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AiKane 04-01-2009 02:43 PM

Short-term Memory Loss & Tiredness with RSD
Curious what others experienced with STM Loss and "tired of being tired". I got upset yesterday because I am noticing more STML and its kinda scary. Also, are both related to the medications or RSD? Advice on what helps for both. Mahalo!:grouphug:

dreambeliever128 04-01-2009 03:00 PM

I have tiredness but it comes with the Cronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was wondering if that might be your problem with being tired. Also the meds can make you sleepy. The pain I would say from the RSD drains you also. It can be so bad that you just get tired from fighting it.

As far as the memory loss. I have it really bad also. I use to be really good at keeping up with things I put away and remembering names and things I need to do but not anymore.

I looked at my calender yesterday thinking I had missed my dermotolgist appt. and was going to call and apologize and reschedule but then I looked again and I was on the wrong month. I walk into a room and forget what I go into it for. ALL of the time. They say it comes with the RSD.

Sorry you are having these problems but they do seem to come with the territory of RSD.

Welcome to the group.


GalenaFaolan 04-01-2009 03:33 PM

The short term memory loss can be caused by some meds as well as rsd. Well, it happens to anyone with chronic pain. The brain is so busy trying to field pain signals 24/7 it has no "room" left to deal with remembering things.

Chronic pain also has an effect on sleep. Anyone with cp has sleep disruption many times throughout the night. Without being able to get into REM sleep for a few hours, your body can't recharge and become rested. REM sleep is crucial not only to rest but also to memory. If your brain is sluggish because of pain and lack of sleep, it will make your ability to remember things harder.

We all know how you feel for sure. I'm so used to being tired I don't think about it much. Kind of like with most things, you just get "used to it" with the body adjusting as it goes along. It really stinks! Sorry I didn't have anything cheerier to say about it. lolol



ali12 04-01-2009 03:41 PM

Hi AiKane,

Unfortunately, Short Term Memory Loss and RSD tend to go hand-in-hand. I have very bad short term memory loss - I can literally say or do something and then forget what I did a minute later!!!! It is SO scary and annoying at times but I have learnt to try and get "used to it". My mum told my school teachers that my short term memory is affected by the RSD but they don't really understand how something is wrong with my leg and arms but yet my memory is affected also!!!

RSD affects the Limbic part of the Brain which is the area that controls memory and other things. I think some meds cause short term memory loss also so it might be worthwhile checking out the side effects of any medications you are on. I'm not on any meds at the moment because they didn't help and the side effects often outweighed the benefits.

I also get very tired a lot. It takes me a long time to wake up and even if I sleep a lot (which is pretty rare now), I still dont wake up feeling refreshed and always feel fatigued. Has anyone ever looked into Fibromyalgia?? Many people with RSD also suffer from Fibro and researches believe that if you have RSD, you are at greater risk of developing Fibro. My Pain Management Doctor told me that he was 99.9% certain that I had Fibro but because of the RSD, he couldn't tell for certain.

It's really frustrating that I am always tired as it can really affect my school work and we cant plan anything really as I might be too tired on that day or in too much pain. For me, a lot of the meds that I was on, caused the fatigue to be worse so I think that was one of the reasons why I came off them as well as they weren't doing anything - I am still VERY fatigued now but it isn't quite as bad as what it was when I was on some meds!!!!

I'm sorry that you are having to deal with all of this also:hug:!! I wish I could help you more but I cant unfortunately - just know that I care about you and that you aren't alone!!!

Dew58 04-01-2009 04:36 PM

I relate to all of the above. It is so embarrassing when I can't remember my words, when I am talking. I excuse myself by saying, "Sorry, sometimes I lose my words." I sometimes call one thing by another name, or even say, I know the word but starts with a "B"????, or whatever letter I understand the word to begin.

I do believe that the meds and general brain fog from RSD cause the ML. The tiredness is from being in chronic pain 24/7, insomnia, depression,anxiety, and other disorders. There are many reasons for being tired...we must keep our chins up, and "own" what we all share in common. It doesn't make us weak;in contrast, it makes us stronger.:grouphug:


Grammadur 04-01-2009 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by AiKane (Post 489699)
Curious what others experienced with STM Loss and "tired of being tired". I got upset yesterday because I am noticing more STML and its kinda scary. Also, are both related to the medications or RSD? Advice on what helps for both. Mahalo!:grouphug:

Hi, AiKane
I'm new to this too but welcome! Memory loss is scary - I'm having it too. I take 300 mg of Lyrica daily and have been told that it's the medication. But I'm sure there's a lot to do with the RSD as well. I can also cry at the drop of a hat which isn't like me.

