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Old 04-19-2008, 09:55 AM #1
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Default Tennis elbow cure

Maybe this is on here somewhere already, I have not actually followed and read all the links, but any time I look at info about Repetitive Strain Injury, I never see mentioned a simple and cheap thing that cured my tennis elbow years ago:
My doc sent me to a shop where they sell all sorts of things like walking aides etc. that people use at home. They measured my arm and sold me for less than 100 dollars a white elastic tunnel, somewhat like what tennissers put on their wrists, only it reached from the middle of the lower arm to the middle of the upper arm. With the prescription it was even free, i.e. the insurance paid me back. It had semi-hard small gel cushions around the little pointy bone that sticks out a bit on the outside of the elbow, where the pain was, but not on top of it. They explained with this thing I need to keep moving the arm as opposed to other treatments, that way the little cusions massage the affected tendons. The use of this is that tendons have very little bloodflow which makes them heal very slowly as compared to the muscles etc. It really cures the thing in something like 6 weeks.
Some things get forgotten about and snowed under with all the advanced stuff around so I thought I'd tell people here, since a tennis elbow is usually hard to deal with, especially if you can't rest it properly, and tends to come back.
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Old 05-29-2009, 05:15 PM #2
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Thanks for this information. Do you know of anyone selling one like it on the internet?
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Old 06-01-2009, 12:36 AM #3
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minymo- Can you recall the name of this contraption? Many thanks!!
I'm trying to do good for people tango-ing with RSI & Workers' Comp by blogging it out. Please drop in

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Old 05-04-2010, 10:54 PM #4
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Dear Tennis Elbow Group,

I was a G.P. for a long period in a logging area in Washington State. I had lots of patients, through the years (ret. after 30 years of it) who had tennis elbow, but it seemed that most treatments were plus minus and many useless.

Eventually, I decided that the tendon attached to the lateral epicondyle was a joint tendon for the "extensor muscles of the fingers and wrist". Those muscles do not do much work, do not stress its tendons much. The medial epicondyle, however, it the attach point for a tendon that develops from the individual tendons of the "flexor muscles" of the forearm that do become physically stressed when people grasp things: but people only rarely have medial epicondylitis. I never saw a case, really.

So, what is causing the pain in the lateral elbow area. Get rid of the dogma first: get rid of the name: lateral epicondylitis. Think of tennis elbow. Tennis players, the good ones, put top-spin on their balls so they curve down over the net. To do that, a player has to rotate the forearm at the elbow. When that happens, the radius rotates, but the ulna does not rotate since the hand is attached to the distal radius (and the racket is grasped by the hand). I thought, the head of the radius is attached to the ulna by the annular ligament and a synovial (slippery) sheath extends between the annular ligament and the radius to provide for its lubrication while the radial neck is rotating within the ligament.

I then palpated (fancy word for press the finger on!) the radial head on the anterior side of the forearm and low and behold it was tender too. This location is quite distant from the lateral epicondyle.

When people grasp something usually tennis elbow hurts more. How could that take place with extensor tendonitis? I learned that when people grasp things, the flexor tendons flex the fingers, but they also pull the hand slightly proximally (towards the shoulder) and that displaces the radius neck in the annular ligament and causes more pain.

Treatment: I would find a place lateral-anterior above the radial neck. Then I would "numb-up" the skin with lidocain, 1 cc. Then I would inject half a cc of lidocain and half a cc of marcain and 40 mg of Triamcinolone, together, into the area around the radial neck. The lidocain and marcain would "numb that area up" and patients tennis elboe pain would dissapate in seconds: so we both knew we were at the problematic location and then the triamcinolone, a potent anti-inflammatory would decrease the inflammation, swelling, etc. and the mechanical relationship of the radial neck and the annular ligament would normalize. I was a minor hero...after so many people had various treatments most of which didn't do much.

I think when people have surgery the "disabling of the arm" for a number of weeks provides the excessive rest that lets the radial neck/annular ligament get back to normal, not the surgery proper...most of the time.

