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Old 12-22-2007, 12:50 AM #1
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Default One stroke - (or TIA) or maybe 3 in the last 10 days.

Hello everyone.

I am becoming a nervous wreck with worry/fear.

First off I don’t have any insurance and very little income. I turned 62 on Dec 11th.

On Dec 10th - WHAM my left arm went numb and I could hardly talk. I live by myself and called my two step daughters.

90% of the numbness and weakness was gone in about 15 minutes. I still had some speech slur and droop on my left side when I smiled. The rest of it was gone in about 9 hours.

I spent almost three days in the hospital and had many many test (the sight of that bill will no doubt finish me off).

From CT .... the neck sonagram (sp) type test - swallowing test - blood test - all the way to and including the MRI (head) and the (same machine) neck version for the carotid artery.

They finally said the MRI did show some damage and started calling it a stoke (vs a TIA) - then later changed their mind again and ended up calling it a TIA - I assume because all the symptoms/problems went away. For all I know that damage they said they saw was from 1998 (see below).

The only test that they wanted me to have and I did not have yet was the echocardiogram - after I waited all day long - stayed an extra night then waited all day long - the person that administered that test ......... up and left the hospital.

The Drs mentioned they did not really expect to see much from that test due to other heart test that all looked ok.

I got out of the hospital on that one on Wednesday at about 4pm. On Friday at about 1:30 pm WHAM - one of the fingers on my left hand went numb (bad bad numb). In a few minutes it started to get better and WHAM a different finger went numb (bad numb) - then it switched to yet another finger (all same left hand) the ring finger and stay there for about 15 minutes then it all stopped.

I went back to the hospital - but long long long before anyone talked to me - the symptoms were long gone. This was last Friday. This time all the symptoms (which were much milder) were all gone in about 10 minutes.

Then at about 6:30pm today (the next Friday) WHAM - from the first joint to the tip of my first finger (same left hand) went bad bad bad numb almost instantly. In about two minutes my thumb started to go but stopped and it backed off and in another couple of minutes the finger stopped being numb.

Have I actually had THREE TIAs in the last 10 days?

Since they can not seem to find the cause ........ what is in store for me. Right now I am thinking I am headed for a full on stroke - and I am scared to death.

I live alone - can’t afford to call 911 every time this has happened - am already going to get a HUGE bill - and 911 would have done ZERO good anyway - except to add another $5,000 on top.

Recap - the first time Dec 10 was worse - I had the drooped mouth - speech slur and weakness (plus the entire left arm went numb) - the weakness was down to about 10% in about 15 minutes and all was gone at 9 hours.

Both time 2nd time (last Friday) and this time (this Friday) just some (serious) finger(s) numbness that was gone in 5-7 minutes.

Sorry for the ramble but ....... I am pretty nervous about all of this.

I died in 1998 - no one knows how long I was dead - they said it was my heart but there was no damage or disease and I have had no problems since.

Well I do have perf neuropathy.

Thank you for any ideas
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Old 12-28-2007, 09:58 PM #2
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Default Hi Ron

Why do the docs think you had the stroke? Was it Bp or bloodclot?
How are you know?

Have you seen a stroke specialist?

Last edited by Aussie99; 12-29-2007 at 01:13 AM.
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Old 12-29-2007, 09:08 PM #3
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I had all the classic symptoms of a stroke.

- left arm went numb and very weak. Lost all control of my fingers (could not pick up a 3 ounce cup)
- it was very hard to talk - I had to force air out with the words - speech was slurred.
- my smile was uneven - my left side would hardly upturn.
- I would often choke when I swallowed - things were going down the wrong "tube" and into my lungs.
- the MRI showed brain damage - I personally am not convinced that that damage was not from 1998 back when I actually died one time.

No - no specialist - just about 5 different Drs. at the hospital.

I had a lot of test - all was ok (including the MRI version of my neck) but that damage on the MRI did show up. Nothing in the Cat Scan etc.

Within 15 minutes 90% of the numbness and weakness was gone. Things keep getting better and at about 9 hours in the rest of the weakness was gone.

They were calling it a TIA then the damage (showing up on the MRI) made them start calling it a stroke ......... THEN since I recovered they changed it back to a TIA.
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Old 12-30-2007, 07:56 PM #4
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Default Ron

I am very glad you are better. My dad had a stroke at 52. His was pretty significant,but he recovered most of his movement within 2 months. He is still left with moderate left hand paralysis, but he was not complying with his rehabilitation. He can use his left hand,but not that well. He also has the other things that accompany stroke such as over-emotion and crying.

His stroke has been 7 years now,and his biggest mistake is that he continues to smoke. He had a brain hemmorage from uncontrolled elevated blood pressure. Now he has to have an operation on his eyes...he blames the stroke. I don't want to lecture you,but I hope you are NOT SMOKING. My father would be in much better shape if he didn't smoke.

His mum, my grandma also had a stroke. She had a few TIA's and did not seek treatment. Then one day my dad calls me and says she was taken away by ambulance. She had a stroke in the middle of the night,and the dog alerted dad the next morning. He went to her bedroom and found her on the floor. She went into nursing home after that because the stroke left her paralysed. She was in a wheelchair and kept falling out of her bed,and had bruises all over her. I don't think they looked after her that well in the nursing home.

