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eva5667faliure 07-10-2016 07:46 AM

Heavenly Father guide me
Mother Mary

Forgive me of my sins
Thank you for blessings I am given in my day

Bless this broken family
Don't let me take my will back
Keep me in a humbling stance
Hear my prayers Heavenly Father
Bless my heart with your unconditional love
The kind of love that soothe my ways
Keep me above water
I feel like I am drowning
In the sorrow and troubles that effects this family
To keep You first and foremost in front of it all as my shield
To protect your children who need to be touched by You
What is it that you want me to do
How can I instruct constructively
I cannot control anybody other than myself
I must turn it ALL over in order for me to understand
true serenity
That I have faith in God the Son and the Holy Spirit
and believe in You and trust You
And not to get depressed and be reminded of what the past two days were like
Hear my prayer Heavenly Father
You rule this body
Heal me father
Heal my heart and soul
Forgive us all
Thank you Heavenly Father
In Jesus name

eva5667faliure 07-13-2016 07:24 PM

Another day coming to a end
Have all things crash
And I have to try to pickup the pieces
With Your blessing Heavenly Father
I ask for fogiveness for any sins in my day
Bless me with mental strength
Fill my heart with Your love
In Jesus I trust
In You I believe
Pouring of the Holy Ghost
Fill my gut
Let me praise You with my life
I follow Your Love
And spread it as mush as I can
Bless us all in these very hard times

eva5667faliure 07-14-2016 06:42 AM

Mother Mary

Thank you for the blessing you give in my day

Use me Heavenly Father
I am your worker
I want to live and make a difference
How many times have I missed my boat
The opportunity given at times in my life
but I put my children first
How many times have I had the chance to help a young soul
Gifted I am
When will my children come to see You are the way to happiness
Heavenly Father please heal this very broken body
It hurts so badly
My hands and my feet hurt so badly
My neck my back just want to tear it out
My head aches every day since I was hit with this problem
I don't mention it with so many other things I wake with
My grand baby will be starting kindergarten
She has to have the best I can offer her little brain that is just incredible
It has been corrupted by father
Trying to teach her how to lie
But she understands and knows better
My baby girl
Who has her mommy that has her back always
However eighteen she must bring something to the table
She must get her GED
I really want to make a difference in her life by allowing her to pay the bills so she understands how it works month to month
Have her work with the $702 I work with in a month
Poor we are
Not where I want to be
Yet I still manage with what I have
I needed to purchase underwear it killed
Money the root of All EVIL
you will take care of what I will need and provide
I trust you Heavenly Father
If all my obligations including those who are in my care
I will do my very best
Help us Heavenly Father
I need You close by
Blessings to all of us

