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GreyHoundLover 01-26-2008 12:51 AM

That is just horrible Hun!
I can't believe it....

Mine don't ever get that red!. It must be so painfuL for you...I'm so sorry.

jcrewrockstar 01-28-2008 07:11 AM

To SANDRA (hopefully this worked)
2 Attachment(s)
here are a couple of pics I have..

nopainever 01-28-2008 12:38 PM

And the survey says????
Yup! I think it's RSD!


Sandel 01-28-2008 08:30 PM

hey hi..
I would get your doctor to check out your iron, B12 and calcium levels.. you have some mighty white nailbeds there JC, if the white is the moons it could be anemia is adding to your troubles or the B's but if it's just white from swelling reaction and isnt the moon, then you have no moons and should get your doc to check for a calcium defincy, that can give alot of very strange symptoms too.

Your hand looks pretty blotchy do you have problems with the rings? swelling.

Heather you have some pretty colorful feet too.

nopainever 01-29-2008 02:27 PM

Thanks Sandel...
Aren't they beautiful???

I posted those because I am so proud:p!


Marla 02-02-2008 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by wildberry2277 (Post 182497)
I have been tested for shingles ever time and its not it... The doctor thinks i might beging skin break down in that area... because that is where the RSD is the worse.... I dont know it hurts liike HELL... I dont always want a gapping hole in my arm.... it lasts until i get anitboitics... and 2 days after they are gone... RIGHT BACK TO GAPPING HOLE... It smells disgustin... Sorry for sharing all this just have no idea what the heck this is... Thanks for all your help....

I am wondering if it could be a yeast infection. I have gotten those under my boobs, and you are right, it smells disgusting!! This is how I got rid of it.... I wash really well with a PH balanced soap, apply Gold Bond Medicated Lotion, then put a super soft cloth over it, like in your case, tuck it into the side of your bra and let it hang out so that the only thing that area is touching is something super soft. Keep doing that for a couple days and it should take care of it. Then when you are sitting around the house, just keep a dry soft cloth tucked into the side of your bra and it should prevent it from coming back. Try that and please let me know how it works out for you.

Much Love, Peace & Blessings to you,

nopainever 02-14-2008 01:35 PM

NeW pic of feet after shower...
1 Attachment(s)
Since I have gone almost a month w/o a LSB, because my doctor decided to take a trip to France, my feet have been turning purple when I get out of the shower. I guess it's due to the standing for one (blood rushing to my feet) and to the water pounding on them...This triggers a flare after every shower and it's awful...I am severly overdue for my blocks...Thank God my Dr. comes back today and I have surgery tomorrow morning...

I tried to have my husband capture that dark purple coloring that so amazes me everytime I see it...But, we couldn't get the camera to pic it up..You can just see how dark my skin tone is...Keep in mind I am fair complected!


srutgers 02-19-2008 05:59 PM

I would like to post pictures of my rsd- but I must be missing something really obvious because I can't seem to figure out how. Anyone know how to add attatchments and pics?

kahmasayshi3 04-08-2008 01:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Still waiting for an official RSD diagnosis. I injured my knee at work and I am on work comp. I had a meniscus repair surgery in december and the pain never went away, I have swelling that stops in a straight line above my knee and I cant walk, move, sit, or do anything without deep bone aching pain that feels like someone is pulling my skin from the bone. Im taking lyrica and it helped at first but I think I need to up the dose because it seems to have worn off.

Any thoughts or comments about the pic and rsd would be appreciated.

nopainever 05-09-2008 10:46 AM

Face and Neck Flare
1 Attachment(s)
Hey All:

I took a pic of one of my daily Face and Neck Flares...My camera phone kinda sucks, but you can make out the blotchiness and the redness.


babydoll 07-09-2008 05:40 PM

Hi there
[QUOTE=RSD_Angel;111021]HI there,

I have been going nuts with this and its only getting worse... I have this "rash" but it doesnt look or feel like a rash, and it looks like bad dry skin but its not dry at all. very soft.. but this hurts like H3^* and wondering if any of you other RSDers have this.. dont knw if its like a nerve rash or?? this Rash is every where that ihave RSD.. and thats it.. it goes up my leg in the same pattern and in to the other thigh. it avoids where i dont have RSD.... any ideas?

