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Old 03-04-2012, 03:47 PM #21
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Good to know that the mini-tramp works. We actually have one!

I'm a couple weeks into physical therapy after seeing a physiatrist. They have the piriformis loosened up pretty well, and I've been exercising in the therapy pool. They also have me gradually resuming my walking program on land.

It looks like there might also be some IT band problems that are coming to the surface now that the piriformis is calmer. Such an adventure!
mTBI and PCS after sledding accident 1-17-2011

Was experiencing:
Persistent headaches, fatigue, slowed cognitive functions, depression
Symptoms exacerbated by being in a crowd, watching TV, driving, other miscellaneous stress & sensory overload
Sciatica/piriformis syndrome with numbness & loss of reflex

Largely recovered after participating in Nedley Depression Recovery Program March 2012:


Eowyn Rides Again: My Journey Back from Concussion

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Old 03-11-2012, 03:22 PM #22
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Sounds like you have been through more with your PS than I have with 3 spine surgeries and PS.

I learned from a very good PT that stress can make your pain more difficult. Sounds simplistic but he taught me how to breath. I was holding my breath when I hurt. So deep slow breathing and visualizing no pain (which isn't easy) helps it to calm down. I also go to a really good pain Doc. She's an anesthesiologist pain specialist. And we keep a good supply of icyhot in the house.

I thought I would be in a wheel chair until I met her. I seldom take pain pills now. I am so glad. I wish you could find one specialist who could coordinate your care and give you relief.

Here's hoping you get the help you need.

Originally Posted by msabona View Post
I'm a 39 year old male. I was very active prior to the chronic pain. I'm at my wits end. My anxiety and depression are at their worst. I'm now in psychotherapy, but I don't think one hour a week of talking about how my pain is degrading my mental capacity is helping me. I'm not criticizing all therapy; it's just not helping me with pain. I need to find a way to stop the pain or I fear that I will simply give up on everything.

My pain is in my right buttock daily, and often travels down into my right hamstring. After golfing 18 holes, my pain will manifest itself in my groin for up the three days.

I wake up every day at a 2/3 on the pain scale. Sitting in an office chair or in a car cause my pain to rapidly increase from a 2/3 to an 8/9. When I say rapidly I mean 10 to 30 minutes. My right butt muscles spasm randomly every day from one spasm episode to multiple episodes lasting anywhere from 1 to 10 seconds. The spasms do not trigger painful sensations. I take Baclofen to stop the spasms but the pain is not relieved.

My relentless journey to find the reason and cure for this pain includes:

Over the last 4 years I’ve had several MRIs (with and without contrast) of my lower back, right hip and hemi-pelvis, x-rays of lumbar spine, ultrasound of ischial bursa area, and whole body bone scans. The MRIs show:

L4-L5: minimal posterolateral disk bulges are identified bilaterally. There are no focal significant disk herniations or evidence of central canal stenosis. There is mild narrowing of the neural foramina bilaterally.

L5-S1: There is a small broad-based posterior central disk protrusion at this level. There is no evidence for compromise of central canal or nerve roots. There is no significant foraminal narrowing.


Over the last 4 years I’ve tried the following treatments, and have summarized each treatment’s effectiveness.

Cold and Heat Therapy: Doesn’t relieve the pain.

Piriformis Stretching and Neural Flossing: Provides immediate relief, but only temporarily.

Core muscle strengthening: Doesn’t relieve the pain.

Psoas muscle release: Doesn’t relieve the pain.

Piriformis muscle release: Provides immediate relief, but only temporarily.

About 3 months of weekly Physical Therapy: Doesn’t relieve the pain.

TENS unit: Delays the onset of the pain, but causing skin irritation and discomfort.

Sitting on a 70cm exercise ball versus office chair: Doesn’t relieve the pain.

Sitting on a FitBall disk on top of office chair: Doesn’t relieve the pain.

Sitting on pillow on top of office chair: Doesn’t relieve the pain.

