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Old 03-10-2016, 11:29 PM #231
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oh sam, I am sorry to hear you say this.
Your family would be devastated to lose you.
This is a safe place to talk about your feelings, no one will judge you here.
Know that you have many followers who anxiously await your replies to see how you are doing.
We care.
I care.

Hattie the black and white one wrestling with hazel, calico. lost hattie to cancer.....
Happiness is a decision....

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night

I will not give up in this weight loss journey, nor this need to be AF. 3-19-13=156, 6-7-13=139, 8-19-13=149, 11-12-13=140, 6-28-14=157, 7-24-14=149, 9-24-14=144, 1-12-15=164, 2-28-15=149, 4-21-15=143, 6-26-15=138.5, 7-22-15=146, 8-24-15=151, 9-15-15=145, 11-1-15=137, 11-29-15=143, 1-4-16=152, 1-26-16=144, 2-24-16=150, 8-15-16=163, 1-4-17=169, 9-20-17=174, 11-17-17=185.6, 3-22-18=167.9, 8-31-18= 176.3, 3-6-19=190.8 5-30-20=176, 1-4-21=202, 10-4-21= 200.8,12-10-21=186, 3-26-22=180.3, 7-30-22=188, 10-15-22=180.9,
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Old 03-11-2016, 01:03 AM #232
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There are so many new discoveries and images of different parts of the brain and their function currently going on. It's hard for you to imagine right now; but you will and do have a future. It's going to take time; but it's out there. Your solution is not the answer; please hang in there and give it time. That you have plenty of.

Because I care.....

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Old 03-11-2016, 08:31 AM #233
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"Crises, including suicidal ones, are time-limited. By its very nature, a crisis cannot go on and on and on. Something must give. And, provided you don't kill yourself, something eventually will give. With the passage of time things may get worse, but with the same passage of time things may get better. Unless you can know your future perfectly, it seems to me you cannot know with any certainty that, in fact, things will get worse. You may believe things will always get worse, but that is only a belief, and maybe one of those not-so-rational ones that go with the logic of suicidal thinking."*

These spot on words are from Paul Quinnett's excellent book "Suicide, The Forever Decision" and specifically from the chapter Time Heals. I highly recommend that you read this excellent book and can do so on line here...Lara posted the site.

I know that you are young and frustrated Sam and impatient. Please know that we care.

Lara's post:

Last night I was searching through some of the older posts Alffe has made recommending books here as I was looking for something in particular to send to someone. Then I found it online as an ebook. 100 pages pdf

Suicide The Forever Decision By Dr. Paul G. Quinnett

To help save lives, the best selling book "Suicide the Forever Decision, For those Thinking about Suicide and for Those who Know, Love and Counsel Them", by Paul Quinnett, Ph.D. is herewith made available in a free electronic format to anyone in the world who wishes

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Old 03-11-2016, 09:16 AM #234
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Please do not give up hope Sam…

The supplements may provide some benefit, but they are not going to solve all your problems. Your hope lies in the work you do in therapy, and maybe making the decision to try a psych med now… they work well when used in conjunction with therapy. Push for the opportunity to try medication therapy.

You are so young. Please continue to give yourself that one more day towards getting yourself the job, that family and that "WHOLE life" you deserve in the future.

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Old 03-11-2016, 04:24 PM #235
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Dear Sam,

I am sorry to see you feeling so discouraged. It is very good that you are sharing those feelings and giving them a voice.

All of us here care about you and the world will NOT be a better place without you in it. Hold onto the the love you have for your family when you have these moments of darkness because their lives would never be the same without you.

I want you to make a promise okay? If you reach a point where you think you are going to act on your feelings please reach out to someone like your counselor, your parents, pastor, any school staff. It may be awkward doing this but a safety plan is very necessary and has the potential to save your life. Please let your counselor know you are having these feelings in general as well.

From the outside, I have to say that it looks from here that you are making some progress. I know it doesn't always feel that way. But look how far you've come with starting therapy, sharing your true feelings, writing what you feel. You are doing challenging things and even enjoying the games in gym (even if you get a bit of payback). You are making yourself get out and take walks. These are real, measurable accomplishments and I don't know that you would've been able to do these things a few months ago. Hold onto that and don't let go.

I will be out of pocket for a few days but will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Many hugs and healing thoughts are coming your way,

Shine Your Bright Light
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Old 03-19-2016, 01:15 PM #236
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Hi everyone,

Just an quick update...

