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Alffe 10-28-2007 05:43 AM

well of course he was! *grin...thanks for letting us know.

Doody, I'm sorry your son-in-law is having so much pain with this. I never heard of it either! Hopefully it will quit before he has to have surgery. It's just always something with families....worry is the name of the game. :hug:

Wren 10-29-2007 09:19 PM

What's on my plate?
Gratitude that it's finally bed time.
Good night all ...........

Alffe 10-31-2007 08:12 AM

I finally finished painting the guest room closet...barely fit into it with a ladder..thank goodness for rollers with extenders!

We are still seeing deer every evening at dusk and there are still 5 of them even tho it's bow & arrow season..with guns to follow next month. ~sigh

A young woman came to the back door in tears because she had car trouble, forgot her cell phone and no one would answer their doors to help her. Of course Mr.Alffe let her in to use the phone and after she left, I got the lecture about never taking my cell phone with me. :rolleyes:

I'm trying to drop a few pounds before my physical this month...pointless unless I get back on that treadmill. :p

What's on your plate?

Doody 10-31-2007 12:16 PM

Work per usual.

It's COLD here today, brrrrr.

However it isn't trick or treat night. Not here in Iowa! It's just forbidden to allow trick or treating on Wednesday nite! Church nite! w h a t e v e r :rolleyes: Everyone went trick or treating last night.

Including granddoody, LOL. His first. Once he caught on, he had a ball. Very polite and said thank you every time someone gave him candy and then he would wave and say goodbye.

One place they went to, the folks had left candy in a big bowl on the porch. Doody ran to the porch where these kids were pounding on the poor people's door. And he spotted the bowl that apparently the other kids didn't see, and started loading his little Elmo bucket with candy, LOLOL. THEN, when they went to a place where a bowl was sitting, empty, he looked around like, "HUH? WHAT? Where's the candy!?" So he saw a display of pumpkins and gourds and took a little gourd and shoved it in his bucket. LMAO!

Not a good pic because it's from his momma's cell phone, but still cute in his little Elmo outfit with matching bucket. He LOVES Elmo.

Curious 11-02-2007 09:24 AM

i wanna pinch those cheeks!!!!!! :D ty for posting his new pic doody. :hug:

i got a sick kid on my plate...errrr...couch. grandmonkey threw up at school. first thing.

i'm really ticked off. not at him...but his mother. :mad:

KathyM 11-07-2007 10:20 AM

I'm trying to find a way to get to Oklahoma City next week. A very dear friend of mine has organized a native protest of Oklahoma's Land Run Centennial celebration. I'm very worried about her because she is already facing racially charged threats of violence, and she won't be able to count on the police to protect her. :( The group who is protesting has NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER of becoming "hostile" - so I'd really like to be present to make sure they don't get arrested. I'm more like a Keystone Cop than I am body guard, but I'd try my hardest to protect her from harm. :o IMO, doing nothing would be as bad as turning my back on my friend. :eek:

Here's an article another friend wrote about the upcoming events next week.

Alffe 11-07-2007 12:20 PM

It's enough that you want to and are trying to go. Please do not do this at your own healths' expense. She'll feel your support Kathy whether you are there or not. :hug:

KathyM 11-07-2007 01:10 PM

Thanks Alffe :hug:

I attended a few protests during the Univ. of IL "Chief Illiniwek" fiasco. I was a little amazed I held up so well. One time I stood for hours in subzero weather with the downtown Chicago wind blasting us. Another time I spent the night outdoors sitting in a chair with temps only in the 30s and a painfully broken tooth after eating a hamburger earlier in the day. :eek:

It worked because I kicked into "mother" mode. Yeah, it took a lot out of me physically and emotionally. I was pretty sick afterwards, but it was worth it to me to make sure my friends were safe. No one was harmed, and no one was arrested. :D

When another friend protested the 2004 Outkast "Hey Ya" Grammy performance, I desperately wanted to join him. I offered, but he knows of my illness and found it inappropriate to ask me to travel to MN and stand for any length of time. During the protest he was attacked by security guards, beaten and thrown in jail. A frail man in his 70s was also beaten. The local newspapers claimed my friend and his group were "hostile." THAT took more out of me than standing in windy subzero weather or sitting out in the cold all night long. :(

I REFUSE to let the same thing happen to my friend in OK, but I know better. If I can make it there, all I can do is try. If they want to get at her, they're going to have to go through me first! :mad:

Alffe 11-07-2007 01:53 PM

Ok...promise to keep us posted so I'll know how much I have to worry and how many prayers to send with you. :o

FeelinGoofy 11-07-2007 02:37 PM

never mind.... :(

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