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Old 08-01-2012, 08:43 AM #1
rob_69 rob_69 is offline
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rob_69 rob_69 is offline
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Default scared of my hernia operation :(

My name is rob and have recently got a hernia L4-L5 and a small one on L5-S1

Resulting in alot of pain in my left hip and lower down in my leg, I have recently got a tingling feeling in my foot and have lost most of the power in my foot to keep me upright.

Today i got the news that the hernia ia a big one and needs surgery asap.
So nxt week tuesday 08a.m. I am sceduled to have a hernia operation.

And i am terrified to death about beeing put to sleep

Not so much about the operation itself, but the whole going to sleep bit and losing controle.

If anybody has soothing words to calm me down? It would be much appreciated.
I have never been this scared ever in my life...

Thx for reading,

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Old 08-02-2012, 01:56 PM #2
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Hi dear Rob -- PLEASE don't worry so much about being "put to sleep." The anesthetist is watchiing you AT ALL TIMES, and it monitoring your breathing, your heart rate, your pulse, and everything else while they operate. They are VERY CAREFUL with you duriing the surgery. You have nothing to worry about. Just think of it as going to sleep at night -- you're just going to "take a nap." Then they will wake you up when they are done.

Honestly you have NOTHING to worry about. They check everything while you're asleep, so they know exactly how you're doing.

It's good you're having this surgery, because it sounds like if you don't, you will have PERMANENT nerve damage, and might even lose the use of the leg!!! If it's starting to cause you problems with walking right now, you HAVE to have the surgery!!!

So don't worry Rob. They won't take ANY chances with you. You will be perfectly safe. I've had severall surgeries, and never had any problems Well, they DO have trouble with me -- I keep waking up, but they put me back to sleep again. LOL But you will be safe. God bless and if you have any more questions, please ask, ok?? Hugs, Lee
recovering alcoholic, sober since 7-29-93;severe depression; 2 open spinal surgeries; severe sciatica since 1986; epidurals; trigger points; myelograms; Rhizotomy; Racz procedure; spinal cord stimulator implant (and later removal); morphine pump trial (didn't work);now inoperable; lumpectomy; radiation; breast cancer survivor; heart attack; fibromyalgia; on disability.

Often the test of courage is not to die, but to live..
.................................................. ...............Orestes
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Old 08-02-2012, 04:15 PM #3
ger715 ger715 is offline
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Default Rob,

Originally Posted by rob_69 View Post
My name is rob and have recently got a hernia L4-L5 and a small one on L5-S1

Resulting in alot of pain in my left hip and lower down in my leg, I have recently got a tingling feeling in my foot and have lost most of the power in my foot to keep me upright.

Today i got the news that the hernia ia a big one and needs surgery asap.
So nxt week tuesday 08a.m. I am sceduled to have a hernia operation.

And i am terrified to death about beeing put to sleep

Not so much about the operation itself, but the whole going to sleep bit and losing controle.

If anybody has soothing words to calm me down? It would be much appreciated.
I have never been this scared ever in my life...

Thx for reading,


Each night when you go to sleep, you are not quite in control. All is well. Not quite the same; but similiar. When sleeping during surgery; all will be well again. When it's time to wake up; you will be wakened.

Sleep well. No room for "fear". here.

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hernia, operation, scared

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