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Abbie 10-15-2007 06:47 PM

hmmm... time to hide my stash in a different place???

looks like from the path from florida they are driving a south to north to south pattern.... i'll meet them after they stop in Michigan and make sure we swing by Texas...


dianelori 10-15-2007 08:02 PM

Egads!!! I've created a monster.......
I had a visual of someone shaking a pine tree and everything falling out of it....cones, birds, needles, cats, pervert neighbors...oh wait, that's a different story!! LOL!! :wink:

Bottle caps?? Pop caps?? What are those?? I thought those were things you snapped with your fingers and tried to see who could pop theirs the furthest! Oh no, those are BEER caps!! ROFL!! I shouldn't drink and drive!!!! LOL!!!!

Sorry I'm running late in picking you up Jose....I found a palm tree grove and shinnied up a few trees to get some coconuts for our bras!!! I had a real hard time trying to find enough in matching pairs the same size!! Don't want lopsided boobies hanging out!! :eek:

So now I'm back on the road and should be there any minute now!!!!

dianelori 10-15-2007 08:08 PM

Hey y' about we plan to pull into Dana's driveway for a Halloween party???? We can pick up costumes on the way at all those little out of the way thrift stores!!!!


Joselita 10-15-2007 11:29 PM

That’s Ok DL. I figured that something important has popped up! (Or...hung out. :eek: ROFL)

I got a bit tired of trying to run back and forth between packing and checking the road side....and than I remembered that it was Meghan’s Birthday today (are you sitting down, DL ? She turned 20 :eek: [yess...that was 2 - 0!!!] today! Can you believe it????? Jay will be 19 in Feb) I decided that I needed to bake a cake. ;)

Cake is baked, and cut into....presents were wrapped and are now Daughter is OFFICIALLY Not a “Teenager” anymore.....:( *sigh.

I think that I am all worn out right I am going to get into bed and try to get a bit of rest. But, you better BELIEVE that I will be raring to go in the morning! Bustin’ in on Dana for Halloween sounds like a really good plan to me!:)

Now...if I can just get all of these danged suitcases off of my bed.....:rolleyes:

sue k 10-16-2007 04:59 AM

Hi Guys,
Can i go too? On your way to Maine you can stop in MA and pick me up. Kalula is great, I'll bring the biggest bottle I can find. Mix it with some ameretta and we'll have a reak good time. I'll be waiting.


tayla4me 10-16-2007 05:11 AM


Any chance of going just a 'little' out of your way and pick me up from the northern suburbs of Melbourne in Australia.?
I just hate missing all the fun:cool:

Cheers to all

dreambeliever128 10-16-2007 08:52 AM

I have been sitting on my sidewalk for 2 days girls. The suitcases with food are narrowing down.

I asked my grandson about bottle caps and he hasn't never seen any. I think Co. is short on things that some states have on candies. I saw my first surgar daddy sucker here a few months back. We don't have Big Red drinks.
It does seem to me that I have eaten bottle caps when I lived in Ky. years ago. Anyway, I will give all of the sour ones to anyone who likes sour.

Sue and Tayla, you just have to bring food and drinks, any thought on what you want to bring.

Jose and Diane think they are going to get by with using those coconuts to inhance their looks. Well, I like coconuts to eat so they'd better bring extra.

Jo, I love horses. I always wanted a Palamino. We can make room for them in with the motorcycles.

I like the ideal of having a party at Dana's house. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii. And to see Australia, would be so much fun.

I'm getting really excited now. So many places to see and so many parties.

Let's get going girls and guys.


emilys gramma 10-16-2007 09:53 AM

allrighty then..........
to texas, man i miss curika...remember her? maybe she lurks and will join in....she is in texas i think..............
and then australia.....would love to stop and pick ya up..i think kate is from there too...she can join in......
and then after michigan, we can hit problem..the more the merrier..
ok, coconut bras? not for me......these are for the men...............
bottle caps turn into gum after you chew them right? if so, i have had them...but then again, not too many candies i have not had............
still licking my chops in anticipation for the buns from liz..................smells good all the way over here...........
as for the horses?? well, maybe farm wife will bring her YO too...we can make room in the trailer for horses and bikes.
remember ready2ride? well, she can bring her fat boy, or her sportster....or
wow, wish she would show up here too.....pick her up on the way to michigan.
well, dianelori, seems we are all waiting patiently for your arrival...............come on gang, lets rock and roll................
oh, speaking of music?? everyone bring their ipods so we can have a variety of music, and of course we will need them for our dancing..............................

