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InHisHands 06-01-2007 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 107684)
hehehe...i do slip up and let out my college degree brain once in awhile. just don't tell ok? :p

don't worry about eating something salty. you need the sodium! also potassium. it's better to drink something like Pedealite (sp) to replenish the electrolytes than gatorade. gatorade has lots of sugars. also, Pedealite comes in Popsycles that can add a change of pace and sometimes something cold can help the nausea. but i wasn't sure if you could have the cold..with your mouth rsd?

keep you calcium levels up too.

a dr will ususally give an rx for the patches. you don't have to keep them on all the time.

Thanks again Curious! :hug: Ok! :p

I am eating goldfish crackers at the moment and have a cold drink. I prefer cold with the mouth RSD because it gives me a little bit of relief. I am still puzzled as to if I can have icey type things with the mouth RSD because ice isn't good for RSD. :confused:

Will ask the dr about the patches. Do you know what they are called? Are they just used for nausea?

I will keep up with the supplements.

Curious 06-01-2007 10:22 AM

i did a fast search.


yep...just for nausea.

Abbie 06-01-2007 10:52 AM

The MINIMUM before my doc would allow me to leave... was 30 minutes.
Most of the time I sat there for at least an hour.

Thanks Curious... That's the name of the little patches I have for my nausea. I just use them when I need them... you can take them off when ever you want... I take mine off as soon as it feels like the nausea is gone.

Don't worry about the drinking cold with the RSD in your mouth... docs have told me if it makes this RSD monster feel it. I have RSD in my mouth also.. but I can't stand the feel of ice or heat. So I feel if, only my opinion though, is if the ice isn't making your mouth feel worse...then by all means go for it.

Also.. you may want to check on the supplements you are taking... Some of those may also be making you nauseous (sp?) if they are building up in your system...I've had that happen. Magnesium gets me if I take high doses for too long.

(I'm not a doctor...but wish I played one on tv...;) )

buckwheat 06-02-2007 03:00 AM

Bumping Up

Joselita 06-02-2007 08:13 AM

Do you have a history "tummy troubles"? I do...
I agree that all of this getting and feeling sick after the LBS is most likely due to the anesthesia they gave you. Have you ever had to be anesthetized before? Had and surgeries or other procedures where they had to sedate you or knock you out? If you have....did you have problems with nausea and vomiting afterwards then too?

Be sure to let the anesthesiologist know that you had this problem when you go back for your next block (and any other procedures in the future). It might be that they can also change the med that they are using to help you with this. I am not sure. They DO need to know, incase you have any vomiting occur while you are lying on your tummy in the OR getting the blocks done. So, please make sure that you let them know about this, OK?

As far as trying to keep the nausea and vomiting down...I can only tell you what I have to do when I have my procedures done. But, this is probably different for me than it is for you. See, I already have some stomach issues. I have a history of ulcers and inflamed stomach lining (the precursor for ulcers) starting from when I was about 5. So, I know that there is a great chance that the meds that they use will bother my stomach. What I usually will get is a burning tummy ache, and then the nausea and what not. I had to learn the hard way that the IV meds could and would bother my tummy (it just didn't ever cross my mind that something that they were putting in my veins would bother my stomach? Now, if I was taking some sort me oral med...yeah. I get that. But through the IV? I wasn't worried at all about my tummy, LOL, that was the last thing on my mind. I know better now, though). So, before each and every procedure that I do, the nurses bring me out this pill (I think that it is just a plain old Zantac. In fact..I KNOW that is what it is sometimes...but I believe there is another med that they sometimes use too in place of that) to take. I take that last with my little sip of water, because they ALSO bring me out this horrible, awful nasty tasting liquid stuff to drink too. I am not kidding when I say it is AWFUL! :eek: I awful all of your taste buds want to run for cover! :eek: ROFL...really, though..I'm not kidding. They *try* to make it taste "Better" by having it have some sort of *supposed to be* "Lemon" flavor. :rolleyes: All that does is make it more tart, IMHO. It is just awful. ;) I knock that little cup of the stuff back like it was a shot of tequila or something to get it down as quickly as possible. THEN I take my little pill and have some of the little bit of blessed water that they will give me. :)

As awful as that liquid stuff tastes, it does WONDERS for the tummy. Seriously. It is the BEST med that I have ever taken for tummy problems. Settles my already nervous and feeling sick tummy right down SUPER quick. I can't remember the name of it though. I should have some procedures done this later month (either blocks or RFA's), and I will ask the nurse to write down the name of that med for me (because I won't remember what it is called after all of the OTHER stuff that they give me).

