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Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 1
Newly Joined
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 1
libido problems aftermath of HIV dementia
Hi guys:
Well iīm a 35 years old gay man, five years ago i was diagnosed with leucoencephalopathy by HIV or HIV Dementia stage 4(a non typical HIV symptoms, reason īcause i went to final stage, medics didnīt know what happened to me and me neither), thatīs a state like Alzheimer, you loss everything, has been five years of hard recovery, fortunately iīm nearly so well if not best in much areas than before diagnostic. But i have libido(loss of desire) and erection problems(no matter cialis or viagra), and apparently is caused by damage on brain hipocampus, īcause iīm hormonally perfect. I know thatīs difficult say something each case is different, iīve been on TBI forums asking, and now here. With that kind of barian damage is possible that my libido, desire, my sexual life can return to normal?