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acer123 07-24-2008 10:30 PM

Nerve damage in the most unlikely of places, help!
Literally one year ago, I happened to be partaking in penis exercises, where you try to stretch and squeeze the penis to try and make it bigger. I figured what the hay and give it a try. Unfortunately I think I pulled too hard or held to tightly on my glans.

Well my glans went numb! In a week, the numbness was gone, but I've had reduced sensitivity. I must say the sensitivity has gotten better over this past year, but still not where it's supposed to be.

I realize I can feel touch on my glans, but I cannot feel temperature (only a little bit of heat, but no cold) or much pain on it. So it goes to show some small fibers must have been damaged. Thinly myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.

Will these ever heal?? I don't believe I tore my nerve, I think that would have hurt! I probably stretched and/or compressed it too hard. Will this finally heal? Has anyone had this happen? What's the last word on nerve damage if it wasn't torn/cut? I mean its been a year now, and I admit it has felt better, and I've felt tiny tingles directly in that area in the past month.

But I think I need some hope or something, this is taking absolutely forever, for such a tiny trauma, that induced no pain, but just numbness at the time. I really pray and hope everything returns to normal. :(

Silverlady 07-25-2008 08:46 AM

Not Peripheral Neuropathy
I think you should see your doctor immediately.


nide44 07-25-2008 09:10 AM

Neurontin (& Lyrica I think-possibly other PN meds) has a s/e of desensitization
and lack of penile response, as well as sx of ED.
I'd talk to a doc who was experienced in the sx of Gabapentin (neurontin)
regarding this issue.
It doesn't get better, if you continue to take the med.

acer123 07-25-2008 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Silverlady (Post 331199)
I think you should see your doctor immediately.


Have already, long time ago. It is peripheral neuropathy lol, it's injury related.


Originally Posted by nide44 (Post 331210)
Neurontin (& Lyrica I think-possibly other PN meds) has a s/e of desensitization
and lack of penile response, as well as sx of ED.
I'd talk to a doc who was experienced in the sx of Gabapentin (neurontin)
regarding this issue.
It doesn't get better, if you continue to take the med.

I don't use any of these drugs, I don't have pain.

But aside from that what about the nerves, do they heal after a year??

dmplaura 07-25-2008 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by nide44 (Post 331210)
Neurontin (& Lyrica I think-possibly other PN meds) has a s/e of desensitization
and lack of penile response, as well as sx of ED.
I'd talk to a doc who was experienced in the sx of Gabapentin (neurontin)
regarding this issue.
It doesn't get better, if you continue to take the med.

This would explain my lack of fun in those regions. Appreciate the input.

acer123 07-25-2008 12:56 PM

Doesn't anyone have knowledge on healing of injured nerves, whether through compression or stretch?? I realize my case is unique but still, I'd imagine people on this site to have some kind of experience with injury related neuropathy.

I've read sites on it, but I'm looking for people who've had injured nerves, and how they healed etc.

Curious 07-25-2008 01:03 PM

try doing a search on the fourm. there are many posts.

here is a link to the sticky on how pn does improve. you may notice most use supplements like b12 to heal the nerves.

MelodyL 07-25-2008 01:05 PM

Let's see if I understand this.

You have peripheral neuropathy in your penis??

Or you had peripheral neuropathy somewhere else nd because you tried to stretch your penis, you believe you have injured it? Is this the case?

Have you seen your urologist?

And the most important question.

And please forgive me for being DIRECT here, but we are talking penises.

Can you get an erection, and can you ejaculate?

Thanks much.


acer123 07-25-2008 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 331388)
try doing a search on the fourm. there are many posts.

here is a link to the sticky on how pn does improve. you may notice most use supplements like b12 to heal the nerves.

K thanks.


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 331391)
Let's see if I understand this.

You have peripheral neuropathy in your penis??

Or you had peripheral neuropathy somewhere else nd because you tried to stretch your penis, you believe you have injured it? Is this the case?

Have you seen your urologist?

And the most important question.

And please forgive me for being DIRECT here, but we are talking penises.

Can you get an erection, and can you ejaculate?

Thanks much.


Peripheral neuropathy is any kind of malfunction of the nervous system. Whether that be from a disease, drugs, or injury, etc.

Yes I can get an erection yes I can ejaculate.

It's just the sensory nerves not the ones that control erection and etc, motor I suppose, not those.

It's only in my glans. It came from basically being too brutal with it, by stretching it.

