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DMACK 10-11-2014 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Andy_Pablo (Post 1096534)
Its a six month wait & I dont have the money to go private. I do have my old therapists contact details as she gave them to me after my sessions finished. We got on really well & told me to call her anytime, but I know she has recently suffered a family death & I dont want to add to her stress... Im sure things will settle down & I just have to keep myself to myself for a while...

HI Pablo

you say you live in Devon? not sure if its the same down there but i live in Manchester...2 years ago i had a melt down ...went to A&E and was seen by a crisis intervention team every day for 6 weeks until i was settled [meds had kicked in and no threat to myself]

i'm told all major hospitals have adopted this practice...if you ever get wired again call your local hospital and ask if the have a CIT......Good so glad your brother was there to support you and rescue you from yourself....


Andy_Pablo 10-12-2014 05:00 PM

After weeks of pain I never knew existed, I think I need to contact my old therapist...

Struggling :-(

anon1028 10-12-2014 05:06 PM

geez Andy. really sorry to hear this. is there any appointment coming up? shouldn't they know if the steroid injections are working or not already and try something else or something in conjunction just hate to see you suffer like that.

Alffe 10-13-2014 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Andy_Pablo (Post 1102665)
After weeks of pain I never knew existed, I think I need to contact my old therapist...

Struggling :-(

(((Andy))) a gentle one.

Andy_Pablo 10-13-2014 11:19 AM

Thanks both... I am just coming to the realisation that life as I knew it will never be the same again & that is hard to take... My injury is the sort that will never fully recover & even surgery has a long waiting list, a long recovery period & a 50/50 chance of either small improvement or making the pain worse...

The days of this guy tearing life up are gone... I know there are a lot of people in the same boat...

I have contacted my old therapist & I await her response...

bizi 10-13-2014 06:20 PM

I hope that you meet up with your old therapist...asap.

anon1028 10-13-2014 08:25 PM

a therapist would be good. nip any bad thoughts in the bud. I know you don't want to hear it, but I really believe that medical knowledge is jumping in leaps and bounds and you just never know what the future could hold. don't lose hope. I've been there and its a dark place to be. I don't want you to go there.

eva5667faliure 10-30-2014 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by anon1028 (Post 1102838)
a therapist would be good. nip any bad thoughts in the bud. I know you don't want to hear it, but I really believe that medical knowledge is jumping in leaps and bounds and you just never know what the future could hold. don't lose hope. I've been there and its a dark place to be. I don't want you to go there.

dear friend
as i know so well of that dark hole
is when you need to be with positive persons
in your life
please don't fall
hang on
hang on
i wish for you a belly laugh
that brings tears happy tears

Alffe 11-02-2014 05:26 PM

Andy I hope you have heard from your therapist by now. :grouphug:


Andy_Pablo 11-14-2014 03:45 PM

Hi all, just wanted to drop in & say this hasnt beaten me yet :-)

Andy_Pablo 07-28-2015 01:03 PM

Had surgery ten days ago. Can barely move & stuck in bed at the moment. I miss my ketamine drip.

I have a six month to two year wait to see if this will help, but surgeon was quite positive that he had found the trapped nerve & "dug it out", along with removing several ligaments.

I now await my answer....

pooh_ac 07-28-2015 07:27 PM

take care
Here' hoping the "dug out" the right nerve, hopefully they will "burn the right nerve for me":hug:

Andy_Pablo 07-28-2015 09:31 PM

I have my fingers crossed for the both of us :-)

Mark56 07-28-2015 11:27 PM

Hoping and Hoping
i have lived in and through some of those dark places
When pain seemed it would not relent
Pooh has gone through ablation....and it has helped
I pray the nerve you had dug out is THE one, Andy
Hoping you find relief
All of the surgeries I have known, in sum, have brought a better life
It just isn't perfect, and I DO hurt, especially if I overdo....
Yet, I am the better for it.
Sometimes med for breakthrough
Rest more than I might like
Exercise going well, because that is therapy......and I can work.
I figure if Pooh, a hero to me, can brave the ER and OR duties....I can work too