My point is, weather you had a stroke or TIA you need to take extra extra good care of yourself. This includes compliance to all therapy and medication,post-stroke care, and no smoking,coffee and other bad things.

What sort of "post" care are you getting? When will they review you? Again what sort of stroke or TIA was this? Was it caused by clot of rupture of vessel? Everyone with a medical condition requires management of the condition. How are you being looked after. I also totally understand that not having insurance is a bummer and limits the treatment options. From my research online, there are hospitals that will accept someone weather they can pay or not. Also some doctors work on sliding scales,and others may be free. You should contact the social worker at your local hospital and speak to them about getting help,care,maybe even disability insurance cover.I don't know the steps, but I think you need to act. You are living alone,have had a TIA or stroke, and you worried about treatment costs,which is valid, but that should be the least of your worries right now. You need support. Contact social services,welfare,the hospital, whomever will help and listen and get yourself the help & assistance you need Ron. Also I am from the PN forum,and I know there are plenty of people over there that would love to hear that you are alright. If you can please post a little message for them to let them know you are still ok that would be great.

You are not alone Ron. You have so many people here that are concerned.
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Old 12-31-2007, 10:08 PM #5
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Default Hi Aussie

Thanks for talking ...........

Smoking - I’ve smoked my entire life - (turned 62 this month). I have tracked my smoking for almost 10 years. I log the number of cigarettes each day on a database - also protein (also the HBV protein) and calories.

2006 24.8 daily average - 2007 22.4 daily average (cigarettes)

I could not smoke in the hospital (2 days) so I took advantage of that and started my major cut down. My three week average is now 5.4 a day.

What sort of "post" care are you getting? When will they review you?

None - I had a follow up appt for Friday but we had a hefty snow overnight and I reset it for Feb 4th. There was NO WAY I could have got out of my neighborhood.

Again what sort of stroke or TIA was this?

All the test showed nothing wrong - so it is at this point just like my PN - can’t find a cause.

Was it caused by clot of rupture of vessel?

No one has any idea - what kind it was or the cause

How are you being looked after.

Other than calling one of my step-daughters or them calling me - there is no other “being looked after”.

here are hospitals that will accept someone weather they can pay or not.

They have to try to treat you then they can dump you. I did go to the ER and was admitted - stayed two days and they did all of the testing they felt they should - except some kind of heart ECHO. They all said (including my dau that is a nurse) they don’t expect to find anything with that test - because of the two days of heart monitoring not showing anything.

Contact social services,welfare,the hospital, whomever

I am hoping to get a “discount” at the hospital I went to. Nothing is for sure yet but I have talked to the person that does that. The “discounts” can be anywhere from 20% to 100%. IF I qualified for a large discount - they also have a pharmacy program.

Back in 1998 - after I croaked in July - in Nov I started having panic attacks. I learned my way out of them.

Since this stuff started on Dec 10th ....... I get a very high degree of anxiety. Today was horrible and the anxiety/panic lasted for over 10 hours ............. ugg.

“Some” people - that use insults - grinding - pressure - calling me irresponsible - don’t actually listen - don’t even try to understand that I am doing the best I can (all in the name of being concerned) .......... make things worse for me.

My own nephew (in the name of being concerned) cranked me and cranked me yesterday so bad that I had to get him off the phone. I was upset for hours after that.

I am a heck of a lot more responsible (regarding my health) than many of the people that talk AT me in a condescending fashion.

I went to the PN forum - ask a few questions and got blasted ................

The people that were telling me to call 911 every 5 minutes - were not listening/reading. I was told “you are not showing symptoms - there is nothing we can do” - that was when I went back to the ER 2 days after I got out of the hospital.

As soon as the holidays are over - I will start trying to get more answers - search for more experienced Drs and so on.

I weigh exactly what I did the day I got of active duty from the Air Force (20 years old) 183 pounds (6'2") - my chol is under 200 - not diabetic - don't drink much never have - I have NOTHING wrong that anyone can find - heart or anything else.

I have had a ton of testing.

There are zillions of strokes / TIAs that are NEVER EVER found a cause of - not only to people my age but people in there 30s - 40s.

My real problem right now is - horrible anxiety. Every time I get a little pain - here it comes ....... ugg.

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Old 01-01-2008, 04:33 AM #6
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Default Hi Ron

It seems you are doing your best. I know emergency services tries to weed out emergencies and non-emergencies,and they don't respond to every call.

As far as post care, I can only go back to my dad's situation as an example. He went into rehab,and saw a nutritionist,and someone to help with his BP. They sent him home but he came in every fortnight for monitoring. Also someone came to our house a couple times. A social worker from the hospital spoke to me and I filed his disability papers, and he got on medicare which pays for all his meds.

I just want to make sure that you are getting some kind of "post care".

Anxiety, I can relate. Since I got PN, I have been a serious suffer of anxiety. I think the seriousness of my medical problems scared the daylights out of me and I started having panic attacks,anxiety,agoraphobia... I was miserable for a long time.

