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Kitty 10-10-2009 12:38 PM

I've been to the store and back and think I'm done for the day. Pam, I have the same reaction to approaching bad weather. All day yesterday I was a slug.....sleepy and headachey all day. We got bad weather overnight but today it's just cloudy. Warm, though. Yuck.

Sandy, I hope Jim is approved for the exerciser. It's so strange what they consider "necessary" and what they don't.

I think somebody's car got repo'ed last night. I heard a bunch of banging and clanging of chains and stuff about 2:30 AM and looked outside and there was a flatbed tow truck in the cul de sac. About fifteen minutes later I heard a car alarm going off on the street directly behind ours and heard what was (I assume) the tow truck peeling off out of the subdivision. :eek: Could have been something else but our neighborhood is usually so quiet that when stuff like that happens it wakes everybody up. What a way to start your Saturday morning.......where's my car!!?? :rolleyes:

Vonn07 10-10-2009 12:57 PM

Barb ... I haven't been feeling good ... and didn't want to take my ambien last night ... TONIGHT, I'm going to .. I was up every two hours!! I went to bed around 9p ... and thought I had slept all night .. looked at the clock, it was 1:55 ... aaarrrgghh!!! then I was up again around 4, then 630 ... and have my HGTV on now all day ..

trying to feel better ... just am so nauseated ... and will be like this until the 20th and figure out what's going on ...

doing a bit of this and that .. no big projects .. although I'd love to re-arrange the livingroom ... naw, just catching the couch and watching TV ...

Kelly - it SNOWED here around 1030 for about an hour ... now the sun is shining (sorta) .. time to dig out my earmuffs and gloves ... and winter sweatshirts and sweaters!! :D

nothing new on the 'love-life' end of things ... don't know how to tell anyone (male) about my issues right now ... so, I'll just hang out with you guys!

ewizabeth 10-10-2009 01:03 PM

Good afternoon everybody! :grouphug:

I slept until noon today and just finished breakfast. It's cold and cloudy here and I'd like to get some stuff done around the house.

The Lexapro seems to be working, I'm feeling a bit better. :) Also, I started taking my Naxonex spray again because I was coughing a lot and my dizziness is better. It's weird that my sinuses and depression can make the MS feel so much worse. I wonder if it actually causes a flare up? My arms and legs were affected too. :confused:

The nuvigil did nothing at all for me and the topamax made things worse so I'm going to hold off on those. I decided to stop the Provigil on the weekends so it will work better during the week when I need more energy.

The house is in serious need of a cleaning so I'm going to try to get that started this weekend and enlist the help of the guys.

I read all of your posts and I'm thinking and praying for each of you. I love reading about your days. I better get moving here soon or it will be another one of those days.

Hugs all around... :grouphug: :grouphug:

FinLady 10-10-2009 02:22 PM

Our bathroom is slowly turning colors :) Helped out with some of the little stuff, but now had to break.

Guess I can no longer say the tremors are a fully remitted thing.:( Between the painting and the cleaning, pushed just a wee bit too hard. My right index finger has had a mind of it's own since I stopped. Hoping that when I've rested up it'll go away again.

Barb, hope you have a good time shopping.

Sandy, hope they approve the machine for Jim. You'd think they would consider the health benefits of such a thing.

Vonn, :hug::hug:

Wiz, hoping you get some stuff done today. Enlist that help and don't forget to take breaks. :hug:

Kelly, That must have been a creepy thing to wake up to. :eek: I couldn't imagine hearing all that in the middle of the night.

Everyone, :grouphug::grouphug:

tkrik 10-10-2009 03:55 PM

Just doing a quick check in. Been working on homework all morning. Well, it would have taken me less time if DBF didn't interrupt so much. LOL

Not doing much else except hanging out with DBF (who is napping on the couch. lol). Things are pretty crazy for me right now (family stuff :rolleyes:). But, DBF is so awesome and has such a calming effect on me that it has been great to hang out with him. Usually it is the otherway around but not the past couple of days.

I hope you all are having a great weekend so far!:hug::grouphug:

JustWeave 10-10-2009 06:03 PM

Spent the morning earning a paycheck (helped with a book sale) then played this afternoon. Some guild members gathered at a local historic site to spin, visit with each other, and educate the public. We had a great time.

TwoKidsTwoCats 10-10-2009 11:49 PM

We had a quiet Saturday. I slept late and we watched all the shows we recorded all week. I'm probably gonna be sore tomorrow... challenged hubby and son to Wii fit games today. Plus I already have a bruise on my ribs from stumbling into the wall with my vacuum cleaner canister...still haven't figured that one out yet!

Found out today my 9 yr old niece has tested positive for H1N1 flu. She is recovering quickly and should be back in school on Wednesday. I'm just praying my mom doesn't get it. She keeps her at nights while my brother works.

:hug: to all.

FinLady 10-11-2009 08:03 AM

Sun is shining and sleep helped tons. Trying to take it easy today. :hug::hug::hug: for everyone.

barb02 10-11-2009 09:31 AM

Doing laundry and grading exams. I need to do some cleaning later. Honestly, I am just taking a short computer break:rolleyes:.

Kitty 10-11-2009 09:40 AM

Not doing much today if I can help it. Just having some coffee and reading the Sunday paper. Cloudy, cool day........aahhhhhhhh. :)

:grouphug: for everyone!

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