About 3 years of weekly Chiropractic manipulation: Doesn’t relieve the pain. I did learn that I had fallen arches, specifically on the same side as the pain. I have ortho inserts and wear them daily now.
Acupuncture (3 visits): Doesn’t relieve the pain.

CT-guided Epidural steroid injections in L4, L5, S1: First injection relieved the pain for 6 months, second injection relieved the pain for 3 months and third injection relieved the pain for 2 weeks.

CT-guided Ischial bursa injection: Doesn’t relieve the pain.

CT-guided Piriformis injections (steroid and Botox): First steroid injection relieved the pain for a couple of months; second steroid injection relieved the pain for 2 weeks. Botox injection doesn’t relieve the pain.

RF Ablations of T-11 through L3 twice with 3 month periods (Sept 5 and Dec 2, 2011), Doesn’t relieve the pain.

Pain Management

Ibuprofen/Aleve/Tylenol: Doesn’t relieve the pain. Took Ibuprofen almost every day for 1 year and ended up with Gastritis. I stopped taking NSAIDs. I cured my Gastritis by drinking Aloe Vera Gel over a 3-week period.

Darvocet 10MG: Decreased the pain by 1-2 points for 30 to 60 minutes.

Hydrocodone/APAP 10MG: Decreased the pain by 2-3 points for 30 to 60 minutes.

Oxycodone/APAP 10MG: Decreases the pain by 4-5 points for 1 to 1.5 hours.

Lyrica: No pain relief.

Gabapentin: Couldn't tolerate.

Topirimate: Only been taking it for one month. Haven’t noticed any pain relief from it.

Lidoderm Patch: Just started wearing these five days ago. Doesn't relieve the pain when sitting, however, when I wear the patch and don’t sit upright I feel great.

Baclofen: Stops the buttock muscle spasms but doesn’t relieve the pain.

Lidocaine: Had 10cc injected about ½ inch below the skin above the center of the Piriformis (my wife is in the medical field) and all of my pain went away for about 45 minutes. I even went for a long drive after making sure my leg wasn’t numb and no pain was triggered.

I’m now thinking of having Piriformis Release Surgery. I live in Milwaukee, WI. Does anyone have any advice for my after reading my story? My anxiety and depression are winning the battle at the moment. It’s affecting my work and my family life. I’m losing myself. I’m not suicidal because I have kids that need and deserve their father, but if it wasn’t for them there would be no reason to continue this suffering.

I've attached a .zip file of my scans in case I'm lucky enough for someone to come across this post, read my images, and find something helpful.
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Old 04-23-2012, 09:56 PM #23
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Hi. I am 47 y/o and also live in WI. I have a horrid pain in my right buttox.I do believe I have piroformis syndrome. I have had it for eight years and it is ruining my life. My wife is leaving me after 26 years because this has changed me dramatically. I have had several MRI's, at least 4 cortisone injections into the piroformis with diminishing relief. (5 months max) I have some relief with Tramadol & Hydrocodone. Stretches & Chiro SI joint manipulation also helps. I want Piro release as well. Have you found a diagnosis? I'd go to Mayo and get fresh start. Yours sounds worse than my pain. I was going to try Mayo but just lost my job and quite likely the cabin too. No wonder I'm slightly depressed. Having a bone scan tomorrow & some x-rays hunched over. Sitting is terrible.
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Old 08-09-2012, 03:45 PM #24
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Originally Posted by msabona View Post
Thank you for replying and your kind words. I did have a minor injury during exercise to my right inner groin while doing Pilates. I have sapams every day in one of my butt muscles but they dont come with pain. The baclofen keep the spasms at bay. However, the pain is chronic.
Please see my information. I went through exactly what you have for forty years. I no longer have problems due to a tiny little implanted computer. Pre-program electrodes send messages to my brain whenever pain begins. As you may know, the brain is REALLY what lets you know you are hurting. Must go to a reputable Pain Managment Specialist. They will insist you have a psychological exam to make sure you understand this procedure. It has saved my life, my career, and I can do most anything - including riding a camel across the Egyptian desert. I can stand for long periods, bend over without pain, participate in sports, and sitting and sleeping without problems. My pain is 95% gone - I actually was put on disability before I had this procedure done. I had similar symptoms as yours, and additionally discovered the piriformis muscle also interfered. Hope this is helpful.
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Old 11-07-2014, 11:48 PM #25
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Default Maybe this will help?

