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MelodyL 03-27-2008 09:46 AM

Today, I read in the paper that Mary K Blige bought a 13 million dollar house in Saddle Brook New Jersey, with 8 bathrooms and a 14 seat home theater.

Take that image and combine that with the homes that Donald Trump owns, the homes that Bill Gates (yeah, I know he gives away most of his money), and all the rich people own.

Then there's the Queen of England who is purportedly the richest woman in the world.

I saw the film "The Queen" with Helen Mirren. Blew me away that one person can live on so many acres of land and have absolutely no need to do this.

All they do is drink tea and there was a scene where Prince Phillip says to the Queen. "Oh, now, they've made you let your tea get cold".

Turned my stomach.

To live in a world where few people live like Kings and Queens, while others in that country can't get to a doctor, don't have running water, and can't see a dentist for 3 months, because the health insurance problem is so rampant that no one can get a visit to get their health checked, well, it makes me sick.

Why the heck can people be allowed to own all this property, which can be cultivated, built on, and which can house THOUSANDS of people, and no one does a darn thing, well I just don't get it.

There is so much land (I'm speaking about the Royals now), and there's so much undeveloped potential even in our own country, but people are still buying $12 million dollars houses?????

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a socialist and I think people should have as many creature comforts as they can afford....but no one needs a $12 million dollar home. 8 bathrooms (for 3 people), etc. etc.

And the Queen of England (have you ever seen how much property her castle s sit on??). Oh my god. Do you realize how many people she can help if she got off of her duff and just moved to a regular mansion and said to the Prime Minister "here, I am giving you all this property, go and employ thousands of laborers and build homes".

And by the way, build Social Clubs, and recreational centers, so young people can keep busy and not drink all the time.

This applies to my country also.

We need to get the kids off of the streets, and into rec centers, and off the booze, drugs and petty crimes.

We need to start building more affordable apartments for the elderly and the disabled.

But as long as there are Donald Trumps, and rich rap singers, who live in super million dollar houses, well I guess this is not going to happen in my lifetime.

What a shame.

Our young people are going to hell in a handbasket.

Sorry to rant and rave, but I opened up my newspaper this morning, and all I saw were young people shooting each other and doing crimes, because they don't know any other way of life.

There are only two classes now.

Rich and everybody else.

It's not right.

Tootsie 03-27-2008 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by kicker (Post 245718)
I used to tutor the homeless - are children guilty because of their parent's path? Single parent, no job or not very good jobs, so many expenses, drugs and alcohol often used to "self-medicate" pain (emotional and physical.) Mental illness, lack of support. We may all know someone with MS and other contributing factors who are homeless or very close to the edge.

If I did not have DH's paycheck, how the heck would I live on my SSDI!!!!!!!! It's sometimes hard to land in a safety net when falling, not too many effective nets out there anyway. Behaviors learned, Goes on and on and on. I have no answers, just tears. I think "there but for the grace of God, go I". It's not hard to fall over the edge. Extreme Make-over only saves 1 family a week, and don't forget short new season and re-runs. But at least they make a difference in one family's lives.

At the food kitchen next to where I tutored the homeless, the ex-homeless worker came out to make sure my kids got an apple from a contribution. He made us cry and we honored his gesture by accepting it, though my kids neither liked or needed apples. At 7 they knew to say just thanks. They do have respect for others.

Why did you stop tutoring? Just wondering.

I have become a skeptic in my old age....though I'm sure there are people who are homeless due to legitimate reasons.....I also think choices (single parenting, lack of education, drugs and alcohol, mental illness) are creating a homeless wave.

My son lives in SF where you would often see homeless people and are often besieged by beggars.

DS said at first he'd give them money, but he saw a trend toward pan handlers who were not poor or homeless or people who just used the money for drugs and not food or shelter.

After awhile it's difficult to keep giving.

There are many programs for the homeless. Most entail giving back in a responsible way.

Some people don't want any of that; they just want the handout.

Has anyone ever watched the show "Intervention". That is amazing. So many troubled people who just cannot straight out their lives, especially those who have drug/alcohol problems.

You have to ask what triggered the problems? Are some people just prone to this?

I know I have heard that alcoholism is tied to a genetic factor. I don't know if that's the case, but in families where I've seen the problem it was something that several generations suffered from.


Chemar 03-27-2008 10:39 AM

our church has a ministry to the homeless.

teams make sandwich/snack packs and also take clothing, blankets, toiletries etc with them.
They spend time downtown at the parks etc, and get to know the people they are caring for.

Many stories....many paths lead people to being homeless.
It takes getting to know people to reach a deeper understanding sometimes of why they are where they are in life.

MelodyL 03-27-2008 10:47 AM

Tootsie: You said:

"I have become a skeptic in my old age....though I'm sure there are people who are homeless due to legitimate reasons.....I also think choices (single parenting, lack of education, drugs and alcohol, mental illness) are creating a homeless wave."

I completely agree with your assessment of this fact. This of course does not apply to people who have been burned out of their houses or in cases of disaster.

What you and I are most upset about is the poor choices that many people make. Why do they make these choices? Because they can get away with it.

I have watched intervention (Also celebrity Intervention).

Absolutely fascinating at the entitlement, at how the people react when family members read their statement, about how the person's addiction is affecting the rest of the family. How do they react??