eva5667faliure 07-16-2016 07:17 AM

i am their mother not their doormat
Mother Mary

thank you for the blessings you will bestow on me today

having to let go of the utter chaos
the anger my children have towards me
let me let it go
bless them
they do know what they do
reaching out to my son that his sister tried to kill herself
who is now on her way i pray to detox
is outrageously demanding
consequences i suffer reaching out to my son through his husband
told him to give the message to him
he is not allowed to speak with me
as long as my son chooses to be estranged from me
this man is ordered not to contact me
heavenly father
bless them
to have my heart filled with such sadness and despair
it is said
YOU give me no more than i can handle
the most important thing is they are
blessed by You
You can feel my pain
you have me wake
i am broken
bless them Heavenly Father
You know my pain
the horrible things written
the horrible words spoken
and the day has started in utter anger
bless them
i should not
i will not be a mat for them to wipe their feet on
how much more pain do i get for the mothering
i have done
i stand by my parenting and the softer side mothering
it seems i have become bankrupt in every aspect of my waking life
i have but this life
YOU know my heart like no other
i give you my pain
i surrender
i give up
let me learn how to truly live
not let others problem become mine
as much as i am there for them the sorrow of it all is overwhelming
they are now blocked from calling or writing for that matter
that is it
all i can give done
there are conditions my children have if i want them in my life
it is not going to happen
they ARE unreasonable requests
it to them is
"i want"
i am responsible for a child who had a f****D up start
pretty much like my children
shorted by one parent
i being the chosen one am still here
here not to be a punching bag
because their lives are in there own turmoil
made my amends more than i should have
over it
bless them
i have given them my all and some
and to be treated as if i were the child
until all my children take addiction seriously
it has come to my attention from one of my children
both my oldest children drink
drink until they are puking all they have out that is poisoning them
this not a good thing
this is not the only thing that they are ingesting to get high
so of my four children all aren't doing well
just three drinks with a cigarette
that's all i need
or so i thought
gave them both up for this to hit me in the face
am i surprised
not if anything i gave them all the warning signs
over and over and over again
is this the life destined for my children
my grandchild
what will the end result be
it is frightening
truly frightening
but You have me wake into their rage because they can
and i won't
let them not hurt me anymore
i have been and continue to be their mother
not good enough
the best i have to offer
i allowed them to bleed me dry in most areas in my life
i have stepped away
yet they will not stop being hurtful
it is something i have to stop let affect me
easier said than done
but in the end doing it
bless them
true serenity
letting go and letting God
just for today i will be sober
not escape
but present before YOU
can you hear me Heavenly Father
do with me as YOU WISH
in Jesus i trust
in God i believe
bless us all
in Jesus name

eva5667faliure 07-17-2016 07:08 AM

Show me the way
Mother Mary

Thank you for the blessings given in my day

Worried is not a way to live
And because I do
Is a clear observation I have not let it all go
Heavenly Father
Show me how to let to of my babies
The world a terrible place
One cannot go out and enjoy your blessings
Living in fear is not a way to live
This world is frightening
It has taken over
Is this what is hindering my progression
How do I stop worrying
Even when I was a child
I worried all the time

Heavenly Father
Like a child running out into the streets
Littered with cars
A mother jumps before them
I have so many of others pain I carry
It is part of my makeup
The world has shown us so much
We are t here forever
What will be left for my lineage
Why can't I let go
Why am I holding on to my pain
Is it all I know
To have someone hug me feels strange
It is done so few times

Heavenly Father I have raised my sister
We are close now
That only happened after she turned herself over to you
Bless her Heavenly Father
Her intent always good
She speaks Your name every single day I talk to her

Heavenly Father
My children lost
So utterly lost in this society
Did not expose them to what they are drawn to
Brilliant they are
Without You lost

Heavenly Father
I have my grandchild now
Why do I have such sorrow before her
She sees right through me
Without tears flowing
She asks
Why are you so sad
Don't worry I'm here
Five she is
Had her since infancy
The road crumbling along the way
I am not the foundation
You are through me
I become strong
Let me be their rock
I am sorry for any sins I have perpetrated
I mean no harm
I cannot enable
And that means blocking my family from hurting me
My family hurting me
I cannot understand
My alcoholic day as brief as it was
Damaged my babies
Aware I am and
Aware they are
Always putting my children first
When it was You I needed to thank and praise
Not because of my mortality
I have always turned to You
It was given to me Heavenly Father
Your words in the book I would pick up at a young age
And You spoke to me
Psalms 6: 6-10
You spoke to me when I did not want to live
I was a child
Starving myself
Nobody could force me to eat or drink
You remember Heavenly Father
Remember me in my tiny room
Looking for answers why me
Why was I born into this family who did not want me or my sisters
For my father to kill himself
How does that affect me
This is the end product
Still hanging on
Still hoping they will see the light
You in their hearts
My boy angry
So angry at me
Accuses me of being a man hater
How little does he know about my choices
The times in which we live
Where are the people going through life against the truth of Your existence
I can only be a example

Heavenly Father
Holy Spirit
Enter my being
A witness of Christ Jesus
Who did for my sins and the sins of the world