Joselita 10-16-2007 02:00 PM

Hmmmmmm. :Scratch-Head: :Dunno:

I think that DL got lost on the way from FL to AL...kinda said, since we friggin share a State line. I mean..I get lost (pretty easily), but even I can navigate my way into a neighboring State! :rolleyes: Sheesh.....even if she wound up in GA, all she had to do was make a left turn somewhere and start heading East.....

I guess I will have to try to go and find us a bus, if she doesn’t show up soon. :o A cop has already gone past me a couple of times while I have been waiting on the me a suspicious look. He thinks I am up to no good, I reckon. Decked out in my sweats and whatnot...surely he can’t be thinking that I am doing something...erm....”naughty” on that corner....:eek:

I haven’t ever driven a bus before, but I have driven a moving truck. Same basic concept...right? I am willing to do some driving on the trip....Shoot. I did MOST of it on the trip I took earlier this Summer from AL to AZ (after Jay had the wreck...he was...well..pretty shaken up about it, and I don’t blame him. Heck, I was shaken up myself! I STILL have nightmares and see that accident happening in the rearview mirror...:( ).

I DO hope DL shows up soon. I am ready to GET GOING!!!!!!!!!!! Not right to get us all amped and and ready for a trip, and then BUS-NAP the bus!! :Doh: ROFL

Jo..I LOVE Horses too! I agree, then can go in with the motor cycles..or we can just add another trailer on to the back for them. I don’t much care for riding motorcycles myself....... :icon_twisted:but kinda hope that Allen forgets to hold down his kilt! I think I will stick to the horses. LOL

And Ada? I DO NOT need hairy cocoanuts to enhance my figure, thank you very much! :p If I need a little...erm...perk...they have Wonder Bras for that! ROFLMAO! Besides...cocoanuts are hairy and itchy.....and anyway, like Claudia said, those are for the guys. They are just weird that way. ROFL!!

Bottlecaps! WOW! I remember those! I didn’t know they still made them! I used to eat the mess out of them when I was a kid back in AZ. I haven’t seen any in many years now. The ones that I had were hard....and didn’t turn into gum. They were kinda sorta like Sweet-tarts in how they are made out of that compressed power stuff. My favorite was rootbeer! I LOVE rootbeer! In fact, that reminds me, I need to go and get some for the trip! A & W is the BEST...and their diet kind is super good, too! YUMMMMMMMM!! We need LOTS of rootbeer and orange soda! I haven’t seen Big Red soda in YEARS, either!!! I used to like it as a kid...Gee Ada! I had forgotten all about that. LOL

My Mom sent Meghan two of those cute hoodie outfits for her birthday, but they don’t fit. So, does anyone mind if I bring them along, and we stop at the Fashion Show Mall in Vegas so that I cna swap them for the right size? I can let Mom know that we are heading that way, and she can make some Home-made cinnamon bread for us to have and take with us. I can make it too..but, it is too hot here right now for me to heat up the house that way. Maybe I can get her to get some of those WONDERFUL Tamales for us too. YUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! She always has some sort of cookie or brownie or other baked stuff there at her we can load up on things there, too when we stop, as I am sure by that time our stash will be pretty depleted! LOL

I know that we need to hurry up and get on the move, because I keep changing what is in my suitcases, and ADDING more stuff! By the time we leave (hopefully when DL gets here FINALLY to pick me up!), I will probably have as many suitcases as Ada does! :eek: That will mean we need ANOTHER whole trailer! ROFL, by the time we get going, and have all of our people picked up and all of their things in tow, we will have some kind of bus-train looking thing going on! :rolleyes: Wonder if we will get stopped......

Ok. I am going to start to head down to FL to see if I can find DL and the BUS! I will let you all know if/when I find her.....I am READY TO GO!!!!!!!!!! :confused: Once I get her, we will then figure out where to head next. TX, or AK...or...??? Someone help with figuring that part out.

