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Old 08-07-2011, 09:37 PM #1
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Default Exercising a denervated leg- a waste of time? Force feedback device?

Hello, I am wondering if anyone knows about this.

I have read somewhere that exercising a denevrated leg (ie one with sciatica) won't strengthen the leg- or I forget exactly what it said. My current physiotherapist also says that exercising the leg is a waste of time until the nerves are working correctly- but then again, he is pushing IMS and I no longer believe anyone 100%- no offence to them but I just don't. Does anyone here have an opinion or any information?.

The thing is that my left leg is now about 20% weaker than my right leg. And I am trying to be optimisitic but what if the nerves don't start working properly again? A 20% deficit may not sound like a big deal but over time it is- I don't really stand up properly on the leg and that is causing my spine to curve, which in turn I bet will make the radiculopathy even worse. Also, I think I take smaller steps forward with my left leg so my pelvis is twisted and so is my spine.

So I would like to try to get the leg back up as strong as my right leg with additional exercise. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Also, another physiotherapist I am seeing is having me do just basic shallow squats to help train my legs to bend equally and share my weight equally. But for me it is so frustrating because it is hard to tell when/if my weight is being evenly distributed between my 2 feet because my left foot is a little numb.

I have complained about this to her and asked about some kind of WII-type feedback device that could measure the weight on each foot. But she just said it is better without because I need to learn how to do it on my own. But she just does not seem to understand- if I could practice on some type of device, the rest of my body (like my hips etc) would learn where they should be. I really think a device would be helpful. I have goggled this and found something callled "force plates" but they seem only used in univeristies and are probably really expensive. Does anone have any information on any type of device?

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Old 08-08-2011, 01:39 AM #2
winic1 winic1 is offline
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First thing comes to my mind, since I have kids, is the Wii and the Wii Fit board. It has balance exercises where the board is measuring how much weight is on each leg, and whether you are centered or forward or back on your feet or what. It also has you shift and hold your balance while you watch where your weight is on the screen. It also has fun stuff like ski jumping where you have to hold a centered crouch while "going down the slope" and then lift your weight (sudden stand up) and hold while you "fly" down the hill until you land, the better you do all this, the farther your jump. Among many other activities. Probably cheaper than official medical devices, and a lot more fun.

Originally Posted by trappednerve View Post
Hello, I am wondering if anyone knows about this.

I have read somewhere that exercising a denevrated leg (ie one with sciatica) won't strengthen the leg- or I forget exactly what it said. My current physiotherapist also says that exercising the leg is a waste of time until the nerves are working correctly- but then again, he is pushing IMS and I no longer believe anyone 100%- no offence to them but I just don't. Does anyone here have an opinion or any information?.

The thing is that my left leg is now about 20% weaker than my right leg. And I am trying to be optimisitic but what if the nerves don't start working properly again? A 20% deficit may not sound like a big deal but over time it is- I don't really stand up properly on the leg and that is causing my spine to curve, which in turn I bet will make the radiculopathy even worse. Also, I think I take smaller steps forward with my left leg so my pelvis is twisted and so is my spine.

So I would like to try to get the leg back up as strong as my right leg with additional exercise. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Also, another physiotherapist I am seeing is having me do just basic shallow squats to help train my legs to bend equally and share my weight equally. But for me it is so frustrating because it is hard to tell when/if my weight is being evenly distributed between my 2 feet because my left foot is a little numb.

I have complained about this to her and asked about some kind of WII-type feedback device that could measure the weight on each foot. But she just said it is better without because I need to learn how to do it on my own. But she just does not seem to understand- if I could practice on some type of device, the rest of my body (like my hips etc) would learn where they should be. I really think a device would be helpful. I have goggled this and found something callled "force plates" but they seem only used in univeristies and are probably really expensive. Does anone have any information on any type of device?

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Old 08-08-2011, 02:09 AM #3
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winic1 thank you SO MUCH!!!! I just looked it up and that is exactly what I was wanting

so that solves that

I am still wondering about strengthening a denervated leg. I guess I can strengthen it a bit but if anyone has any info on that I would really appreciate it.

thanx again winic1, you made my day- the last time I looked into the wii I did not see that balance page.
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Old 08-08-2011, 02:45 PM #4
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There are a lot of things in the Wii Fit that would probably be good--lots of yoga stuff that involves balance and centering your weight and all. Downhill skiing makes you balance and shift, also, and of course, the ski jump (had to help my little daughter learn the tricks so that she could beat her older brother) And lots of exercising stuff, too.