I don't know if taking those kinds of meds would help you or not. I don't know if they would give them to you before the sedation, if you don't have a history of stomach issues. They might, if it will help with the nausea and vomiting, because they do (and will greatly in your case) worry about that happening while you are on the table. If you DO have a history of tummy troubles...make sure to tell them, so that they can do things to help it not be such an issue after the procedure.

Do you see your doc again before you go in for your next block? If you do, bring up all of this problem about the nausea and vomitting to him. If you don' might call his office and let them know? And, for SURE let everyone know at the hospital or clinic (don't know which it was you had your stuff done in...sorry) when you go back. I am sorry that you had that happen. I HATE throwing up! I would rather be sick in just about any other way than to have to throw up. It hurts, and just messes stuff up (at least for me...but then my whole body gets into the action, so I wind up feeling like I got beat up with all sorts of sore muscles and what not. :rolleyes: LOL...a little to much info there, huh? Sorry). I really hope that they can do something for you to stop it from happened next time.

Before I babble any more, I am going to end this here. I hope that you have a better day today!

PS: you can get the Pedialite not frozen too. It is a wonderful thing to give to babies that have been sick and need to have clear liquids to keep them hydrated. You can probably find it in the baby section. It has been a long while since I had to get any, but it used to come in a clear plastic container. The liquid was clear too (LOL...They didn't have the popsicles when I had to get it for my kids. :o Or, at least they didn't around here.....and I don't think that I have seen any in the stores? I am curious as to where you get the popsicles? Curious, can you get them at a regular grocery store, or do you have to go to a pharmacy...or where? I am curious ( am Jose....not Curious. :rolleyes: ROFL)...erm...I mean; I am wondering about this now, and want to see if they have it here. LOL

Shutting up now....
Jose (who ISN'T "Curious"...just ...erm.... "Inquisitive". :ROTFLMAO: )

InHisHands 06-02-2007 10:05 AM


I thoroughly enjoy your long posts. :D Don't feel like you have to shut up to me. :wink:

I wasn't under anesthesia to get my block. I was fully awake. I had to lay on my stomach, the dr numbed my back area, then he injected the block.

I don't have a history of stomach problems, and I had no idea that this could happen to me after a block! :eek:

I won't be seeing the dr before the next block, but I will be sure to tell him before I get it done about this reaction, as well as telling the nurse when I call to schedule the upcoming block.

I hope that he can give me something for the nausea/ vomiting this upcoming block, because this is horrid. I was fine right after the block, but the next day everything I ate in the morning/ afternoon came back up! Thankfully, though I have the nausea today, I haven't vomited.

The stuff they have you drink before any procedure tastes awful! :eek: The stuff you described sounded horrid.

Thanks for the long post and ideas! Like I said, I enjoy your long posts! :wink:

Hope your day is going well! :hug:

P.S. Jose, you can usually find the pedialite in any grocery store. I think the pops are the same way, too.

watsonsh 06-02-2007 12:41 PM

They beat me to it. Pedialyte is one of the best things for dehyradation. Curious is right about the cycle of electrylyte imbalance its so important and being balanced does help the pain.

Did they knock you out for the block? Last block I had I told the doc that no matter what they give me I get naseous so the last time they made sure they went light on the opioids in the anesthesia but also pumped me up with anto nasuea meds. It helped.

Also breathe in through nose and out through mouth, that always helped. me.


InHisHands 06-04-2007 03:27 PM

Hey, Shelley! Thanks for the reply.

No, I wasn't knocked out for the block (so many RSDers I have talked to have found that strange... are most of the people getting LSB sedated fully or partially?), I must've had the nausea from the anesthetic that the dr injected into my back or the actual LSB.

Hope you are well! :hug: :hug:

P.S. Oh, the nurse was telling me to correct my breathing, because I wasn't breathing correctly. Interesting you also told me about that.

NikonKid 06-04-2007 05:46 PM

Reading this post I was reminded of the horrible nausea I got after my first surgery...from then on they would give me patches to put behind my ears the night before any procedure so it would get a head start. I can't remember the name but they're the same ones for motion sickness. Also if you want to go the natural way...Ginger...I prefer gingersnaps....cookie and anti nausea in one :) Since I've discovered the ginger I can actually read in the car...that's a miracle for me :)

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