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eva5667faliure 05-15-2016 11:10 AM

A mind of its own
To wonder as I do every single day
Are or rather is my family doing well
To wonder if your children are happy
To wonder if they still blame me and God for their unhappiness
Not something I can stop my brain from wondering
What my children are exhibiting are many symptoms
wonder why my son stopped his meds
Bi-polar from me
And to let them know
and not do anything about it
Is then on them
How much more can I do
I told them
I am the one for certain can and till now
those tested are positive
So many things going on under this particular umbrella
WONDER what Eva's mother has to say about her knowing she is positive and addict so many of her symptoms answered
and just got off the phone with trying to express what her sister is wondering when I told her
Wonder about this you have occipital lobe epilepsy
Chances you are positive
And ponder on this
Your doctor should wonder real seriously about finding out if she to is positive
And not God
Wonder what my youngest is doing
If she is wondering about us
and how much I miss her and wish she would change
and come back home
My child's father knows about her getting high
Wonder what he is thinking
He told me his opinion about my parenting
Only she is worse off in the current situation
So many lies that are being shared
And hurting each other doing it
Do they not wonder
Something is REALLY wrong
So wondered
Rather then help them see the
Unappreciative response and behavior
my children put upon me in their thirties now
And still blame me
Now because it isn't recognized
I ask the question
"What haven't I done for all of you guy's"
Not a thing to speak of
But to wonder if my youngest is still in the hospital
And not call me
Or my children not call me
Isn't okay
They will never know a mothers worry
And she nor my son are parents
I am gifted from my third child
Wondering when she too will take care of herself
She is returning back to waitressing
And not pursue her phlebotomist license
This I cannot stop wondering about
Or to use her culinary degree
Left here sad
Wondering if Heavenly Father touch my sister
She helped me so much
She loves me
My baby sister

Alffe 05-15-2016 03:22 PM

l wonder why I can't just talk on this pad like I do on my phone

I wonder if Eva knows that I thought about her on Mothers day said a quiet prayer that her children would show her a little love.

I wonder that I have galloping poison ivy :o

I wonder what the realtor will tell us tomorrow about selling this old house now that she has researched it for a week.

I wonder about the tragic suicide death of our daughter friend and the heartbreaking honesty in her obituary. :( .

l wonder if I can leave hugs for the room

OhKay 05-16-2016 08:47 AM

I wonder if Eva knows if she is in my thoughts :hug:

I wonder if Alffe's poison ivy will get better soon? :hug:

I wonder if Alffe knows how sad I feel for her friends' loss, while still feeling conflicted about hearing there was "heartbreaking honesty" in the obituary :hug::hug::hug:

FeelinGoofy 05-16-2016 10:23 PM

I wonder about all this stinkin, rainy, flooding, tornadic weather we have been having. makes it very triggering. sigh.... Friday will be the one year anniv of my younger brothers drowning.

i wonder if it is ok to admit the "dark side" has sure been calling my name the past couple months.

wondering if i can leave a hug for our room :hug:

eva5667faliure 05-17-2016 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by FeelinGoofy (Post 1211447)
I wonder about all this stinkin, rainy, flooding, tornadic weather we have been having. makes it very triggering. sigh.... Friday will be the one year anniv of my younger brothers drowning.

i wonder if it is ok to admit the "dark side" has sure been calling my name the past couple months.

wondering if i can leave a hug for our room :hug:

How right you are about the weather
It certainly is a trigger
Wonder if I could tell you
I am right there with you
You and I breath for a reason
I wonder what it is I need to still have to experience
For the dark side is close
Wonder if the light could shine for us
Wonder if we could find the sun inside us how differently
we would feel
Trigger the weather has been hurtful
Barometer killing everything
Wonder if I could mention how awesome this place is
Not able to understand why I am going through the stuff
at hand
I just don't understand it
Yet I trust it will reveal a sunny day
And a happy smile in our heart and soul
We are important
You are important
We a have a purpose
Thank you for sharing
I feel horrible simply from how the weather is this morning
I will push through the day
May your heart feel the sun