I've been to a urologist and he said it should heal. There's not much help out there from doctor's on nerves. That's why I'm seeking experience of those who've had stretch/compression nerve type injury.

diagnonsense 07-25-2008 03:14 PM

I don't have man parts so I can't identify.
However, I agree that you should see a Dr. (one that deals specifically in nerve damage)
Even though you feel that they don't do much with nerve damage, and they don't.
Injury related ones probably have a much better chance of being repaired. You know the cause of damage.

acer123 07-25-2008 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by diagnonsense (Post 331443)
I don't have man parts so I can't identify.
However, I agree that you should see a Dr. (one that deals specifically in nerve damage)
Even though you feel that they don't do much with nerve damage, and they don't.
Injury related ones probably have a much better chance of being repaired. You know the cause of damage.

Yeah I have actually seen a GP, urologist and a neurologist.

GP didn't have much info, but said it should heal. Urologist didn't have much info either but said it probably will heal. And the neurologist check out my reflexes and all that to see if I had any other existing nerve problems, and I had none. He said it should heal, but not if I continue to do what I was doing. Not sure if he meant if I were to do it again it would be permanent, or that it will return to normal if I stop it forever. He wasn't much help either really.

So all I can rely on now are people like me who have had an injury related neuropathy and combine our research on healing.

shiney sue 07-25-2008 04:16 PM

I've never seen this problem,on NeuroTalk ,dosen't mean there are others
who have been afraid to ask..You have been to correct Drs. why not give it
time and stop being so rough with your body part..First I am in my 60's
and do not think streching will change the way you are ,which I'm sure is fine,
if you where not loaded up on meds by Drs they must feel it will get better Well did you say how long this has been
going on the numbess has been affecting you,if you did sorry I didn't catch it. This post may bring out others who have gone through this,or you may have to check the stickies. Hugs to all Sue the b12 meth has helped some
it's worth a try.

MelodyL 07-25-2008 09:00 PM

Well, what you can do to start helping yourself is to take Methyl B-12 every day. That helped my neuropathy in a BIG way.

It's only a start, but hey, every little bit helps. Methyl B-12 helps to heal nerves. Google it and you'll get all the information.

I take 5000 sublingually every single morning (on an empty stomach).

Take care and best of luck.


acer123 07-25-2008 09:04 PM

Yeah bringing it up online isn't a big deal, in person was rough. But after that talking about anything is a cinch.

It's honestly not numb any more, atleast not that like rubber glove feeling of numbness, just reduced sensitivity. However I can't really fully feel heat and cold. So I'm thinking the larger myelinated nerves in the penis healed, cuz I can feel touch. But the smaller ones involved with pain and temperature still need some time, I hope.

I jsut don't want it to be permanent. But yeah no doctor's offered drugs, probably cuz most drugs are for pain, and this isn't a painful event, but a painless event.

I realize my situation is unique, and not many people have had it happen, but there are internet cases out there I know for a fact. However I'm just looking for a meet at the middle of just people who have had injury neuropathy and how long it took to heal if at all, and what happened. Similar stretch/compression injury similar to this, but in another area of the body.

The loss of sensitivity has been going on for a year, but subtley getting better. The numbness was gone in a year. If it was still numb today, lord knows what I'd do.

Edit: K thanks I'll try methyl b-12, I have heard of it.

watsonsh 07-25-2008 09:16 PM

While not in the same region I did hear that nerve crush injuries can take upwards of two years to heal. I have a nerve crush injury in my shoulder and its about two years now that I feel closer to normal.

Hang in there :hug:

acer123 07-25-2008 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by shelley (Post 331687)
While not in the same region I did hear that nerve crush injuries can take upwards of two years to heal. I have a nerve crush injury in my shoulder and its about two years now that I feel closer to normal.

Hang in there :hug:

Nice, well I'll take 2 years over never, any time. Quite the practice of patience isn't it? Ugh.

What happened to you for the nerve to crush?

Oh and in my previous post I meant the numbness was gone in a week not a year. But the reduced sensitivity has been going on for a year, while slowly getting better. It's just crazy how long this takes to heal! (if at all :( )

But I'll try to stay optimistic...

nide44 07-26-2008 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by acer123 (Post 331445)
Yeah I have actually seen ..........And the neurologist check out my reflexes and all that to see if I had any other existing nerve problems, and I had none. He said it should heal, but not if I continue to do what I was doing. Not sure if he meant if I were to do it again it would be permanent, or that it will return to normal if I stop it forever. He wasn't much help either really.