I am praying with this procedure you braved through, Andy, that some of your life comes running back to you!
That IS the stuff of pushing through and beyond darkness
Also with the help of my therapist....paying attention to the psyche

M56 :grouphug:

Mark56 07-28-2015 11:30 PM

Hoping this TOO Pooh

Originally Posted by pooh_ac (Post 1158346)
Here' hoping the "dug out" the right nerve, hopefully they will "burn the right nerve for me":hug:

Wanting ablation to work well for you this time!
Prayers lifted up,
M56 :hug:

Andy_Pablo 07-29-2015 06:55 PM

As always, the kind words & thoughts from this site, humble me... Thank you...

Littlepaw 07-29-2015 07:49 PM

Hello Andy,

I hope that your surgical outcome is everything you are hoping for. It does take time, sometimes more than we wish to give. Just remember to keep battling the darkness in they days ahead be they 2 years or even more. I don't know what type of procedure you had done but I had a badly scarred down, entrapped peripheral nerve released and a stump neuroma removed about 16 months ago. I was in so much pain I could not see a future but I have come through and it is beautiful. My recovery has come in stages, some change and relief right away, then a gradual multi-tiered series of changes. I continue to improve. Your doctor was wise to give you a broad range. Just roll with what comes and keep doing everything they tell you. Gentle movement early on is great to prevent adhesion. We are all praying for the best for you and for peace and healing.


EnglishDave 07-30-2015 05:34 PM

Hi Andy,

I do hope this is the first step on the long road to recovery for you, and 2 years is a long time. But there will be improvements throughout that time.

Missing your Ketamine is natural, it is a great help. Work through it slowly with body and mind together. I trust you have the Medical Support Structure in place to ensure success?

Wishing you low pain,


eva5667faliure 07-31-2015 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Littlepaw (Post 1158644)
Hello Andy,

I hope that your surgical outcome is everything you are hoping for. It does take time, sometimes more than we wish to give. Just remember to keep battling the darkness in they days ahead be they 2 years or even more. I don't know what type of procedure you had done but I had a badly scarred down, entrapped peripheral nerve released and a stump neuroma removed about 16 months ago. I was in so much pain I could not see a future but I have come through and it is beautiful. My recovery has come in stages, some change and relief right away, then a gradual multi-tiered series of changes. I continue to improve. Your doctor was wise to give you a broad range. Just roll with what comes and keep doing everything they tell you. Gentle movement early on is great to prevent adhesion. We are all praying for the best for you and for peace and healing.


so happy to hear someone is doing better

Andy_Pablo 08-01-2015 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by Littlepaw (Post 1158644)
Hello Andy,

I hope that your surgical outcome is everything you are hoping for. It does take time, sometimes more than we wish to give. Just remember to keep battling the darkness in they days ahead be they 2 years or even more. I don't know what type of procedure you had done but I had a badly scarred down, entrapped peripheral nerve released and a stump neuroma removed about 16 months ago. I was in so much pain I could not see a future but I have come through and it is beautiful. My recovery has come in stages, some change and relief right away, then a gradual multi-tiered series of changes. I continue to improve. Your doctor was wise to give you a broad range. Just roll with what comes and keep doing everything they tell you. Gentle movement early on is great to prevent adhesion. We are all praying for the best for you and for peace and healing.


That is great to hear you have improved & gives hope that I may improve in the future. I am geared for the long haul & under no illusions that I will probably not have a "euphoric" recovery, but an improvement that allows me to have some semblance of a life again would be enough.

I am trying to keep some movement going & do the stretching excercises given by hospital daily. I have taken a very slow walk to my local shop this morning, & will try to get a pattern going with that. I do have to be careful not attempting to do too much too early, as I have a tendency to push myself, usually until I break, but I am trying to be more sensible this time round.