OhKay 05-17-2016 07:41 AM

I wonder if Goofy knows it takes strength to admit that the "dark side" has been calling and a lot of self-awareness to recognize our own triggers :hug:

I wonder if everyone effected by the harsh weather lately knows I am thinking of them, and hope that they, their loved ones, and their property are safe :hug:

Mark56 05-21-2016 11:02 AM

I Have Wandered
Oh yes, I have wandered
Filled with wonder
Driven by overwhelming issues
Of family
And of work
And of life
Yet I have wondered how my friends here have fared
Praying in wonder that calls from the dark will go unfollowed
Wondering how all have been through Mother's Day and myriad graduation
Wondering at life which launches anew for many who have achieved degrees
Wondering at creeping Poison Ivy? Oh....itch!
Wondering at changes in life, and praying for the best
Wondering why we endured the blaring sun for so long from the skylight in our bedroom!!!! Oh, the blissful restfulness of a Saturday morning sleeping in because we inexpensively jammed foam in that blasted skylight thus darkening our room......YAY!
Wondering that it took me so long to return here among you......

eva5667faliure 06-06-2016 06:25 AM

I made a bond
Wonder if I could hold on for just a bit longer
as I am withering slowly and it s.u.c.k.s
So much energy is taken out of me in my day
Wonder how much longer it will be this hard
Wonder if we could get lucky enough to hit the numbers
and there be some financial relief
Wonder how it will be as time goes on
it is a small income I am working with
It is so difficult to not wonder how it got like this
How did it all get like this
Wonder if My desires will fade
People are not in my life
It to by choice
There is no true relationship
I can speak of that doesn't require approval from
And this I do not need
I look to Heavenly Father and ask for true sincere love in return
Not a hard thing for me to do
Yet for strangers to judge and pull one down for ones own selfish reasons not what I look for
Wonder if my father is the one who suffered with the mutation and it be the base host of all his problems
I still wonder about him
Just this weekend
Me and my sister were talking about the day
She tells me
Her then grammer school teacher she seen many years later
told her how she heard the shot early in the morning of April 8th
thinking it was her veteran father with his guns
Wonder how many others heard the shot
He was found in the second car
white station wagon
Around the corner from the house
What was he feeling
How sad must he have been
To endure sadness like mine
Makes me wonder

bizi 06-08-2016 02:35 PM

I wonder if we will survive europe

OhKay 06-09-2016 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by bizi (Post 1213652)
I wonder if we will survive europe

I wonder if Bizi knows I miss her, and know she and Jeff will have a wonderful time and a safe return :hug::hug::hug:

OhKay 06-09-2016 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by eva5667faliure (Post 1213396)
Wonder if I could hold on for just a bit longer
as I am withering slowly and it s.u.c.k.s
So much energy is taken out of me in my day
Wonder how much longer it will be this hard
Wonder if we could get lucky enough to hit the numbers
and there be some financial relief
Wonder how it will be as time goes on
it is a small income I am working with
It is so difficult to not wonder how it got like this
How did it all get like this
Wonder if My desires will fade
People are not in my life
It to by choice
There is no true relationship
I can speak of that doesn't require approval from
And this I do not need
I look to Heavenly Father and ask for true sincere love in return
Not a hard thing for me to do
Yet for strangers to judge and pull one down for ones own selfish reasons not what I look for
Wonder if my father is the one who suffered with the mutation and it be the base host of all his problems
I still wonder about him
Just this weekend
Me and my sister were talking about the day
She tells me
Her then grammer school teacher she seen many years later
told her how she heard the shot early in the morning of April 8th
thinking it was her veteran father with his guns
Wonder how many others heard the shot
He was found in the second car
white station wagon
Around the corner from the house
What was he feeling
How sad must he have been
To endure sadness like mine
Makes me wonder

