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St George 2013 12-11-2015 01:42 AM

That is good news Eva !

Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1187723)
dear friend

hope all is well
and yes some like us who have soooo many different kinds
of pains
all independent from one another
a new problem has arisen
and it was very difficult to explain
and two of my doctors are scratching their heads
pictures are on a different forum "focus on blessings"
sub: SCS
the pictures of left hand and right toe
blood and vein will swell prior would be piercing pain
then a pop and then a bruise
if it weren't for the pictures i don't think i would be taken
in addition
extreme cramping in hands and feet
you take real good care
and your grown babies are there for you
amends were made with my eldest

I hope the amends made with your daughter were exactly what you were looking for or at least 'close enough'.

I've had 'spells' with Luke over the years when at times we didn't talk or if we did it was just to argue with one another. We've been through so much this year as a family that I don't think we will have that problem again. Not only did Luke lose his dad but his wife filed for divorce at the same time. She actually called him the day of his dad's funeral to tell him to go sign the divorce papers ! Yep...she was one of those.

Bless him he's been through so much lately and has so many regrets where his dad is concerned.

I saw the pic of your hand and wow......that is some scary stuff.

Thanks so much for sharing and caring dear friend.


St George 2013 12-11-2015 01:50 AM

Diandra :)

Originally Posted by Diandra (Post 1187725)
Dear Debi,
I'd be scared too. Yet how wonderful to have
Such great confidence and trust in your doctor.
Do you have an anti anxiety med you could take tonight to help you sleep?

Tonight when you go to bed, hold the image in your head of your doctor telling you the surgery is over and all went smoothly. I find planting positive imagery works wonders for nerves.

Your children are lovely. I am so happy Luke will be there for you.

Thanks for the details and please know from 7:45am on, prayers will be said for you. I think the good Karma of a sponsored surgery will spill over into the entire experience. It is so obvious that so many people love you and are cheering for you. All your NT buddies are here for you as well.:grouphug:
Much love,

As far as meds go I'm already on 40 mgs of Paxil a day and busipirone 5 mg a day. The pain dr said that with the BuTrans and the busipirone that there is really nothing else he can give me. Valium, Xanax and others such as that do not work with what I'm already taking. I would love to have something to take just as needed.

I slept for and hour and a half and I'm back up. I don't usually sleep well the night before a procedure and this is turning out to be no different.

I am so blessed to have you all in my life. You folks 'get me' like no one else can. Like others have said before, people look at you and think you are ok but we're not ok at all.

I will be thinking of all my friend here as I head in for surgery. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. With y'all I will get through this :)


St George 2013 12-11-2015 02:00 AM

Sweet Dave :)

Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1187741)
Hi Debi,

Thoughts and prayers will be winging their way to you from this side of the Pond. At least thinking about you will take my mind off the fact that I have a stranger driving me to and from my Infusion tomorrow. Interacting with others brings Anxiety to a head and add travel to the mix and I am on the verge of a Panic Attack already. So, as my travel co-incides with yours, I will spend the time sending you warm thoughts.

Then the start of our procedures mesh, so I can worry about you and pray for your Dr to be competent and efficient, rather than end up turning into a trembling wreck. This Trial truly is a blessing for you after all you have been through and with all the pain you suffer. It is a happy co-incidence that you take my mind off a stressful day.

I look forward to hearing of positive Log entries and the possibility of long-term pain reduction.


You always know the exact things to say ! How do you do that Dave ? You are amazing to me and so many others.

I'm so glad I can help you in the morning as you help me with your positive thoughts across the pond. I wish I could give you some of my wide openness. I never meet a stranger.

I would love for this to work. To be able to drive anywhere I wanted to again would be such a joy for me.

I've had a hard time today and am missing my Bubba so much. He was always here with me through anything like this and would wake up with me in the middle of the nights when I could not sleep before a procedure. I especially remember how sweet he was on the nights before a chemo treatment. I know he's with me in my heart and soul.