I am gonna post pics soo be I have tried to put evrything on it , from lubriderm fragrence free and alcholol free and just plain aloe, but everthign makes it worse and it burns like somthing fierce!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m Thanks guys !! :wink: ,

hI there, I know your post is old but I have had that just flaking off, my RSD is in my right hand it seems to happen every so often I think they call it Nuro dermitis, I find that taking a warm bath with epson salts has helped.

screwballpookie 07-16-2008 12:14 PM

Thank you!
I want to thank all of you for posting your pics because it really did help me. Now I know I am not going crazy. The sores are like some of the photos just spread out and it itches really bad and when they break open they are very horrid looking. Sorry I don't have any pics of them, but they are very large in size and some are small and when they finally do heal up after 2-4 months they leave scars like I seen in the pics. My left foot has just recently started acting up and now that I see the pics I am pretty sure that is what is going on with my foot up to my calf of my leg. No I haven't been to a doc for my foot for 2 reasons one I am scared to hear the news and two I have a lot of ugly sores and he tells me I can't let my nerves get that rattled it is not doing me any good. I know this of course but it is hard when you have the life I have. I know i should go and see him about my foot soon but like I said I am scared even though I have a feeling i already know what is going on. i don't want it to get to the point that I can't walk on it. I don't know if that is possible or not but my thinking with rsd anything can happen. Sorry that you are all suffering like me and i wish you guys the best. Take care.


loretta 09-05-2008 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by RSD_Angel (Post 111021)
HI there,

I have been going nuts with this and its only getting worse... I have this "rash" but it doesnt look or feel like a rash, and it looks like bad dry skin but its not dry at all. very soft.. but this hurts like H3^* and wondering if any of you other RSDers have this.. dont knw if its like a nerve rash or?? this Rash is every where that ihave RSD.. and thats it.. it goes up my leg in the same pattern and in to the other thigh. it avoids where i dont have RSD.... any ideas?

I am gonna post pics soo be I have tried to put evrything on it , from lubriderm fragrence free and alcholol free and just plain aloe, but everthign makes it worse and it burns like somthing fierce!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m Thanks guys !! :wink: ,

hI there, I know your post is old but I have had that just flaking off, my RSD is in my right hand it seems to happen every so often I think they call it Nuro dermitis, I find that taking a warm bath with epson salts has helped.


Originally Posted by screwballpookie (Post 324941)
I want to thank all of you for posting your pics because it really did help me. Now I know I am not going crazy. The sores are like some of the photos just spread out and it itches really bad and when they break open they are very horrid looking. Sorry I don't have any pics of them, but they are very large in size and some are small and when they finally do heal up after 2-4 months they leave scars like I seen in the pics. My left foot has just recently started acting up and now that I see the pics I am pretty sure that is what is going on with my foot up to my calf of my leg. No I haven't been to a doc for my foot for 2 reasons one I am scared to hear the news and two I have a lot of ugly sores and he tells me I can't let my nerves get that rattled it is not doing me any good. I know this of course but it is hard when you have the life I have. I know i should go and see him about my foot soon but like I said I am scared even though I have a feeling i already know what is going on. i don't want it to get to the point that I can't walk on it. I don't know if that is possible or not but my thinking with rsd anything can happen. Sorry that you are all suffering like me and i wish you guys the best. Take care.


Hi Screwballpookie and all, I have the rash, dots, etc. I hate it too. The itching it bad- I have used women's personal creams and helps. My Dr. said I should never been in the sun without hi rated sun block. I know stress-anxiety doen't help us at all, my Dr. has me on Lorazepam 2 mg. 3 times a day. That helps me a lot to keep calmed down, which it quite difficult with our chronic pain and energy loss, lots of losses. Anyway, yes RSD in your feet can cause loss of walking and into the wheelchair. There are other experiences of others now in wheelchair. I have full body RSD, yes both feet.
My toes started curling, so my Dr. had me do exercises in the pool. It really didn't take many months for them to be touching the ground again. Before, I found this Dr.the RSD moved to my left hand and I didn't get my fingers back to rull range of motion, it's more like a claw. If I had gotten to therapy sooner, I know I could have gotten use of my fingers. I've had both shoulders frozen and got 95 percent use back-100 treatments. I've had this 12 years. Today for the first time I decided to call an attorney and apply for Socical Security Disability. Found out I don't qualify. Rats Hope your feet goes well and you can keep them moving. I read today from someone else, they try to walk a little every day that her pain level allows. She has both feet with the RSD.I think I'll start trying tomorrow. It's so easy to stop moving, I tend to do that when I'm really depressed. I'm on two different anti-depress, may ask my Dr. if he things I need to change. Do you go to the Dr. on a reg. basis, to monitor your RSD and meds. I go once a month sometimes every two months. Take care of yourselves, Loretta

