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hsiw 12-13-2006 06:17 AM

Low body temperature?
I had a sinus and respiratory infection 2 weeks ago (or maybe it was 3) and was given antibiotics, decongestants, and cough pills from the doctor. I was given a large dosage of the antibiotics to kick it quickly. It went away in a week, so I thought. It came back again this week. Except differently. I can't sleep and I keep noticing that instead of a fever I have a low temperature. Tonight it read 96.4 degrees Fahrenheit. I can't help but wonder what is going on and if I should go back to the doctor.

I tried doing online research but most of the articles are about hypothermia if left in a cold environment, which I am not. Others mention sepsis, and some mention it as a symptom of infections. I found one article that was interesting yet a bit alarming about how body temperature can get out of whack after infections and take time to stabilize. It said that it can lead to other problems if not fixed. What should I do? I don't know why this isn't letting me sleep, I keep tossing and turning. Has anyone had this problem? I know that it isn't that far off from normal (3 degrees low)...but I just feel so terrible and would love to be back to normal again.

Cherie 12-13-2006 12:59 PM

My normal temp for years (20+) has been 96.8 If I am over 98.4, I start having heat related symptoms with the MS and know I have an infection. You need to know what your norm is and you need to be sure your health care team is aware so they can be alert to changes that could indicate infection.

JD3#2 12-13-2006 02:20 PM

Likewise, mine has been the same average as Cherie, sometimes even lower. I have ocasionally been accused of drinking ice water before my temp. was measured when I had actually been drinking coffee! :Hum:

Curious 12-13-2006 05:20 PM

hi hsiw...hehe wish....i can't keep typing your name

have you ever had a problem with it being low before? i know when i take just about any rx it throws me for a loop. are you feeling batter today? di dyou have chills? or get dehydrated?

(((hugs)))) i hope you are feeling better.

heyjude5050 12-13-2006 07:55 PM

I read your post today and researched on line and came up with the same things you did. They based it on environment and summer/winter, etc.

I also run a low temp. Fluctuates in the 97 area. If it runs 99 or over, that is a sign of something going on with me. Like curious asked, was your norm low before and just got lower?

Mine was always close to 98.6 until I was in my early 40s and then it changed. I think too that some meds can change body temp.
Sometimes I think the new thermometers are junk.

Give me the old mercury ones any day.

Hope you can find the answers you are seeking,


hsiw 12-13-2006 11:23 PM

My norm is usually 98.6 but recently with the sinus and respiratory infection it had been 98 even, which I noticed was a bit lower than the norm. But recently, I wake up feeling hot yet my temp is low and my head feels cold. And curious, I feel much worse today, now I have a dry cough. I can already predict how little sleep I am going to get tonight. I just thought this thing was going away and now it made a big U-turn and came back. I guess I'll just have to go back to the doctor Friday if this keeps getting worse.

I was taking antibiotics, degongestants, and cough meds but the antibiotics ran out the day the infection started to return. So now it just keeps getting worse. I have always gotten colds and seem to get sick easily: i guess my immune system isnt too good. I wanted to get the flu shot this year, since the one year I got it- was the only year I didnt get sick in my life. But by the time I get better, there might not be a use for it anymore. Well, thanks for all your help. It is appreciated. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one with a strange body temperature.

Curious 12-14-2006 12:24 AM

awwww wish sweety...i hope it isn't the flu. remember how sick i got from it last year?

try and rest. get plenty of fluids. steam up the bathroom an sit there for awhile. it might help losen your cough.


LIZARD 12-14-2006 08:02 AM

My norm is 97.5, so a 99 will land me in bed with Tylenol. It's so annoying when doctors don't understand that! :rolleyes: I had "hot flashes" for years, starting with my preg with my daughter 15 years ago, and now, after losing more than 90 lbs, I am always freezing. :o It's truly annoying. (I was told by an endo several years ago that I might have hypothalamus damage from hydro and/or my shunt surgeries, and I believe it now, since my simple partial seizures bring on fevers that stop when the szs stop.)


candle light 10-13-2008 12:21 AM

95 degree with digi thermometer.
I slowly came back to health after drinking several glasses of stove heated spring water. I woke up with a 95 degree temp very cold shivering and put extra clothes on and felt really sick. I drank sooo many hot glasses of water but it took all through the night and the whole next day to feel ok, but not good. I think what helps is lots of clothes, hot water, split a multivitamin in half and take the half a vitamin every 2 hours or so to replenish your system from peeing it all out and this kickstarted my system back up. if you take a whole vitamin your body may only be able to absorb half anyway ever hour or so.

Orange slices helped my energy balance itself, honey in hot water also will help if you have a sick stomach. peace out, and smile at strangers to make a better world!


bastille 10-13-2008 11:37 PM

Hi hsiw and all,
This is a topic that I'm familiar with and I know I have'nt gone into my background problems on here yet, lengthy and involved,will try though.
Meanwhile the body temp issue - In general it's said approx 96.8 - 100.4 degrees F is normal fluctuation, 36 - 38 degrees Celsius. Depending on activity, early morning body temp may be a little lower. Everyone's metabolism varies so it's a guide.
Maybe a little hard to believe but due to what happened to me my body can't regulate blood pressure/temperature. Everyday my temp's will sit in the
93 - 95 (34-35) and have been checked as low as 91.4F (33.0C) even when trying to keep active. So my temp's can't rise unless there is artificial heat. I go passed the point of shivering without knowing it, the only indicator is lethargy and muscles start to seize up, slowing movement.

For you all though it could be normal or like me it's a blood/sodium issue and the way your body uses this. My bodies sodium level is low and not metabolizing properly.
Best wishes Nick

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