We can make fun of the memory loss with friends and family but those at work don't understand. Most think I have early onset Alzheimer's. They don't understand RSD - but then again neither did I 'til I got it.

Mslday 04-01-2009 07:35 PM

Yes I agree with you all, especially Ali's comment about how RSD affects the Limbic brain. Ali I think you are a very smart young lady!

When my lidocaine starts to wear off, or if my rsd flares up it is like my brain slows down and I become very tired. Sometimes it feels like my brain is a jumbled scrambled mess as the pain signals take over. I can feel it coming on, I can't seem to concentrate, focus or get all the words out straight. I had my Lidocaine infusion yesterday (my dr. put me back on the IV infusion) and I feel great today, no pain, lots of energy and a I am very clear and focused. I always get twice as much done in the 1st week following my infusions. It's like I'm back to my old self again, typically this lasts for about 2 weeks.

The other possibility is that the STM loss could be caused from a hormonal imbalance. It is typically a symptom of peri-menopause but considering the fact that RSD affects our adrenal glands it's no wonder most of us have STM loss and and feel tired. Having RSD is like having a foot stuck on the gas peddle full throttle constantly without a break. That can certainly through off the rest of the hormones. Have you considered having your hormones checked? I find it interesting that the median age of patients diagnosed with RSD is 43 around the time of more rapid hormonal decline for woman, men too are affected by this.

I'm learning German right now, very slowly, I have a hard time remembering the words I just learned...LOL. I have to keep repeating everything over and over again and again. Despite my shortcomings in linguistic abilities I soldier on and practice each day. I've read that learning a new language can help keep your brain in good shape, something to do with brain placicty. Brain Plasticity refers to the brains ability to change in response to experience , learning and thought. Neuroscientists once believed that the brain was wired for life and change could not occur and decline as a person aged, was inevitable.

You might have seen Dr. Amen on PBS?


Dr Daniel Amen is a psychiatrist and Neuroscientist who has been working in the field of brain plasticity for many years.Through the use of brain imaging techniques such as fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)Dr. Amen has studied a range of patients with a myriad of disorders and symptomatology such as depression,addiction(drugs,alcohol and nicotine),ADD,stroke and alzheimers disease.

His findings have shown that the brain changes as a result in negative ways in what is known as negative brain plasticity.

However since the brain can change negatively it can also change positively.

In his book ,‘Change your Brain ,Change your life’, he offers a range of positive ways in which you can enhance your life. These include diet and vitamins, physical exercise and life long learning in new pursuits such as learning a language or musical instrument .

The way I look at it is "I may have RSD but RSD doesn't have me" I don't recall where I got that quote from... LOL, but it's a good one worth repeating. I plan to do everything I can each day to keep in the game as long as I possibly can with the least possible medications.


Annie Poo 04-02-2009 07:02 AM

I second what GalenaFaolan said in her post.

I have problems with fatigue most of the time, but usually it's fairly mild and it's become part of "the new normal" for me. Some days, particularly in the afternoon or evening, it's pretty bad.

Short-term memory loss for me is probably a symptom from the meds, and usually isn't too bad. I think it's part of the overall "brain fog". However, I also frequently have difficulties coming up with a word I want to say. Aphasia, I think it's called. It's annoying and sometimes embarrassing.

tjbird 04-02-2009 01:44 PM

Short Term Memory Loss & Fatigue
It is ironic that this subject came up as I was in a different support group early this morning talking about this very issue. I call doing things and not remember doing it, and then I have to "Check on Myself". I have a real hard time about reaching in the frig for my box of cerial, and then I will open the freezer door to get the milk:D The other thing is going into a room and not knowing why I am there. I put things in certain spots to keep them until I need them at a later date, I have two air fresheners for my car that I have no clue where they are. It is part of the RSD/CRPS symtoms.
As far as being tired, I am exhausted, continuos pain can do that as well as the meds. I'll give you an example of me just yesterday, I went to get groceries and it was a high pain day and I hadn't been sleeping good the two previous nights, I had too much to use the ride cart so I had to walk. It was a long journey and actually took me an hour and a half. Then I had to carry it in and put it away:( Well by the time I got the kitchen cleaned up and supper fixed and I was eating and my husband woke me up three times before he just took my plate to the kitchen. Going to bed exhausted (actually a recliner is my bed) then waking up exhausted. Try to laugh at yourself from time to time especially when you recoginised a really stupid thing. I go to college but I can't remember why I am in a certain room. And when you get toally exhausted, be extra good to yourself:wink:
Take Care

AiKane 04-02-2009 08:00 PM

Want to thank everyone for their comments. I guess it is something I need to accomodate for.

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