Rita 09-11-2008 07:05 PM

pics of Reed's foot and ankle

bassman 09-12-2008 04:41 PM

Rita - That Looks Like Me
I can't believe it, Rita. Those photos look exactly like my feet. Compared to some of the extreme pics I have seem here, they look mild. But I know better. That "big" foot can feel like it has tons of pressure inside. Good luck to you and Reed.


AnnieLee 09-12-2008 05:31 PM

Spots, skin, and scars
Yep, guys and gals, that sure does look familiar. My leg doesn't look so blotchy all the time, but it does whenever it gets cold (or hot, or damp, or the weather is changing). What I have that doesn't go away are the spots that became permanent, and look a little like browed out old bruises that decided to dig roots and never heal. That, and skin that is very different than anyplace else. Sure won't win the beauty contest, RSD-skin...
Maybe they ought to call it Real-spooky Skin Disease...

dibug 09-13-2008 10:50 PM

Hello wildberry,:)
Just one thought comes to my mind, MRSA, it's an infection that is very hard to get rid of and has to be treated with complete protection from spreading to other people. A friend of mine had it and he went through three hospitalizations with IV antibiotics and they were like sores in his arm pit. Painful. I'm sure you may have already been tested for that but if not, it looks a lot like MRSA, (mersa):confused:

Good luck,:grouphug:

calidad71 09-17-2008 09:00 PM

CRPS is spreading...
2 Attachment(s)
I don't totally accept this yet, but here is my foot (in all it's colors)... this is progression in one week of time...



loretta 09-20-2008 12:49 PM

Hi Heather, Thanks for the picture. I'm sorry you have this on your face. Do you have sensitive lumps under your skin. I do, in the chin area, cheeks, forhead. I also have red dots and rashes full body. It's bad enough to hurt inside, but could use the outside redness and rashes to go away, right? Take care, your baby is beautiful. Mine is 29....
Oh, I see the red spots on your neck.


loretta 09-20-2008 01:02 PM

Hi Deb, So sorry you have RSD. You've come to the right place for fellow friends with RSD that are willing to answer questions and give support. Most of us had never heard of RSD and misdiagnosed and didn't get any treatment till a long time. It looks like your original injurty site is your right foot? RSD can spread rather quickly. You have a very good chance of full remission with the first year. Lumbar Block done by an anethesiologist.
Do you have a RSD Neurologist specialist? Orthopedic? I've never had the blocks, because it was too late. Because your injury is lower body, they inject in the lower spine.
Some have several, and hopefull it stops the pain signals for continuing to go to the brain.
Read all you can, have an experienced RSD Doc. Was it work related? There really isn't a cure for rsd, hope of remission and management of meds and exercise to keep the limbs from freezing up and becoming disabled. Are able to walk on your feet? stretch? epson salt bathing helps. Swimming in 86 Degree water helps a lot. I have full body RSD 12 years. Just ask questions of any of us. Hope for the best? Loretta

loretta 09-20-2008 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by RSD_Angel (Post 111021)
HI there,

I have been going nuts with this and its only getting worse... I have this "rash" but it doesnt look or feel like a rash, and it looks like bad dry skin but its not dry at all. very soft.. but this hurts like H3^* and wondering if any of you other RSDers have this.. dont knw if its like a nerve rash or?? this Rash is every where that ihave RSD.. and thats it.. it goes up my leg in the same pattern and in to the other thigh. it avoids where i dont have RSD.... any ideas?

I am gonna post pics soo be I have tried to put evrything on it , from lubriderm fragrence free and alcholol free and just plain aloe, but everthign makes it worse and it burns like somthing fierce!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m Thanks guys !! :wink: ,

hI there, I know your post is old but I have had that just flaking off, my RSD is in my right hand it seems to happen every so often I think they call it Nuro dermitis, I find that taking a warm bath with epson salts has helped.

