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napleslynn 09-12-2013 01:20 PM

Very Informative
This was the device that first brought me to this site as my doctor has a few people lined up to try it and thought I might be a good candidate. After reading all of the posts here, I think I will run, not walk, away from this device. I have not heard anything that would encourage me to even give it a try and generally I am willing to try anything. Thanks for the information.

Azzabar2003 09-25-2013 01:27 PM

I was not writing this to try and discourage anyone from trying the P Stim. I was just writing my experience with it and what I got from those around me.

It may work for you.

I wrote my parts so that you know MY experience so that if you have a similar experience at least you know 'It is NOT JUST YOU'.

If your insurance covers it or you can afford it, try it. If it is too bothersome remove it.

It would be great to have someone post who has had a positive experience with it.

With all of the studies that have been done and the thousands of people that have tried it, with positive results, I would think that at least ONE would land here.

drc3 10-03-2013 03:51 PM

My PStim Experience
Hi. New Here. My wife found this as did I when doing research before getting the PStim myself. I'll try my best to post after each treatment. Note that I just finished my first 4 days. Also note I'll post some scientific articles I found on the topic while researching at the bottom of this note.

Background - I was in a car accident ~4 years ago and now get upper back/neck pain and headaches that arise from the pain on my Occipital Ridge. The headaches were terrible, multiple injections and many months of PT didn't help. Regular Chinese Accupuncture didn't help. Medical Accupuncture did. However it's expensive and I need to go every two weeks. So I figured I'd try PStim (which is also if anyone here can tell me how to get this covered by Insurance (Anthem) you would be my hero).

Note - I am not a doctor...

OK, so today is day 4. Results are certainly TBD. However I will note that I was able to do a good number of pushups the evening of day 2 and I just took a long run/walk with my dog and have had surprisingly low pain...something just a couple ibuprofen can help. We'll see how the rest of the night goes but it's a positive sign.

I will admit that the PStim was annoying. I had two electrodes on the inner part of the lobe and 1 on the outer. I feel like the one on the outer bothered me MUCH more than the one on the inner. I liken it to getting flicked in the ear by an annoying little brother. Getting the device put on was easily the more painful part but it was certainly tolerable. It was not quite like getting your ear pierced...but that's the closest thing I can think of to equate it to.

As far as "getting used to it". I kind of see where they are coming from. While I never got used to it and it did wake me up; the "flicking" (I'll call it) would go from very noticeable to hardly noticeable during the 3 hour "on" cycle. The first 3-5 minutes are the most noticeable...which yes means it woke me from sleep. But I went back to sleep VERY easily...which isn't like me. After the initial 5 minutes or so, I usually forgot it was even on.

Honestly, the most annoying thing about it was trying not to get my head wet while showering and having this thing on my head that made me look like a cyborg and therefore feel self-conscious. That being said, if that's the worst part and it makes a material impact on my pain, I'll take it all day every day. Again though, if you have tips for getting it covered by insurance, you would be my hero.

Research - I too had trouble finding stuff initially. Basically I finally started mining from citation after citation until I found actual scientific studies. Here's some links to what I found -

Note - I don't have a pubmed login for the detailed trial info so some of this is just abstracts. I also had to remove the **from the start to post the links.





Mike Jackson 10-16-2013 05:54 PM

p stim
what's the cost for this treatment ?

Azzabar2003 10-28-2013 05:17 PM

My Insurance was billed a little over $3200.00 plus my copay of $45.00 per visit for four treatments. My Pain Clinic said that it was covered by Medicare. My Insurance, Cigna, required pre approval. If you can't get it covered through your Dr's office try a Pain clinic. Your Insurance may cover it that way.
Good luck.

annykat 11-10-2013 09:05 AM

I had the P-Stim put in last week. I am on my last day. I have 2 more times to have it put in again. So far, slight change in pain. My Dr. says she has 80-90% success rate - either pain gone or ppl have gone way down on pain meds. I have chronic pain in my cervical & thoracic spine. Lots of bad stuff in there! Hopefully this will help. Have to get back to tennis. The odd thing is, when I am more active it doesn't hurt as much.

Gram47 11-17-2013 03:21 AM

I've had chronic back pain since 1986 L3-L4-L5 and because of the way I walk after my paralyses I have destroyed the disc in my hip.
I've been through most pain meds, every shot, injection and needle therapy available. I've had a PRP platelet injection in my hip which seem to help, hopefully will grow a new disc. Second is scheduled for Dec.
I had my first Core P-Stim installed on Tuesday Nov.3. No pain with the application just a slight pinching. 2 pins were inside my ear and 1 on the upper rim. They used a small pencil like device to determine the best connections.
With in 6 hours ALL of my stabbing, burning sharp pain was gone. I still have soreness and a little ache.
Currently I'm taking Oxy, Fentanyl Lollipops, Valium, Lunesta, Lidoderm Patches and various anti-inflammatories. I can't stand the felling of being drugged when awake so I mostly only take them at night. I wanted day time relief and a clear mind.
First night I only took 2 Ibuprofen. Slept like a baby. Had to learn not to turn on my right side, I would feel pressure from the pins..
The P-Stim gave off a mind tapping feeling when it turned on but I didn't notice after a few minutes.
The batteries lasted until Sunday Nov. 10 when I removed the P-Stim.
I was in no real pain and took only Ibuprofen until Friday when I took care of my grandson. After 10 hours of interacting with a needy 4 year old most of my pain return. Could barely straighten up, stabbing pain in my hip, sharp burning knife in my lower spine. I took pain meds last night so I could sleep. Still in some pain today but not like pre-P-Stim.
I will get my second one in 2 weeks and will see how long the effect last.
I would say that this first one was an amazing success. There are no words to express how wonderful it was to have no pain for 9 days without drugs after 25 years.
NO headache or nausea.
I was searching, looking for comments about how long term the effect is. Not much information on the internet and most of the people on this forum have had negative experiences. I consider mine very positive. Especially if eventually I can get months of relief.

Azzabar2003 12-11-2013 09:06 PM

Glad to hear of your success. Please keep posting as I and I am sure ALL of us would like to hear if the relief continues past the final treatment. As you have noticed there are many negative posts and having a positive one could help someone else find the relief they need.
Thanks for posting and good luck.

tonitucker 03-03-2014 07:39 PM

SO glad that I ran across this forum. I, also, have had my PM doc recommend this device. I have been searching on internet about it. I am not sure if this is something that I want to try. It has been informative reading all of the posts. I am currently waiting for my insurance approval. Will post if I go through with this device.

Thanks for all of the info!

pstimgirl 04-22-2014 06:34 PM

I tried the p stem.
I was very sceptical that this device would help with chronic pain I have been suffering from chronic pain since I was 16 yrs old. Now I am 38yrs old. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and mixed connective tissue disease. I also now have 3 herniated disk in my back and get sciatic nerve pain and neuropathy. I have been taking a lot of pain meds and still have to lay in bed a lot through out the day. With in a couple of hours I noticed I wasn't feeling any pain. Except menstrual cramps I was feeling that day because I started my period that day. P stem doesn't work on menstrual cramps. Lol. But for the first time years I was able to clean my house, have friends over for easter, walk to the park, and only lay down once for about 20 mins. Not only did it help with pain, I felt like I had more energy and for the first time in years I slept through the night without waking up in pain. I wish I didn't have to take it off after 4 days. I can't wait to do it again so I can slowly see what pain meds I can go off of. I had no side effects and recommend it.

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