Thanks for kind words & I wish you well with your own recovery. I nerve injuries are horrific & I would not wish one on anybody...


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1158902)
Hi Andy,

I do hope this is the first step on the long road to recovery for you, and 2 years is a long time. But there will be improvements throughout that time.

Missing your Ketamine is natural, it is a great help. Work through it slowly with body and mind together. I trust you have the Medical Support Structure in place to ensure success?

Wishing you low pain,


Thanks for your kind words Dave. I am attempting to meditate alongside my recovery & beyond, but a bit of a novice & pain levels do not make for good concentration, but persistance should prevail.

Andy_Pablo 08-08-2015 02:32 PM

I think today has shown me the issues I will face in the short term. I overdid things, like I promised myself I wouldnt & I am now paying the price with pain that I cant even curle up into a ball & sob at... I know things will be tough going forward, but Im starting to realise just how tough...

Sorry for bleating on, just one of those days!

Lara 08-08-2015 03:47 PM

Bleat away. I'm sorry you're having such a difficult day.

I remember when you first came here and how horrific the pain was for you then as well. I'm curious if after the surgery the pain is any less than it was or is it just a different type of pain form the surgery? I truly hope that the surgery you finally had done will help you in the long run. I'm just sorry your recovery period is expected to be so very long. ugh!

Take care of yourself. I often wondered how you were doing when you weren't around for so long.

eva5667faliure 08-08-2015 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Andy_Pablo (Post 1161121)
I think today has shown me the issues I will face in the short term. I overdid things, like I promised myself I wouldnt & I am now paying the price with pain that I cant even curle up into a ball & sob at... I know things will be tough going forward, but Im starting to realise just how tough...

Sorry for bleating on, just one of those days!

hang on tight
don't let go
holding you tightly
your not alone
lots of love

Andy_Pablo 08-09-2015 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 1161141)
Bleat away. I'm sorry you're having such a difficult day.

I remember when you first came here and how horrific the pain was for you then as well. I'm curious if after the surgery the pain is any less than it was or is it just a different type of pain form the surgery? I truly hope that the surgery you finally had done will help you in the long run. I'm just sorry your recovery period is expected to be so very long. ugh!

Take care of yourself. I often wondered how you were doing when you weren't around for so long.

Its strange because its different & fluctuates, but at the moment its worse. There is nerve pain from the 'moving about' they did, but there is still surgery pain. That has gone down a bit as the incisions have healed a little, & I have stopped bleeding now, but I think yesterday was an overdoing it sort of pain... It is slightly less today, so gives me hope that thr increase is just settling pain & part of the process. Surgeon did advise that things will be erratic for a while...

It feels I only ever come here to complain & its frustrating as thats not really me, but I dont want my family & friends to see me like I am at present.. I need to have more of a positive mindset, but on days like yesterday, it is difficult... Thank you for listening.

Alffe 08-09-2015 07:13 AM

((Andy)) This is the right place to come for any and every reason. Sending positive thoughts for some relief very soon. :hug:

EnglishDave 08-09-2015 04:55 PM


Your mindset will change as things settle and you have better days.

It is right that you come here when you are feeling low if you do not want your family and friends to see you in so much pain. Isolation is not the way to go and our Community is a great buffer. We go through it, so we understand - and family and friends are protected from the worst things our conditions bring.

Your improvement will come gradually, just try not to overexert yourself.


Andy_Pablo 08-09-2015 06:44 PM

I read that you had fallen & hurt yourself quite badly Dave, how are you feeling now?

Burntmarshmallow 08-10-2015 08:07 AM

I have my own vent in another forum and wanted to share this as it seems like the best place :grouphug: ... sometimes I feel like this I like this song too Leaving good energy and want to say Never surrender Keep holding on.

EnglishDave 08-10-2015 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Andy_Pablo (Post 1161412)
I read that you had fallen & hurt yourself quite badly Dave, how are you feeling now?

