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brandypenn 06-03-2009 06:25 PM

Pictures of my hand and my eyes
3 Attachment(s)
When I have a vision flare, my pupils get screwy.

lexiemae1 06-03-2009 06:55 PM

very interesting on your eyes

Originally Posted by brandypenn (Post 518837)
When I have a vision flare, my pupils get screwy.

I know my eyes have never been so bad in such a short period of time,, Seems like i :eek:can't bring my eyes into focus for a long time//

brandypenn 06-03-2009 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by SunshineGirl (Post 518925)
I know my eyes have never been so bad in such a short period of time,, Seems like i :eek:can't bring my eyes into focus for a long time//

That's my problem! Focusing! I always have difficulty scanning rapidly, but when my eyes flare up, I can't focus on anything. My eyes also seem to be working independently.

lexiemae1 06-03-2009 09:04 PM

I will have to check my pupils when I have this problem.
Maybe it is the drugs we are taking or are u taking aNY, bRANDY?:hug:

brandypenn 06-03-2009 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by SunshineGirl (Post 518964)
Maybe it is the drugs we are taking or are u taking aNY, bRANDY?:hug:

I'm not taking those kind of drugs. LOL When the RSD attacked my vision I went blind for 2 weeks before the doctors figured out it was the RSD. My case is severe. They kept looking for a brain tumor because those were the symptoms that I had.

bobber 06-09-2009 11:22 PM

ow long have you had rsd?

Originally Posted by SunshineGirl (Post 504676)
Here are my pictures of my right foot rsd..

how long have you has rsd? how did you get it and is it spreading , mine is spreading from my right heel to the whole leg ang migrated to the other leg in 3weeks,, any suggestions? diet , what are the magic tricks to keep it in check? thank you bobber

redface 08-20-2009 09:11 PM

Hi I have RSD ,my legs are bad, I need info. DR. are not telling me anything.

Originally Posted by bobinjeffmo (Post 487018)

These pictures were taken shortly before I had my left leg amputated above the left knee this past January. The right leg is also facing amputation due to decreased blood flows, chronic deep vein thrombosis and infections.

Pain levels are rather uncomfortable, but thanks to rather heavy loads of oral narcotics plus my morphine pump (I just had my 2nd one installed a month ago), I usually keep it at a level I can live with.

Anytime I'm just about to loose my mind in pain, I go out and find something I can do for someone I love or care for, because when I do I always get en endorphin hit that gets me through the rougher spots. Give it a try, and you'll see for yourself it really does work! Bob. 09-15-2009 03:37 AM

ive had r.s.d for 3 years now
1 Attachment(s)

hi, ive had rsd for 3 years now and i know what your talking about, the purpilsh almost like a bruseing ur getting isnt a bruse. its acutly your skin changeing color due to verous things takeing place. its one of the big key markers for rsd ,, well not the main but one of the things they look for. its not a rash jsut basicly a symtom of rsd. the burning your talking about i know that pain very very well, i have tryed billions of meds procidors and just things ud never belive some one would try. all in defet. ive talked to others online with rsd and they too have yet to find anything to help with that pain, im sorry to tell you.
what i get are blisters can be from the size of a pea up to a grapfruit, evently the skin dies and flakes off. the funny part is when i first got one, i went to my doc about it cause i noticed a some what raised red full circle forming on my skin, he tested me right away for a fungal infection, and sure enough it was negative.a week later it blisterd up and talk about pain, it took 2 weeks before it finaly burst, and honestly im not sure with was more painfull, the blister or the bursting. anyways ive continued to get them off and on no rhyme nor reson, jsut a symptom that apprentlty isnt commen for rsd but dose happen. i have found one other person who gets them as well. what i want to warn evry one about is. these rashes before they turn to blisters look very very simular to ring worm,, witch is a fungal infection of the skin, and most doctors are very fast to tell u that is what it is, when in fact for the most part its not, it is jsut your rsd giveing u new fun pains. so pls if any one gets one of these make the doctor take a skin scrap sample and check it under the mic so that u know for sure if it is or isnt., there is care that is needed to be taken when u get theses blisters from rsd. im putting up a pic of one i currently have, it started to form about 4 days ago, and i will try to put more pics up as if developes for evry one. has any one ealse with rsd gotten theses things im very curious seeing as ive only spoke to one other person and she lives acrosed the country from me and the docs that do know about rsd say its really very uncommen symptom but dose happen. i hope this helps you guys out some