Hmmmm....guess we will have to stop back by here to pick up all of my stuff, since there is NO WAY that I can fit it all into the Jeep....:o :rolleyes:LOLOL

Curious 10-16-2007 02:35 PM

dreambeliever128 10-16-2007 02:40 PM

Geez Gramma, you have a memory like an elephant.
I hadn't thought of Curika in a long time.

Jose, Wonder bra. The reason they call them a wonder bra is that they wonder if they will be able to do the job or not. LOL I have more trouble finding bras that do the job. I just thought that you and Diane wanted a breast enhancement but I guess the boys would look good with them too.

We don't have Big Red here, Jose. My sister in law one time had the bright ideal of hauling a case up under the hood of their car. Can you imagine driving down the road and hearing boom, boom, boom? I love them though, don't know why they don't have them here.

We can stop in Vegas. We can do some gambling and enjoy some shows while we are there. Tell your Mom to keep those Cinnamon buns hot.

I think we have embarassed Allen so much he is hiding so we can't find him when we get there. OK Allen, you can come out now, we'll not look when your kilt blows up over your head.

I went to the Dr. today and stopped by a store and picked up another pair of shoes. Had to throw some food out to put them in one of the suitcases with the food. How's that sound food that smells like feet? LOL

Does Diane have a cellphone where you can call her Jose? If she has already got lost just getting across a state line boy are the rest of us in trouble. Text her and tell her to either hurry up or we're leaving without her.


Farm Wife 10-16-2007 05:48 PM

Can we make room for the dog? She's a real diva and rides well in the car. She won't be any trouble, but I can't leave her at home. She pouts.

By all means, I can bring the YO. Then, when we need to get out and take a break we can saddle up and take a quick ride. And for those of you who don't ride, I have a cute blue scooter. It's not a Harley but it will carry 2.

Hugs and Prayers

Joselita 10-16-2007 10:16 PM

'round & round she goes.....LOL

I’m lost. :o

Yep. Lost in FL. :Hum: Trying to find DL....and lost bigger than crap. :Noooo: you have DL’s cell phone number? :confused: I can’t seem to find it...and I know I had it somewhere.......*sigh. :icon_confused:

Maybe she will pop up and flag me down, next time I make a pass in this circle I seem to be making.

If I am still this lost come tomorrow, I am heading back to Bama, and picking up that bus that Curious so nicely left parked by my house. LOL. Now..why she just dropped it off there, and didn’t stay around with it, I don’t know. :confused:

Joan, SURE you can bring your puppy! I will promise to make sure that Casper, Jezebel and Oscar don’t try to stow away in any of my pieces of luggage anywhere. We sure don’t need my CATS running around :eek:. But, I might bring poor Butterscotch. I think that she could use a trip to help perk her spirits back up. She has been kinda blue since Jay left for school....and she does so like to go for a ride! :)

Someone shoot off a flare or something, so that I can tell which direction I should try to head to get out of FL. :Head-Spin: I get turned around and lost easier at night, and I don’t hear any beach sounds to head AWAY from. LOL

DL>>>YOU BETTER WAKE UP! I MEAN IT!!!! I got LOST trying to find your butt! And, I know you.....we will start getting the bus all loaded up, and you will pop up and say “OH! Don’t forget me! Come back and pick me up too!!!”. If we have to do that, you will have to sit RIGHT UP FRONT, Missy...and NOT under one of the sky/sun/moon roof thingies either!!! :eek:

You all don’t worry. I do MUCH better once I get a navigator in with me. Any volunteers?? :D

Curious 10-17-2007 06:51 AM

:eek: somebody stole the bus! hyjacked! they must have taken dl. :eek:

dianelori 10-17-2007 06:23 PM

JOSE!!! If I'm heading NORTH from Florida to Alabama and I make a left.....I WILL NOT BE HEADING EAST!!! :eek: I have to go left which will put me I have it right.....criminy sakes Jose!! How many suitcases are you bringing?? And yes, Vegas for sure! Maybe we can try out to be Vegas Showgirls?? ROFL!! With out walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, braces, etc....we outta be a hoot!!!!

I don't think I've ever had Bottle Caps or Pop Caps or whatever they're called. I've had pop rocks but they gave me a headache!! My brain pops enough I don't need something else doing it in my mouth!!