I am not here forever
This is a temporary place
Let me truly let go
Help me not hurt so badly
Blocking my babies
Not giving in to their demands
But like a wise person said not to long ago
Wait for the answers to come to me
Another telling me don't worry about later
for later isn't here yet
Wait to see if you needed to worry for nothing
This is true
But every single day
It is something
Something that hasn't happened yet
is not to be worried about
For most times its nothing
God blessed me with that mother instinct
I was always paying attention
Worried someone would hurt my babies
And all along it was me
Enough for them to misjudge me
Not understand my choices
That my son would think I hate men

Heavenly Father
It is my sons behavior
I loath in a person
Leaning on others to fill their hearts with evil happiness
It is not okay to be in more than one relationship at a time
My babies never seen me involved with a significant other for I had fears they would be abused as I was
A father should never look at his girls like he did
He was a very sick man
Only you know what visions are still clear in my mind
And the times I have no memory of
Trying always throughout my life seeking help
May it be the church
A friend
Professional help so many failed times
Giving up my drinking
Bringing you back into my life
Is the best feeling in the world
To understand
That You are my instructor
My everything
Let my children find You

Heavenly Father
Let my grandchild not have memories of
me being sad
She loves me so much
Her hugs just amazing
When group hug happens
Eva pushes Corissa away
And says
I love mimma more
Fighting for my love and attention
My job to teach her
And we spoke
And then we talked about
When I asked her if she understood what the word means
She shakes her head
And when I did
I could see it sinking in
To remember
Our words that come out of our mouths are what matters
To stop and think before one speaks
At her level
She understood
She prays the Lord's Prayer
And Mother Mary

Heavenly Father
Bless my ways into the hearts of others
Let them see my love and faith and hope I hang on and don't give up as much as I want to at times but don't
Let them come to me so we can begin to understand one another
I am so misunderstood
I am living in fear
This is not healthy
Not for anybody
Rip it from me Heavenly Father
Come into my heart
My Savior
My everything
Hear my prayers
Bless us all
In Jesus I trust
In God I believe
In the Holy Ghost I live
I rebuke all evil that tries to take my mind

ger715 07-17-2016 11:35 AM

As I posted in a previous post of yours today; I will repeat:

Pray our Mother Mary will watch over all of them as our Heavenly Father entrusted her to care for His Only Begotten Son, Jesus.


eva5667faliure 07-17-2016 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1217351)
As I posted in a previous post of yours today; I will repeat:

Pray our Mother Mary will watch over all of them as our Heavenly Father entrusted her to care for His Only Begotten Son, Jesus.


Thank you Gerry

eva5667faliure 07-18-2016 11:54 AM

I know Heavenly Father is moulding me
Mother Mary

My blessings I thank you for

Use me as your shepherd
In Your hand I give myself
My soul be redeemed
As I hold You close
The feel of that flannel shirt
Oozing with the smell of Your unconditional love never to be found
Only when we are in Your land and in Your arms
Heavenly Father
I pray my family be aware of Your presence
In Jesus name
Blessing to this world