DarlaDaniels 09-21-2009 01:27 PM

Thanks for all of your pics
I have had RSD for over 4 years now & have experienced the bluish color changes as well as rashes & mottling, the severe burning & pupil changes & swelling amongst other kinds pf pain. I have not yet had any blistering or clotting, that I am aware of, but I know the coldness & sweating (like my foot is being frozen in dry ice & nothing will warm it or like it is being held on a scalding hot frying pan). For some reason, most of the color changes have stopped & I rarely see signs of them now, but the pain is never ending & because I have had to leave my specialists whom have all seen the signs listed above in the first years after my diagnosis, the new doctors are questioning my diagnosis. It is extremely frustrating. My hearts go out to you all & I thank you for having the courage to tell us your story and post pictures so we know what to look out for. I wish you all the best & hope that yours will soon get better & to you "bobinjeffmo", I pray you will get to keep your leg.

candicek 09-22-2009 06:29 PM

new to RSD
3 Attachment(s)
I am new to RSD i have an appointment tomorrow and don't know what to expect. I have seen other doctors with the same complaints and havent been taken serious. I have all the symptoms-feet get cold and extremely painful, then red and extremly swollen, i have numbness and tingling all along my right side and arm, my skin texture have changed to a shiny moist texture on hands and face, i have random stinging when i get warm, along with prickly sensations all over, i sweat uncontrolably and it has interfered with work. i have good and bad days, but the last few have been almost unbareable and quickly increasing to more and more problems. i have some pics of my feet and wonder if anyone elses look the same. I would also appreciate any advice anyone has to offer...thank you

Sandel 10-25-2009 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 566450)

hi, ive had rsd for 3 years now and i know what your talking about, the purpilsh almost like a bruseing ur getting isnt a bruse. its acutly your skin changeing color due to verous things takeing place. its one of the big key markers for rsd ,, well not the main but one of the things they look for. its not a rash jsut basicly a symtom of rsd. the burning your talking about i know that pain very very well, i have tryed billions of meds procidors and just things ud never belive some one would try. all in defet. ive talked to others online with rsd and they too have yet to find anything to help with that pain, im sorry to tell you.
what i get are blisters can be from the size of a pea up to a grapfruit, evently the skin dies and flakes off. the funny part is when i first got one, i went to my doc about it cause i noticed a some what raised red full circle forming on my skin, he tested me right away for a fungal infection, and sure enough it was negative.a week later it blisterd up and talk about pain, it took 2 weeks before it finaly burst, and honestly im not sure with was more painfull, the blister or the bursting. anyways ive continued to get them off and on no rhyme nor reson, jsut a symptom that apprentlty isnt commen for rsd but dose happen. i have found one other person who gets them as well. what i want to warn evry one about is. these rashes before they turn to blisters look very very simular to ring worm,, witch is a fungal infection of the skin, and most doctors are very fast to tell u that is what it is, when in fact for the most part its not, it is jsut your rsd giveing u new fun pains. so pls if any one gets one of these make the doctor take a skin scrap sample and check it under the mic so that u know for sure if it is or isnt., there is care that is needed to be taken when u get theses blisters from rsd. im putting up a pic of one i currently have, it started to form about 4 days ago, and i will try to put more pics up as if developes for evry one. has any one ealse with rsd gotten theses things im very curious seeing as ive only spoke to one other person and she lives acrosed the country from me and the docs that do know about rsd say its really very uncommen symptom but dose happen. i hope this helps you guys out some

I get these too.. mine heal from the center usualy and tend to look like ringworm as they heal.. but they are not, the skin grows too fast as it heals and flakes off, underneath is new but knarly red skin that can scar if the outer layer comes off too fast (before it heals up below). Another unplesant part of RSD eh?