In fact, I should probably pull the thing out and use it myself, along with built-in dizziness problems, I have a bad disc at L2-3 sometimes pushing on the nerve to my left leg, makes it hurt from mid-outer thigh down through knee, and weakens the leg, but my right knee is kaput so I can't use it bent, only locked, so my left leg has to haul me up and down stairs and up and down from sitting and all, and when it's weaker because the back-thing is acting up, that knee is in danger of blowing also, so training my left leg to keep track of what it is doing BEFORE I feel the "OW!" could only be a good thing. (If I blow the left knee, I dunno what I will do. Life is hard enough having to one-leg it up and down every single stairway and even up or down a curb.) Just looked at some pictures I took of my daughter in her Colonial Day costume, every one is crooked, guess I was leaning to the left a bit too much. (I used to be a professional-quality photographer.)

Originally Posted by trappednerve View Post
winic1 thank you SO MUCH!!!! I just looked it up and that is exactly what I was wanting

so that solves that

I am still wondering about strengthening a denervated leg. I guess I can strengthen it a bit but if anyone has any info on that I would really appreciate it.

thanx again winic1, you made my day- the last time I looked into the wii I did not see that balance page.
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Old 08-08-2011, 07:55 PM #5
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wow winic1, I am sorry you have it so hard with your body. Myself, I just turned 50 and I guess this- radiculopathy-or whatever it is - is Mother nature's menopausal gift to me. I am really freaked out over all of this and reading the posts here, migod you guys have it bad and I am so scared. My own mother is 86 and still plays tennis 3 times a week. All she ever had was a few months of neck pain for which the doctor prescribed valium (That was when she was 50- my age now). So I wasn't expecting this. Anyway- long story, I may have in fact had scoliosis my whole life without knowing it until now.

So I am sorry you are having it so hard but you seem to have a good attitude and that is commendable.

I went to Futrueshop today to see about the wii and the salesman interupted me before I could even finsih the sentance saying the wii is so terrible and that they will be discontinuing the balance board etc, so I need to buy it asap- that will be $300 in all for the board and the Nintendo.

winic1, can I ask you if there is an option to just stand on it and watch where the red dot marking the centre of the weight is? I don't really want to play games, I just want to stand on it and do squats. I think they have an option of just standing on it for 3 minutes? Could I just do that? I would like to just stand on it while doing work at a high table- have the tv in the background just showing where the red dot is all the time.
Do you think it can do that?

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Old 08-09-2011, 11:26 AM #6
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Just checked with my son, who is 13, and therefore an expert on such matters. Yes, the Wii is going to be discontinued soon because they are going to be coming out with the Wii-U, etc etc etc.

However, he just checked for us, and you can get the Wii console and Wii Fit with balance board, for $240 at Gamestop.com or Gamestop stores, new. They also sell refurbished ones for less, and if you get it from them, then it has some warranty also even tho it is used. So check a few sources if price is a concern.

In Wii Fit, the Body Test has the just watch your balance function. Some of the Yoga poses might also be good, you get to watch the red dot for your balance as well, and if you do the poses, then you are practicing/monitoring your balance with arms up, reaching/leaning over, stuff like that that applies to real life. (I know, I'm 48, not like I'm going to actually go skiing or ski jumping, but hey, when no one's watching, it can be kind of fun...don't tell my kids I said that.)

I got clobbered in a major car accident over a year and a half ago. I got lots of problems, and they don't seem to be going away. So does hubby. But we are alive, and so is my daughter who was also in the car (and not quite 8 at the time), so it could be worse.

Originally Posted by trappednerve View Post
wow winic1, I am sorry you have it so hard with your body. Myself, I just turned 50 and I guess this- radiculopathy-or whatever it is - is Mother nature's menopausal gift to me. I am really freaked out over all of this and reading the posts here, migod you guys have it bad and I am so scared. My own mother is 86 and still plays tennis 3 times a week. All she ever had was a few months of neck pain for which the doctor prescribed valium (That was when she was 50- my age now). So I wasn't expecting this. Anyway- long story, I may have in fact had scoliosis my whole life without knowing it until now.