I wonder if Eva knows how good it is that she was able to talk about such a painful memory with her sister :hug::hug::hug:

I wonder if she knows that it is good to try relate to her father's feelings before his suicide attempt as long as she's not relating too much :hug::hug::hug:

Stay safe. You are loved.



eva5667faliure 06-10-2016 07:32 AM

The group of wonder persons

Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1213719)
I wonder if Eva knows how good it is that she was able to talk about such a painful memory with her sister :hug::hug::hug:

I wonder if she knows that it is good to try relate to her father's feelings before his suicide attempt as long as she's not relating too much :hug::hug::hug:

Stay safe. You are loved.



Thank you Kay for your warm felt words
Comforting they are
Nice to see you around
And a comfort to so many
Know you are recognized
and are a treasure in many ways
And it is here I get to meet
persons like yourself
I came here hoping to find others who had the same medical problems I had and it turn out to become a live journal
of my experience strength and hope
I have come to meet some very very special friends
No understanding of the wifi world
Just come on here and get my medicine for the day
With empowering words
It has become a place I hope to help by my own experience
If it be just one person I can comfort and can help
are rewards I get in return
And get to wonder about it all
Unconditional bonds

May you be filled with joy
However you can get it
I at times get it here
You are that example
Thank you for caring

eva5667faliure 07-13-2016 01:43 PM

I wonder why
What is the lesson
Why do I have to wonder
What if this time they will succeed
Wonder what will it take if there is anymore to go through to "get it"
Wondering why I am totally **** on the moment things seem okay for my grandchild mother who is still in the hospital and talk fresh to me calling off the hook and picking up every call upset with me because of something her and her sister are going through
Wondering why is this happening again
Rather then concentrate in what just happened a couple of days ago
Wonder how much does she want to throw my way when she doesn't get her way
Wonder why she gives me grief when she can't see she made it the way it is
And only she can change it
Wondering why she can't see that
Why am I used as an enabler
Wonder why is she pushing me to
not wanting to pick up the phone because
I will be sad hearing her with the same excuses
She has been through soooooo much
Put herself through so much
Looking for love in the wrong places
I can never fill her void
Just be there
Wonder if my body is full of toxins
How much more can it take
I need to be here for her daughter
Wondering what it will be like for Eva in September and starting school
Wondering what that's going to be like all over again we go
Do I have it
We shall see
We shall see
Wondering isn't helping
And I cannot stop but to wonder
I can't even hear what on when in such deep thought
How much more Heavenly Father
I won't give up
Is that my test
To see if ill give up
I will not take my last breath into my hands
That is for my Father to decide
Wonder if I could leave a huge hugs
for anyone who needs one
right from the heart

eva5667faliure 07-26-2016 07:58 AM

Wonder if its just to late and things have settled
How much longer before Eva decides I don't want to leave the home she has only known
What will happen then
Wondering why she cannot take it one day
One moment at a time
One situation at a time
What is it that she must go through I fear
So much pain already
Her trial and error
Closer and closer to one another
I want so badly to pick up the phone
Is she wondering what happened for it to be as it is
Does she even get it

My child who lives with me
Who is in fear to explore the outside world
Like the real stuff
Not hanging out stuff
But work
Driving school
Her health (doctors who she needs to see)
Just to mention some of my wonders
Wonder if she ever sees the light
Rater then the darkness
It doesn't have to be like that
Replaced with the light that still shines within them
Wonder if it can be doable and in your face love
What will happen with my grandchild
Does she not wonder about this
I wonder