Hmmmm, so now that I've found Jose....who's next??? Anyone in KY or LA??? We're on our way!!!


dianelori 10-17-2007 08:48 PM

Mapping it!!!! LOL....
1 Attachment(s)
I don't know if this works or not....but I think it's sooo much fun!!!

Shouldn't we go to Australia first, then swing by England, then cross "the pond" back to the East Coast, say around Maine, or Canada? Then travel across the States until we get to Dana's? When we get to the water parts, all we have to do is put the bus in "R" for ROW!!!!!! :eek:

OK, I checked out my little art work.....little is right!! But, if you click on the map then click on it again, it'll get a bit bigger so you can see what I did....LOL....if only that happened in real life......ROFLMAO...hey honey, click, click!!!!

dianelori 10-17-2007 09:33 PM

Mapping it betterer!!!
1 Attachment(s)
See if this one worked!! :D

Joselita 10-17-2007 10:06 PM

No..... :Noooo: :rolleyes:

I think that we should run around HERE first...THEN go to Australia, then up to UK... THEN after that, scoot back across here (the US of A) to pick up any and all that we missed or that were running late. ;)

You have to remember, DL...we have folks that are sitting out on curb sides and have been for....well....few days now, while you and I wandered around being lost...and some of them might start getting sunburned...or frozen....or something. :eek:

Besides...I want all of the goodies everyone is talking about bringing....LOL ;)

Here..scootch over...lemme drive....:rolleyes: LOLOL

Joselita 10-17-2007 10:08 PM

Oh..and I KNOW that if you head up north...then turn LEFT, you are headed WEST. What I was trying to say was....if you got lost and missed that left turn....then you needed to turn left...OR if you had turned RIGHT< that you needed to turn left instead.....:rolleyes:

Sheesh.....I think we need another navigator on board to help us figure out what we are trying to do here....we seem to be going back and forth a lot..don't you think DL? :confused::p

sue k 10-18-2007 06:20 AM

I've got the chicken wings all set to go. Do you guys want hot or mild? I am not telling the hubby, I think I'll just sneak out. Iam on the steps waiting for you all. I want to go to Vegas too. I havn't been out of MA in a while. The only place I've been is to Ohio. This is so exciting. Hurry!!!!!

Sue K

emilys gramma 10-18-2007 07:58 AM

i am with josie
i think we should head north first...pick up josie, then stop in arkansas and pick up maridane.......don't know if she is reading or not, but just grab her on the way.......then head to michigan, get me and jewells, then head EAST.....pick up liz, and the rest of the easterners, then head to the water, then come back, we can head west and wha laa.....

i have been patiently waiting for my ride............grrrrr.....i could fly to florida, pick you up dl, and then help you navigate................but we MUST GET OUR BUTTS MOVING......i am

allentgamer 10-18-2007 11:12 AM

The flu!!
Well im back on the curb. A little weak, but no worse for the wear. Someone brought the flu to my house, and you know how that is, us RSD'ers just get slam dunked, and it lasts longer than anyone elses. This flu was doozy, just might make eating stew a thing of the past forever :p

Take your time if you like about picking me up, the weather is absolutely wonderful out here in cali! So im happy sitting out here on the curb waving at all the looky loos lookin at this guy wearing a coconut bra and a kilt munching beer nuts. :D

Joselita 10-19-2007 11:04 AM

Dodged those storms last night...On the WAY!!
Hold on..hold on..:Hum:

I lost my map. Argh. All of those storms and winds and rain and what not that we got here last night just snatched the thing right out of my hand, and blew it out of the window! :eek:


Ok....I KNOW that I have another one somewhere around here! DL....where is that one YOU had???? :Scratch-Head:

Don’t worry....we ARE on the way (once we find the map again, that is! LOL). Mairlyn next (hopefully she is there and will answer the door. It not, we will just have to get her on our return fly through trip!), then....Who? I know that we will head up to Mass to get sue, and MI to get Claudia.....and then Maine to try to get Mark.....but I Know that there are folks in between those brain is dead. :thud:

Allen. :D ROFL! I think that Maybe after we get Claudia picked up, we need to run out there and get YOU, and then go around picking up everyone else ( this is a “virtual trip” after we can go where we like, whenever! LOL), or maybe even BEFORE, because I am worried that you will be accosted out there on the side of the road, showing off your legs and cocoanut bra...and waving at folks. They might want your Beer Nuts! :eek: ROFL

Come on DL>...we got to hit the road again, now that the weather has let up!!