Xanax is the only thing that has given me releif, and I am much stronger and less anxious today than I use to be due to the xanax. I am actually living life again. I had turned into a hermit.

I am glad that you are doing better. I hope the docs can give you something to settle the anxiety, which can often be more debilitating than the actual condition.

I know you are smart, so it's not my place to badger you, you are a grown man, older than my dad even. But I would appreciate you letting me know how you are going. Ok?

Take care-
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Old 01-01-2008, 07:13 AM #7
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RON... I've learned there are other Neuro conditions that can mimic or be misdiagnosed as stroke/TIA....

"Complex Migraine" -also called "complicated or A-typical migraine

per my own experiences not typical migraine/headache. I have other neuro disorders-- but these I was sure was stroke or TIA ( I've no HX of that)

my "episodes" varied in duration & symptoms but included slurred speech,visual problems, facial/mouth droop, severe head pains, numbness, paralysis --which eventually "resolved".... after severeal minutes ?? or hours.... I don't recall... seemed long & was scary & stressful....

it may not be relevant but sharing some links/info,*%7C

there's another condition -- subclavian steal--
. (may be other better links/info on this & other conditions---this is one that came up now...

and probably plenty more .....

wishing you the BEST...

Last edited by pono; 01-01-2008 at 07:47 AM. Reason: add
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Old 01-04-2008, 03:38 AM #8
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Hi, Ron, I'm just getting to read your posts. One thing that you stated jumped out at me - wherein you asked if you're headed for a full blown or major stroke.

TIAs can be, but are not necessarily, a precursor.

As long as you are doing as you have been, and remain as vigilant, and your doctors do so as well, the odds will be in your favor.

I had my first TIA a few years ago. Granted, I'm not 62, yet I did have many of the same thoughts and feelings you've been experiencing.

I do want to thank you for having posted insights and info. you've attained; it rings so true, in that, for many, the cause is not known.

I took a medication, and... next thing? It felt as if a freight train was rammed through my brain, and I couldn't speak or move. My primary care doc, initially, said, it was a 1 in 1 million adverse reaction. My cardiologist, however, said it was a TIA, as did my neurologist.

I know how the anxiety feels, too, whenever similiar effects surface. It evokes the fear of: again?
".... This world wasn't built for people in wheelchairs ...."

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Old 01-17-2008, 11:53 PM #9
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Thank you guys (gals) for your thoughts/experiences.

I had the one test - that they wanted me to have but things got messed up. On the 9th I had the echocardiogram (sp). The gal that gave it seemed to know what she was doing and said “I don’t see anything - all looks normal to me”.

My daughter (that is a nurse) told me - that that test would be reviewed by a cardo - within 48 hours and IF he/she saw anything abnormal they would have told me by now.

I have not had any of the ubber scary “hits” in the last several days but ..... I have had some anxiety attacks. I am not new to panic but got myself out of some NASTY panic attacks back in 1998 by “learning” my way out of them. Those came a few months after I died in July ‘98.

I have “concocted” ...... well turned this office chair into a full body vibration/heat ....... umm gizmo lol and I do a 15 minute treatment on myself every day around noon.

I also put myself on Plavix and cut my smoking 65%. Since I am still taking a 325 aspirin every day (for 10 years) so my blood is a bit thin. I picked a little scab (very small) off my hand (crazy wild man cat playing) and boy ....... it was hard to get it to stop bleeding.

My ex wife got me some samples of Plavix. I hope she can keep it up lol - I am thinking it is helping.
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Old 02-07-2008, 09:17 AM #10
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Hi Ron. I'm new to this group and just read your posts. I'm a 35 year old female who just had my first stroke on 1/17. I had an abnormal vien rupture, and at first I thought it was just a migraine. My family doctor sent me to the emergency room for a CT and they transported me to another hospital where it was confirmed that I had a bleed and ended up spending three days in the critical care neurology unit. Just went the the neurologist last Friday where he confirmed that it was a stroke that I had and he sent me for an angiogram, which I had yesterday. They found something on it, but not sure exactly what it was. They said something about the venus leaking early. Absolutely have no clue what that means. Still waiting for the doctor to call me back.

You said something that caught my attention. You mentioned taking the aspirin every day. That is one thing that they said a stroke patient should not be taking. So, I would get a doctor's advice on that one.

Also, I can sympathize with your panick attacks. I had a major one in the ambulance on the 17th. It was so bad, I could breath or swallow. And of course, the guy in the back of the ambulance didn't even know it until I starting calling for my fiance. Then I had another one yesterday before they started the angiogram. I can feel them coming on, I had difficulty calming myself down. My fiance seems to be the only one who can do that right now. That or the valium that the doctor's give me. :-)

I can also understand you being scared. The doctor's don't know if this is going to happen to me again or not. It's the uncertainty that drives a person crazy. And, I'm getting married in 16 days. I've actually told my fiance that we can cancel the wedding. I feel so bad for him. He's such a wonderful person and he doesn't deserve this.

I know, I don't have any advice for you. I just wanted to let you know that I understand what you are going through and how you are feeling. If you ever need to vent, send me a message. - Michele
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