eva5667faliure 09-19-2016 06:39 PM

What are they wondering
To a wonder-full day with my entire family
If he could be would have had us all
We sat at the table all ready to eat
Wondering how this was going to go down
It was awesome
Wonder why my child did not want to spend the time with her child
Wondered why our dog submitted to everyone there
A full house of my family
My babies
Wonder if they felt as good as I
Wonder how much time our family pet has
I spent the entire day with him in my arms
His heart calm while in my arms
Wonder if we can do it again
They have grown
And wanted to be in my company
Wonder if they know I love them ever so much
And it never stops
When I think about it all
Heavenly Father you know my heart and brain
All the wondering a mother does
Like my granddaughter said to me while taking her nighttime bath
And said to me
"Mimmas job is never done
Right mimma"
Mimma does wonder all the time
Thank you Heavenly Father
And to my dead father
Wonder if your soul can see the love of a mother for her children
Your grandchildren and great grandchild
Can you feel us
We were a family

OhKay 09-20-2016 07:42 AM

I wonder if Eva knows how happy I am for her, for that day?
I wonder if Eva knows I will pray for more happy moments in life like that for her, and her family… :hug::hug::hug:

Alffe 09-20-2016 10:34 AM

I wonder why I have to sign in every time I come here even though I click remember me
I wonder what has happened to compassion

I wonder how I hate it when I'm watching the refugees waiting for supplies getting bombed and the next thing that comes in or people in the United States standing in line to get the new iphone that just came out

I wonder if eva knows how happy her last post made me and I need to remember that there is hope in this world

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room

eva5667faliure 09-20-2016 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1224300)
I wonder if Eva knows how happy I am for her, for that day?
I wonder if Eva knows I will pray for more happy moments in life like that for her, and her family… :hug::hug::hug:

wishing you all the best
and happiness fill your hearts
thank you for the kind words
wonder if you all know how much empowerment
i get here

eva5667faliure 09-20-2016 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 1224316)
I wonder why I have to sign in every time I come here even though I click remember me
I wonder what has happened to compassion

I wonder how I hate it when I'm watching the refugees waiting for supplies getting bombed and the next thing that comes in or people in the United States standing in line to get the new iphone that just came out

I wonder if eva knows how happy her last post made me and I need to remember that there is hope in this world

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room

wonder if YOU know how very important you are to this person
and to say
i love you
clap when we are happy

OhKay 09-21-2016 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 1224316)
I wonder why I have to sign in every time I come here even though I click remember me
I wonder what has happened to compassion

I wonder how I hate it when I'm watching the refugees waiting for supplies getting bombed and the next thing that comes in or people in the United States standing in line to get the new iphone that just came out

I wonder if eva knows how happy her last post made me and I need to remember that there is hope in this world

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room

I wonder if you know how wise I think you are to be able to put things into this kind of perspective :hug:

eva5667faliure 10-19-2016 08:19 AM

Getting back on the horse
Every single morning
Upon stirring
My mind already wondering
Wondering do I have what it takes to be that person
want to be and not let others spoil it
I wonder how that would feel today for a change
Eva half day at school
Corissa riddled with dirty laundry
Took her to school
Just came home going back to bed
I do not agree she should have any burdens put upon her because she knows what would happen if I and her did not take on the job
I just couldn't imagine
And my child does not see how she is hindering her sisters life and her trials
It isn't easy when I want to explain
When she says or rather asks
"Mom, how did you do it"
And I said
"What are you talking about, I'm still doing it
Only this time I need help"
How did I do it
Oh my God
That how
Wonder what will it take
I won't let go
I have to stay strong in it ALL

Thank you for your guidance
WONDERING what it would be like to
just have a good day
wouldn't that be nice

OhKay 10-21-2016 08:23 AM

I wonder if Eva knows I wish she could have a good day, too.
I wonder if Eva knows that that good day may be just around the corner :hug:

eva5667faliure 11-01-2016 04:58 PM

Wondering if I should just stop
End of the road
One day at a time
Wondering how many more days
It just comes and goes
Wonder how much more
In your arms I lie
Wondering how blessed I am

eva5667faliure 11-02-2016 06:48 AM

A time to say goodbye and thank you
My time never to be forgotten
I hope the connections made
Are never ending
Thank you

OhKay 11-02-2016 07:28 AM

I'm wondering what Eva means?