Why didn't you call him back and ask him to be more specific?

Your case, if it is really a case of PN, is probably the most unique, to date.
on this forum. :eek:
You've had some answers, but I doubt if anyone else has had the same experience.:cool:

BTW - Gabapentin/Neurontin/Lyrica is not a pain med. It decreases symptoms of PN and is moreover an anti-spasm (originally developed for epilepsy) medication to assist in subduing the mis-firing of nerves that send wrong signals to the brain.:confused:

Remember what yer mom said ...
"keep playin' with that thing & it'll fall off...":wink::D:winky:

acer123 07-26-2008 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by nide44 (Post 332016)
Why didn't you call him back and ask him to be more specific?

Your case, if it is really a case of PN, is probably the most unique, to date.
on this forum. :eek:
You've had some answers, but I doubt if anyone else has had the same experience.:cool:

BTW - Gabapentin/Neurontin/Lyrica is not a pain med. It decreases symptoms of PN and is moreover an anti-spasm (originally developed for epilepsy) medication to assist in subduing the mis-firing of nerves that send wrong signals to the brain.:confused:

Remember what yer mom said ...
"keep playin' with that thing & it'll fall off...":wink::D:winky:

Yeah I know its unique, but check out any kind of 'penis exercises' on websites such as XXXXXXXXXX

And nope he couldn't be more specific, he was worthless.

But it is PN, that is no question, I damaged the nerves locally on my penis, that is one form of PN.

acer123 07-27-2008 10:08 AM

So these nerves will heal? I'm just scared its permanent. That's why I came here, for knowledge and hope. I can't believe these things take so long to heal, practically permanent with how long they take.

watsonsh 07-27-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by acer123 (Post 331774)
Nice, well I'll take 2 years over never, any time. Quite the practice of patience isn't it? Ugh.

What happened to you for the nerve to crush?

Oh and in my previous post I meant the numbness was gone in a week not a year. But the reduced sensitivity has been going on for a year, while slowly getting better. It's just crazy how long this takes to heal! (if at all :( )

But I'll try to stay optimistic...

Mine was a nreve crushinjury to the brachial plexus area in the shoulder. I tried the neurontin and the lyrica and they helped minimally. PT helped themost and I did have surgery to remove the crush since mine was caused structurally. BUt I would think the crush part for you is over and now the healing.

But yeah it has taken around 2 years and the other thing I did was (after reading all of mrsd's vitamin posts) make sure my body was getting enough b vitamins to help the nerves heal. But nerve tissue takes time to heal so patience is a virtue in this case isn't it?

acer123 07-27-2008 08:06 PM

Yep, quite the virtue. I just hope the virtue pays off and it actually heals though, lol.

Staying optimistic/positive, is a task in itself as well.

acer123 07-29-2008 12:35 AM

So I'm really not looking at permanent damage here am I? Everyone would agree it should heal?

Jomar 07-29-2008 12:42 AM

I just don't think any of us can say either way, time will tell.
If it is a stretch or crush injury it could take a year or 2.

cyclelops 07-29-2008 11:52 AM

I degloved a finger above the distal joint. It was severed thru everything but the bone and the tendon, three quarters around the finger. I didn't think it would come back, but it did, it feels completely normal, however, it took a few years for it to feel normal.....then I found out I had bodywide PN, LOL....the PN has nothing to do with the injury and feels different than the injury did. Since it is healing, has been healing and getting better, I would be optimistic.

acer123 07-29-2008 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by cyclelops (Post 334482)
I degloved a finger above the distal joint. It was severed thru everything but the bone and the tendon, three quarters around the finger. I didn't think it would come back, but it did, it feels completely normal, however, it took a few years for it to feel normal.....then I found out I had bodywide PN, LOL....the PN has nothing to do with the injury and feels different than the injury did. Since it is healing, has been healing and getting better, I would be optimistic.

Damn bro whats that mean degloved? It was ripped offf??

But true that does cast some hope into my issue, since that seems a lot more extreme than my case. Thank you for sharing.