Hi Babydoll, For some reason, skin problems go along with RSD. I, too, have rashes, red spots with itch, some turn to a permenant brownish mole. I use neosporin, clear lotion for poison ivy, women's personal lotion., None of them burn or make it worse. baths with epson salt help. I don't have alloydonia, so I use a fan by my bed to keep from sweating and getting too warm. RSD affect circulation, body temperature. I have both the burning and the cold to the bone RSD. High and low blood pressure. Hope this helps. Take care, Loretta

deb115 10-03-2008 02:49 PM

so happy to have found this site!!!
[QUOTE=RSD_Angel;111021]HI there,

I have been going nuts with this and its only getting worse... I have this "rash" but it doesnt look or feel like a rash, and it looks like bad dry skin but its not dry at all. very soft.. but this hurts like H3^* and wondering if any of you other RSDers have this.. dont knw if its like a nerve rash or?? this Rash is every where that ihave RSD.. and thats it.. it goes up my leg in the same pattern and in to the other thigh. it avoids where i dont have RSD.... any ideas?

I am gonna post pics soo be I have tried to put evrything on it , from lubriderm fragrence free and alcholol free and just plain aloe, but everthign makes it worse and it burns like somthing fierce!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m Thanks guys !! :wink:

Hi there,
My name is Deb,and I have had CRPS/RSd for over a yr now on my left leg and I just found this site today. This is the first time I have seen others with my rash.The one I am currently getting looks like the one in this picture you have.Even my specialists has not seen the rash ever. Yours is almost the same as mine. I am going to put up a pic if I can. I was just prescribed a spray for it by my pain management DR it is Ketamine,lidocaine, MSM and tera hydrochloride. YOu should ask for it as it healed,& helped my 3rd rash almost before my eyes it was a miracle really. I can't figure out how to do a picture can someone explain it to me?? PLease and many thanks. Deb

deb115 10-03-2008 07:31 PM

hi all, thanks for the welcome

Hi all~
I have it RSD/CRPS in my left leg and I believe it is starting to spread to my right as I have had the rash outbreak there once. I had a spinal fusion in April 07 on L5-S1 and it developed last yr after 16 weeks of PT where I was improving steadily then slowly got progressively worse. Lots of constant nerve pain for a long time mistaken as sciatic pain. It was not until I started with changes in skin,temp and the rash that they suspected CRPS. I have had 4 outbreaks with lesions in just over 2 months now and they just started to give me the spray which works wonders. I do have extreme Allyondnia (sp) so I can't have a fan, clothing,shoes etc or anything on that leg or foot. I have had severe reactions to both Neurontin and Lyrica. I am currently taking Topamax for the nerve pain and Narcotics as I do not sleep at all or for more then a few hours at a time.The pain keeps me awake. I am seeing a specialist in my area for this finally after a year. This is a workers comp issue and I am currently waiting on approval for nerve blocks etc, Even though they say I am far too advanced for them. I am also going to do a trial for a spinal stimulator. I am willing to try whatever at this point.My understanding is it should have been done last yr,as I am pretty far advanced now.I can't even stand loud noises anymore without pain. Thanks and seeing all the photos here I no longer feel alone.I would like to learn how to post photos here though if anyone can tell.Thanks in Advance.
How do you deal with full body RSD??? I can't imagine it!! Wow!!!!!:eek:

loretta 10-11-2008 06:22 PM

Hi Deb115,
I'm so happy you found this site. You will find a lot of answers to your questions and comfort. I'd like to encourage you to read on this forum as much as you can. It was 4-5 years before I was correctly diagnosed, so I didn't have the blocks. Some here have had the SCS and some haven't. Everyone reacts differently to meds and procedures, so would like to encourage you to check it out first. I was on 3200 mg of Neurotin for some time, then changed to Lyrica after it was out for over a year. Lyrica works better for me, pain wise and doesn't seem to keep me snowed under. I've asked my Dr. about a cream, for my feet and hands with same ingredients as your spray. He is checking it out. Do you have a compounding pharmacy make it? Both feet and hands really BURN!.
I don't know how to show pictures? Sorry.
I saw my Dr. Monday and asked him about getting my brown moles from the red dot rashes removed. He said no, even that procedure could make the RSD worse and spread. Even his malpractice insurance wouldn't allow it. Did your surgeon have insurance including RSD as a complication of your surgery. My daughter is a court reporter and has done depositions on RSD as a result of surgery. I don't think years ago insurance companies were as aware of RSD complications.
Try to keep relaxed and stress out of your life as much as possible. I use music, meditation, prayer, comedy, stretching, massages, and anything I can think of. I do take one anti-anxiety pill.
And I have full body RSD and the moles everywhere. The rashes and red dots are everywhere and some of them then turn to a brownish-grayish raised mole. My Dr. is a Neurologist, Pharmacologist, and Psychiatrist. He just opened 3 offices for skin procedures.
Sleep is a big problem for a lot of us. A couple of nights ago, I was awake all night till 9:30 the next morning. Those kind of nights are awful aren't they. I do try to make my sleep time regular and try not to nap during the day if possible so I can keep a routine going. Anyone have any ideas?
Deb, do you suffer from depression? Most of us do, not just because of our losses and change in our life, but it's part of the disorder. Anti-depressants help with nerve pain is why I ask. Let us know how you are doing?Loretta