I'm wondering if she knows she is loved?

eva5667faliure 11-02-2016 08:12 AM

Forever a wonder
It all is in Heavenly Fathers hands
I have done all I can
And wonder why it is so hard for this family
The only thing I had for his life was awesome
Are his ashes
To love
And be loved in return
To have a place in this world
I'm lost
Forever wondering why

PamelaJune 11-02-2016 08:33 AM

sending you virtual hugs xxx:hug::hug:

QUOTE=eva5667faliure;1227859]It all is in Heavenly Fathers hands
I have done all I can
And wonder why it is so hard for this family
The only thing I had for his life was awesome
Are his ashes
To love
And be loved in return
To have a place in this world
I'm lost
Forever wondering why[/QUOTE]

OhKay 11-03-2016 06:07 AM

I'm glad that you find comfort in your faith in God, Eva :hug::hug::hug:
I wish I could make life easier for you :hug::hug::hug:

eva5667faliure 11-03-2016 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1227961)
I'm glad that you find comfort in your faith in God, Eva :hug::hug::hug:
I wish I could make life easier for you :hug::hug::hug:

I know how you all care
I'm pooped
I just want you to understand
How very much you and some very awesome
persons who are real and speak about real issues
Mental illness
Always falls at the waist side
I am living it
And am not heard by the PROFESSIONALS
Root of all evil
May you feel my love

OhKay 11-07-2016 06:46 AM

It's important to have a good PCP because he/she is your team leader and main point of contact. It's harder to find specialists with good bedside manners.

Your PCP and mental health professionals should be approachable and be sensitive and responsive to your needs. I know that it's hard to find good providers, but if you aren't getting the care you need, it's time for change :hug::hug::hug:

I'm sorry you're so discouraged :hug::hug::hug:

Wren 11-27-2016 06:19 PM

I wonder if anyone else is so relieved to see a holiday over?

tamiloo 03-29-2017 01:45 PM

I wonder....:wink:

I wonder where does time go...So much to do.

I wonder why it has taken since last September to pull myself away from everyone and everything.

I wonder when I will be able to put my heart out there again.

I at wonder how amazingly wonderful my wonder thread friends are!:hug:

eva5667faliure 04-29-2017 07:46 AM

I find myself wondering
What could he possibly been going through and he just couldn't find his way to Heavenly Father
Wonder if he was feeling anything like I do with the pain o live with every single day
Some days much better than others
To hold my head up is a job
My hands and feet my back my throat oh dear Father only you know what I feel
I wonder if he was angry at himself God his wife us I was suppose to have been the apple of his eye
What eye
Wondering how is it after all he has taken from me as a little girl
Lately I have begun to forgive him
I come from a highly psychological distorted idea of what a family was suppose to be like for these young kids well my mother a teenager my father 9 years her senior
Was he wondering how superficial the woman we call our mother
was and couldn't do anything about it as she I was and has mastered enabling the people around her
Wonder if he suspected she was cheating on him with her now live in ex husband
She knew she hook a man who she could manipulate
Wondering how I know this
I was pulled into picking who I wanted to go with
I was only six or seven
Taken into the forbidden living room
Fire engine red wall to wall rug
The 70's look
Wondered how money was what most of the fights were about
She loved and lived to spend
Very much like my grandchilds mother who spent most of her time growing up and going to the mall every weekend
My father long killed himself
His bed still warm and bring in her lover and son
Was he frustrated to the point of no return