Jenna Delaney 12-03-2009 01:55 PM

Sounds like me I get little pin size blisters that itch and have clear water like something in them.

Enjny 12-03-2009 07:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
So this is my RST- Its been 7 months and its gotten to the point of me being in a wheel chair, but well see what happens :/

Jenna Delaney 12-09-2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sandel (Post 582223)
I get these too.. mine heal from the center usualy and tend to look like ringworm as they heal.. but they are not, the skin grows too fast as it heals and flakes off, underneath is new but knarly red skin that can scar if the outer layer comes off too fast (before it heals up below). Another unplesant part of RSD eh?

Im getting the nerve block shot monday.... 8 months post bunion surgery and i got RSD...:mad:

Jenna Delaney 12-29-2009 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sandel (Post 582223)
I get these too.. mine heal from the center usualy and tend to look like ringworm as they heal.. but they are not, the skin grows too fast as it heals and flakes off, underneath is new but knarly red skin that can scar if the outer layer comes off too fast (before it heals up below). Another unplesant part of RSD eh?

I got the nerve block in my back for the RSD in my left foot. It seems to be helping the swelling.. My foot dosent get all red a swellen anymore. I have my follow up today. They also gave me a cream to num my foot... 1% ketamine .5%creAM... I think the cream might be working also to help with the pain I have. I have bone tendon and nerve problems as a result of bunion surgery..

WaterRabbit 01-12-2010 08:52 PM

Those feet look like my feet!

Originally Posted by InHisHands (Post 82906)
RSD in both feet/ legs- worse in left

Swelling/color changes in left, slight color changes in right.

Thanks for the VERY HELPFUL photo... could be my feet in that picture!

Will have to see if I can get into a proper doc ASAP. The ER doc and endocrinologist caught mine... This has been going on entirely too long.

Now to find a specialist... Anyone know a good doc in the Los Angeles, CA or Santa Barbara, CA areas?

eileen2theright 01-25-2010 02:21 PM

Those feet/ hands/ etc look familar!


The rash is called dyshidrotic eczema btw, it is common with RSD.

I was surprised to see so many pictures of my feet/ hands, LOL.../

mymomsadvocate 03-09-2010 04:51 PM

about your pictures
After reading your blog and looking at your pictures,
My Mom's foot, and calf area look identical.
She has the same dry skin like rash on her foot, area, and at one period in time, her skin would swell so much that it actually gave way, and began weeping for about six months.
We haven't tried any type of lotions on it, because it causes too much pain to touch her skin, but as far as the episom salt, we did the 30 minute soaks and it did seem to help perk her skin up slightly.
I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. :-)
Thank you!

mrsD 03-09-2010 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by mymomsadvocate (Post 630679)
After reading your blog and looking at your pictures,
My Mom's foot, and calf area look identical.
She has the same dry skin like rash on her foot, area, and at one period in time, her skin would swell so much that it actually gave way, and began weeping for about six months.
We haven't tried any type of lotions on it, because it causes too much pain to touch her skin, but as far as the episom salt, we did the 30 minute soaks and it did seem to help perk her skin up slightly.
I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. :-)
Thank you!

Since the epsom salts works some, this is something else to try:

This product helps magnesium get into the skin and blood vessels and dilate the constricted blood vessels that are impairing circulation. It comes with a measure/scoop, 100mg/gram. I would not use more than 400mg a day (4 scoops)
If this starts to work, then oral magnesium would be the next step. Once the little vessels open up, the circulation improves, and then the oral can take over:

Here is my magnesium thread:

RSD is part neuropathy part circulatory. I would contact the doctors and make sure she has good kidney functions. The RDA for magnesium elemental is about 400mg/day. Most people do not eat magnesium rich foods anymore so can be very low in this essential mineral.