hutch0024 10-16-2008 11:56 PM

Rsd/crps poem
Forever Pain

I have seen the darkness and the light
Lord help me fight this with all my might
The endless days of pain
Leave me wondering what this life has to gain
Then I look into my daughters eyes
I realize I do not have to die
The thought sadly has crossed my mind
But ones suicide is forever unkind
It leaves a scar on the heart of those you love
Choosing life is soaring with wings of a dove
Wish for freedom for all that suffer from this fire
For the future has never seemed quite as dire
Hence now Lord above
Answer the prayers of each and every one you love

Robert A. Hutchinson ©2008


Originally Posted by DDayMBB (Post 110763)
Have been DX with TOS and somewhere along the line CRPS, the cold make my hands burn so, that even during mid summer have to wear gloves in the frozen food section. The other day was out for a walk in the woods, when I got done with my walk, I removed gloves (they were not insulated,but fairly warm any way) and as usual my fingers were one fire, thoough I was left with bue/purple blanching almost like a bruise. Was wondering if anybody elses' fingers look like this, fro the cold???

loretta 10-18-2008 02:26 AM

Hi Hutch, yes, I have the same blue purple motley coloring, can't stand the cold, I wrap a cold glass with a paper towel and use gloves in and out of the house, soft cashmere gloves. The poem is so true and writtin with such insight as only one has that is going thru such suffering. Thinking of others and not our pain in the only way to survive.
I'm grateful for so many things and people in my life. Even those that don't seem to understand aren't as compassionate as I would like. I'm sure it's difficult for them to understand what we are goiong thru. Best wishes, Loretta

Coerley 12-11-2008 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by loretta jewell (Post 386628)
Hi Deb115,
I'm so happy you found this site. You will find a lot of answers to your questions and comfort. I'd like to encourage you to read on this forum as much as you can. It was 4-5 years before I was correctly diagnosed, so I didn't have the blocks. Some here have had the SCS and some haven't. Everyone reacts differently to meds and procedures, so would like to encourage you to check it out first. I was on 3200 mg of Neurotin for some time, then changed to Lyrica after it was out for over a year. Lyrica works better for me, pain wise and doesn't seem to keep me snowed under. I've asked my Dr. about a cream, for my feet and hands with same ingredients as your spray. He is checking it out. Do you have a compounding pharmacy make it? Both feet and hands really BURN!.
I don't know how to show pictures? Sorry.
I saw my Dr. Monday and asked him about getting my brown moles from the red dot rashes removed. He said no, even that procedure could make the RSD worse and spread. Even his malpractice insurance wouldn't allow it. Did your surgeon have insurance including RSD as a complication of your surgery. My daughter is a court reporter and has done depositions on RSD as a result of surgery. I don't think years ago insurance companies were as aware of RSD complications.
Try to keep relaxed and stress out of your life as much as possible. I use music, meditation, prayer, comedy, stretching, massages, and anything I can think of. I do take one anti-anxiety pill.
And I have full body RSD and the moles everywhere. The rashes and red dots are everywhere and some of them then turn to a brownish-grayish raised mole. My Dr. is a Neurologist, Pharmacologist, and Psychiatrist. He just opened 3 offices for skin procedures.
Sleep is a big problem for a lot of us. A couple of nights ago, I was awake all night till 9:30 the next morning. Those kind of nights are awful aren't they. I do try to make my sleep time regular and try not to nap during the day if possible so I can keep a routine going. Anyone have any ideas?
Deb, do you suffer from depression? Most of us do, not just because of our losses and change in our life, but it's part of the disorder. Anti-depressants help with nerve pain is why I ask. Let us know how you are doing?Loretta