Where’s that %$#$* map???

HERE WE COME!!!!!! :OuttaHere: :Excited:

dreambeliever128 10-19-2007 11:45 AM

Hi Jose,
You better stop in Co. and get me first before you pick up Allen. You're not going to get to see those legs without me. LOL

I saw where those storms hit those areas last night. I can see why you lost your map. At least it didn't take you with it.

By the way, I am down 2 suitcases of food. If I wait much longer I won't be able to get through the bus door.

Get your ***** in gear and get up here.


sue k 10-19-2007 12:35 PM

Hi Jose,


WickedGood 10-19-2007 12:42 PM

Hey Vicc I think I twisted my Watusi dancing once, so don't feel bad okay?


WickedGood 10-19-2007 12:48 PM

Sorry all. Ya Can't Get There From Here!!! :D

C'Mon Get Happy!!!

I'm Already Happy!!!!

I'm not riding on no bus with you guys again. Remember last time. Stuck me on the roofy. With no roofies!!! My bits and pieces froze and I got frost bite on my forst bite.

No way Jose' !!!!!!!!!!

Unless of course ya bribe me with food! and than maybe we'll talk. But I'm not getting on the roof. This time it's Allan's turn.!!!!!!! :D:D Or Vicc's!!!!

Chin Up!!! Mark :)

Joselita 10-19-2007 02:34 PM

Hey Mark!

No...You don’t have to get up on the roof again this time. Not unless you WANT to, that is. ROFL. It is allen’s turn...and he seems to be looking forward to the experience. LOL, me might not freeze his bits and pieces off as badly, since he is wearing a KILT and not a Grass Skirt. ;) Those kilts are kinda heavy!!

Bribe with food, huh? Well....we have LOTS of that! Or will, once we get everyone picked up! Liz has her buns.....Ada has, well,,,I don’t know what all Ada has. Abbie has her bottle caps, captian crunchm lukcy charms and tang (to wash it all down! LOL), I have my grits....Claudia is bringing Corn Nuts, Apples...and I can’t remember what all else....

Oh..and CHOCOLATE! :D LOTS of Chocolate!!! :D

I think that DL fell to sleep. I got by Marilyn’s, but she didn’t answer the door. I left her a note to let us know when she got back.

So..I guess it is on the way to Liz and Claudia now. Then Sue..and I don't know who next. ROFL..I will be glad to get folks in this bus that will help navigate (DL and I seem to get lost finding out way our of a paper sack:rolleyes: ), and to help us figure out who to pick up next. Get ready you guys & keep an eye out for the bus, 'cuz...We're on the WAY!!!!

WickedGood 10-19-2007 06:36 PM

Caps, Nuts, and Grits!!! Sheeesh! Sounds like a recipe for DANGER! RSD and CNG!!! Dooo Dah! Doo Dah!!! Gotta get me some CNG!

Cats, Nuts and Grits! Plus chocolate will have us up all night! Now Ada wants me to wear a pink nightie with a cocoanut bra! Ha! WOMEN, always demanding something!!!

I'm bringing lasagna, egg rolls, popcorn, boiiled eggs, lotsa beer and anything else I can think of. Dang am I ever hungy! Gotta go eat folks!!

Chin Up!!! Mark :D:D

himomdp 10-19-2007 10:27 PM

all you have to do when you do get to the to make sure you stop and put the floaters on so the bus can swim across the ocean.

I look so forward to seeing you all.

I'll have the Mai Tai's waiting on Waikiki Beach for you all. :grouphug:

Don't forget your Halloween costumes as we are having a Halloween Block party here in our community and you are all invited!

With aloha, Dana

dreambeliever128 10-19-2007 11:38 PM

Hi Dana,
I will swim across the waters and pull the bus behind me. As badly as I have always wanted to come to Hawaii, we don't need any floaters.

Let's see, what is missing that goes with kilts and nighties. Stelleto boots. I can just see Mark and Allen now dancing in that short nightie and kilts in 7 inch hill boots. Picture it girls, shaking their booties doing the watusi.

Jose, I am bringing pinon nuts, chips, dips, Coors and Milwalkee, buritoes, tacos, Coors and Milwalkee. Did I say Coors and Milwalkee? I'm sure Mark needs some help supplying the beer.

