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SallyC 11-20-2006 01:27 PM

Another Monday Morning With MS.
They seem to come around every week about this time. Monday is accually my favorite day of the week. A fresh start anew. Well, almost.:rolleyes:

I have the same dream every Sunday, that on monday, I will wake up 30 lbs lighter, 30 years younger and NO MS. But, alas, my ***** is still grass.:mad:

This is an especially hard time of year to be bogged down with the disability and fatigue of MS. Our hearts and minds are all for it and excited for the festivities:D , but our bodies just wish it would all go away.:( I would like to be a bear and hibernate 'till it's over.

Some of you have youngsters and I have grandkids, who we want to experience all the joy of the we all did, as children......sooooooo, on I must plow!:p But the Season brings back some sad/bad memories too, and they all come booming back...every year.

So, how are we all coping on monday morning with our MS and the looming Holiday season. We need some coping secrets. Anyone have any?

My DD, who also has MS (in Remission for a year, so far) has decided with my Okie Dokie, to skip over the T'giving celebration and focus our attention towards Christmas..... Haunika, etc. I give thanks every day, anyway.:) Don't need no stinkin' special day..LOL:p

OK, so whos going to make it through the Holidays, unscathed and who's going to crash and burn, if they don't slow down.

Monday, Monday...sing it with me now.:rolleyes:

lady_express_44 11-20-2006 02:07 PM

Mornin' Sally. :D

I crash and burn every year, but generally not until AFTER Xmas, fortunately.

I have two kids, but they are finally at an age where "Santa" no longer has to be all that creative or sneaky. It's nice that I can just say "what do you want and where can I buy it?"; they know they'll get it, and that I don't have any of that stress to contend with.

My parents have both passed away, so Xmas is usually just a small family gathering with my sisters and our families. My youngest sister is the healthiest, and the one with the biggest/most accommodating house. We generally have dinner there, so that's nice cause I only have to do dishes. :)

This year my Grandmother is in the hospital, and it looks like she will need to go in a home after recovering a little. She's needed to be taken care of for a few years already, but she just hires in all the help/meals, etc. and has managed to keep going. So, sometime between now and Xmas, we have to clean out and dispose of a lot of stuff. Good thing she is a clean freak so it won't be TOO much work!

Geez the years go by fast, eh? I'm already anticipating February (seems I just went through that) where I go into my late Winter funk for a month. :eek:


Snoopy 11-20-2006 03:33 PM

I will crash and burn, happens every year but I need to hold it off until mid-January...yep, you read that right.

My list of activities - Thanksgiving, Xmas, son's B-day (Dec. 30) , daughter's B-day (Jan. 15)

That's it! When all that's over everyone knows to leave me alone.:D

bafriend 11-20-2006 04:50 PM

Yep, this will be a crash and burn Christmas Season. I'm hoping not to crash till January when all of the events are over.

I've done the majority of my Christmas shopping. I'm a Tuesday Morning shopaholic. I love that store because of their prices and quality of merchandise. Plus it's small and close enough to my house that I don't get exhausted shopping there. With 10 grandkids under 8 every dollar counts. I love spoiling those kids.

Additionally mother in law is not doing well. Will be amazed if she makes it through the holidays. I'm trying to help my sister in law with arranging for the details of her care. The worst part is, all of our family has left Ohio. However she will be buried there next to her husband and all of our other relatives. Just thinking of the logistics of this is over whelming.

My son and wife will have all of us for the big turkey day. So at least I don't have that worry. Just make a few sides, show up, and be Happy!!!!

Did I say they are starting my ADA compatible bathroom renovations next week. So the house will stay a mess for a few more weeks. However when it's done I should be safe as can be in my new walk in shower with bench. I'm having about 10 grab bars installed in the new bathroom.

Time for a power nap, so I can have enough energy to make dinner. Betty

Cherie 11-20-2006 07:10 PM

I'm feeling better today than I've felt in over a month. Started new antibiotic Friday night after seeing the doc and being told that my labs were a mess and I was far from well despite a week on IV antibiotics and three weeks on oral. New class of drugs this time and this morning I woke with real energy! I'd do a little something and not be tired so do something else. Got lots accomplished and still no crushing fatigue.

Youngest daughter called today to say she and her husband are joining us for dinner on Thursday rather than going to VT as planned. Not only that, they're coming down in the morning to clean, cook and set the table! So there will be all of us (7) plus an 83 year old friend.

Haven't even thought about Christmas yet but have asked the kids to bring lists tomorrow. last couple of years, everything has been ordered online and it's worked so well, I will probably do the same this year.

NeuroNixed Craig 11-21-2006 11:06 AM

I normally get very depressed during the holiday season but for some reason I believe it will be different this year. I have my two grandsons to think about and play with, we're going to my daughter's for Christmas Eve and part of Christmas Day. My son is coming home from Chicago for Christmas. We're going to visit my daughter and my grandsons on the 25th to celebrate Morgan's first birthday and have an altogether Thanksgiving dinner.

I have many things to be thankful for and I don't plan on spending my time worrying about my undx'd condition or fatigue or any other symptoms. I will just be grateful for what I have and move on from there. I've started going back to church and that was a very good decision. Now I get out of the house and get to see my many friends at church and it is like I never left for the three years I didn't attend. I chock most of that up to depression and anger over my situation. Well, no more of that!

I hope everyone has a great holiday and please be thankful for what you have and don't worry about what you don't have. We live on this earth one day at a time and nothing is guranteed.

Peace and happy holidays to you all.

Cherie 11-21-2006 02:39 PM

Sounds like you've made some good choices here. I'm so glad things are showing some improvement , at least in the emotional arena.

SallyC 11-21-2006 08:39 PM

Well, you peeps seem to have it all together. I hope you all enjoy your thanksgivings, without over-doing too much.:D

Nice that you are feeling better, Cherie.

Craig, keep that positive attitude, sweety, and enjoy your grandkids.

Cherie and Snoopy, you sound like the old me. "I'll have a nervous breakdown, as soon as I have the time"...LOL

Betty, I hope you enjoy your day and I want to see pictures of that finished bathroom. Mabe a before and after picture.:p


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