Thanks for asking, Andy,

Sorry to say the neck, and referred pain in right arm, are not easing at all - even with my many meds. The worrying thing is the new numbness in right hand and forearm, typing is painful and weirdly numb at the same time. I am stuck on my phone as I cannot even lift a Tablet because of my neck.

Laying flat with a semicircular neck pillow as support eases the pain, but makes the numbness worse. Not doing anything positive for my Depression.

Still, I see my PM Team in 2 weeks. That is an important appt, lots to cover.

Sorry for being so negative, but not being able to participate fully here is grating just a little.


Andy_Pablo 08-10-2015 01:05 PM

Sorry to hear that mate. Hope it settles soon.

Andy_Pablo 08-19-2015 06:36 PM

Still struggling badly with the pain & although I managed one evening laying on sofa playing xbox with a mate, the second attempt has really set me back. It is extremely frustrating. My little cat Gabriella is the only reason I havent gone insane, lol. It is giving me time to think though & while a lot of those thoughts have been negative about my situation & life in general, I do tend to find myself coming back round to the idea that there is no point worrying about things as it does nothing to change things for the positive, so just have to wait & see how things pan out... Which is as close to being 'me' again as I have been for a few years while life has been taking pop shots with nuclear weapons, lol...

I hope everyone is ok & having both physical & mental pain free days... Peace out!

EnglishDave 08-19-2015 06:51 PM


Sorry the pain is so bad, but furry companions can be wonderfully therapeutic - utilise this for your Mental Health as much as possible.

As for the negatives, try to log on here when you can to get them out of your system. Our supportive group will be waiting for updates.


Mark56 08-19-2015 11:29 PM

Hope that pain is lessening. Yes, some movement after surgery is good for strength of body and spirit. It can be a hard one though, when the result is overdoing. That continues to this day to be one of my downfalls.

The last surgery for me is a bit over 18 months ago, and I have a hard time being less active than I want to be. THAT is what hits me when pushing too hard.

Keep up with your pain management. You will probably be offered therapy when it is right for you to be more active. It helped me, and could help you.


Littlepaw 08-20-2015 01:24 PM

Hi Andy,

Heck, I am glad to see you overdid it a bit. :D That means you felt well enough for a moment to do enough to aggravate things. It's a start right!

Hang on like a bulldog to your recovery. I cannot tell you how many times I approached and re-approached activity, rehab, therapy, etc. Start low, go slow. Nerve recovery is unlike anything else. If activity is too much expect with a nerve surgery that things may be unhappy for a few days. They can take a while to settle back down. Once they do, start up again, a little more gently. This will go on for a while and the docs know what they say when they tell you there will be good days and bad days.

Try not to get too discouraged. I would expect you to have difficulty at this point. You are just about 30 days post-op now right? You could consider gentle PT soon. Remember this is a growth situation. You may not have much capacity right now, but you will in the future. Bet you wouldnt have played Xbox three weeks ago...

Sending hugs, :hug:

Andy_Pablo 08-20-2015 05:14 PM

Yes, I am just going to have to ride it out... You are correct, its about five weeks since surgery. Have an appointment with my surgeon on 5th October, so it will be interesting to see what we both say to each other.

Sending love & positive aura to the room.

Andy_Pablo 08-28-2015 02:17 PM

I miss going for a beer with my mates... my social life has basically died & I miss it. Was a big part of my personality. I am usually confident & outgoing & I miss that... I really need a beer... I miss a lot about my old life lately...

Sorry, just needed to get some things off my chest & out into the universe...

EnglishDave 08-28-2015 03:49 PM

Hey Andy,

Keep resting up with Gabriella and you will eventually get out, at least for a short while.

As with your X Box evening, are you up to inviting a couple of mates over for a shorter stint and to crack a couple? At least that would give you a mental break.