Hey Loretta, I just joined NeuroTalk and was happy reading your message. I want to say that I have RSD in my hands and hip. My heart goes out to those of you that have it all over their bodies. I cannot imagine what that is like. I also, wanted to state that I keep sane and out of depression by working. I can only work 2 1/2 hours a day, but I am a kindergarten para-professional. The kids keep me going. Along with my family. I will keep you in my prayers.

loretta 12-17-2008 12:42 AM

Hi Sue,

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I'm so happy you have the kids for 2 1/2 hrs. to keep you going. Our one and only daughter is 29. I loved being a mother, volunteered for school thru grade school, field trips, middle school my husband I took a parenting communication class, I took it twice, became friends with the school couselor and kept in touch thru high school, then we moved away for college and ended up living in another state. Just called the counselor a couple months ago. I'm happy you are able to be with your kids, although I'm sure some days are very difficult.

My Dr. and I are doing research into HBOT for RSD. He is very positive about it's function for RSD, getting 100% oxygen to tips of hands and feet and throughout body. He's ordered one for each of his newtwo clinics. It also speeds healing for various procedures.
It's rare to find them outside of hospitals. I'm hoping my insurance covers treatment., If not, we'll have to sell more coffee,'Starbucks, Seattle's Best, Tully's etc. We sell to businesses smile. Only problem i'm getting too sick to go out and sell. We've just hired a salesperson to do that for us.

Take care, and please let us know how you are getting along, we care Loretta Jewell

GoTimothy 01-15-2009 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by RSD_Angel (Post 111021)
HI there,

I have been going nuts with this and its only getting worse... I have this "rash" but it doesn't look or feel like a rash, and it looks like bad dry skin but its not dry at all. very soft.. but this hurts like H3^*

I HAVE THAT ON MY LEGS, BUT NOT AS BAD. My doctor said it was psoriasis, but I don't think so. I thought it was caused by my
stellate ganglion block that I had in 1993. You might not have noticed the hair loss on the legs like I notice. I had hairy legs, but now there are bald spots on them. I live in Michigan and It gets worse when it starts to get cold. I have to put tons of lotion on three or four times a day. I use the cheep stuff, Suave Skin Therapy. But after winter starts I don't need so much and in spring none at all. The legs itch like hell, but I know better not to scratch. Yours looks like your using oil which makes them soft but that made mine worse. The oil does not allow the skin to breath. Try a different lotion. Was wondering where you live. I am thinking moving to where it does not get so cold.

sue barbour 02-13-2009 09:30 AM

RSD not the same
my rsd is sharp pain no rash no swelling and some pain in my arm,RSD is new to me took 2 doc to find out what was wrong after shoulder surgery,is any one in the same boat as me

Coerley 02-14-2009 12:10 PM

Welcome Sue, I am Sue too. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I have sharp pain also, without a rash, but I do have swelling. I hope you can find as much comfort in this group of great people as I did and still have. I am not on that much but when I am, just reading what everyone writes makes me realize that I am not crazy and am not alone. I have been a pain specialist years ago and heard him tell the intern that I was a hypochondriac. This was before the bone scan proved I had RSD. It was very heartwarming to hear a pain management doctor say that. Anyway, welcome and I know you will feel better (not without pain) but with a lot of support from this group.

nopainever 02-22-2009 02:18 PM

Hi Loretta
Hi Hun,

I am just getting your post right now. Sorry for the delay! I get the bumps too. Not as much on my face as I do my neck and shoulders and chest. It's a crappy disease for sure! Hope you are feeling a little better. Take Care, H


Originally Posted by loretta jewell (Post 372258)
Hi Heather, Thanks for the picture. I'm sorry you have this on your face. Do you have sensitive lumps under your skin. I do, in the chin area, cheeks, forhead. I also have red dots and rashes full body. It's bad enough to hurt inside, but could use the outside redness and rashes to go away, right? Take care, your baby is beautiful. Mine is 29....
Oh, I see the red spots on your neck.


