Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD and CRPS) Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (Complex Regional Pain Syndromes Type I) and Causalgia (Complex Regional Pain Syndromes Type II)(RSD and CRPS)

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Old 10-29-2009, 01:21 AM #1
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Default Reflex sympathetic dystrophy secondary to piriformis syndrome: a case report

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Old 10-29-2009, 10:02 AM #2
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Originally Posted by Sandel View Post
This is particularly fascinating because piriformis syndrome is controversial to some and many U.S. orthopedists even flat deny its exisistence!
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Old 06-05-2010, 01:47 AM #3
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Originally Posted by Dubious View Post
This is particularly fascinating because piriformis syndrome is controversial to some and many U.S. orthopedists even flat deny its exisistence!
That helps explain why my orthopedist was so totally useless for my piriformis syndrome/siatica. Like my peripheral neuropathy that started about 14 years ago, the medical profession did more harm than good.

I got my PN under control and largely healed thanks to the PN forum here and the PN forum in BrainTalk at Mass. Gen. before that and my own efforts. I'm going through a similar process now with the piriformis syndrome: learning, trying different "complementary" therapies, and setting up my own program.

It's a shame I wasted so much time and energy with the orthopedist and trying to get an MRI as the pain got worse and worse. The MRI was clear, That says a lot. It's not due to a tumor, cyst, or blood vessel problem. I'm currently doing daily stretches and strengthening exercises, and seeing an excellent massage therapist who does myofascial release and has a profound understanding of how the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and fascia all work together, or fail to work well together.

One thing I learned is the sooner you get this fixed, the better. Another way of saying that is the more chronic and painful it becomes, the harder it is to turn around.
David - Idiopathic polyneuropathy since 1993
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Old 06-05-2010, 10:07 AM #4
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Thank you so much for this article.This may very well explain why I am having such trouble with my lower back and maybe why it started in October I think it was. It was at the time I couldn't even hardly walk until I got injections in my back by my pain doc.It is better than it was but I still have trouble with my right lower back/hip area. I never had this issue before I just woke up with it one day and I had huge trouble for at least a month. I sure hope you didn't mind me making a copy for my attorney that is helping me fight wc. Wc refuses to believe that my back problem may be caused from the rsd. I have believed it all along but no one else has.To this day I am still suffering with low back pain on the right side and I never had any issues with that side until I woke up one day with the pain. No explanation until hopefully now. I can't thank you enuff.
Bless you and I think of you all my friends every day. Take care of yourselves.

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Old 06-07-2010, 12:43 PM #5
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Glad it could be of help Tracy, did you get the full copy?
The link to the full copy is inside on the upper right hand side.

~ Sandra

"RSD/CRPS Research and Developements" (my facebook page with over 1400 members and 700 links to pain research and new developements).
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:33 AM #6
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Default A video: How to Fix Piriformis Syndrome

How to Fix Piriformis Syndrome:

You will need to go cautiously at first, be mindful of your body and possible RSD flareups (check with Dr or PT first?), but I think this video makes ALOT of sense and it is a maintenence thing that will need to be repeated.. well check it out..

be well friends,
~ Sandra

Last edited by Sandel; 06-15-2010 at 11:42 AM. Reason: added flare ups ect
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Old 06-15-2010, 12:24 PM #7
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Thank you SO much Sandel. I've had Piriformis Syndrome for almost two years now. Living on muscle relaxers and morphine. It's a horrible way to live. I tried many of the exercises and they gave me tremendous relief! When my piriformis is really tight it causes my RSD to flare, which causes me to be nauseous (sp?) which causes me to vomit, which causes me to have more pain, then more meds, more sickness......I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.......


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Old 06-15-2010, 11:19 PM #8
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Originally Posted by Sandel View Post
How to Fix Piriformis Syndrome:

You will need to go cautiously at first, be mindful of your body and possible RSD flareups (check with Dr or PT first?), but I think this video makes ALOT of sense and it is a maintenence thing that will need to be repeated.. well check it out..

be well friends,
~ Sandra

Hi Sandel,

While all stretching is a good thing, generally, the video that you linked to does not really demonstrate a piriformis stretch. It actually releases it. The piriformis externally rotates and raises laterally the thigh. So most of the stretches exhibited on that video do the same and actually shorten, not lengthen or stretch the piriformis. If a piriformis stretch is your desire, and I think it is, then one would need to internally rotate the thigh and bring the knee across the body to stretch the piriformis. But like I said, all stretches are good!

Hope this helps!
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Old 06-15-2010, 11:58 PM #9
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The article reads that piriformis syndrome can cause RSD-like symptoms from the compression of the sciatica...and the RSD symptoms are secondary to the primary cause, which is piriformis syndrome.

I had a terrible bout of piriformis syndrome diagnosed by my P.M. doc.
Iwent to my new chiro who had me lay on my stomach, and with all the pressure he could muster, pushed down on the piriformis and also another muscle that lies deeper called the obdurator (sp) I believe they are underneath the glutteous muscles..right where we sit!
He had just taken a special workshop where this muscle cluster was reviewed..
I felt relief over the next few days...he must have released a trigger point or a knot that was causing the nerve constriction.

This same chiro has also ordered a lumbar spine MRI which I will be scheduling soon...
I can't believe after all these years with really bad back/hip problems, none of my docs have ordered an MRI.
I like my new chiropractor!!!
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Old 06-16-2010, 12:50 PM #10
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Default Thank you so very much

You're simply amazing! While there might be debate going on here, I think these guys have hit on something and I'm very thankful for the additional info that shows we've got a long ways to go as far as understanding everything that's going on here.

Originally Posted by Sandel View Post
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