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~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-13-2006 09:01 AM

Good to see a post from you billie.
I hope you are able to get your pain under control soon!
I know you dont want to take the neurontin.Like you said.At least you wont have to buy it and hopefully you want have to take it long!
I'm happy to hear you have made a new friend!!
You find out who your real friends are in times of need...
I hope your caregiver is taking care of you-not the other way around!!!
I say a prayer for you everyday!!
{{{{get well soon}}}}}}}

slogo 09-13-2006 12:21 PM

Hi Jan, glad to see you cause I was wondering where you were. Oh yesssssssss I stole the new frog too! Hee Hee!
I think once long ago you said you liked covered bridges and I got some new ones so I will try to put it on here. Of course it probably want work for me! :o

Billie, can you get rid of the person that is NOT taking care of you? I sure hope you don't catch her cold.
I will be glad when you can get your email again I miss ya, gaye:)

Fancylady_2006 09-13-2006 08:32 PM

Thanks Kell & Gaye
I so appreicate when you gals come in for some encouraging words. It is like having you right here at home with me. I would love to say come right on in.
Nothing would cheer me up more than you can. You are my family!

I had a good day today and stayed by myself. My friend and neighbor are here now and it is an allergy she has, not a cold. She is doing ok tonight.
I have been looking & calling about about a new house for me & Bear (dog).
Tonight I had a couple over wanting to buy wanting to buy my farm ground. At least I have some competion now.

Gaye I can e mail. I have been wondering why I haven't heard from you. I couldn't at the hospital, because it didn't work. Since I come home I hadn't been up to it, but I think I am now. I expect to get better each day.

May God bless you all and have a good night!

slogo 09-13-2006 09:37 PM

Great...I will start e-mailing again. I was waiting for your puiter to get fixed. Hugs, gaye :)

ponyboy 09-13-2006 10:09 PM

Thanks for the update, Billie! I hope you're recovering quickly... :)

Much love and

Regards from,

Fancylady_2006 09-14-2006 07:38 PM

Not feeling well
No ponytail, I am not doing well today. I only wish I was. This left leg pain is driving me crazy. I am almost ashamed I keep griping about it. My surgeon thinks it is a groin hernia. I haven't got the frogest idea what it is, but pain meds don't touch it. What does a person do for a hernia pain? My doc has lead me to believe I may need more surgery. I can hardly stand the thoughts of it. They need to put a zipper in me and be done with it. I now have had three surgeries trying to rid myself of pain. Nothing has helped any length of time. I hope you all have a good night.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-15-2006 10:18 AM

Going out to you fancylady.
You should not feel bad about having pain-or telling anyone about it!!
If you need to make it stop..Thats the only way your gonna get help.
I do understand where your coming from when you say that-but please dont hold your feelings in and suffer!!
You have legit things wrong with you and you need to get your pain under control.Why dont you call the doc and ask for an increase in pain meds??
I hate to think of someone sitting and just suffering.I dont know your whole story.But i do know what its like to sit and suffer!!!
I also understand your not wanting another surgery..but hopefully this hernia surg will ease that pain for ya....
I have had 8 surgeries in the past 14 i do sympathise with you completely.....They may not have all been exactally the same as what you are going through surgically-but i did'nt want to have any of them and thought what more could i possibly have taken out??
What more could possibly go wrong?

I hope you can make a call and get different pain meds and get that under control at least!

Thinking of you..
{{{{{prayers and hugs}}}}

Fancylady_2006 09-15-2006 09:13 PM

Thanks Kell for your understanding & prayers.
Believe me it means a lot, when a fellow sufferer understands the pain. I am doing great today. Sometimes I think the weather does play a part in it. it has been beautiful Fall day here in Indiana. I have to be careful yet, but If I continue to do this good I won't mind a little pain.I do have most of my spine stiched and several near my waist line, from the Stimulator being took out. It never gave me one monents relief. Kell, you name it and I have had it taken out or worked on. I have had six back surgeries, gall bladder, knee, tonsillectomy, hemorrhoid sur. 3 felmale sur. now you have an idea, I may of forgot some. The back has been the worse and I keep having trouble there. Pain will finally drive me to surgery. I am also have Diabetes, Periipheral Neuropathy, sleeping disorder, and I want to lose somemore weight. I am sure I have bored everybody so will back out for tonight.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 09-16-2006 11:36 AM

Dear Billie
You sound like a real trooper!!! I bet i would be whining like a baby right now if
i had the surgery you just had done!!!! I am not kiddin either..LOL

I had 4 female surg.Gallbladder removed.Vein stripping in my right leg.ulnar nerve repair in my right arm.Carpel tunnel surg on my hand.Then this past july,i had rotater cuff repair done..I just realized i had 9 surgeries..I guess i lost count..LOL
Like you ,after a while.It all kinda blurs together.I hate to go to a new doc and have to fill out those forms..How many surgeries have you had and when??
I always say.I have no idea of when....LOL
I truely hope this last back surgery you had will give you some relief!!!

I get so down sometimes with what i have to deal with.Then i come on here and read your words.It really gives me some inspiration .I just wanted you to know that!!
Now that does'nt mean i want you to come on here and fib about how your
I just say to myself.If she can keep on keepin on.So can i!!!!
You have been helping someone and did'nt even know it...:)

Is the neurontin working for you yet??My dad just started taking it.He has neurapathy in his feet and legs pretty bad.So far he is on 300 mgs.Just at night and says it's starting to work a lil bit.

I have some emails to answer.
Take care {{{{{hugz}}}}and as always.Your in my prayers~
I'll write you again soon.

marijo 09-17-2006 05:21 PM

Topamax for neuropathy.
I take topamax for neuropathy, but I think its beginning to lose efficacy. Im going to see neurologist at end of month to discuss implant.

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