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booklover 11-01-2015 01:18 AM

I have some wonderful news to share. :)We have been offered a place for our son in the high school we have been hoping and praying for (where the kids involved in bullying from primary school won't be going). We are so happy for him, and have a great feeling about the school. We are slowly packing up our place. We need to be completely shifted into the rental before the school term begins. We are hoping and praying our plans to buy a house and sell our town house will fall into place early in the new year, now we are not so strictly tied to school zones. I am finding the prospect of packing and shifting (twice!!) with RSD/and nerve damage to both arms a little overwhelming but trying hard to take one day at a time and only use/ open what we absolutely have to in the rental.

Thanks for all your messages of encouragement and prayers,


Lara 11-01-2015 01:27 AM

Wow, that's such good news.

I'm very happy that everything is falling into place now. Sometimes it just works out that way when we are feeling overwhelmed and least expect it.

Moving is such a terribly stressful experience. I once needed to move twice in a month and it took months to recover. Summer is coming full on once again so you take care of yourself and keep really well hydrated when you're moving. I hope that you have some friends or family who might help you do that. It's amazing what we can do without when our lives are packed up in boxes. ;)

So pleased for your son and for your family.
take care of yourself.

DejaVu 11-01-2015 06:55 AM

Fantastic! :D

Ditto Lara; very sound advice.:D

Sometimes I forget to pre-treat for pain when I know certain activities are going to exacerbate pain.

I hope you have people willing to help you pack and move.

I am excited you have this option.

Hope to hear you are in your new place and all has gone smoothly.

Continued Love and prayers for you, your son, your family.


Littlepaw 11-03-2015 12:22 PM

:trampoline: Yeah! So nice to hear good news. I hope he thrives and blooms in the new school.

booklover 04-26-2016 09:58 PM

Thank you all for your kind wishes. Here's an update. It has been such a hectic time and computer and internet broke down so communication has been interrupted, now fixed. Very happy with our choice of school as the culture is what we expected. In the end, it has been worth renting a place for to get our son in the school though costly and I'm glad were not in the unit while we're selling it. Belatedly,we have been able to buy a place which is in the school zone, with settlement in June which ensures our son's education their until the end of yr 12. The auction to sell our unit is this Saturday 30 April. So we are hoping that goes well and we get our reserve price, there has been reasonable interest. Packing,moving,cleaning and gardening have been hard/painful work with me taking the lead. My pain specialist has also shifted during the process too far away to see him, fortunately he has referred me to a colleague locally who has turned out to be a worthy replacement. My dad and step mother have helped by sending over meals when we moved into the rental and assisted my husband move the small things which was much appreciated as they are in their mid 70's now and have 11 children between them. Now I can see an end in sight I feel a sense of relief- one place to look after where things don't keep breaking down with one set of bills and we can relax-last week in the rental we had no hot water and a sparking power point. Unfortunately, it's been stressful time for our family, exacerbating issues that were already there and my husband and I have begun seeing a marriage counsellor. Our son is unsettled at home but doing well at school. All my difficulties seem like such first world problems. The man who came to fix our phone/internet at the rental had a photo of two beautiful boys on his phone when I enquired about them he told me the 18 mth had died 40 days ago in an accident it puts everything into perspective. The man's name was Ali. Your prayers are much appreciated, for Ali and his family also..
Sorry, I'm so tired and rambly


ger715 04-26-2016 10:41 PM

Hope and pray soon all will go well for you, your husband; and of course your son. All of you have been thru much pressure and strain. Glad both of you have decided to see a counselor.

I mentioned to you quite some time ago about my grandson being bullied so much that eventually his parents (my daughter-in law) are home schooling him. I thought when he reached an age for high school they might give it a try; but have continued his home schooling. A little over a year ago, they moved to another town about about 20 miles away from their previous home. He turned 16 in February and started working at a large grocery chain near their home. He is excited so all is turning out well.

Yes, you are right about putting everything into perspective. I will definitely add Ali and his family to my prayer list. You and your family are also on my prayer list.


booklover 05-02-2016 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1209400)
Hope and pray soon all will go well for you, your husband; and of course your son. All of you have been thru much pressure and strain. Glad both of you have decided to see a counselor.

I mentioned to you quite some time ago about my grandson being bullied so much that eventually his parents (my daughter-in law) are home schooling him. I thought when he reached an age for high school they might give it a try; but have continued his home schooling. A little over a year ago, they moved to another town about about 20 miles away from their previous home. He turned 16 in February and started working at a large grocery chain near their home. He is excited so all is turning out well.

Yes, you are right about putting everything into perspective. I will definitely add Ali and his family to my prayer list. You and your family are also on my prayer list.


Gerry,thank you so much for your support,care and prayers for both my family and Ali's. I'm glad to hear your grandson is settling into his new town and has made the next successful transition towards independence and participating in the life of his community by getting a job. I imagine he's loving earning his own money.

I am so pleased to let you know and also those who have been praying for us that our home sold at auction, for above our reserve and expectations. It is such a relief. The lady in her late fifties who bought it is downsizing from a house with a big yard to our villa unit and was delighted with our place. She would like to settle before the end of the month which works out well, as it is just before our purchase settles. So after such a long time of looking it's all happening very quickly now. I am looking forward to moving into our new place and having more time for family, friends, and rest/self care (managing pain). Hopefully once we have shifted and unpacked we will all start to feel less stressed and more settled. For me there will be some other issues I've been putting on the backburner that I will need to follow up fairly soon after that- my neuro stimulator battery is rapidly running out and requires replacing in the 2nd half of this year and I also have issues with my professional registration requiring me to either get a job or voluntary work in the 2nd half of this yr - disability issues have been a barrier at interviews to getting a job, as soon as I disclose and ask for accommodations the whole interview shifts. Anyway, I'm working on tackling one thing at a time. I hope by the end of the year I've been able to make informed decisions and successfully follow through one at a time.


ger715 05-03-2016 10:56 PM

Good to learn how quickly your home sold. You sure have a lot to do, but at least the end is in sight. You mentioned your battery running out. How long have you had the current one?

Is there any chance of getting on permanent disability?

Praying all goes as planned.


booklover 03-13-2017 09:32 PM

sorry it's been so long to update ...lot's still happening
The good news first to remove battery and leads went without any complications. Trialling Low dose Naltrexone at the moment was going well but now in middle of flare probably due to stress.( I am having an epidural blood patch procedure at the end of the month. ?slowcsf leak)

We're having issues with our 13 yr old son, he is again trying to control us with his anger at home. He kicked a hole in the wall on the weekend and makes threats, yells, verbal abuse etc. Lot's of conflict over doing homework and getting off electronics. School has put him on learning plan regarding homework. His behavoiur at school is much better than at home. We'd appreciate any prayers I'm feeling so overwhelmed and concerned for his future and the strength to get through each day. Consequences and talking with him seem to only fuel his anger. He blames us for everything. Then he comes and tells us how much he loves us later. We are just hanging in there... thanks booklover

Gethprime 03-13-2017 09:47 PM

Prayers now sent:hug:

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