eva5667faliure 07-19-2016 06:58 AM

We are here for just a moment in time
Mother Mary

Blessings in my day I thank You for

It is a better day
Weather wise
I have much trouble in the days of humidity
And it is thick here
My breathing labored
My chest in pain when over exerted
Nothing I ever imagined
My mortality brings me closer to You
As much as I want to be in Your arms
You have me stay for my children
The thoughts that run through my mind
is not a place I want to be
I ask Heavenly Father that it not be hard at the end
Let me raise my children to see them do well
Keep them safe with all I had to offer them
Let them feel my love when I may be in thought
Having to block them from contacting me is only for my well being
TNF the tumor necrosis factor has taken its toll on this body
My stress and depression not in my head
It is my reality
I MUST pull myself up
Brush off myself
And just do as I am awakened
So much of it all
I could talk and understand what is happening
and how it is A L L INTERCONNECTED
my doctor putting it all together
Heal me Heavenly Father
Heal me
I Jesus name I ask mercy
Forgive me of my sins
As I walk this world we call earth
You blessed me with a family
I pray I did my very best
Only You know what I had and still have to offer
My grandchild came to me last night and said
I a big girl like You
Coming in to get a glass that was empty
Be careful I said
Even grown ups like mimma has accidents
Glass can be dangerous
She looks at me
Head to toe
Will I be big like you mimma
I told her yes
As she is very tall for her five years of age
So innocent
So precious
The daily hugs just because they feel so good to her
Holding her close to my heart
She could hear it pound and beat away
Let this latter pat of live be enjoyed by me
And to be strong to keep it together
My baby sister with me at doctors
as my advocate
Her work all her life with doctors
A phlebotomist
We have a good relationship
And told me not to long ago how happy she is in our time we have together
Saying "this is what I wanted all my life"
"What I have now with you"
"I never felt so good as I do where we are right know"
This is because she gave herself over to Heavenly Father
She at times inspires me
Her life changed for the better when she surrendered
You know I still hold on to stuff I NEED to let go of
A good friend of mine passing with lung complications
The pain of it horrible
But in YOUR loving arms
Someone I met it AA
In 1990
I have memories of his funny laugh
A jolly person was he
Never played Santa
Would have been a great Santa
My day started with a stir of uneasiness
Trying to empower this mind and body
Let my simple blessings override this feel
waiting for it to pass
If the day continues to stay dry
We will have a day at the pool
This the first year I cannot entertain the outside humid heat
Tomorrow a better day so the weatherman says
Will wait for tomorrow
And concentrate on today
The night was peacefulwith several difficulities arising in the early morning
It started with the sweats
Menses stopped at fifty
It is the side effects of the tamoxifen and other factors
Not able to return to sleep
And not allowing my brain the time to think
I began with my start of the day
And come here

Heavenly Father
I must let go of many thoughts
And trust in You for everything
I must give it
Completely to have true serenity
In Jesus I trust
In God the Father I believe
Show me the way
Blessings of Hope in this world

eva5667faliure 07-22-2016 05:45 AM

Someone having my back
Mother Mary

Thank you for the blessing given in my day

You presence felt
When having a difficult task
Your presence felt
As I spoke the truth
I felt your presence
No fear
But your presence
How much easier when held by You
Thank you Heavenly Father
You having my back
Is All that counts
The calm
As you presence felt

eva5667faliure 07-22-2016 11:47 PM

It was just a phone call
Mother Mary

Thank you Heavenly Father

You are listening
As a call is all it took
You know what I think
You know what I needed
You answered a prayer
Just with that one phone call
You reveal yourself
You are around me
And made my day
Thank you Heavenly Father
Showing me I'm heard
Forgive Heavenly Father
I was gifted
Only You and I know
In my prayer
Just a phone call
Heard I am

eva5667faliure 07-26-2016 07:39 AM

As I start my day
Mother Mary

For my blessings I thank you

Handing over where I am powerless over to you Heavenly Father
Keeping true to myself
Being honest with myself
Trying to love myself
Let You in quicker than quick
You are my rock
My foundation
Make me solid in my making
I have Your promises
Your shepherd I am
Let them hear Your message
Through me
Let them see my strength is built in my
Faith in You
Hope that all will be as it is
With You at my side
Wash over me
Make me strong
Grant me strength in all forms
May my Spirit be filled with joy and happiness
Watch over my family Heavenly Father
In Jesus name
Through him all can change
Bless this troubled world

eva5667faliure 08-02-2016 07:42 PM

Struggling with pain
Mother Mary

Thank you for my gifts blessings

Having reached an age when one reaches yet another plateau
Aware of who I am
And what my purpose is
As your shepherd I am there when need be
Stepping back from situations I have zero control of
People persons our young
All can have a very distorted view of the truth
Mental illness a blessing when understood
Not much of that in our world
In you I trust
You have delivered your promise
I have the strength through you
Blessed I have been chosen to be their mother
I have so much to offer
It is my blessing to have come this far with all that you know
and what I have done and who I am today
May my blessings help others
My experience touch others
My strength to encourage when I have been down
Blessings we overlook
In simplicity I am my best
In you I trust