I had a patient with black fingers... who failed on all vasodilatory drugs. She had scleroderma. I started her on the epsom salts soaks 3 times a day with natural vitamin E (which you can do too)... 800 IU per day. When she started to respond, we moved to the oral magnesium, and she got her fingers back. --it took a couple of months. (and avoided amputation which was the dramatic next step). She was so excited, she had me invited to the State's scleroderma society yearly meeting, and I gave a talk for all of them that day!

This simple thing can work wonders. It will not "cure" RSD, but I think it will improve comfort considerably. I have other things you can try, but do this first.

You are a very good daughter to try and help your Mom. She is lucky to have you.

Jomar 03-10-2010 01:05 AM

Bumping up

Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 486220)
Sometimes we are missing out on welcoming new members when they post here in the Photo & pictures thread.

If we can keep this thread for your RSD pictures & photos,
and post discussions in the forum, that would be great.:grouphug:

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Forum (RSD and CRPS)
{main threads & posts area}

New members, please be sure make a post or thread on the main RSD forum, so all can greet you and reply there.

Follow this link to start a New Thread -

bubbleshea 03-12-2010 05:25 PM

2 Attachment(s)
here are some pictures of the skin lesions with RSD that my daughter has

Kakimbo 03-12-2010 10:51 PM

Gosh. I am so sorry. We are here for you. Please feel free to express yourself. Nothing is off-limits...

bobber 03-12-2010 11:01 PM

Anything you need,feel free to ask,,Im so sorry to see you daughter and you go thru this ordeal,,,,may the Lord richly bless you both

Shelley neck 03-17-2010 07:25 PM

keep your chin up

Originally Posted by WickedGood (Post 111048)
Well It has now been four days since my visit to my Doc about my severe all over pain (especially in my knees along with the swelling). She too thinks that after going off the Narcotics that I was on for so long all the pain in my body reared its ugly little head all at once. Now for leg pain - ready for this -
Yuppers. Big time!. What a pain. I am not surprised though. I haven't had that yet! Go figure. The knees are ugly and my feet won't win any beauty contest soon either I can assure you! :D So My sister will be here tomorrow and is taking me back to Maine for a week or two for some well needed family bonding. I have not seem my family since my Mom passed over three years ago now. I miss them so and I need a break from sitting in this house alone all the time. My Doc also prescribed me a new walker on Monday to help me get around better (It's Real Fancy :D :D ) but it is just to dang cold to go anywhere. But it does have a seat so I can give all of you a ride and a removeable basket so we can go shopping!!!!!! :grouphug: I have attached a pic. You have to help me give it a really cool name. It is blue.

I think that while I am home I might get another opinion about a few things. It couldn't hurt could it. Plus my Doc now has me on Morphine and I am scared of what will happen to me when that no longer works. What else is there at that point but to take me out behind the shed? Right?

Well I feel so depressed and blah right now that I hope this little visit will change things but I am not one to expect to much these days. I would rather spend a week with some of you and maybe someday that might happen you never know. Anyway, I will close for now. As always, I luv ya all. Thanks as always for comfort and support. Will be talking soon. Keep ya chins up the best ya can!!! Love Mark :) :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Hi mark, i have a black walker that has a basket for shopping to, i will race ya. I hope you enjoy your time catching up with family. If you ever wont to get out of the cold i live in Sunny Queensland Australia come for a visit. I started getting swollen ankles and pins and needles in my legs from surgery and figured i sat around to much, thats were the walker came in handy. i also learnt that i dont sweat any more so all the fluid builds up so take fluid retention tablets, dont know if that will work for you. But to live in Sunny Qld and not sweat is not funny.

