkid photo of the men. I apologize for posting them here. The photo itself didn't bother me
and like I've said, everyone will find something offensive at some point.

I can say the word, "Dern", and it would upset people. I KNOW! Cause I belonged to a church that won't let me
say "Hello" cause it has "hell" in it, I can't say "Hi" cause it could mean getting hi.

When they answered the phone, they say, "right on" *faint...

but they were wonderful nice folks, just got to the point of censorship...but that's another story in a place long long ago...

whenever I hear people tell Asian Jokes. I always think that it is funny...I actually tell them better.

There are a lot of things to be offended about. I just don't let it get to me.

however, with that said, I can totally understand that certain things might affect certain people and that I should've used
a better "judgement" call. I do debate about that a lot...

I do NOT want to see schizm in this here them forum. I do NOT want to see people get hurt...

don't take what's happened too personally, dear's all good and we'll keep on moving on...

and life is a graph, there are ups and there will be downs, but it'll go back up again...
nobody's said, "I HATE YOU" or "GO AWAY"

everybody, and I mean, EVERYBODY that is here is, go hug eachother, post, have a little fun, support

and let me lurk away for awhile....

I come back to post this to tell you all that I care and I am just taking a break...LOL

You don't get rid of me THAT easily...

KathyM 07-08-2008 12:50 PM

Thank you (((Moi)))

For those who don't know, Moi has the freedom to "smack" me around whenever he pleases. :p He's a good man who cares deeply for the people of this forum. I'll NEVER forget what he did for us a long time ago. He's our "Jim Dandy." :D

Nik-key 07-08-2008 12:55 PM

:hug:Thank you Moi :hug:

right on!! :D

who moi 07-08-2008 01:00 PM

oh hush up, KM...LOL nobody wants to smack you around...LOL

please live your compassion...please KNOW that people care...there is a wise old chinese saying, (can I use that now since I've revealed who I am. LMAO...)

"it is easier to get into the narrower end of a bull's horn"

now, when you decipher what that means, let me know cause I am lost when it comes to saying... ;)

and nik, keep on partying (but quietly)

((((to you both))))

and ((((to all))))

now, behave, in a fun way. I'll be back...sooner or heart hangs here cause this is my "home"

and it was started by a woman that love so much along with a PaPter that has left us now, but his legacy lives on....

BMW, put a candle graphic here for moi, will ya??

Alffe 07-08-2008 01:37 PM

omg...he's Baaaaaack!! LOLOL

Doody 07-08-2008 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by KathyM (Post 318691)
Thank you (((Moi)))

For those who don't know, Moi has the freedom to "smack" me around whenever he pleases. :p He's a good man who cares deeply for the people of this forum. I'll NEVER forget what he did for us a long time ago. He's our "Jim Dandy." :D

OMG, I wonder if you're talking about what I think you're talking about and if it involved a certain, well...'pirate'? LOL Oi, so long ago and far away yet still there in the recess going on in my mind. :rolleyes:

I have no idea what's goin on but I sensed a kind of hush all over the SOS world and i t fr eaked me out. But then, I'm most normally freaked out.

And I bet everyone wishes everyone would just stop talking about all that and get on with it. :hissyfit: So I can quit being confused. :Scratch-Head: Or I'll just sit back and observe. :Popcorn: what to do what to do :Ponder: When I was younger, the answer was father would say..."Spit in yer shoe and count to 2!"

I miss BMW today, where is she?

Alffe 07-08-2008 01:46 PM

Ahhhhhhh yes, good old J.R. It's no wonder that trust is such an issue with us all after that experience!! And who was that woman that hated me so much?

KathyM 07-08-2008 02:18 PM

ROTFLMAO - YEP!! :eek::p:D:cool::grouphug:

Doody 07-08-2008 02:53 PM

Which one who what lady? Nanu nanu?

and to think Kathy, Alffe wasn't even in on our madness or there would have been oh so much ear pulling. i can't even believe we engaged in such a wayt but dangitall!!! That was just pure awfulness in the form of a true internet bully. that's when I heard...sooooo many times....Oh, just ignore it! Don't read it! hit the ignore button! uh huh, right. when somebody t ails ya everywhere it's h ard to ignore. now before w e get all carried away on that subject lest something befalls us here, think it best be left alone. :rolleyes: i don't even wanna go there again. (And y es, moi was definit ely our hero)

i'm havin a helluva time typing with this brace on.

KathyM 07-08-2008 03:04 PM


Alfee would have done this.....

class....Class....CLASS....SHUT UP!!!!! :D

But I'll bet she would have joined in on the spitball fight. :p

I hope your wrist is feeling better soon. :hug: I worry so much for your fellow Iowans. So many people think when the cameras go away, so does the mess. :(

Oh, BTW, thanks for the mosquitoes!! :rolleyes::p

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