Halloween parties. I love parties. I want to borrow my daughters Hippy costume she wore to the party last week. That will fit right in with our watusi and twist. We'll do a 60's party. Then we can bring our Medicinal Marijuana to help us get into the 60's groove. LOL

Come on Jose, where are you and DL at. I'm eating up all of the food and I am sure Mark is drinking up all of his beer.

Claudia, where are you, did you go to sleep on the curb? Blow your horn Jose to wake Claudia, can't pass her up. She'll be the life of the party.


Farm Wife 10-20-2007 07:29 AM

Well, we can put floaties on the bus or we can just over inflate the tires maybe. Haven't any of you gals floated a river? You just over inflate the innertubes and hop on. Make sure you have an extra one for the cooler of course.

BTW I'm still waiting......

Hugs and Prayers

emilys gramma 10-20-2007 09:11 AM

i am still here too.......
ok, we had some bad tornadoes in michigan, but we are safe and sound.............they hit all around us....we are upnorth the pickup will have to be a little longer than expected...head to mackinac and i will be on I75...

OK, SO we have plenty of foods, drinks, company, entertainment and now lets get a move on..........................

halloween parties are gonna be great..........i will borrow my daughters outfit she plans to is something from the movie hairspray....emily has seen that movie five times, so the theme for their halloween this year will be that.........the whole famiy is son in law will be dressing the 'mother' part.......ala john travolta style......

glad yo see ya onboard mark i love lasagna, with the mmj?? where are condor and debbie? they can bring one of their vaporizers and we can all try it out......(can't be illegal if we just inhale the smoke is it? dang michigan)

ahhhhh tubing.....lots of fun........

dana, we will be there soon i hope.....keep the mai tais ready, give scotty boy and sasha a big treat for me, and make sure the tropical storms do NOT venture to your island................big hugs to ya.....

so, come one come all........this trip is not just for the oldies...newbies are welcome sign up......but ya gotta bring some foods............

WickedGood 10-20-2007 02:06 PM

Just get on the bus, forget (hic) about us! Put the blame on me!!!!! So Tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree, if you still love (hic) me (weep) (boo hoo) (snort).

Ninety nine bottles of beer on (hic) the hilll. (falls down in the dirt). Help Help!! I falling and I can't get up. Someone get me the Ronco collapsable fishing reeling so I can catch me a Orka for Jose in the ocean.

Too much beer, not enough food and I got sand and suds up my skirt and down my nightie! WoooWeeeee!!! :D:D:D

These stelletos are a ***** to walk in.


Debby 10-20-2007 02:23 PM

Can I come along.........
Josie, It is JIG gf not gig......*LOL* everytime you type that gig for JIG :eek: *LOL* I pull my hair out.......:p........*ROFL* And I have very short hair so it leaves bald spots so stop spelling JIG, GIG.....ok??? or is it a josie thing? :rolleyes:

I live in Cali Allen & I can wait together....

A road trip is just what the doctor ordered............I sure can use one................and watching Allen do a JIG in a kilt is really distractingly something to think about *ROFL* :winky:

Waiting patiently..........and I don't care where I ride as long as I get to be by a window..........:cool:

Can someone bring some RHUBARB??? I know it is out of season, but maybe someone from the midwest froze a few bags???? I miss rhubarb so badly out here in Cali. No one has it where I live. They say it doesn't grow well here...I am so hungry for a Rhubarb Custard pie.......I have the recipe & it is soooooooooooo dang blame good......YUM YUM YUM.............

Allen, the weather is good here in Cali, where you at boy??? It sucks here where I am in northern Cali....east of Sacto....been wet, cold, wet cold, windy as hell most likely has just sucked. An early fall here.........


Joselita 10-20-2007 03:18 PM

Makin' Progress! YAY!
Welp, so far, we’ve managed to pick up Claudia...and are on the way to get Joan. Then it is Sue...should have those gals picked up by this evening (the bus can sometimes go SUPER fast....sometimes not. :rolleyes: ROFL).

