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Old 06-05-2013, 11:37 PM #1
momwhocares1 momwhocares1 is offline
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Default headbanger

Hi there, I guess I switched forums, my son Ben had a concussion back in September/October 2012. All the symptoms, till like March/April this year where he became delusional, paranoid, mania very not like my son. Again before took him to the hospital 3 times...they wouldn't admit him...4 time they say he had a problem and did, but no beds in our area so we we shipped to down state. they said they weren't 100 % positive but they thought he had schizophrenia, I never new what schizophrenia was...but it's not what I thought it was. I love my son, and it really hurts to see him go though all this pain! He thinks he has a chip in his head and wants me to take it out. voices, nervous, he's even helping me around the house which before he wouldn't even wipe his feet when he came in the house, not complain though I just really feel bad and I wanna help him feel better, it really sucks!
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Old 05-04-2015, 01:22 PM #2
JBuckl JBuckl is offline
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It sounds similar to me. I believe the mania is a result of lack of dopamine levels for so long. I believe that mania at the simplest is just a form of energy.

When concussed people--like myself--aren't used to doing things for a while that are pleasurable, then our body adapts, but when we start doing things that are pleasurable again too fast, then our bodies react--craxy, freaking out (aka too much energy that the body is not used to, a fight or flight response kindof)
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Old 05-22-2015, 09:57 PM #3
ElisabethA ElisabethA is offline
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Default Any progress for Ben?

Originally Posted by momwhocares1 View Post
Hi there, I guess I switched forums, my son Ben had a concussion back in September/October 2012. All the symptoms, till like March/April this year where he became delusional, paranoid, mania very not like my son. Again before took him to the hospital 3 times...they wouldn't admit him...4 time they say he had a problem and did, but no beds in our area so we we shipped to down state. they said they weren't 100 % positive but they thought he had schizophrenia, I never new what schizophrenia was...but it's not what I thought it was. I love my son, and it really hurts to see him go though all this pain! He thinks he has a chip in his head and wants me to take it out. voices, nervous, he's even helping me around the house which before he wouldn't even wipe his feet when he came in the house, not complain though I just really feel bad and I wanna help him feel better, it really sucks!
That's terrible! I just joined and am interested in the effects of concussion on the brain. I have heard that a concussion can cause disturbances in the digestive system and that way wreak havoc on the brain chemistry with even schizophrenia type symptoms to appear. This might have happened to a friend of mine (whose problems have led me to this site). Have you or anybody else tried any dietary approach to this? Such as orthomolecular, Abram Hoffer protocol?
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Old 05-22-2015, 10:31 PM #4
Lara Lara is offline
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Hello ElisabethA,

Welcome to the NeuroTalk Support Groups.

As well as waiting for a reply from momwhocares, I just wanted to suggest you also take a look at the
Traumatic Brain Injury & Post Concussion Syndrome Forum
or perhaps start a new thread with your questions.

Also there is a Forum Search Feature - link posted below.

I ran a search in all forums for Abram Hoffer and one comes up on TBI/PCS forum and also in a few others.

There is also a
Vitamins and Supplements Thread on TBI/PCS as well.

take care.

Last edited by Lara; 05-22-2015 at 11:11 PM. Reason: fixed broken link
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Old 04-21-2019, 02:56 PM #5
momwhocares1 momwhocares1 is offline
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It's been awhile 4 or more years since I first posted. After my son was stable he went to several group homes and eventually received an apartment on his own. At that time, he was "pretty much himself" but still not the son I knew before. So...Ben wouldn't talk to the neighbors, for his upstairs neighbor would shout to "nobody" and keep him awake at nite and people would ring his doorbell at nite. It was a shady area, and I couldn't stand it anymore. So...Ben's home again. Still with problems, not like the first time though!! I keep my eye on him all the time. He drives now, with me mostly and volenteers with me at a food shelter. He's hobby's too! Slot cars and airsoft! Life did get better for us! He even goes to church! lol! I didn't give up maybe that's why but...I'm not sure if they'll come up with some sort of cure for people like him, but I will always keep trying to make life better for my son!!
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