Good luck to you too dearest Dave and I hope the ride and treatment go well for you. I'll probably be home before you are :)

Please come back here and let me know how it went. I'll be looking for your update :D

I just love you all so much....I hope you all know that.


mrsD 12-11-2015 07:48 AM

My thoughts are with you, Debi, too. :hug:

Littlepaw 12-11-2015 09:13 AM


My prayers are with you. You are surrounded by love from so many it will surely help with the healing! You deserve relief and comfort. I hope this trial brings all that one could hope for and you recover quickly. I know Bubba is with you today and every day. And we, of course, carry you in our hearts with care and affection.

Sending hugs and healing love, :hug:

PamelaJune 12-11-2015 04:20 PM

Dave, you are the bravest strongest man I know. Your wit, your humour and the down to earth way in which you approach everything leaves me in awe. You to are in my thoughts and prayers :hug:


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1187741)
Hi Debi,

Thoughts and prayers will be winging their way to you from this side of the Pond. At least thinking about you will take my mind off the fact that I have a stranger driving me to and from my Infusion tomorrow. Interacting with others brings Anxiety to a head and add travel to the mix and I am on the verge of a Panic Attack already. So, as my travel co-incides with yours, I will spend the time sending you warm thoughts.

Then the start of our procedures mesh, so I can worry about you and pray for your Dr to be competent and efficient, rather than end up turning into a trembling wreck. This Trial truly is a blessing for you after all you have been through and with all the pain you suffer. It is a happy co-incidence that you take my mind off a stressful day.

I look forward to hearing of positive Log entries and the possibility of long-term pain reduction.


PamelaJune 12-11-2015 06:09 PM

Still in my thoughts
Debi, well you should be home with your trial SCS. It is so important, I can't emphasis how important, you follow the instructions of your PMS and the Medtronic reps. You have leads hanging out of you and an outside unit attached to those leads which of course are sitting in your spine right now. Be careful of doorknobs and such, I got mine caught on the door handle... Don't stretch, twist and turn or reach or bend, but when I say that, I mean don't do it beyond your limits, in order to get the most out of the unit you still need to do things to see if it will work. Also two types of stretch absolutely DO NOT DO the "morning just woken up stretch".

Have a read of Mark 56 BLaST. I add to his BLaST a capital A -= Ask for help, don't be a martyr and go it alone. You so need this to work hon, give it your best shot and believe, really believe with all the power of your mind it will work. My PMS said the power of positive thought has a huge impact on SCS success rates.

I had the feeling / awareness of a strange thing in me about 6 months in, I was having difficulties with it and getting frustrated with charging etc and it was just like this overwhelming and irrational feeling of an alien thing inside me, so much so I was thinking of asking to take the damn thing out, then a new PMS threaded the 2nd lead and I havent looked back. I still get frustrated with charging from time to time, but I'm no longer physically aware of this thing and wanting it out.

Anyhow those leads are in your spinal cavity and you want to be sure, extra sure you do not get any infection bacteria in there, so important you pay attention to caring for them. Forget washing your hair for a week as well, or get someone else to do it if you really need to.

I can't remember if Medtronic are paddle leads or percutaneous, mine are percutaneous, Mark56 has got paddle leads and his is a Boston. Good luck xxx

EnglishDave 12-11-2015 06:36 PM

Great advice PamelaJune. Debi… Do as you are told:D

Thought about you all through a terrible day, made it easier to handle. Waiting for updates with bated breath.


eva5667faliure 12-12-2015 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1187906)
Debi, well you should be home with your trial SCS. It is so important, I can't emphasis how important, you follow the instructions of your PMS and the Medtronic reps. You have leads hanging out of you and an outside unit attached to those leads which of course are sitting in your spine right now. Be careful of doorknobs and such, I got mine caught on the door handle... Don't stretch, twist and turn or reach or bend, but when I say that, I mean don't do it beyond your limits, in order to get the most out of the unit you still need to do things to see if it will work. Also two types of stretch absolutely DO NOT DO the "morning just woken up stretch".

Have a read of Mark 56 BLaST. I add to his BLaST a capital A -= Ask for help, don't be a martyr and go it alone. You so need this to work hon, give it your best shot and believe, really believe with all the power of your mind it will work. My PMS said the power of positive thought has a huge impact on SCS success rates.