kahmasayshi3 02-22-2009 11:26 PM

Hey all,

I developed a bad skin rash on my upper left arm about 2 months after the rsd spread there. It started as light red, turned big blotchy and bright red, it developed a big skin infection with little bubbles and icky liquid coming out. I know, it was gross! It finally subsided after I got an infection cream from the dermatologist. The discoloration is still there and it has turned into more Rsd discoloration, which tells me thats how it started. I also have Rsd in my lower left leg and I devleoped a patch of the same rash on my leg, but no where else. When I explained that to the dermatologist, she was so confused, she didnt know what it was from and she wouldnt accept that Rsd causes these kind of rashes. I wish drs would just admit that they dont know what the heck Rsd can do sometimes! lol
I took pics and if anyone wants to see, just email me. Also, the rash was very hot and red and my rsd pain increased when it was visible.

Hope this helps,

Jomar 03-24-2009 11:45 PM

Hi everyone
Sometimes we are missing out on welcoming new members when they post here in the Photo & pictures thread.

If we can keep this thread for your RSD pictures & photos, and post any of the discussions in the forum, that would be great.:grouphug:

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Forum (RSD and CRPS) {main threads & posts area}

bobinjeffmo 03-26-2009 01:20 PM

Some other view of RSD in phase III
4 Attachment(s)

These pictures were taken shortly before I had my left leg amputated above the left knee this past January. The right leg is also facing amputation due to decreased blood flows, chronic deep vein thrombosis and infections.

Pain levels are rather uncomfortable, but thanks to rather heavy loads of oral narcotics plus my morphine pump (I just had my 2nd one installed a month ago), I usually keep it at a level I can live with.

Anytime I'm just about to loose my mind in pain, I go out and find something I can do for someone I love or care for, because when I do I always get en endorphin hit that gets me through the rougher spots. Give it a try, and you'll see for yourself it really does work! Bob.

Jennelle 03-27-2009 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by DDayMBB (Post 110763)
Have been DX with TOS and somewhere along the line CRPS, the cold make my hands burn so, that even during mid summer have to wear gloves in the frozen food section. The other day was out for a walk in the woods, when I got done with my walk, I removed gloves (they were not insulated,but fairly warm any way) and as usual my fingers were one fire, thoough I was left with bue/purple blanching almost like a bruise. Was wondering if anybody elses' fingers look like this, fro the cold???

I have had hypersensitivity issues also! I find it can come and go, I have a desensitization program and find that it helps some. It progresses from light touch to stronger touch. I use a hand massager at home and rub my hand as tolerated on different textures. I stared with just rubbing it on my jeans and a towel. It helps with some of the hypersensitivity and nerve pain. I haven't found anything to help with the deep nerve pain (that makes it feel like my bones hurt) if anyone has tips about that I would appreciate it. Also does anyone else have issues with limbs falling asleep at night? thanks!

ali12 03-29-2009 11:25 AM

Hi everyone,

Here's a few pictures of my RSD leg and arm. They aren't right good but you should be able to make them out OK hopefully!

Dystonia and RSD in left leg - this isn't a very good picture but you should be able to make out the rotation and the swelling. This was taken a few months ago and my leg is now much more rotated than in this picture - I will try and take some more pics later.

RSD flare and really bad swelling in right arm. This flare was caused by putting too much pressure through my crutches.:mad:

RSD bruising and a "bump" where the swelling was. The bruising got much worse after this pic was taken and my whole arm went red and blue:(

I hope these pictures help some and if anyone has any questions, please let me know! I will try and get some better pictures of my leg later.

tjbird 03-29-2009 01:53 PM

I have seen those feet before, on me! tjbird

bobinjeffmo 03-30-2009 02:33 PM

Here is some photo's of RSD III
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I hope these pictures won't scare anyone, but trust me, RSD can get really bad. This past January I finally had the left leg amputated above the knee and we're just hanging on tight till we loose the right leg. It's not if I'll loose that one, just when.

The RSD started in the left leg in 97. 4 years ago it crossed over to the right. Now talk about spreading fast. Between circulation, chronic infections and blood clots, it's always something yet I just grin and bear it with a bad joke or a laugh. Laughing is always better than crying.

Even though RSD is hard to live with, I only have to remind me of what it would be like living with his awful disease in another country such as India or Russia. Then what would life be like on a daily basis? I know my blessings, I hope everyone else remembers them too. Bob.

lexiemae1 05-02-2009 09:00 AM

Rsd Right foot
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Here are my pictures of my right foot rsd..

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