You see in my culture
A Hungarian
Will find
Suicide is the ultimate hurt
It is understood that that act was specifically done to hurt and blame
Of the note left behind confirms
Wonder what he took with him
He has what he's taken from me
Something my mother turned her head the other way to
And after I came out with it in a fight catching my mothers now husband leering at my eldest in that disgusting way that rushed all them feelings back
She denied everything until my middle sister yells out it happened to me too
Wonder if I could express this must have been weighing on me in a very heavy way
Affecting my everyday life
To get up and wonder OMG
if it hurts this badly now
What's gonna happen in another 10 years should Heavenly Father still have me breath
Will I be able to care for myself
Wonder if my grown brats can see how strong in faith their mom is and that nothing will ever sever that growing knowledge that comes along if one steps out of ines way and let Heavenly Father drive
It is already determined what I must go through
And put it into play how would my Heavenly Father want me to handle this all
What else is on the wonder train
Wonder what it's going to take for my grown children
As they still behave like children
The one thing that still means the world to me
They look for each other
And as against the back drop being alcohol
After my son is released from the psychiatric ward
Cause that's how he withdrew fr a drug he injects himself with
And does not think how very worried I am
Just one of the few things I wonder about
Finally wondering if after representing myself with the above problematic tenant above me
"She filed a complaint of harassment on me having to call the police to my home over the past year
Being separated from sleep as I have recordings
The report filed by a police officer on my behalf
The incriminating note at my door
My mail tampered with
As three days ago my daughter was exiting the apartment taking my granddaughter to school and a slew of mail at the foot of my door that wasn't there as of the day before 6:00 P.M. The garbage was taken out
Wondering who and why didn't seven pieces of mail not make it to my mail box
In this bundle was the summons of harassment was among them
And because is said I needed to be in court at 9:00 A.M. That morning was tampered with
On the 17th of April I went to office as instructed to do so
Never calling the police or yelled out to her to knock it off
Wondering what are the chances she file a report on said date and she had no clue about anything
Wondering how the office manager Roslyn who is the acting director picked up on the date filed when returing with a new date to come in the mail
Tampering of my mail
Wondering if standing in the truth with all my evidence that clearly shows the harassment me and my family live with
Can't afford a lawyer
I could have one appointed to me from the court
Yet I have faith that the truth will show I am the one who did not want it to get to where it is
All I wanted was for her to stop
The office will give me all correspondences to her for me to have for court
I pray and know if I was to present all I have it would speak for itself
Why I ask myself
Did Heavenly Father prepare me to handle this as I had 10 years experience coming from the building I came from
What was he feeling
What was he thinking
April 8th his anniversary 36 years
He's dead for 36 years
And I wonder what it would be like to have him around today
Would he have mellowed
What kink of a grandfather would he have been like
I have so much I think about
As things get harder and harder
The lessons
The decisions I have to make for the sake of me
Nobody really stops to thinks
"She is forever changed"
"She is in pain"
Not really
So I'll keep wondering
To those who find themselves wondering how it could have been isn't such a bad thing
Like I said I never thought I had it in me to forgive me
Now what do I do with a living parent who want me in her life with conditions
Why does she need to hide me
Never gonna happen
Wonder if others are free from wondering
It's been 36 years
And here I am still wondering
Extending my love to all
A special wish to those whose memories aren't difunctional
or haunting
I have to remind myself to just stay in the day and finish it to the best of my ability

Alffe 04-30-2017 01:21 AM

Great advice for all of us, "stay in the day and finish it""

OhKay 05-01-2017 07:16 AM

36 years is a long time, but some wounds never fully heal. I'm so sorry for all your pain, Eva :hug::hug::hug:

I hope that you are vindicated in court and the problems stop with your neighbor. That's a lot of stress you don't need :hug:

Thinking of you today :hug::hug::hug:

eva5667faliure 05-01-2017 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by OhKay (Post 1241846)
36 years is a long time, but some wounds never fully heal. I'm so sorry for all your pain, Eva :hug::hug::hug:

I hope that you are vindicated in court and the problems stop with your neighbor. That's a lot of stress you don't need :hug:

Thinking of you today :hug::hug::hug:

Warm hugs are oh so welcomed
Especially now
With return happiness my wish to you
And all to experience
Happiness it comes in many beautiful forms

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