eva5667faliure 08-04-2016 10:42 PM

genuine care
Mother Mary

Blessings till the end of the day

Able to retire this evening
Knowing there is hope
Blessed to have the comfort
from another who has put others before
them self
And to have empathy genuine care for another
To be part of their life and have made a lifetime friend
Is my gift from you Heavenly Father
No accidents here
Just honest pure concern for one another
Gives me hope
Blessings received
How wonder the feeling is
Thank you

eva5667faliure 08-08-2016 10:13 AM

a wild weekend
Mother Mary

thank you for the blessings i receive in my day

may it be
having to learn not all is to be accepted
only for certain
i can hold Your hand
and know You will never let go
how happy evil would be if I let go
You have been constant in my life
have answered my prayers
a mother who has no love for her own
to be taken as a threat
rather than support and hold on to me
this was never the case
to have married three times
all in the name of money
the root of all evil
instead of being happy for her children
is jealous
to have two of three daughters
who have made it this far without
HANGING ON SOMEONE and depending on another
to take care of them
to lie steal cheat is all i can remember
now we have grown
and we have our own lives
and still not accepted for who i am
i do not like having to try and try and try
when in the end a relationship she wants conditional
all my life
hoping for a mother
all my life
cry at times for a missing mother
a mother i have become
many to have wanted me and my children
though never trusting a man
as far back as my first love should have been my father and mother
instead i we suffered at the hands of both
something a child should never have to endure
leaving at seventeen from a father ho was mentally ill
abusing me and my middle sister
a mother who seen watched heard and not do anything
yet the little girl inside of me has been on a mission all her entire life
and here i am
in Your loving arms
have come back home
to YOU
holding you i must
persons around me
trying to pull me down with them
my children
who i love
having to let go is the hardest thing i have ever had to do
they know i will never abandon them
i just cannot live in the chaos as i try to escape it
i am followed
i was married once
once was enough
i had babies to raise
did the best i possibly could
a short lived yet alcohol problem enough to do damage to them
i turned my life around and turned to You once again
to have lived this long and not have the help i should have gotten with my babies
only YOU know Heavenly Father
again letting go of a mother who is feeling her mortality
and still not willing to be real
blame i do not
if there be blame it be on me
allowing myself to let others hurt me
not anymore
i find honesty and truth not my truth just the truth period
is a very difficult thing for many people around me and in the world
to say i have blessings are few from those i once loved
to have tried to heal the hurt
and only have salt wash over the wound
never to heal
i have come to rebuke much in my life
letting go of blood family has been the end result
and that child be my worry
a open mother i always am
perfect by far as i am human
and have had to humble myself
in order to heal just enough to make it
mothers may they be good ones or terrible ones
still a mother
i pray my children can see the choices i have made
the sacrifices i endured
were always to better myself for my children
as i put them first in all my decision making
now i have my grandchild
another generation to raise
in this cruel ugly world masking the beauty behind it all
i am a good daughter a great mother a true friend
and all that matters
my brother walked in silence carrying his cross
for my sins and the sins of the world
let me humbly try to do the same
in Jesus name
blessed i have YOU in my heart
first and foremost

eva5667faliure 08-14-2016 09:53 AM

In Your loving arms
Mother Mary

Thank you for the blessings I receive in my day

Having prayers answered
Alive You are in me
Holding on as You drive my train
Strength You give in my day
Blessings I thank You for
You are my rock
My savior
My everything
May I continue to walk with Jesus Christ
and be constant in my life
May this world come to believe
As in all my blessings are my lessons
In Jesus I trust
In God I believe

eva5667faliure 08-15-2016 10:40 AM

all around me
Mother Mary

thank you for my blessings

needing the inner strength more than ever
holding on as tightly as i can
not feeling well myself today
will be at my doctor in a couple of days
till then Heavenly Father
keep me safe as i am frightened
my body has been failing me with concerning issues
my blood pressure through the roof
trying to keep calm
in Jesus name
like a wave
wash over me bringing calm to this soul
turning all over
two calls in the early morning
first my child
and the other my mother in the hospital
surrounded by so so much
out of my control
bless us all serenity
i trust You
now and forever