A question is: do you have red palms? Redness means inflammation and grasping things causes the blood vessel inflammation to become worse: red palms. There are shades of red and more or less red, so I am talking about meaningful reddened or ruddy palms. The blood vessels in the synovial membrane around the radial head acts the same way as it is used repetitiously by people's hand motions.


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Old 11-08-2010, 03:42 PM #5
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Default Omega 3's

Originally Posted by minymo View Post
Maybe this is on here somewhere already, I have not actually followed and read all the links, but any time I look at info about Repetitive Strain Injury, I never see mentioned a simple and cheap thing that cured my tennis elbow years ago:
My doc sent me to a shop where they sell all sorts of things like walking aides etc. that people use at home. They measured my arm and sold me for less than 100 dollars a white elastic tunnel, somewhat like what tennissers put on their wrists, only it reached from the middle of the lower arm to the middle of the upper arm. With the prescription it was even free, i.e. the insurance paid me back. It had semi-hard small gel cushions around the little pointy bone that sticks out a bit on the outside of the elbow, where the pain was, but not on top of it. They explained with this thing I need to keep moving the arm as opposed to other treatments, that way the little cusions massage the affected tendons. The use of this is that tendons have very little bloodflow which makes them heal very slowly as compared to the muscles etc. It really cures the thing in something like 6 weeks.
Some things get forgotten about and snowed under with all the advanced stuff around so I thought I'd tell people here, since a tennis elbow is usually hard to deal with, especially if you can't rest it properly, and tends to come back.
I've had it, and I've had it bad. I took condensed Omega 3's from GNC and the next day my pain was gone. I continued use for 2 weeks and I have no more pain for 2 months!
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Old 11-10-2010, 01:53 PM #6
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Originally Posted by minymo View Post
Maybe this is on here somewhere already, I have not actually followed and read all the links, but any time I look at info about Repetitive Strain Injury, I never see mentioned a simple and cheap thing that cured my tennis elbow years ago:
My doc sent me to a shop where they sell all sorts of things like walking aides etc. that people use at home. They measured my arm and sold me for less than 100 dollars a white elastic tunnel, somewhat like what tennissers put on their wrists, only it reached from the middle of the lower arm to the middle of the upper arm. With the prescription it was even free, i.e. the insurance paid me back. It had semi-hard small gel cushions around the little pointy bone that sticks out a bit on the outside of the elbow, where the pain was, but not on top of it. They explained with this thing I need to keep moving the arm as opposed to other treatments, that way the little cusions massage the affected tendons. The use of this is that tendons have very little bloodflow which makes them heal very slowly as compared to the muscles etc. It really cures the thing in something like 6 weeks.
Some things get forgotten about and snowed under with all the advanced stuff around so I thought I'd tell people here, since a tennis elbow is usually hard to deal with, especially if you can't rest it properly, and tends to come back.
I place an elastic band around my arm just above the elbow and then an elbow brace over it which keeps it fine playing vollyball and tennis and hard work. Richard
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Old 01-18-2011, 08:22 PM #7
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Default to norsk

Can you get tennis elbow wedging clay? My hand doc prescribed a velcro closed band about 3 inches long, but I can't remember what the placement was on my arm. I did not get good enough relief to do much for the remainder of the semester.
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Old 06-25-2011, 03:08 PM #8
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Wow thanks minymo that's an excellent tip. I sometimes suffer from sensitive elbows so I'll definitely try and find what you recommend.
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Old 11-19-2012, 07:47 PM #9
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Default Tennis elbow

I can't seem to get rid of my tennis elbow. I have had 2 shots in my right elbow and one in my left in the past two months. I have an appointment tomorrow and not sure if I should get another injection!! It's is hard to drive and even do housework. Pretty bad case....any ideas would be appreciated.

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Old 11-19-2012, 08:22 PM #10
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Originally Posted by pkkpd5 View Post
I can't seem to get rid of my tennis elbow. I have had 2 shots in my right elbow and one in my left in the past two months. I have an appointment tomorrow and not sure if I should get another injection!! It's is hard to drive and even do housework. Pretty bad case....any ideas would be appreciated.

What activity did you get it from, do you know?
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