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Old 02-27-2019, 01:32 AM #1
sougata mukherjee sougata mukherjee is offline
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Default Serious sleeping problems

Hello everyone! I want to share a really weird symptom that i am presently having and it has made my life much complicated.
Many people around the globe suffer from insomnia.I am a young adult and for the past one or two months , falling asleep seems to be the toughest thing in this world for me.With bedtime approaching, i start to feel panic that lack of sleep will make my life more difficult the following day and this process will continue on and on and become a permanent pblm in my life that will cause a massive setback in my career also.
Actually, i do not exercise or go to the gym or play outside.Most of the time , i am busy on the phone or stay indoors with my eyes in front of the tv or mobile screen.This has been the story for many months in the recent past.
I have just completed my postgraduate degree and taking preparations for competitive exams for jobs and higher studies.So, there's no more college for me and no more dynamism in my life activities.In college, i used to be so busy and active and sleeping was never an issue.It would automatically come to me the way it occurs for every living creature on this planet as the bodies are programmed in such manner since birth.But, when i was in college i often used to skip sleep at night by studying late and now, it seems that my body's bio clock and internal cycles have been all affected and become haphazard.I am disrupted my own body system from functioning it in the normal manner in which God had programmed it to be,thereby inducing some harmful effects.I must also mention that i got addicted to watching excess porn and masturbation and i now read that these habits change one's body internally and cause massive imbalance of body chemicals.They make the nerves excited and hypersensitive and deplete the brain of it's precious neurotransmitters.BUt,what is really causing me a lot of trauma is the following situation:

Now, even if I go to bed early or on time,I do not feel sleepy at all.WHAT IS REALLY WEIRD IS THAT EVEN IF DUE TO SOME REASON OR THE OTHER IF I FEEL SLEEPY ALSO, I CANNOT SLEEP.As if, my body system that lost that inbuilt mechanism to fall asleep.In case of a normal living being,whenever it tries to sleep by calming the mind or feeling tired,sleep comes naturally.A person or any other creature will slowly feel relaxed and sleep will automatically take control of the body, slowly detaching the connection with outside world and that man will fall asleep without even realizing.It is an inbuilt mechanism via which the brain and the nervous system work together.And, it is not within our voluntary control.
But, in my case, the situation us COMPLETELY ABNORMAL.Whenever, I try to sleep or relax, I cannot sleep as my mind cannot detach itself from the outside world.I feel restless and nervous.As if I have lost that inbuilt mechanism of sleeping,which had been present inside me from birth and which is present in all living creatures.I cannot let go of things around me and relax like a normal person when we tries to sleep.I am overconscious of the fact that i am trying to sleep and may be it will again be a failure,as if my system has stopped working in the natural process.I feel restless and have a feeling that may be this pblm will continue throughout my life and feel very depressed.It sounds strange but the fact is that even if i feel sleepy,i cannot sleep.I get a feeling that the switch to my brain just cannot be turned off for falling asleep,as if that mechanism has somehow stopped working!!Sleep just cannot come and take control of me as it used to be earlier!!May be my nerves and senses have become so active that they cannot detach my senses from the outside world, i.e that switch to the brain just can no more be turned off on its own.I know,that it is a strange situation in which very few people are in.
i have read that the neurons in a region called VLPO of the hypothalamus of the brain control these sleeping mechanisms.It scares me a lot to wonder what if in my case, that part or those neurons have somehow lost their inbuilt programming and can no more operate normally!!!!Indeed,it sends a shiver of pain down my back.I feel very tired and frustated during the day.Can anyone die without having sleep because his brain is not working properly or lost that ability?
For people reading this post, i want to ask u that do u think that such things can actually happen at my age(23) and the brain has permanently lost it's ability to sleep??Can i put things back to normal??Has anyone of you been in such a situation??Please reply

I also want to mention that i do not take sleeping pills.But, my doctor had recommended me anti anxiety tablets (anxit 0.25mg) two months ago.If i do not take them, i face the above mentioned problems.But, even if i take half of the prescribed dose(0.12mg), i have observed that i can sleep for 7 hours or even longer than that at night.DO u think that the reason for my difficulties in sleeping is anxiety and lack of exercise or disruption in normal body cycles due to unhealthy lifestyle?? Is it true that the brain will eventually fall asleep if it wants to , no matter whether it has been awake for 3 or 4 days???or the person will die after 10 days of sleeplessness because he can no more sleep on his own??

If my nerves or sleeping mechanisms would be devastated, then can it be possible that mere use of anti anxiety medicines (not sleeping pills and do not contain melatonin) can normalise my sleeping mechanisms and make me sleep for 7-8 hours??If my nerves and mechanisms would have been damaged,could this thing work for me?please answer.Also tell me what i should do to take my body and sleeping abilities back to normal??Please want to sleep on my own like the way i used to do it, without use of anti anxiety pills.
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Old 02-27-2019, 02:43 PM #2
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With respect, I think that you may be over-medicalising your insomnia.

Sleep hygiene is usually highly effective for people who have problems with sleeping well. It involves learning and then applying good habits in preparation for sleep. In essence, it means that your bedroom should only be used for sleep and, if relevant, sexual intimacy.

There is a practical guide to sleep hygiene here Sleep hygiene - Better Health Channel .
Knowledge is power.
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Old 02-21-2020, 09:31 AM #3
SuperElectric SuperElectric is offline
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I agree with the previous poster regarding good sleep hygene, which means going to bed and getting up at the same time every day and banning electronic devices from the bedroom. Many people have a quiet time, usually an hour, before going to bed. Daily exercise is also beneficial for mind health as well as physical health.

It's easy to get over anxious about sleep which turns into a vicious circle making sleep difficult. Also, don't be too concerned about the medication you are on as you can be weaned off it, the important thing is it is working. The mind has a massive role in sleep, being happy and as care free as possible aids sleep. I find thinking about good past events like holidays helps me.
Concussion 28-02-2014 head butted a door edge.

Symptoms overcome: Nausea, head pressure, debilitating fatigue, jelly legs, raised pulse rate, night sweats, restlessness, depersonalisation, anxiety, neck ache, depression.
Symptoms left: Disturbed sleep, some residual tinnitus.
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Old 02-21-2020, 02:59 PM #4
caroline2 caroline2 is offline
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I go to sleep same time every night, wake up same time every morning, no gadgets in my bedroom, have q quiet radio on across the room and it shuts down as programmed and my sleep recipe is posted in this Sleep forum. Sleep is vital to all our health.
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Old 01-14-2021, 09:44 PM #5
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Inositol is in my sleep remedy I've mentioned here...but the last 2 nights due to an "almost fall" and and my body going into fight/flight/fright mode, in order to relax my body, it's 82 yrs old, I took 2 extra 500mg inositol and my sleep was even more enhanced, and so I did this again last night and will continue for a while, and my night of dreams has been a real journey....

Inositol For Sleep and Insomnia Relief: Reviews and Dosages
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