So I am sorry you are having it so hard but you seem to have a good attitude and that is commendable.

I went to Futrueshop today to see about the wii and the salesman interupted me before I could even finsih the sentance saying the wii is so terrible and that they will be discontinuing the balance board etc, so I need to buy it asap- that will be $300 in all for the board and the Nintendo.

winic1, can I ask you if there is an option to just stand on it and watch where the red dot marking the centre of the weight is? I don't really want to play games, I just want to stand on it and do squats. I think they have an option of just standing on it for 3 minutes? Could I just do that? I would like to just stand on it while doing work at a high table- have the tv in the background just showing where the red dot is all the time.
Do you think it can do that?

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Old 08-16-2011, 07:10 PM #7
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Hi WiniC1- I am so sorry for not replying earlier- my internet went out for a couple of days. Thank you again for all your help. I am so sorry about the car accident- just goes to show how eveything can change in a flash- pretty scarey. I really wish you luck and I hope you get better.

Well I bought the wii fit and balance board. And I must say I am miserably dissappointed. Luckily I have 14 days to return it with money back so no great loss. I am really glad I tried it though. The thing is that I have to do exactly what it says- even the balance test- it is only for about 30 seconds and then it stops. And I tried just moving my weight around and it complained and asked me if I trip a lot when walking! It gave me a fit age of 57- stupid thing really got me worried. Like, ok, I was having trouble getting my marker into the blue band but geesh I hate to think that means I am disabled- I mean, up until this sciatica fiaso I was taking 5 dance classes a week (I started in my 40's) so I don't think I am that bad off. And I tried the squats routine but again- it only let me do 10 or 15 until quitting out.

Uggg. I just can't imagine who would have the patience to use this thing. I mean- you have to do everything exactly the way it wants or else.

Horrible, lol. And man, does that avatar ever shut up? I eam, wow, I had to stand there and listen to that thing so much- I spent most of my time just standing there waiting for her to shut up!

I was very depressed when I finsihed with it.

But thank you so much winic1 for suggesting it- at least I have it out of my system. The balance board is a wonderful idea but too bad the programming is just so horrible.
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Old 08-17-2011, 08:13 AM #8
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Originally Posted by trappednerve View Post
I may have in fact had scoliosis my whole life without knowing it until now.
My sister had scoliosis her whole life without knowing it until her 50s. I'll drop her an email to se if she has any experience/suggestions/wisdom to offer.

Dr. Zachary Smith
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Old 08-17-2011, 08:26 AM #9
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Default The truth about computer "games"....

Originally Posted by trappednerve View Post
Uggg. I just can't imagine who would have the patience to use this thing. I mean- you have to do everything exactly the way it wants or else.
Congratulations! You've just discovered the irony of most computer "games". The "game" (machine/program) actually programs the player to respond to stimuli (conditions) in certain ways - perfectly or near perfectly - in order to progress/succeed.

When you think about it, unless one is playing against another player (bringing competition into the mix) most computer games are actually puzzles, requiring some kind of solution in order to "win".

This isn't necessarily a bad thing - it's just the nature of the beastie (and why some game enthusiasts/afficionados prefer board games).

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Old 08-22-2011, 09:34 AM #10
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Default Scoliosis

Originally Posted by trappednerve View Post
I may have in fact had scoliosis my whole life without knowing it until now.

I heard back from my sister. Apparently, though scoliosis is as common in men as in women, the progression in women is quite different, so you might start (if you haven't already) some homework on that condition.

Everyone's case is going to be different, but if you think you've had it this long and never knew it, I'm guessing that yours is not as pronounced as some peoples', which may be in your favor.

My sister went through several chiropractors until she found one who was worn a darn with scoliosis, (moral: Don't give up if at first you don't succeed) and even then it took 2-3 years of treatments, but eventually she was pain-free. A regimen of glucosamine/chondroitin, ginger, fish oil, bromelain, curcumin, boswellia and anti-oxidants also helped.


Dr. Zachary Smith
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