So my therapist is now getting stuck too. She feels really bad because all the therapy techniques we have tried have done nothing and do not work. Last appointment she told me she really thinks it is physical. She does think the anxiety is playing a part, and she still wants me to try medication, but she thinks that my symptoms are too strong to be just anxiety alone.

She is working and asking a bunch of other therapists that shes knows about it for advice, and shes trying to get to the bottom of this. She wants me to get a second opinion from another neurologist, because the first one said it was emotional. She really believes that there is a physical issue going on in my brain that is causing my depersonalization.

She also wants me to continue with the supplements as the copper could be the source. The supplements would take around a month or so to start seeing results, so I'm not giving up hope yet. (It's been 2 and a half weeks on them)

This is actually great news to me. This whole time I thought it was physical, and couldn't believe it was just my thoughts and emotions causing this feeling, but now that a psychologist who all she does is study problems with emotions, thinks its physical !

What do you guys think? I would love to hear want you all have to say, as I'm trying so hard to get better any advice truly helps.
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Old 03-19-2016, 03:45 PM #237
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Hi Sam,

I am a strong believer in second opinions. Sometimes they are life changing and it never hurts to get information.

It may be helpful if your therapist can let a new neurologist know her concerns. This could be done by phone or letter if you sign a release of information. I personally would be hesitant to go back to one who had already decided what my issue was....


Shine Your Bright Light
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Old 03-19-2016, 07:59 PM #238
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second opinion neurologist sounds like good advice.
keep us posted sam. we care about you.

Hattie the black and white one wrestling with hazel, calico. lost hattie to cancer.....
Happiness is a decision....

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night

I will not give up in this weight loss journey, nor this need to be AF. 3-19-13=156, 6-7-13=139, 8-19-13=149, 11-12-13=140, 6-28-14=157, 7-24-14=149, 9-24-14=144, 1-12-15=164, 2-28-15=149, 4-21-15=143, 6-26-15=138.5, 7-22-15=146, 8-24-15=151, 9-15-15=145, 11-1-15=137, 11-29-15=143, 1-4-16=152, 1-26-16=144, 2-24-16=150, 8-15-16=163, 1-4-17=169, 9-20-17=174, 11-17-17=185.6, 3-22-18=167.9, 8-31-18= 176.3, 3-6-19=190.8 5-30-20=176, 1-4-21=202, 10-4-21= 200.8,12-10-21=186, 3-26-22=180.3, 7-30-22=188, 10-15-22=180.9,
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Old 03-20-2016, 09:58 AM #239
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Default What's in the water

Could there be a source for the copper toxicity you have not investigated? In my state there is an EPA organization that tests water systems.
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Old 03-20-2016, 11:50 AM #240
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Default Impressed I am

Originally Posted by SamG11 View Post
Hi everyone,

Just an quick update...

So my therapist is now getting stuck too. She feels really bad because all the therapy techniques we have tried have done nothing and do not work. Last appointment she told me she really thinks it is physical. She does think the anxiety is playing a part, and she still wants me to try medication, but she thinks that my symptoms are too strong to be just anxiety alone.

She is working and asking a bunch of other therapists that shes knows about it for advice, and shes trying to get to the bottom of this. She wants me to get a second opinion from another neurologist, because the first one said it was emotional. She really believes that there is a physical issue going on in my brain that is causing my depersonalization.

She also wants me to continue with the supplements as the copper could be the source. The supplements would take around a month or so to start seeing results, so I'm not giving up hope yet. (It's been 2 and a half weeks on them)

This is actually great news to me. This whole time I thought it was physical, and couldn't believe it was just my thoughts and emotions causing this feeling, but now that a psychologist who all she does is study problems with emotions, thinks its physical !

What do you guys think? I would love to hear want you all have to say, as I'm trying so hard to get better any advice truly helps.
Dear Sam
You have my upmost respect
As young as your number age may be
And I wish you get to enjoy some fun when
still in your young age
when there should not be a care in the world
but having fun with friends
It was so hard when I came to this country at the age of five
I am blown away at your openness and vigilance to getting at the ROOT of it all
It just may be as only you know what's going on with your body
and that you are so in tune with it is just awesome

Now can you please hold off
and hang on just a bit longer
I know it is hard
I know
But I also know
You are strong and very brave
not to act on emotions
We all are here LISTENING
We all care about what happens to you
We all have faith in you
We want you to continue to reach out
and a good read might empower you some
Everyone cares
You hang on
As we take this journey with you
Life isn't easy all the time
You go Sam
Don't give up
There is a light at the end of the tunnel
Follow the glimmer
someone who cares
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