It sounds like we need it to go super sonic for a bit, because Mark needs to be picked up ASAP. Looks like we are going to have to pour him in the bus when we get there....after we shake all of the sand out, that is. :p

Good thing that I just happened to have packed my Ancestorial ( that even a word? Looks like it should be one...) Passed-down-through-generations-from-cave-people-time World Famous Orka Recipe! Orka to go with our Okra and grits! YUMMMMMM! ROFL. I am just glad that Mark is in charge of the fishing this time around....if he doesn’t catch anything before we pick him up...he can trail the line behind the bus or something, and see what he gets that way.

And...Allen can help watch what bites, while he is doing his “gig” which is doing a “jig” on top of the bus. :ROTFLMAO: :rolleyes:

Anyway.....from what I long as the Super Sonic fuel (have a limited supply of that on board) hold out, we should have those three picked up by tonight. Then, someone ELSE can navigate this thing while I drive. LOL. DL seems to have fallen to sleep on the job (or is comatose...some one reach back there and poke her), and I am glad for the company on this big old bus! Lord knows that I need to have folks to talk to, otherwise I burst! :ROTFLMAO:, acutally, I just sit here and talk to myself. I figure as long as I don’t ANSWER, I am still good. Right? ;) :rolleyes:

Someone needs to have a robe ready for poor Marky. I don’t think that grass skirt and flimsy nightie are doing a super good job of covering things up...if you know what I mean. :eek:. LOL. Maybe Allen will have an exta kilt for him when we get there. I might have a wool skirt in all of this luggage somewhere....I will check on the next stop. Or, if someone will just hold this wheel for a sec...We need some CD’s too. I mean, I like Tony Orlando and Dawn as much as the next guy...but SHEESH! He seems to be stuck on a loop. My cd case thingy is around here somewhere too....*trying to rummage around by feet, feeling for the thing*. Has anyone seen it?

Anyway....Everyone else get ready! Get out there and wave so we can see you when we come by! If we past you...HOLLER! We will double back! NO one gets left behind that wants to go to Dana’s Halloween Party! (Dang! I don’t have a costume!!! That is ONE thing that I didn’t pack.....I will have to figure something out. LOL)

Well...since I can’t seem to find my CD’s right now, and I am NOT pulling over and stopping to just look for them...then I think that I will SING! (LOUDLY!!!! :D) Ready????

“On the road again.
Just can’t wait to get on the road again
The life I love is makin’ music with my friends
and I can’t wait to get on the road again!

On the road again!
Going places that I’ve never been
Seein’ things that I may never see again,
and I can’t wait to get on the road again!

On the road again!
Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway.
We’re the best of friends!
Insistin’ that world be turnin’ our way...
And our way...

Is on the Road again!
Just can’t wait to get on the road again!
The life I love is makin’ music with my friends,
And I can’t wait to get on the Road again!........
(repeats...& I keep hummin'! LOL)

sue k 10-20-2007 03:30 PM

I am glad to see that your almost here. I am still sitting on the steps. I don't care where I sit either as long as I can go. The chicken wings are ready, I picked up some carrot sticks celery and dressing. I thought I'd bring some Carona, that goes good with wings. See you all soon!

Sue K

Farm Wife 10-20-2007 04:02 PM

OK. Maybe if I make some "special" brownies you will get here a little faster.... we had a bumper crop of "ditchweed" this year. :cool: I'll expect you all here first thing in the morning. I'm all packed and believe you me, ready to get away for a bit. Maybe since the YO is coming along I should dress up as the headless horseman for the party. Ya think? I better go and pick up a punkin real quick.

emilys gramma 10-20-2007 04:12 PM

i am on board.......whooo hooooo
ok, now that you picked me up, ya know what? i don't see rsdlori???? is she under the seat?/ has she been hitting the bottle with mark?// ok, i got thw wheel so you can find some new cds....boy we are having fun singing and singing.........whooo hooooo
farm wife...a bumper ditchweed crop huh?? sure make some brownies..........still no word from condor and deb tho.......(they don't want to share the vaporizer??? lol....)

i brought a robe with me, so you can borrow it for mark, altho i doubt that it will be long enough...remember he is somewhere along the lines of 6" 7' tall.....maybe it will fit him as a skirt......better than the hula ones tho right?

look out world HERE WE COME............. :P

Abbie 10-20-2007 04:31 PM

HEY... SLOW DOWN... LET ME IN!!! I'm tired of hanging on the back bumper... you blew by me so fast on your way to Michigan I decided to jump and caught the back bumper...barely.


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