eva5667faliure 08-17-2016 08:57 AM

Mother Mary

Thank you for the blessings in my day

Heavenly Father
I understand she is the only one to make it work
All the help that is offered means nothing if SHE does not make it work
Only she can make it happen
I don't want to bury my child
I will not do it
Giving it over to You is the only answer
I am asking Heavenly Father
Keep her alive
Let her see the light
The father living a corrupt life
My grandchild I need to protect
This family in such turmoil
In a never ending tornado
Picking up everything in its path
No forgiving
Destruction all abound
And I trying to keep us safe
In the strength of Your protection
Your cloth cover us in safety
Help me
A ask in Jesus name
Help me
Keep me alive and strengthen me physically
I will need it
I hurt all over
As new painful bruises develop
Strengthen me
Heavenly Father
Just got off the phone with my baby sister
Offering her a roof over her head
She needs to stop making excuses
And surrender 100%
Not 99.999
100% period
Jesus I ask You
I do not have savings
I have no money to get the necessary
Required uniform or clothing for Eva
What am I to do
Mother must help
Yet cannot she needs to get better so she can hold a job
Not to make excuses
But do it
Until then I will do the best I can
And that's all I can do
Holding of for dear life
In Jesus name
Bless us all

eva5667faliure 08-23-2016 07:12 AM

I know You hear me
Mother Mary

Thank you for the blessings in my day

Heavenly Father
Let me praise all I am gifted with
Let me stay focused on what's important
Let me use my tongue wisely and never be sharp
Let me be guided into the light
Let the light distinguish the dark
Let me remember always in Your name I trust
and believe
Let me see and enjoy what is left and not be weary of the past
Let me see the end result in a positive way
Let me rebuke and evil that tries and try he does to penetrate my soul
Let me not give my power away
Let me continue to be empowered by your words
Let me awaken from this evil bondage of depression much of it situational
Let me let go and let God
Let me continue to be the best person I can be to your creatures
all that lives
Let the evil that lurks waiting for someone to be at their most vulnerable time
Let me spread Your word where ever I can
Let me heal from the inside out
Let me never forget
You never Left me

eva5667faliure 08-24-2016 06:29 AM

Waking up with my angels
Mother Mary

Thank you for my blessings

Holding on with all my might
Never letting go

Hoping in the near future
All will be okay

Have this feeling
Trying hard to shake it

And again I have another day
Things just might change

Holding on for dear life
For I don't want to go

My family
Who needs me
Let me fill their day with Your love

The time I have left
As my angels watch over me

Bring me Hope
That they find true happiness
Through You

I know You live in me
As I awake in this world
Let me not be afraid
As I hold on for dear life

eva5667faliure 08-27-2016 11:42 PM

I am guided
Mother Mary

Thank you for what I have in my day

Truly blessed
As You speak to me
I hear You
In Jesus name
I hear You

eva5667faliure 09-06-2016 08:33 PM

I hear you
Mother Mary

Thank you for my blessings
Today a special day
My granddaughter began school
And loved it
Got up early wanted to go back to bed
Had a full day
No tears like grandma
And passed out at 7:00 this evening
With any luck she will stay sleeping for the night
And we should do better in the morning
Loved it
Thank you Heavenly Father
The small things
It's the small things
You are my rock
You are my protector
You speak to me
And I hear you
Blessed I am
As Jesus Christ lives in me

eva5667faliure 09-12-2016 06:47 AM

Message on a shell
Mother Mary

Thank you for my blessings

Heavenly Father
Thank you for the time I have with my family
Thank you for being my rock
Thank you for answering my prayers
For it is your word that goes through me and lifts my soul
Thank you for you answers
I hear you
As I read I am always answered
I know you live in me
I feel it
Let my children find their way into faith
The Jesus Christ walked this earth
And in the end died for our sins in full
May I spread your words
May they travel throughout the world
Blessings in true serenity