Jenna Delaney 03-27-2010 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Enjny (Post 596303)
So this is my RST- Its been 7 months and its gotten to the point of me being in a wheel chair, but well see what happens :/

Have you tried a nerve block? It has helped my pain but it doesn't last but a few months. I hope this helps! :(

KatTru 04-05-2010 07:33 PM

I've had RSD/CRPS for many years. Started in my left arm, has spread to upper torso and face, and left arm. I was on morphine for a few years until my new pain specialist took me off of it and put me on ketamine. The swelling went down some, the rash has almost disappeared, I still have discoloration but the burning is gone. The spread of CRPS has not stopped but I am real thankful for the ketamine. It works for me and others, but some folks don't have as much luck on it. I think the morphine actually made the symptoms worse.
Just thought I'd throw this in.

oceansangl 04-10-2010 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by GoTimothy (Post 446291)
I HAVE THAT ON MY LEGS, BUT NOT AS BAD. My doctor said it was psoriasis, but I don't think so. I thought it was caused by my
stellate ganglion block that I had in 1993. You might not have noticed the hair loss on the legs like I notice. I had hairy legs, but now there are bald spots on them. I live in Michigan and It gets worse when it starts to get cold. I have to put tons of lotion on three or four times a day. I use the cheep stuff, Suave Skin Therapy. But after winter starts I don't need so much and in spring none at all. The legs itch like hell, but I know better not to scratch. Yours looks like your using oil which makes them soft but that made mine worse. The oil does not allow the skin to breath. Try a different lotion. Was wondering where you live. I am thinking moving to where it does not get so cold.

I alo live in Michigan. I know what youe talking about. I get the samething. My doc gave me a free sample of a oinmnt to try. I will send yo message regarding what the name is. :)

bubbleshea 04-11-2010 09:13 AM

3 Attachment(s)
[QUOTE=kim ames;632015][QUOTE=bubbleshea;631947
Gosh. I am so sorry. We are here for you. Please feel free to express yourself. Nothing is off-limits...[/QUOTE]

Here is the problem..they are getting worse both inside and out. Her right leg has just about shut down at this point. Waiting ot get a doctor that knows what they are doing with a case this bad is heartbreaking.

bubbleshea 04-12-2010 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 566450)

hi, ive had rsd for 3 years now and i know what your talking about, the purpilsh almost like a bruseing ur getting isnt a bruse. its acutly your skin changeing color due to verous things takeing place. its one of the big key markers for rsd ,, well not the main but one of the things they look for. its not a rash jsut basicly a symtom of rsd. the burning your talking about i know that pain very very well, i have tryed billions of meds procidors and just things ud never belive some one would try. all in defet. ive talked to others online with rsd and they too have yet to find anything to help with that pain, im sorry to tell you.
what i get are blisters can be from the size of a pea up to a grapfruit, evently the skin dies and flakes off. the funny part is when i first got one, i went to my doc about it cause i noticed a some what raised red full circle forming on my skin, he tested me right away for a fungal infection, and sure enough it was negative.a week later it blisterd up and talk about pain, it took 2 weeks before it finaly burst, and honestly im not sure with was more painfull, the blister or the bursting. anyways ive continued to get them off and on no rhyme nor reson, jsut a symptom that apprentlty isnt commen for rsd but dose happen. i have found one other person who gets them as well. what i want to warn evry one about is. these rashes before they turn to blisters look very very simular to ring worm,, witch is a fungal infection of the skin, and most doctors are very fast to tell u that is what it is, when in fact for the most part its not, it is jsut your rsd giveing u new fun pains. so pls if any one gets one of these make the doctor take a skin scrap sample and check it under the mic so that u know for sure if it is or isnt., there is care that is needed to be taken when u get theses blisters from rsd. im putting up a pic of one i currently have, it started to form about 4 days ago, and i will try to put more pics up as if developes for evry one. has any one ealse with rsd gotten theses things im very curious seeing as ive only spoke to one other person and she lives acrosed the country from me and the docs that do know about rsd say its really very uncommen symptom but dose happen. i hope this helps you guys out some