I'm a 52 year old female. Fairly athletic, 128 lbs, work out regularly.

2 months ago, I woke one day with pain in my left glute and running down my left hamstring. As mentioned by everyone above, painful 24/7.
I went to a general practioner 2 weeks into this and was prescribed pain meds. That helped me to be able to get some sleep, so at the time it was an ok thing. Those ran out and I was taking 8-10 advil every single day to get some relief but always waking up to the same unbearable pain/ache.

Prior to this injury, every pulled/strained muscle I ever had gradually got better and went away with in a week. Not this.

For the first time, I went to a chiropractor. After alot of initial questions/answers regarding my pain, and some leg bending, hip feeling, they took some xrays.
Turns out my left hip was 1/2" higher than my right hip. She said it's probably been this way for a while and my body had been compensating for it until one day I did something (aka rowing machine) that was the "last straw" and boom - pain.
The pain is a symptom of another problem and in my case my hips not being aligned. She said this happened, just from life - sitting with crossed legs or maybe driving leaning to one side all the time, etc... just living.

So, now the regime is 12 visits within 1 month to manipulate my hip back to where it should be and to do it enough times so that it stays there for good.
I already feel 30% better and she assures me after a month I'll be pain free.
At that point the visits turn into 1 a week and then at my discretion.

Hopefully this will help someone else. It was a TOTAL pain in the butt!
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Old 11-13-2014, 08:53 PM #26
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Default Piriformis

My husband was diagnosed with piriformis syndrome.
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Old 05-24-2015, 10:47 AM #27
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Default Feedback re: Dr. Schierling

Originally Posted by msabona View Post
Dr. Russ Schierling in Mountain View, Missouri can treat PS in a non-surgical treatment. Please do yourself a favor and contact him to see if he can help you. Here's his website:



I wanted to get any feedback on your experience with Dr. Schierling. I have read his website and will be calling his office on Monday. Did you see him? What was your experience? No answer is too short! I love details and your intuition.

I have longstanding Thoracic Outlet Syndrome or TOS ( on list of his treatments) and have had 4 surgeries for the condition. 20 years of pain. Some associated with TOS, some I"m not convinced is from the surgery, stress, chronic pain. I have had every treatment you can imagine. P.T., Accupuncture, trigger point, botox, dry needling, TENS unit, biofeedback, Feldenkrais ( which I liked), Blah.. blah.... blah...... etc.......

I am at my wits end with chronic pain.

I live in Southern California - 100 miles north of Los Angeles- so I would like to find a practitioner in my area but I'm not sure if there is one. I would rather travel and spend the money on the air ticket then spend it going to practitioners that don't/can't help me.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thank you
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Old 01-30-2016, 11:46 PM #28
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Default piriformis

after taking anti imflamitories a few days to relive pain i decided to stop. because they inhibit healing and repair. I also started taking a gram of magnesium a day im seeing a sudden steady improvement
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Old 07-23-2016, 08:04 PM #29
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Default Piriformis Pain

My name is Christina, 28 yrs old. I had no idea people were going through the same thing as me! Some days I think I'm going crazy and others I fear that the pain will never go away. I was diagnosed with performs syndrome about 3 years ago. I used to be very active with things like acrobatics, dance, yoga, and weight lifting. Since my injury I have gone through 3 rounds of physical therapy with only minimal results. I've also tried chiropractic and massage therapy. I have been in pain every day for almost 3 years and it has taken a toll on my body. I've had problems with over compensation and it's hard to get through basic activities like sitting, driving, and walking. I just wanted to give some support to others who are going through this and seek out some support of my own. I would truly not wish this on anyone.
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Old 11-08-2023, 02:52 PM #30
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I read your post from 2010. Do you mind sharing how you have been doing since the original post? Could I contact you directly?
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