Turns out my angel had some sad times after meeting with the pr viola Friday
Made her a shell necklace in the underside of it a note
For when she gets sad and thinks of me and Corissa
She was so relieved
In the small things
It's all in the small things
May she have an awesome day

eva5667faliure 09-14-2016 03:24 PM

Keep myself in check
Mother Mary

Thank you for it all
Blessed to have a strong love
that comes from my Father
Blessed I am taken care of by my Father
Loved by my family
Blessed I am
You are my rock
Thank you Heavenly Father

eva5667faliure 09-19-2016 06:46 PM

Mother Mary

Thank you for my wonderful blessings

I was just an awesome time to be a unit
One unit
All individual as we all are different
We were one yesterday
No words to be spoken
It was just understood
Thank you for your sacrifice on that cross
As I have you live in me
I will never be alone
And can spread you love
Blessed to have had such a wonderful blessed day
In Jesus I trust
In God I believe

eva5667faliure 10-03-2016 03:05 PM

My only true love
Mother Mary

Than you for the blessings

In your name
I rebuke any evil that
is on the move
trying to penetrate my soul
Keep me strong in your loving arms
Wrap me in that worn flannel shirt
The smell of love
The beauty of your promise
All these horrible thought replace with good memories
As little as they are
In Jesus I trust
In God I believe

eva5667faliure 11-02-2016 06:54 AM

Never will I ever forget you
I will miss you very much
In the arms of Heavenly Father
That flannel shirt
Just oozing with the smell of love
You are forever in my heart
You too have made a huge difference
Always be true
As you have always been
Never judgemental
Samson must be just precious with his sibling if memory does me right

eva5667faliure 12-04-2016 08:57 AM

Thank you Father
Mother Mary

Blessings recognizing the will You have bestowed upon me
You have made me a mother
Allowed me to watch over them for You
I have come a long way
I hope You are pleased
I have You in my being
To pull me through things this mind and body
has endured much
All a lesson if I would just be still and listen
So much adversity
Moulding me to Your liking
I am loved
I feel Your Almighty power
Help me get out of my own way
I have a family to love
Blessed I am
My baby sister
Shared with me
She is most happy in our relationship and had always wanted to be in my life
As I always in hers
I was her caretaker when she was born
She was my true prototype what it takes to care for another
For her to be happy to have me in her life and make her happy
My job is done
We speak of you Heavenly Father every time we speak
Thank you for the awesome love you have given this lucky lady
Loved I am
Love I give in return
To the world
Peace and love

eva5667faliure 02-26-2017 08:13 AM

Where did everybody go
Mother Mary

Thank you for your never ending love
Thank you for the lessons you bring to me
Thank you for your promises
Thank you for showing me the way
Thank you for my babies
Thank you for the people who came in and out of my life
Thank you for your constant
Thank you for the ovarian scare
Thank you for pushing me
In your arm I feel safe
In your arms I can do anything
In your arms I don't hurt
In your arms I don't cry
In your arms you cradle me
In your arms you empower me
In your arms I'm never alone
In your arms your warmth felt
In your arms you feel my pain
In your arms you know my heart
In your arms ill always be listened to
Ask I do
Heal the broken hearts
Help the sick
Help the poor
You are our savior
Heavenly Father
Your words are what I live by
I love my Heavenly Father I have Jesus Christ
And feel the Holy Spirit
Prayer constant dialog constant
I have a love here undying
It's forever and ever
I am hold your hand
I will not let go
Forgive me of my sins
Let me continue to reach out to you
Forever and ever

