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Erin524 07-17-2009 09:08 PM

Steroid question
Is it normal to keep wanting to sleep after having IVSM?

I finished my infusion on wednesday. Yesterday, I think I was fine, felt really good...had lots of energy. Things were feeling great.

Today, my eyes dont want to stay open, I keep wanting to sleep. I feel like I did when I hit puberty (umm...that part probably has nothing to do with the steroids) I feel stoned. No energy. Attention span is fubar.

I feel so wiped out. Like I did when I was recovering from mononucleosis.

The back of my neck hurts too.

Erin524 07-17-2009 10:27 PM

I think I've begun to crash and burn now. I'm so tired.

edited to add

just figured out why I was so tired. My blood sugar dropped. My dad just made me eat.

A relative showed up tonight and just would not leave, so we didnt go eat dinner, and I had been grazing food a bit, but apparently hadnt eaten enough. Relative finally left and my dad realized that my blood sugar was going bye-bye and went to BK and got me something, and then started handing me peanut butter crackers and other food.

still feel like I'm crashing. Still hungry...maybe I'll go inhale a Yoplait.

Dejibo 07-18-2009 09:23 AM

its important to eat well while going through steroid treatments. not only to help keep the munchie sugar cravings at bay, but to give your body the energy it needs to do its daily functions.

Take good care of yourself please. we would miss you. :hug:

Erin524 07-18-2009 12:01 PM

I thought I had been eating enough. I had soup right about the time that the relative that camped out on our front porch showed up, and then had been grazing.

It was weird, that relative was complaining about how people show up at her house, and then just sit there and dont leave...and she wouldnt leave!!!! (was there till like 11pm)

The area where my IV had been in my elbow is a huge bruise today. The infusion was over on wednesday, but I'm guessing the pain from the bruise is sticking around awhile longer. The first IV site that I had for 2 days isnt too sore, but the second one from the last day is throbbing.

I'm going to go eat something, because I'm starting to feel like I did last night when my blood sugar was tanking.

Lady 07-19-2009 12:35 AM

Erin I feel like that when I stop the IVSM for the first few days. It is the steroid crash. Your body is waiting for the next dosage and it isn't coming. Some doctors give an oral taper but that just prolongs the crashing.

They want your own body to make the cortisol from the adrenal gland. So the taper isn't always the best. You will find in a few days that you will pick up again. Eat and drink fluids a must.

I, too, have Hypoglycemia and must eat small frequent meals or my sugar drops and I get weak with the shakes, feel dizzy and tired like I might faint.

I carry the tiny Kit Kat bars with me in case I am out when it happens. This is not part of the steroids IMO for me. I used to get it many times. It has been very infrequent since I started the LDN, I don't know why though.:)

Erin524 07-19-2009 01:43 AM

I guess I just took a nap in my computer chair. I was sitting here, reading, and watching a show on History Channel, and then next thing I knew, my foot was asleep on the footstool, my neck was really sore, and I feel a little refreshed...and the show I was watching isnt on anymore.

I cant wait for that to stop happening.

I have noticed more vision improvements. My dad and I were coming back from a snack run to BK, and I wasnt wearing any patches on my eye. I looked at the street with both eyes, and noticed that the lines on the street werent wandering off to the left in a direction that the lines were not going when looking thru just one eye.

My eyes are still doing the double vision, but it's not as bad, and I noticed it's easier to keep my eyes focused on things. Was watching cars go by my house tonight. My eyes cant really track the cars very well, so I get doubled vision then, but when just looking at the street, no doubles! Or at least not everything is doubled all the time.

My hands feel really good today too! My fingers dont feel like sausages like they had been. I've still got tingles in my left index finger (think that might be permanent) but I can at least feel more of that finger than before, and typing seems to be a lot easier, and I'm back to typing fast like I used to be able to...and without all the typing mistakes that I'd been making lately.

I hope all the little improvements stay around for awhile. I like feeling kind of normal again. (well, as normal as you can when you're still tripping from the steroids)

I just cant wait till the diplopia goes away completely and doesnt bother me anymore. (it better go all the way away...I want it gone)

I still have vertigo. It's been bugging me today.

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