Junie 07-29-2008 07:22 PM

I have a similar problem and I am not sure if it is caused by injury or condition, and I am female so to cut it short I have arachnoiditsis which could be the cause or it could be the result of the 7 falls I had within the month following my spinal fusion in 06-08 and to date I have NO feeling from thighs to waist and am prone to sores or injury in those areas since I have no sensation there at all! All of the falls were reported to my NS and pain Dr's the day of the Hard falls and not even an Xray was ordered! I doubt mine will ever get better as it only gets worse for me and no feeling has returned! I advise you to check area freq. since I ended up with a 2 in by 2 in deep bedsore looking area on my lower belly I was able to cure on my own with wet to dry dressings for 2 weeks! I used to be a nurse so I knew what to do but be careful, it is easy to obtain a injury when there is a lack of feeling involved and the areas I am unable to see I have to get a trusted family member to look for me! That is why diabetics are preached to about wearing shoes at all times since the numbness of PN is so unfeeling!
I wish you well and feel grateful you have signs of healing because some of us never will!

cyclelops 07-29-2008 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by acer123 (Post 334810)
Damn bro whats that mean degloved? It was ripped offf??

But true that does cast some hope into my issue, since that seems a lot more extreme than my case. Thank you for sharing.

Degloved is when you cut something off, almost, and it slips up on the bone a actually sounds a lot more gruesome than it is....i was kiteskiing and got my finger caught in the strings....long stupid story, but the kitestring 150 pound test line, cut thru the finger like butter....luckily i was able to let go, and it severed about three quarters of a circle around the top of the was a real clean cut, so they, just pulled it back down a little and put in a few stitches and voila, you can not even tell! BTW, I am a female, and I was 50 when I did this, some folks have heard this story, so I wont bore them....

Later I was diagnosed with PN, which I have lately learned is autoimmune, for de-diagnosing it now.

The injured finger goes numb and comes back the same way the uninjured fingers would never know it was injured pretty badly, you can't see a thing. My finger with oncholysis looks a lot worse...that is due to disease (not PN) don't worry.

I am sure the family jewel kit will be fine, I can understand your concern tho. Self improvement is highly overrated.

acer123 08-01-2008 12:04 AM

Thanks. I'll just keep praying it fully recovers, other than ubiquinol, alcar, and methyl b12, thats all there's left to do. *sigh*

But I'll try my best to stay positive.

It will heal, it will heal, it will heal...

watsonsh 08-01-2008 02:12 AM

Make sure not just B12 but all the B's are important for nerve healing.

DanP 08-01-2008 02:17 PM

Be careful of B-6 because too much of it can actually cause PN! I think the recommended max of B-6 is 50mg - check that out to be sure.

acer123 08-01-2008 05:16 PM

Yeah I'm taking a daily multivitamin so its all good. I haven't noticed any neuropathy anywhere else.

acer123 08-01-2008 09:45 PM

Can't remmeber if I mentioned, but sometimes, rarely though, I feel pings/tingles going on in the injury area. Is that a sign of healing? Sometimes its intense and makes me go "geeeee", weird feeling. Goes away in like 5 to 10 seconds.

dahlek 08-02-2008 02:19 PM

And those pings and tingles could get pretty awful as the new nerves try and figure out what to do.... My experience has been that when they 'come alive' again? Strange feelings mite last for 30 seconds to 10 minutes, not the constant neuropathy thrum many of us have. I welcome every new twinge as a sign of hope. Whether it is or not.
Nerves die very fast from trauma [which is what it sounds like] but take years and years to regrow! Both the large fiber and small ones as well.
All I gotta say, is....what ever you did? Don't do it again!
Good luck - j

acer123 08-02-2008 07:32 PM

True, thanks for the support.

All I have left is hope, amazing neurology hasn't found a solid remedy to speed the healing process.

Really does get daunting afterawhile and waiting and waiting, I honestly don't think anything else can help you attain patience than nerve damage. It's been quite the setback, but takes great mental strength to hold on and still have faith it will without any true indicators of progress.

unnerved 09-19-2008 05:54 AM

me too...

Originally Posted by acer123 (Post 332679)
So these nerves will heal? I'm just scared its permanent. That's why I came here, for knowledge and hope. I can't believe these things take so long to heal, practically permanent with how long they take.

hey acer, i've been batteling real bad loss of penis sensation for a long time now. over 2 years. not sure exactly how if started.(too tight a cockring for to long? street drugs? neuropathy? too many caverject injections?) sensation seems to improve sometimes, but then my sexual proclivities (cock rings and street drugs, and caverject)seem to bring it back. i'm totally impotenet with out viagra and sometimes that doesnt even work. i've resorted to caverject(u actually inject it in to ur penis, but since loss of sensation i hardly feel it)...anyway, been taking alpha lipoic acid and b-12 (1000 1x day. think i'll got to 5000 as stated above) but its still pretty bad....if anyone has any suggestions as to how to heal this damage, please bring em on. its sad and depressing arrrgh!

jsrail 09-19-2008 10:19 AM

I've been on neurontin for about 2 years and it hasn't affected me negatively there. guess I've been lucky so far.

dorrie11 10-06-2008 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by acer123 (Post 331063)
Literally one year ago, I happened to be partaking in penis exercises, where you try to stretch and squeeze the penis to try and make it bigger. I figured what the hay and give it a try. Unfortunately I think I pulled too hard or held to tightly on my glans.