My daughter has always had these with the RSD. they can also happen internally. Some of her pics are posted on this thread

flcracker57 04-13-2010 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by WickedGood (Post 111048)
Well It has now been four days since my visit to my Doc about my severe all over pain (especially in my knees along with the swelling). She too thinks that after going off the Narcotics that I was on for so long all the pain in my body reared its ugly little head all at once. Now for leg pain - ready for this -
Yuppers. Big time!. What a pain. I am not surprised though. I haven't had that yet! Go figure. The knees are ugly and my feet won't win any beauty contest soon either I can assure you! :D So My sister will be here tomorrow and is taking me back to Maine for a week or two for some well needed family bonding. I have not seem my family since my Mom passed over three years ago now. I miss them so and I need a break from sitting in this house alone all the time. My Doc also prescribed me a new walker on Monday to help me get around better (It's Real Fancy :D :D ) but it is just to dang cold to go anywhere. But it does have a seat so I can give all of you a ride and a removeable basket so we can go shopping!!!!!! :grouphug: I have attached a pic. You have to help me give it a really cool name. It is blue.

I think that while I am home I might get another opinion about a few things. It couldn't hurt could it. Plus my Doc now has me on Morphine and I am scared of what will happen to me when that no longer works. What else is there at that point but to take me out behind the shed? Right?

Well I feel so depressed and blah right now that I hope this little visit will change things but I am not one to expect to much these days. I would rather spend a week with some of you and maybe someday that might happen you never know. Anyway, I will close for now. As always, I luv ya all. Thanks as always for comfort and support. Will be talking soon. Keep ya chins up the best ya can!!! Love Mark :) :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Been on long-term morphone for 1.5 years. It won't hurt you, I guess! Supposed to have a Stellate Ganglion Block in my neck in 2 w3kws. Nothing else has worked. Had every kind of injection and therapy known to man. All that's left is a stimulator, and I'm not keen on that. Anyone care to give their experiences with the stellate ganglion blocks? Thanks!

Sandel 04-19-2010 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by bubbleshea (Post 643517)
My daughter has always had these with the RSD. they can also happen internally. Some of her pics are posted on this thread

Ohh wow I am sory to see that symptom, I have friends who swear by Emu oil for that kind of ulsers.. hmm but you say internaly it sounds like you may want to look into researching IV Imunigloben for your doctor.. I will see what I can find and get back to you too.
be well,
~ Sandra

pacugirl 07-10-2010 11:32 PM

Thanks Bob

Originally Posted by bobinjeffmo (Post 488772)
I hope these pictures won't scare anyone, but trust me, RSD can get really bad. This past January I finally had the left leg amputated above the knee and we're just hanging on tight till we loose the right leg. It's not if I'll loose that one, just when.

The RSD started in the left leg in 97. 4 years ago it crossed over to the right. Now talk about spreading fast. Between circulation, chronic infections and blood clots, it's always something yet I just grin and bear it with a bad joke or a laugh. Laughing is always better than crying.

Even though RSD is hard to live with, I only have to remind me of what it would be like living with his awful disease in another country such as India or Russia. Then what would life be like on a daily basis? I know my blessings, I hope everyone else remembers them too. Bob.

I'm new here and skimming through posts and threads I just saw your pictures and comments.
Bob, What an incredibly wonderful attitude you have. I know we can always think of someone who is worse off than ourselves and I try to do the same thing, but you've obviously had severe RSD and continue to keep positive.
Thank you for reminding me to not feel sorry for myself or dwell too much on RSD and it's affects in my life.

buppy911 07-25-2010 07:25 PM

My hand a week and a month after surgery
2 Attachment(s)
These photos are of my left hand about a week after surgery and then again after about a month or so. It has been 3 months since surgery now and I can't get rid of the swelling and the redness comes and goes.

Raymond 09-02-2010 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by DDayMBB (Post 110763)
Have been DX with TOS and somewhere along the line CRPS, the cold make my hands burn so, that even during mid summer have to wear gloves in the frozen food section. The other day was out for a walk in the woods, when I got done with my walk, I removed gloves (they were not insulated,but fairly warm any way) and as usual my fingers were one fire, thoough I was left with bue/purple blanching almost like a bruise. Was wondering if anybody elses' fingers look like this, fro the cold???

