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dlluvspigs 02-09-2009 08:33 AM

Not new to board but have questions about MS
Hi everyone,

I am actually on the Thoracic Outlet Syndrome community for myself.

But it is my son that I am concerned about right now.

Last October he had major problems with alot of blood in the stool. He was going 8 times a day. We took him to the emergency room, he didn't have insurance so all they did was a CT scan and said everything looked fine give him some Zantac.

He then was approved for Medicaid, so we took him to our family doctor for a more indepth exam.

We told him about the blood issue and in the meantime he began experiencing the problem with his eye sight in his right eye. Colors are all washed out and greyish looking, along with tremors in his hands, memory loss and trouble far as being able to get his point across. He also has where he said his entire body feels like numb. He does have numbness in his feet. And he has bad headaches. He also has severe pain in his lower back he said especially around the tail bone area, he has difficulty walking because of the pain. He is tired all the time, he sleeps anywhere from 12 to 14 hrs a day and wakes up extremely tired. He has even tried to just sleep 8 hrs and still is very tired.

So the doctor sent him to Beaumont Eye Institute, they did over 2 hrs worth of testing and said everything looks fine. They felt he needed to see a Neurologist.

We went back to the family doctor who agreed and he also wants a stool sample to make sure the blood is gone.

He can't get into see a neurologist until March.

My son Jacob plays guitar, he went to his lesson on Saturday and was talking to his teacher about what's been going on with him. His teacher said Jacob I have MS and my symptoms started exactly like yours.

I am a bit worried now, but I told Jacob not to worry about it until he is seen by the neurologist.

Is his teacher right? Are these some of the symptoms? I just am trying to educate myself just in case it turns out to be MS.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Is there anything that I should ask specifically when we go to see the neurologist. Should I ask for an MRI?

Jacob will not go into a doctor's office by himself because he says he get's confused and can't remember anything the doctor says. He is 20 years old.

Our family doctor just put him on Lexapro for his depression. He's only been on it a few days now. But I can see that he is a little bit calmer.

Thank you so much for any advice that you may have.


Kitty 02-09-2009 08:41 AM

Hi Diane. You're smart to educate yourself on MS before going to the Neuro. You'll be able to compile a list of questions for the doctor so that the visit can be as informative as possible.

Here's the link to to NMSS You can read about MS sx and some of the treatments available now.

Sx of MS mimic many other diseases so it's probably a good idea to let a Neurologist who specializes in MS run some tests to determine if this is what's going on with your son. An MRI is usually one of the first diagnostic tests performed.

Good luck.....and keep reading on the MS forum. There's alot of great info from people who know what they're talking about!! :)

dlluvspigs 02-09-2009 09:27 AM

Thank you, I know that I do not want to jump the gun having the fear of him having MS, but I also want to be prepared if that happens to encourage him and help him through it.

The thing that I have learned through my own health issues is to stay positive and that is one thing that I want him to do also...

AfterMyNap 02-09-2009 09:57 AM

Hi, Diane, first, I hope it's not something that can't be corrected.

Some of what you mentioned does sound like MS, but, sounds like so many other things. That's one of our greatest frustrations with this disease.

My advice is to avoid mentioning any particular diagnosis and let the docs do their jobs. There is always danger in steering any investigation in one direction.

I vote yes on seeing a neuro, but no on mentioning illnesses. Our job is to keep and report accurate records of symptoms, the better we do that job, the better the docs can do theirs. :)

Good luck with this and I hope like crazy that Jacob does not have MS but just a minor, temporary setback.

DM 02-09-2009 10:03 AM

Hello Diane! Sorry you are going through so much w/your DS. I too, have a DS going through a battery of tests to figure out what's going on w/him. It's frustrating, but one thing I am trying to remember is~ try not to let yourself worry about what it could or could not be, as it will eat you up w/worry. The Neuro will probably run the appropriate tests and try to rule out things that it isn't.

My DS has had a whole life of illness and the Dr's seem to tell us what isn't going on, before they can tell us what they really think. Kell is right, in that there are so many conditions and illnesses that mimic MS. I'm guessing also, that your Neuro will order MRI's. I sure hope you can get to the bottom of your DS's health problems and that he can get back to living his life as a 20 yo should. Keep us posted.

SallyC 02-09-2009 10:46 AM

Hi Diane, Nice to meet you.:) I am so sorry about your DS's illness. His symptoms do seem to warrant further MS investigation. I hope the Neuro you chose to see, is thorough and has some answers for you.

The road to a DX is sometimes a process of elimination. There are all kinds of neurological illnesses, such as MS to test for so hang on and check in here, through the process, and let us know if we can be of help to you.

Well Wishes for You and DS..:hug:

Niko 02-09-2009 12:13 PM


I wish you and your son good luck in finding an answer. It can take awhile so be prepared to be patient.

The neurologist may run several different tests. For MS, the tests are to see what it isn't. Rule out any other possible causes and what's left may lead to a diagnosis of MS.

Again, I wish you well. You're certainly welcome to post your questions and concerns. We're here :)

Take care,


dlluvspigs 02-09-2009 12:17 PM

Thank you everyone, I sure know the waiting game to find answers, I've been dealing with that my self for some time now.

It was sorta comical, my son said to me, now I know how you feel Mom, always hearing I don't know what's wrong with you...

NurseNancy 02-09-2009 02:01 PM

hi diane. welcome.
i agree with the others.

what you and your son might do is work out a timeline of his sx's. dates with when the sx (symptom) started. it might help the dr with his H&P (history and physical).

he should get a head to toe exam. i think it's a good idea to go with him for a 2nd set of ears.

MS can be a mimicker of other illnesses so it's up to the drs to tease that apart. most drs start with labwork. i hope his did.

the bloody stool may be something completely different so that should be a separate followup. you might want him to see a GI dr if the blood con'ts. he could also just have a bleeding hemorrhoid. his dr should be able to dx that.

glad you found us. please keep us updated and best to your son.

Judy2 02-10-2009 01:49 AM

Hi Diane! Just wanted to jump in and wish your son the best when you go to the neuro. As others have said, it can take awhile for a diagnosis, but I'll keep praying that it's something "fixable".

Good luck and keep us posted!!!! :)

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