eva5667faliure 05-06-2017 06:22 AM

Keep me in your arms
Mother Mary

Blessings are your promises
In your time on your terms
In my life
You are in all that happened in my day
My body you will take care of
My Spirit filled with your touch
In your time on your terms
This I have come to understand
You love me
You intrusted me with my babies and granddaughter
To love my babies
To love our furry dog in Gods land where there is no more pain
That feeling we have for another and the power of that love
It is only when I release myself and jump into your world
And it just feels better
No matter what I am going through
When I give myself 100%
I am saved
I see all my blessings as I learn
It is all about you
I trust you
Jesus Christ walked this earth
I believe
I believe
In your love for us
Today my grandchild is going on her interview for acceptance to the gifted and talented school
All my four babies started like Eva
First grade and the world is hers
Blessings I see
In your time on your terms
In Jesus I trust
And in God I believe
May all find their way
Into Heavenly Fathers hands

eva5667faliure 08-08-2017 07:33 AM

And how many times
In my day can I remember to say thank Heavenly Father
Thank you my blessings blinded by my will
Let you'd be done

eva5667faliure 09-10-2017 01:01 AM

My body failing me
Having to be responsible for myself
And now little Eva in my life
Thank you for the love the exudes from her
Blessed I am in many ways
I who's I could remember and not forget
There is hope that things could change
For I'm being told by Heavenly Father
My body is talking to me
I must hold onto all the blessings bestowed upon me

eva5667faliure 10-10-2017 10:26 AM

On all the blessings
In my day
It all is in the hands of Heavenly Father
I must trust him
I may not understand
But know it is real and true
Thank you Jesus

eva5667faliure 12-01-2017 06:01 AM

To all
It took a long time
But my time with Heavenly Father has made it way into my heart and soul
My it happen to you
It is an awesome feeling of calm
To all I haven’t seen in much time
May you all be doing better than better
I think of you often
Blessings for all
Thank you God
Mother Mary

eva5667faliure 12-24-2017 07:34 AM

May the blessings wash
Over the world
Bring peace and love
Into your heart
Spread it
Give it away
Let it fly
Like the birds fly free
Let the Love grow
Heavenly Father
Lay your hands on us all
As we sing in joy and welcome Jesus Christ into our heart
As his birth from Virgin Mary
Who will watch her son suffer for our freedom into his world
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
In my heart you love lives

eva5667faliure 02-11-2018 08:01 AM

To focus
Not stray so easily
So much to do for the project is due
To have extra hands
No one to be found
All have their own thing they are doing
I left to do it with her
Will she remember what we did for Valentine’s Day
Blessings are that I can do it with her
Not to be that kid who isn’t prepared
We finished
Got it done
Stating focused

Saffy 10-09-2018 03:31 PM

So blessed to say HELLO. I e been a member for a few years but disappear, S one does every now and again.

So nice to come back and see old friends,

ger715 10-10-2018 09:40 PM

So good to hear from you. How are you? I remember you were dealing with some issues that were difficult.

Hope things are in a better place.


Saffy 10-21-2018 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1268542)
So good to hear from you. How are you? I remember you were dealing with some issues that were difficult.

Hope things are in a better place.


Gosh it’s been so long - and been so long since I replied to this.

I’m alive ... I have a warm house ... I am lucky.

I have been diagnosed with CRPS in my right hand and arm and after a collarbone break, which was repaired with a hook and sling and plates and pins, has been causing problems which ... are probably CRPS.

Went to the surgeon (it’s now 2 years since the operation) and he had said he would remove the plate and pins in the break was healed but ... he said because the hook snapped )two weeks after I’d had it put in) that the ligaments would all need to be lifted and repaired and they would have to lift them up ... and the force of that may break the collarbone again. He’d also have to cut some of the bone off of the top of my shoulder end ... all in all, he said any trauma to my body would likely result in the spread of CRPS.

Pah ... I am lucky ... I have a warm home and I dont have to work.

eva5667faliure 12-04-2018 09:54 PM

To ba kind to yourself
We tend to do do and over do
Then when we try and relax all he’ll breaks loose
The body feels like a train hit us
You take care and try and be kind to yourself
To think at 49 my life changed overnight forever
Just like that and the battle continues
It has come to define me if I let it
And I won’t
My your days be merry and bright
Much love 💕

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