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Imahotep 03-08-2009 12:08 AM

Cancer is associated with all sorts of physical, chemical and biological irritations. If there's one thing I know a lot about now days it's irritation.

AshFreeze 03-08-2009 03:24 PM

I have always been told by doctors RSD is only a symptom of something greater. Since I have had RSD I have had 10 infection, and 4 new health conditions -- IBS/acid reflux; endometriosis; chronic infection and Metebolic tremors. A friend of mine has also question if RSD, fibromyalgia have a genetic link...if a mutation in the gene causes familys and people more susceptible to chronic pain. In my family I know of 3 people with chronic pain, me, my aunt(my moms sister) and her daughter.

buckwheat 03-08-2009 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by AshFreeze (Post 477330)
I have always been told by doctors RSD is only a symptom of something greater. Since I have had RSD I have had 10 infection, and 4 new health conditions -- IBS/acid reflux; endometriosis; chronic infection and Metebolic tremors. A friend of mine has also question if RSD, fibromyalgia have a genetic link...if a mutation in the gene causes familys and people more susceptible to chronic pain. In my family I know of 3 people with chronic pain, me, my aunt(my moms sister) and her daughter.

Dear Ash,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Intergrity. I have had several infections to do with as well. Which no antibiotic or HBO treatment was enough alone. My pain levels are today are on a 0-1 scale.

Hang in their, you are in my heart and prayers.

Please feel free to PM me.

God Bless You, Roz

Debby 03-08-2009 07:08 PM

Oh gee Roz,
I have no idea anymore how long I was on antibiotics. This happened hmmmmmmmmmmm *brain computing* *LOL* 23 yrs ago. Too much has happened during those 23 yrs for me to remember that. But I have not had a bacterial infection in years. I can't remember the last time I have taken antibiotics even. I haven't been sick in years & years with even a cold.

Take care,

Debby 03-08-2009 07:11 PM


Meeeeeeee tooooooooooooo.........I Know more about irritation of all kinds too *LOL*


GalenaFaolan 03-08-2009 09:31 PM

Hey Debby, you sound like me! LOL I haven't had any infections or even been sick in quite some time. I'm, quite literally, healthy as a horse! :-) I found it odd recently that hubby has had at least 2 colds in the past...oh 6 months, maybe longer and my daughter 1. One week to the day, always, never failed I'd end up with a cold too. I've not caught any of the 3 colds at all! I waited and waited and got a mite nervous nearing that 7 day point to get a slight fever and hacking cough. Nothing!! Has rsd made me less susceptible? It sure seems that way to me. LOL

You're experience with severe dysplasia/cervical cancer was a lot like mine. It's been 14 yrs now since I went through it. The doc did the leep procedure within days of confirming and got rid of it. He had told me if I had waited even one more week or less to have that check up, I would have had full blown cervical cancer. I'm happy for both of us it was caught in time. For me, the pid happened over a year before that incident. I don't think it's connected simply because I really did expect a female cancer to pop up. It runs in my family big time. Not one woman in my family has gone through menopause. For one reason or another they've all had to have hysterectomies. I'm lucky that one incident was my only problem and I've been in perimenopause since I was 30-31 yrs old. LOL I wish it would just quit already!



gabbycakes 03-09-2009 11:19 AM

RSD for 6 years

Originally Posted by buckwheat (Post 476528)
Just a thought,

Why have so many with the RSD DX come up with Cancer as well?

I have had RSD for 6 years 3 - 5 day ketamine infusions with boosters, many other procedures, blocks, medication etc. And outside of the RSD and all that goes with that and the treatments I haven't even had more than 1 or 2 colds. I have never had any kind of infection or any other kind of sickness or cancer either. So I quess we should all look on the bright side. It is always best to keep a positive attitude, the mind works in very strange ways. I hope all that do have RSD and Cancer are getting treatment and are feeling better each day....I will pray for all of you....


buckwheat 03-09-2009 12:39 PM

Hi Folks,

I am so happy to hear your health is so well. But on a serious note, what about the ones that aren't?

Much Love, Roz

Debby 03-09-2009 04:19 PM

Well, I also attribute my good health as far as flu & colds go to getting a flu shot every year. I have had one almost every year since hmmmmmm 1992 I think. The couple of years that I didn't get a flu shot I did end up with influenza & close to pneumonia. I coughed so hard one year from it that I broke a rib & let me tell you that was no picnic. I couldn't be bound up because I needed to keep coughing so I didn't end up with pneumonia. So ever since that incidient I get one every year. And I recommend most get a flu shot. But that is my opinion. And that is how the shot works for me. I also have had a pneumonia shot. I was disabled back then also but not because of RSD. That was because of a bad car wreck in 1991. I finally healed from that in 1997. That is a whole story in & of itself. I was dx'ed with Fibromyalgia in 1989 & it was determined a few years after that due to my history of pain to probably have been unlucky enough to have inherited it. Sjogren's was dx'ed in 2003. A few months before the burning pain of RSD hit me. I have actually had Sjogren's since about 1998. I had the first symptom then anyway. The others came on in other years after that. I do have osteopenia also in my hips. I too other than these pain syndroms am healthy. I also have an enlarged liver but they do not know what is causing it. It is healthy otherwise. No high BP, no heart problems etc.

The people who have the problems you are speaking of, well I have no answer for them or for you either. Sorry. And I have no clue to it either. Maybe these things have just happened for some other reason.


GalenaFaolan 03-09-2009 09:00 PM

You've been through quite a lot! Dealing with not just rsd but the others as well...I can't imagine. If I had more than one problem, I'd adjust and learn to live with it as I have rsd. That's just how I am anyway. I don't mind admitting I give thanks that it's only rsd though.

My dad has broken his ribs coughing more than once over the years, so I understand perfectly why you make sure to get a flu shot every year! I'm with you though, it it happened even one time to me, I'd be getting a shot too. LOL

I was in a wreck in 1990 but my recovery was positively swift compared to yours! Wow....I feel even luckier now. We were just pulling onto US1 because the light turned green. Someone ran the red light and plowed into my side of the car in the back going 50-55 mph. We spun around several times ending up on the opposite side of 4 lanes facing North when we were going West. I spent a week in hospital with a collapsed lung and spent 2-3 months dealing with a badly messed up shoulder than froze. Dang that was...a pain. LOLOL Seeing your recovery in I'm glad you did recover and are here with us today. :)



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