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shiney sue 06-16-2007 09:01 PM

Bob had 1 Monday and he looks and feels so much better,and not
using his walker. He's 78 has 4 girlfriends in there 60's and there
smiling again as well. :cool: he's one cool dude. Sue

treesgirl 06-18-2007 03:52 PM

Epiduarl Injection answers
First off, I have to say I agree with your Dr. about trying other things first. I dealt with almost two years of pain and every possible treatment for pain BEFORE deciding to have surgery for a sequestered disc problem.

In a period of 8 months I had three injections. For me I found them to be painless. The only thing that gave me a little "ouch" was the numbing medication injection. I had wonderful relief from the first two and the third one didn't do much for me. I then went on to have selective nerve root blocks - which is something COMPLETELY different from an epidural steroid injection. (and i thought the nerve root injections were painful- but then again I refused sedation!) :rolleyes:

The only side effect I had from the epidural is a headache later that day. Which is very common. But the headache was well worth the couple of months of relief. Remember it can take up to a week for the injection to kick in, mine usually took 5-6 days.
Again, everyone is different and has different pain thresholds... The last epidural I got, the Dr. missed a spot with the numbing meds- and i felt a bit of a jab, and he immediately stopped and gave re-numbed part of the area.

Make sure you are comfortable with the Dr. you are seeing, if they don't fully answer your questions, then find someone else if possible. When dealing with your back health, I think it is SO important to find a Dr. that is right for you.
Good for you that you ahve a Dr. that wants to try other otions before rushing you off to surgery. I think surgery should be a last resort.

Good luck!

lailavia 06-21-2007 09:59 PM

Thanks everyone
tomorrow is the Big Day. I'll let you know how it went......:eek:

Bobbi 06-22-2007 02:18 AM

Good luck... and just go in with positive thoughts toward the outcome/effects it may have for you.

Remember, too, each person is unique and, thus, differing results.

But... Be positive about yours and just see what happens.

It will be nice to know how your procedure goes. Rest, rest, rest and ice if needed :).

Doody 06-23-2007 05:12 PM

(((Lailavia))) Wondering how it went for you.

I'm a bit late in responding that yes, I had tons of epidurals both cervical and lumbar. Actually, the cervical were quite painful. The lumbar not as bad.

Sometimes the lumbar worked okay, and sometimes not. Then a new pain doc replaced my old one and said he wanted to try something different and gave me an SI. He said (this was some years ago) that doctors were only then starting to discover that often sacroiliac joints were the suspect. Once I started having those, I had tremendous pain relief. I don't get the epidurals anymore. I may be due for one in my neck but really really don't want to go through that if I can manage the pain.

I hope you have great success with your series of injections. Mine took as long as up to 14 days to work so don't be discouraged if you don't have pain relief immediately.

lailavia 06-23-2007 10:49 PM

Thanks everyone!
Well it wasn't that bad...the doc is so nice, good humor kept me the point I was wondering if I should be holding more still! It was a brand new place with flouroscopy xray, done by anesthesiologist. I don't even really know him it was my second consult with the procedure, but He is a truly nice doc. The worst part was that initial stick.....then when it was done my leg was quite numb and him and his asst. had to help me to the recovery chair. I had to sit and wiggle my leg till I could walk out to waiting room on my own, well the assistant was holding my arm, but she said I would have to bear my own weight. That passed soon.....oh it did feel like he was doing little sticks here and there, I thought they just shot the stuff into the big hole they made. Too giggly to ask! Yay for happy docs!:winky:

He wants me to come back in a week for next one, I forgot to ask how many but according to their pamphlet I think they do three.....My back is a little sore, they told me not to bend over and pick up stuff,,,,,ice for first day, I was tired anyway from lack of sleep so I took a nap....still feel kind of out of it....listless...but I am having pms so who knows.

Definiately good place so far... whether or not it will help for how long, we will see. He said could last a year? I hope so! Thanks for encougagement. I wish I had the energy to work in the medical field! I guess I must be numbed up in there cause not having a pain flare...:winky:

Doody 06-25-2007 04:52 PM

Oh that's great news! I'm so glad you have a good doc. Those things do sting, and that's putting it mildly!

When I was getting mine I think 3 injections/year was the limit, but I could be wrong. If the first one didn't work, I'd go back for another. When I started having them in 1986, they actually did them in surgery rooms between surgeries and would knock you out for them! Those were the good ole days! Didn't feel a thing.

Then insurance came along and said, "Hey, these people don't need to be numbed up for this stuff, they can endure the pain." :rolleyes: I was not a happy camper when that happened!

And yes, those shots can last for a long time. I know my SI injections are often very successful for a good length of time.

Keep us posted! :hug:

lailavia 06-25-2007 10:44 PM

they want me back this Friday for another one, and then I think they do one more.....not sure...if it takes a week to see if it works, why would they do another so soon? I always think of a thousand questions after the fact. It does seem a bit better....I still feel a bit off in the head LOL like that usual anyways. I had asked him if the steroid would affect like oral prednisone and he said not enough should get in the bloodstream but to let him know how I felt. I do not need any more emo problems...then again it could be the hormones..Lets hope for the best...doesn't seem as bad now....don't know if thats still from numbing agent or the actual shot...keep hearing different versions...nightie night

BJ 06-26-2007 06:25 AM

Glad it's over
I'm glad this got bumped up because I forgot where I was reading it. :confused:

I'm so glad that it wasn't too bad and even more so your doc had you laughing. :hug:

I have my first one on Friday and I'm a nervous wreck. I'm such a big baby when it comes to needles and I can't even imagine them sticking this big old needle in my back. My NS said I'd be getting 3 I think every other week. :eek:


"Hey, these people don't need to be numbed up for this stuff, they can endure the pain."
I hope you're not serious Doody. :(

lailavia 06-26-2007 10:28 PM

Don't worry!
It wasn't bad at all...I mean you do feel one jab actually mine was so quick then the rest of what he did you do not feel at all....I was already on my anxiety may want to ask if they can give you a little ativan or something...but I was back for my procedure so fast, in and out within the put ice pacs on your back though, they should tell you this, and I did notice my back felt sore for a few days...and dont' bend and lift stuff,,,,,anything I missed? I was tired, but then again I had to get up early for me and I am always a mess if I don't get my 8 hours! Good luck. You'll do fine!:p Let us know how yours' went ok? I have to go back Friday!

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