I had the feeling / awareness of a strange thing in me about 6 months in, I was having difficulties with it and getting frustrated with charging etc and it was just like this overwhelming and irrational feeling of an alien thing inside me, so much so I was thinking of asking to take the damn thing out, then a new PMS threaded the 2nd lead and I havent looked back. I still get frustrated with charging from time to time, but I'm no longer physically aware of this thing and wanting it out.

Anyhow those leads are in your spinal cavity and you want to be sure, extra sure you do not get any infection bacteria in there, so important you pay attention to caring for them. Forget washing your hair for a week as well, or get someone else to do it if you really need to.

I can't remember if Medtronic are paddle leads or percutaneous, mine are percutaneous, Mark56 has got paddle leads and his is a Boston. Good luck xxx

The advise PamelaJune speaks of is right on
I am not a recipient however because I am no longer
In ever having surgery again
I followed every step persons took

I remember reading way back when
of a fellow SCS recipient
One of the leads had moved
I believe the other fused to the selected area
And have come to learn it being able to be permanently
attached to the proper site
as opposed to a different way and I don't remember
yet what stuck out was the way the leads are secured
so no shifting happens
Marks personal experience strength and recovery is one of
best personal tricks he found that worked and passed it on
Thank you Mark

St George 2013 12-12-2015 09:42 AM

Good morning everyone :)

Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1187910)
Great advice PamelaJune. Debi… Do as you are told:D

Thought about you all through a terrible day, made it easier to handle. Waiting for updates with bated breath.


Oh Dave.....I'm so sorry your day was terrible. I was so hoping you would have good comments on your ride and treatment ! I too was thinking of you dear friend.

I'm going to use Dave's post to tell y'all how it went. Because we all love Dave and because I'm already on here ! :D

I have to say it do go well....other than the lady that put me to sleep wanting a 2nd IV put in in the OR and she blew the first one out in my hand. OUCH ! And I have GREAT veins. She was in a hurry even though they told her they were not rushing her so I FINALLY said something to the effect that she NEEDED to slow down for the 2nd stick and she got that one. Thank goodness.

I know they woke me up during the procedure to ask questions but that's very foggy and I don't remember feeling any pain at all which was nice.

I have never had any issues before with the meds they put me to sleep with but whatever she used yesterday was pretty bad. I felt like I was going to throw up all the way home. The motion of the car was not good. All day yesterday I could only get up for about 15 minutes at a time and then that terrible feeling would hit me again and I would have to go back to bed.

As far as the SCS.......she gave me 3 programs to try but also stated it is very hard to get the whole feet in the coverage. And that is my worst pain. From the middle of each foot to the toes. I'm stll having the foot pain but I have not worked with the programs yet. I couldn't yesterday but hoping I can work with them today.

The sensation is not bothering me at all. It is WEIRD to move a certain way and it UP itself. Makes you stop and take notice but not hurtful in any way. My back is extremely sore. Extremely SORE but nothing like the SFN is.

Here is a funny from yesterday:
Since my son took me I didn't want to wear my bra because I didn't think he would be too thrilled in 'undoing' it for me when we got home ! When I told the nurses they just howled in laughter !

I read somewhere the night before that I needed to wear a button up shirt. Well my friends, because I have 3 issues going on with my hands I don't HAVE any button up shirts. Only over the head ones without collars.
So I wracked what brain I have left and got out 2 of Bubba's PJ tops. Perfect and felt so much closer to him when I had it one. Which I still have on :D

The SCS rep, who was very nice and gave me her cell #, wanted to know my top problem with SFN. As most of you know I can't stand on my feet very long so grocery shopping is out. I might make it through the store but would be in bed for days after that in severe pain.
She doesn't want me to totally overdo but suggested that I go grocery shopping so I can report back on that experience. Our Ingles store is not huge like others but too big for me to walk through. And using the electric carts just seems to set my feet and hands off due to the vibration.

So my plan is to take it easy today and play with the programs. Tomorrow me and Christina will venture out to Ingles and see how it goes. I have to go back to see the Dr and rep on Monday at 1:00 and my SIL will be able to take me since he doesn't work on Mondays.

So my friends....I DID IT ! I'm pretty proud of my whimpy self :p

Thank you all so much for the support and prayers. They WORKED !



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