They could not care less. I've seen many of them walk off the show after yelling at the family members who have tried to help. I've seen this also on Dr. Phil.

Look at the Hollywood Stars. Look at what was revealed on tv last night. Robin Williams (who has been married for 18 years), and has had two stints in rehab because of his drinking. He's getting divorced.

And the only reason he is not homeless is because he's ROBIN WILLIAMS.

Why can some people behave in a fashion and think they can get away with it? It's called Narcissism.

The world has plenty of them.

Very sad.

I believe (and I know this WILL NEVER HAPPEN). I think the world would be a better place if they would close down every bar, every liquor store, and yank all the dope peddlers off of the street and put them away for life.

If kids didn't have all these temptations (and I can't even say if the mothers were watching these kids then the kids would straighten out), I can't even hope for that because I watched a tv special yesterday and the mother of one of those kids is herself a heroin addict. Good Lord.

If they took away the liquor and put every dope dealer away for life, well kids would have to find another way to have fun now wouldn't they?

People might just actually get out of their homes and chat on their porches with their neighbors. (I know, I live in a Leave it to Beaver mentality).

Well, give me the good old Leave it to Beaver days anytime.

I wish I could get in a time travel rocket and go back to 1950's.

Yeah, I'd miss the cell phones and computers, I also could take the train at night and not get mugged for an ipod.

And the neighborhood policeman would keep an eye on your kid, as would your neighbor.

Today, well, forget about it. Everyone is afraid of getting sued.

suzyqz_2007 03-27-2008 10:59 AM

Society, for the most part, has become so focused on material things that decent moral attitudes and respect have become rare commodities.

Curious 03-27-2008 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Chemar (Post 245782)
our church has a ministry to the homeless.

teams make sandwich/snack packs and also take clothing, blankets, toiletries etc with them.
They spend time downtown at the parks etc, and get to know the people they are caring for.

Many stories....many paths lead people to being homeless.
It takes getting to know people to reach a deeper understanding sometimes of why they are where they are in life.


i'm 30 days away from being homeless. working my tail off to try and stop it.

don't judge people if you don't know their story. you do not know why they are there.

i do not drink. do not do drugs. don't even have 1 credit card. i hate to shop, so i haven't ever wasted money. we rarely ever eat out, so no wasted money there.

circumatances that i had no control over has caused this.

just remember, when you point a finger, there are 4 pointing back at you.

KathyM 03-27-2008 11:22 AM


The man I referred to gave me no indication he was an alcoholic before he lost his home and family in fire. Alcohol isn't the only cause of tragic house fires. My parents home almost burned to the ground due to an electrical shortage in the air conditioner. Lightning, candles, and stoves can also be a cause.

When my mother was first experiencing symptoms of amyloidosis (though doc didn't know about it at the time), professionals told her to drink a glass of wine at night to calm her nerves and help her sleep. She hated the taste of the stuff, but after a while she developed her taste for wine. She also developed a taste for martinis Over time she needed more and more, but it wasn't enough. So her doc gave her some sleeping pills to help her sleep. Over time, she abused them too because it never gave her back her healthy nerves and body. She also became suicidal.

People don't know when they pass that threshold of dependence when it comes to addiction. :(

I think there is so much despair because there are too many lies being told and hypocrisy displayed. Working hard doesn't guarantee a nice home. Making good grades and graduating from college doesn't guarantee a job. Being a good employee doesn't guarantee you'll keep that job. Buying your dream home doesn't mean it will last forever. :(

At the same time, advertisers push us into believing in order to be happy we need gadgets with all the bells and whistles - and a home with 8 bathrooms. They also encourage us to isolate ourselves on tropical islands and drink beer. :(

We've made it very easy for people of all ages to give up on all their dreams.

MelodyL 03-27-2008 12:31 PM


So sorry to hear about your circumstances. Have you done all the legal appeals so they don't throw you out. My husband was a process server many years ago, and many times he had to serve 30 days notices of eviction.

The people always went to court and got a stay. Usually the court system gives you time to look for another place to live.

Have you exhausted all of your options?

lor 03-27-2008 01:01 PM

Companys are leaving the US or being sold to countries over seas (a British co. bought the co. where my DH works) because they can get the they can get allot of $ or get the work done in other countries at a lower price. Americans & companies want more, more, more. The 'whatever corporation' doesn't care about you, you want more $ and so do they, so in their minds, why have 'Mr USA' do the job when 'Mr Spain' or Mr____ will do the same thing for less & not ask for or protest for more things along with that job (My bro & the guys he worked with were upset cuz they couldn't drink pop or read books on the job. Next you know they will protest for all the little things they can't have.)

Kitty 03-27-2008 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by MelodyL (Post 245793)
Tootsie: You said:

"I have become a skeptic in my old age....though I'm sure there are people who are homeless due to legitimate reasons.....I also think choices (single parenting, lack of education, drugs and alcohol, mental illness) are creating a homeless wave."

I completely agree with your assessment of this fact. This of course does not apply to people who have been burned out of their houses or in cases of disaster.

What you and I are most upset about is the poor choices that many people make. Why do they make these choices? Because they can get away with it.

Ummm....last time I checked mental illness was not a "choice". :)

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