Keep on with the healing.


eva5667faliure 08-29-2015 08:30 AM

Be ever so careful, I should talk

Originally Posted by Andy_Pablo (Post 1166567)
I miss going for a beer with my mates... my social life has basically died & I miss it. Was a big part of my personality. I am usually confident & outgoing & I miss that... I really need a beer... I miss a lot about my old life lately...

Sorry, just needed to get some things off my chest & out into the universe...

Dear Andy

Due to so serious nerve pain
Especially in the last couple of days
Here goes...
may have been a reason
why things are not going well
and maybe it hindered much of
my existing pain
I wish this would have been the reason
for the failure
My apartment was being painted in the
last few days
was this a good thing maybe
I don't know
All I know is that there was noBody
around to help
When I began to take precious
articles down so they could paint
I was disgusted at the dust that
for example my chimes
I say and cried as my hand tried
to clean them
eventually my hands just don't
do well
As it too hurts when I type
Cleaning the chimes I began to cry
thinking who will cherish these chimes
when I'm gone
Who's gunna take care of this body
when it cannot do for itself anymore
I worked like a horse
Never stopping
Forgetting my Meds
as I was engulfed in the chore
ahead of me
As all things were put in the middle of the room

Because I was not paying attention to
and believe me there is no way of avoiding pain
in ones hands and feet
I am crippled in bed
Wanting do badly to go to the pool
In the evening I had to void twice
It hurt so badly to walk to the bathroom
That is just feet from my bed
Oh crap I thaught
This is just too painful
And like Dave is experiencing now
how his hands are numb yet hurt like
to squeeze a bloody rag to clean up
and put things back clean

I live with this after second surgery
With so many other physically painful factors
such as neck and lower back

I'm now not sure what I want to express to you
So ill just keep going

On one hand like littlepaw said
To feel the pain can be a good thing

in my case I want to say I welcome the pain
I don't
So much of my physical being robbed
gone taken never to be fixed

I live with HOPE that one day
One day soon there will be a cure
Or a miracle

My mind is not where it needs to be
I am crying the pain is so bloody bad
And there isn't a pill that can help

Although I must say
Just before the severe side affects
while on Lyrica
And I remember at the fourth pill level
I forget the mg.
But remember that the feeling to my hands
were coming back
You can imagine how happy I was just for a brief
My body had bad side affects
blistering of my mouth
And it also affected my nails and
skin to my hand were blistering
And that was that

All the pain is back and living with it sucks

I'm sorry
Now that's called ranting
I think

I do want to say
Having a family I love dearly
and the family torn apart
Is the most painful of all
Who's gunna cherish the chimes

You hang on
Like many of us do
Wishing you joy happiness

Thank you for letting me rant

Andy_Pablo 08-29-2015 02:47 PM

Rant away Eva. It definately does do good to get things off ones chest...

I hope you are feeling a little better today...


Originally Posted by EnglishDave (Post 1166601)
Hey Andy,

Keep resting up with Gabriella and you will eventually get out, at least for a short while.

As with your X Box evening, are you up to inviting a couple of mates over for a shorter stint and to crack a couple? At least that would give you a mental break.

Keep on with the healing.


Me & Gabs are currently curled up warm in bed. She is never far away, bless her.

Im unable to drink while on Tramadol unfortunately mate. I do need to get the lads round at some point, but I need to be physically a little better before that happens...

Would like to say Im feeling a little improvement, but while Im sure there has beem some, i certainly cannot feel it at the moment...

Still time yet... Six weeks into a possible two years & beyond, just a little lost at the moment...

Andy_Pablo 09-03-2015 04:06 PM

Attempted some stretches/sitting/walking/etc to try & get some motion going & increased the pain ten fold... Docs tomorrow to try & get some advice about it all... So frustrating as I want to get out & about & do things... Instead Im stuck in this flat that feels like a prison...

Tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully it will bring better with it... Hasnt for over three years, but one can hope...

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