Well my glans went numb! In a week, the numbness was gone, but I've had reduced sensitivity. I must say the sensitivity has gotten better over this past year, but still not where it's supposed to be.

I realize I can feel touch on my glans, but I cannot feel temperature (only a little bit of heat, but no cold) or much pain on it. So it goes to show some small fibers must have been damaged. Thinly myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.

Will these ever heal?? I don't believe I tore my nerve, I think that would have hurt! I probably stretched and/or compressed it too hard. Will this finally heal? Has anyone had this happen? What's the last word on nerve damage if it wasn't torn/cut? I mean its been a year now, and I admit it has felt better, and I've felt tiny tingles directly in that area in the past month.

But I think I need some hope or something, this is taking absolutely forever, for such a tiny trauma, that induced no pain, but just numbness at the time. I really pray and hope everything returns to normal. :(

acer123 10-16-2008 06:39 PM

Injury related neuropathy - compression/stretch, need some help.
--Please take time to read.

Hey everyone I posted in this forum about the unfortunate incident of me stretching my penis (penis enlargement exercises found on the internet), and then causing numbness in my penis glans. The numbness has definitely gone away but I still feel some reduced sensation (it has been over a year now). Actually the left side of my glans feel a bit more temperature than the right side for instance. I know this sounds like an odd story but its as true as can be, and other people who have done these penis stretching practices have experienced this.

The thread was called, nerve damage in the most unlikely places.
Here is that thread I first posted:

I however am on here, because most of those people on those sites have limited knowledge on injuries with nerves. So I figured everyone here would know best. I realize the majority of neuropathy here deals with disease/auto immune related. This is one is without a doubt injury related however.

I've done tons of research. I must say I am getting improvement of sensation. I am just wondering if a I have a second degree injury, and not anything further. All I did was use my hands to hold onto my penis and pull, the penis is really resistant to pulling so I think the pressure of my grip over the nerve right behind the penis glans is what caused the damage. So I'd consider it more of a crush injury than a stretch, but you never know.

From what I've read as long as the epineurium is still intact recovery will be 100%, but will take much time (axonotmesis 2nd degree). However beyond 2nd degree, which as far as I can tell seems to be more from missile or blunt trauma types of injuries. The injury I suffered wasn't as I would call it 'severe'. I did not tear my penis, no blood, no bruises, nothing. However I did get numbness the next day I pulled on it.

I am hoping it is only 2nd degree injury known as axonotmesis. And not neurotmesis, which requires 'at least' the epineurium to be ruptured.

I'm just looking for answers, and I can't seem to find anymore than what I know already. I just fear I'll have reduced sensitivity forever, which would be horrible, just from a little experimentation.

This has been a very depressive, slow, yet patience gaining process. I appreciate any help.

I am currently taking about 1 gram of alcar arginate and 40mg's of methylcobalamin to help the nerves out (for a month). I just want to forget this incident and get 100% full recovery. :(

Will it heal to 100%? Do you think it was just 2nd degree nerve injury known as axonotmesis or worse (neurotmesis)? Do the small nerves that don't have myelins heal 100% as well? I really, really appreciate the help. I wish luck to all those with neuropathy of any kind, this is a very tough process.

acer123 10-17-2008 10:37 AM


mrsD 10-17-2008 11:01 AM

I think your self induced injury is very difficult to visualize.

An experienced urologist would be your best bet.

I personally don't understand how you could have done this.
Given all the potential injuries this part of the body can sustain in crimes, athletics, and surgeries, one would think a doctor
would be able to advise you.

There are websites that discuss circumscision injuries, done to infants, that manifest later in adults. I'd suggest you Google those keywords.

I don't think you need 40mg of B12, that seems like an awful lot. 5mg tops. You also need attention to omega-3's, B6 and folic acid, for nerve repair.

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