Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD and CRPS) Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (Complex Regional Pain Syndromes Type I) and Causalgia (Complex Regional Pain Syndromes Type II)(RSD and CRPS)

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Old 12-28-2006, 01:40 PM #1
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Default nasty turn

Hi friends..
shjort note..
been in hosp icu last 10 days just had angio.. no blockages.. chest pains still off the wall..
I AM ALIVE and blessed for that but cant imagine having this pain to forever.. need answers and relief.. they think that no blockages means mothings wropng

Sandel hurting in BC
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Old 12-28-2006, 01:44 PM #2
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Sorry For Your Pain.
Chest Pain Can Be A Sign Of Stress And/or Epigastric Problems. Do You Have A Pcp To Figure Things Out With?
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Old 12-28-2006, 04:48 PM #3
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severe muscle spasms??

some with TOS have felt as if a having heart attack at times.

My upperbody muscles were in severe spasms at one point - I thought I was having an attack or something very weird for 2 days- but my pulse/heartbeat was totally normal and the worst of the feelings began to fade but the tightness lingered until i came across the chiro i am still going to now 2.5 yrs later.
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Old 12-28-2006, 08:11 PM #4
HopeLivesHere HopeLivesHere is offline
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Default just a thought

Hi Sandra,

I had chest pain for some time a few years back.
Being a cardiac nurse I had some thoughts of my own...there is a different type of angina common in women.

It's Prinzmetals angina - caused by coronary artery spasms occuring at rest. If you catch it at just the right time it shows on an EKG. But that is a rare one to catch. It happened to me mostly when I had been active and sat down to rest, but it can happen at any time really. I have a friend with it also.

Do a search on it (aka Variant angina) and you'll know if it is what you have. The EKG - if I remember right, which is rare now-a-days, the t wave is elevated insead of depressed.

Very hard to tell from esophageal spasms. I was given a beta blocker, Inderal , which made me much worse as it can CAUSE vasospasms, so I took calcium channel blockers & nitro can cause death due to the artery spasm occluding the coronary artery.

i hope you
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Old 12-28-2006, 09:48 PM #5
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Dear Sandra,

I am so sorry. I do not have any ideas for you. You are in my heart and prayers.

Hang in their,
Hugs, Roz
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Old 12-28-2006, 10:52 PM #6
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Default Hi

hang in there Sandra-hopefully this will pass....

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Old 12-29-2006, 11:48 AM #7
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Shocked Thanks..

I have had chest pains since july this year

On dec 18th I thought I was having a heartattack pain and shortness of breath were off the wall, called ambulance and was rushed to hospital.. they were gonna let me out.. till they did ecg # 2 then they found abnormalitys (you may be right Kate) and kept me in.. heart pain continued over 10 days in ICU then the sent me to Victoria for angiogram.. my docs and nurses insisted they would know CRPS there.. yah right, not so lucky me. I got the head of cardiology there as a surgeon for procedure.

Right arms still very sore from angiogram.. hope it will be alright..
they refused to take precautions,, said 'well thats not gonna happen' when I told him what precautions were nessary (while I was on the table for angio) when he came in the room a few moments before and I told him (reminded.. it was all over my chart) he said whats CRPS?.. I knew I was in trouble.. I found out afterwards they did not even sedate me as they do according to all info I have read or seen on hospital video's.. it was extremely painful nightmare for me.. and they thought I was being "hysterical cryin and carring on" was heard by me as 2 nurses talked later.

I have had nightmares both nights since, it was very painful and i felt the 'snake' go through my drain pipe, they had to pull it in and out like a pipecleaner and I heard them say they might have to go through the other artery (at the hip) but then got it into the heart.. I felt it all and was trapped in a nightmare of pain and almost violation feelings.

Sory I dont mean to scare anyone but was how i felt and still dream it bad.

Thank you all for your well wishes.. I just pray it dosnt stay in this arm as we know it can.. and I hope I/we can find some answers soon this is just so nasty bad I cant do much without the pain comin... (yes when I rest mostly)

Kate you just may have the answer or a big part of it.. Off to research! thank you all an Jo.. I do think that is part of it too as I has pain nonstop in there for 2-3 days after turning wrong in my hospital bed, I could tell i did something to make it worse then too.

Big hugs.. real soft now,
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Old 12-29-2006, 02:01 PM #8
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Default Hi Sandra,

I had servere chest pains for about 6 years. I spent time in the hospital also for it. They diagnosed me with angina and I'd had a stroke and heart attack while on Vioxx. They had me on heart meds which I couldn't take so I threw them away.

They soon found that I had costocondritis and I also have Thoracic Outlet Syndrome which causes chest pain. I had 4 inches of muscle taken out from under my arm in 04 and it seemed to help but I still deal with the chest pains when I take certain meds and eat the wrong foods or do the wrong arm movements. I've asked many times why these things causes this pain and no one can tell me. They also chalked it up to Esopogeal spasms.

I was wondering if you might have Fibromyalgia also. It can also cause chest pains.

For some reasons when we have several things going on the Drs. can't seperate what's causing what so they start grasping at straws.

Hope you start seeing some relief soon.
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Old 12-29-2006, 03:17 PM #9
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That is just horrible how they treated you!!!
especially after you telling them about your condition.
just makes me want to scream.....

Can you stall on paying for that??
in case there is complicating factors from it?

so sorry -
that just proves how uppity drs and staff can get - thinking they know it all and not listening to an informed patient! {my vent}

I do hope you come through this with out any lingering problems and that the nightmare of the treatment by them will fade.
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Old 12-29-2006, 03:56 PM #10
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Default spasms

Both Ada & I mentioned esophageal spasms.
They truly feel EXACTLYlike a heart attack. Right over the sternum and can radiate to the jaw or arm.

Did you check info on Variant angina?


Please, please get a copy of those medical records and if you can let us know
if there were any EKG changes. AND if so, what are those changes?

This may not disappear and how can you treat it without a diagnosis?

I have exactly what Ada spoke of - Thoracic Outlet and fibro too.
Both can cause chest pains with NO EKG changes. I had the elevated T-wave on my thallium stress test.

Please don't ignore this. I've seen people turned away from ER's because of no EKG changes and they went home & had heart attacks.
We've given you some things to think about & read up on.
Doctors are human like us and miss things.
Keep doing trying relaxation exercises even tho they did not help me, they help some.

I will say prayers for you and that God will work thru the doctors to find a diagnosis,
Have they examined the GI route? Endoscopy?

What was the outcome of the angio?
It is just that Ada & I both know how much this hurts. I had to sit so still and not move - I would breathe so shallow because I thot I was having a heart attack.

Ada's right, chostochondritis is a common diagnosis for this (not dangerous)and anti inflammatories help, however can cause an inflammed stomach lining - therefore add more to the mystery.
We care for you & don't want anything to happen to you.
Thanks all you people for your prayers for Sandra.
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