I'm really sorry about your hands, it doesnt look to comfortable.
my foot sorta gets that bad in the winter time. I never go out, i peak my head out in the winter but thats really it. here are some pics of my foot, I KNOW, they are ugly but it hurts. can't get the brouse to bring up pic but probably for the
I hope you feel good today!!!


burntangel 09-02-2010 12:21 PM

rsd is a wierd thing
i have had rsd for three years, it started after i had surgery on my elbow following a work related injury. first the burning swelling in my arm and than my hand, than it spread up my shoulder,my neck,face,my upper back,it skipped from the bottom of rib cage to my hip and picked up again and spread all the way down my leg to my toes.
i have had four surgeries including the elbow and the last was a scs in april of this year. now i am suffering from helasious muscle spasms all over my left side and my doctors dont know what to do next. any ideas? help

BulldawgOnFire 09-13-2010 10:43 AM

My whole body looks like that

Originally Posted by DDayMBB (Post 110763)
Have been DX with TOS and somewhere along the line CRPS, the cold make my hands burn so, that even during mid summer have to wear gloves in the frozen food section. The other day was out for a walk in the woods, when I got done with my walk, I removed gloves (they were not insulated,but fairly warm any way) and as usual my fingers were one fire, thoough I was left with bue/purple blanching almost like a bruise. Was wondering if anybody elses' fingers look like this, fro the cold???

Actually worse. Am heat sensitive (10% of us) and full body CRPSII so count your tiny blessings. Gd Lk

loretta 09-19-2010 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by burntangel (Post 691188)
i have had rsd for three years, it started after i had surgery on my elbow following a work related injury. first the burning swelling in my arm and than my hand, than it spread up my shoulder,my neck,face,my upper back,it skipped from the bottom of rib cage to my hip and picked up again and spread all the way down my leg to my toes.
i have had four surgeries including the elbow and the last was a scs in april of this year. now i am suffering from helasious muscle spasms all over my left side and my doctors dont know what to do next. any ideas? help

Hi burntangel, So sorry you have RSD following surgery. SC should be paying your bills and caring for your health.
I also got RSD following surgery. Physical Therapy , Swimming, Massage therapy, desensitization thru therapy and at home helped. Also used a Tens Unit.
The spasms can be controlled with anti-seizure meds. i took 3200 mg of neurotin. My electric shocks, spasms were full body. Another option is Lyrica. Both cause weight gain. But I don't have the shocks spasms anymore and I gradually went off the neurotin. Maybe have muscle spasm once a month.
Hope you get some helps that helps. your friend, loretta :grouphug:

lorigood243 10-14-2010 04:24 PM

Thank you for posting the pic of your arm. I have intrenal RSD and have a great deal of swelling on my abdomen and hernited discs in my lower back. All of this cause me to use a walker on wheels and walk bent over. My left arm just recently became injured with swelling and pain and I think its RSD. It looks similar to you pic and you mentioned it was from the pressure of your crutches. This Illness is jut bizarre! I wish that a small percentage of the money that goes towards cancer research could be used in helping RSD patients. It just doesnt seem like much at all is being done. Better days to come for us all I pray!
Thank you again for posting your pictures.


Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 488263)
Hi everyone,

Here's a few pictures of my RSD leg and arm. They aren't right good but you should be able to make them out OK hopefully!

Dystonia and RSD in left leg - this isn't a very good picture but you should be able to make out the rotation and the swelling. This was taken a few months ago and my leg is now much more rotated than in this picture - I will try and take some more pics later.

RSD flare and really bad swelling in right arm. This flare was caused by putting too much pressure through my crutches.:mad:

RSD bruising and a "bump" where the swelling was. The bruising got much worse after this pic was taken and my whole arm went red and blue:(

I hope these pictures help some and if anyone has any questions, please let me know! I will try and get some better pictures of my leg later.

DebraKosbar 10-31-2010 10:01 AM

please and thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could u tell me how to get some new pics for me thanks. Have a great day...:):)

Chemar 10-31-2010 12:49 PM

Hi Debra

here is the link to the tutorial that can help you post pictures.

You can also attach them to your post as you would to an email. Use the Manage Attachments button below the posting box to do it that way

hope that helps :)

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