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lou_lou 12-18-2007 12:49 AM

my healing artwork

lou_lou 12-19-2007 05:16 AM

william wordsworth
Written in Early Spring

I heard a thousand blended notes
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What Man has made of Man.

KathyM 12-23-2007 01:55 PM

I can't help but think of our military families who are missing loved ones. :(

"Coming Home" - John Legend

A father waits upon a son
A mother prays for his return
I just called to see
If you still have a place for me
We know that life took us apart
But you're still within my heart
I go to sleep and feel your spirit next to me
I'll make it home again
I pray you'll fall in love again
Just say you'll entertain the possibility
I learned enough from my mistakes
Learned from all I didn't say
Won't you wait for me

It may be long to get me there
It feels like I've been everywhere
But someday I'll be coming home
Round and round the world will spin
Oh, the circle never ends
So you know that I'll be coming home

We fight to stay alive
But somebody's got to die
It's so strange to me
A new year, a new enemy
Another soldier gone to war
Another story told before
Now it's told again
It seems the wars will never end
But we'll make it home again
Back where we belong again
We're holding on to when
We used to dare to dream
We pray we live to see
Another day in history
Yes we still believe

It may be long to get me there
It feels like I've been everywhere
But someday I'll be coming home
Round and round the world will spin
Oh, the circle never ends
So you know that I'll be coming home

Alffe 12-28-2007 09:56 AM

What My Father Believed by John Guzlowski
What My Father Believed

He didn't know about the Rock of Ages
or bringing in the sheaves or Jacob's ladder
or gathering at the beautiful river
that flows beneath the throne of God.
He'd never heard of the Baltimore Catechism
either, and didn't know the purpose of life
was to love and honor and serve God.

He'd been to the village church as a boy
in Poland, and knew he was Catholic
because his mother and father were buried
in a cemetery under wooden crosses.
His sister Catherine was buried there too.

The day their mother died Catherine took
to the kitchen corner where the stove sat,
and cried. She wouldn't eat or drink, just cried
until she died there, died of a broken heart.
She was three or four years old, he was five.

What he knew about the nature of God
and religion came from the sermons
the priests told at mass, and this got mixed up
with his own life. He knew living was hard,
and that even children are meant to suffer.
Sometimes, when he was drinking he'd ask,
"Didn't God send his own son here to suffer?"

My father believed we are here to lift logs
that can't be lifted, to hammer steel nails
so bent they crack when we hit them.
In the slave labor camps in Germany,
He'd seen men try the impossible and fail.

He believed life is hard, and we should
help each other. If you see someone
on a cross, his weight pulling him down
and breaking his muscles, you should try
to lift him, even if only for a minute,
even though you know lifting won't save him.

lou_lou 12-29-2007 12:34 AM

your move~ lyrical poetry -muse
I've seen all good people turn their heads each day
so satisfied I'm on my way.
I've seen all good people turn their heads each day
so satisfied I'm on my way.
Take a straight and stronger course to the corner of your life.
Make the white queen run so fast she hasn't got time to make you a wife.
'Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and its news is captured
For the queen to use.
Move me on to any black square,
Use me any time you want,
Just remember that the goal
'Sfor us to capture all we want, anywhere,
Yea, yea, yea.
Don't surround yourself with yourself,
Move on back two squares,
Send an Instant Karma to me,

Don't surround yourself with yourself,
Move on back two squares,
Send an Instant Karma to me,
Initial it with loving care
Don't surround
Yourself with yourself.
Don't surround yourself.
Send an Instant
Karma to me. Don't surround
'Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and its news is captured
For the queen to use.

-I heard this song sang by a boy turned into a man unwillingly -
Robert Downey Jr. actually he has a awesome voice -

Initial it with loving care
Don't surround
'Cause it's time, it's time in time with your time and
its news is captured
For the queen to use.

lou_lou 12-29-2007 08:40 AM

my small film -yourmove -
sung by Robert Downey Jr.

lou_lou 12-29-2007 03:58 PM

alfeeeeeeee? did you write this poem?
if you did -youi arevery excellent -you should write a book!


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 180694)
What My Father Believed

He didn't know about the Rock of Ages
or bringing in the sheaves or Jacob's ladder
or gathering at the beautiful river
that flows beneath the throne of God.
He'd never heard of the Baltimore Catechism
either, and didn't know the purpose of life
was to love and honor and serve God.

He'd been to the village church as a boy
in Poland, and knew he was Catholic
because his mother and father were buried
in a cemetery under wooden crosses.
His sister Catherine was buried there too.

The day their mother died Catherine took
to the kitchen corner where the stove sat,
and cried. She wouldn't eat or drink, just cried
until she died there, died of a broken heart.
She was three or four years old, he was five.

What he knew about the nature of God
and religion came from the sermons
the priests told at mass, and this got mixed up
with his own life. He knew living was hard,
and that even children are meant to suffer.
Sometimes, when he was drinking he'd ask,
"Didn't God send his own son here to suffer?"

My father believed we are here to lift logs
that can't be lifted, to hammer steel nails
so bent they crack when we hit them.
In the slave labor camps in Germany,
He'd seen men try the impossible and fail.

He believed life is hard, and we should
help each other. If you see someone
on a cross, his weight pulling him down
and breaking his muscles, you should try
to lift him, even if only for a minute,
even though you know lifting won't save him.

Alffe 12-30-2007 06:07 AM

What My Father Believed by John Guzlowski :)

Alffe 12-30-2007 06:20 AM

Bring him home...

lou_lou 12-30-2007 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 181293)
What My Father Believed by John Guzlowski :)

nevermind Mr. Guzlowski! :D
everyday I lose part of my senses -pretty soon I'll be senseless...teehee?

Spanish Moss 12-30-2007 11:40 AM

A Quote
"It needs the advent of that dread visitant, Death, to make us understand that we ought to make haste and love WELL those whom we do love, if we would not have them pass away from us forever before we have loved them enough."

Andre Cornelis Bourget

Alffe 12-31-2007 06:07 AM

Hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all.

by Emily Dickinson

Alffe 12-31-2007 06:29 AM

Chapter One

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost...I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter Two

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in this same place.
But it isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter Three

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall's a habit...but,
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

Chapter Four

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

Chapter Five

I walk down another street.

lou_lou 12-31-2007 01:25 PM

Happy 2008!

BJ 12-31-2007 05:29 PM

The Echo
You hear so much about memories at this time of year. From Thanksgiving Day on we are bombarded with the idea that we are not only making memories but somehow building upon them.

It is the sites, sounds and smells of the holidays that trigger vivid flashbacks for me. The turkey taking center stage, the cranberries and sweet potatoes all make me think of mom.

The first Christmas bell, carol, or even laughter I hear, readies my mind for a long journey home and the loving sounds only family can provide.

But, oh how a whiff of chocolate, peanut butter cookies or pumpkin pie can set my soul a dancin' down memory lane!

It's easy for me to venture back to things I hold close to my heart. It takes very little to find myself remembering people, places and things which somehow mixed in with the very essence of who I am today.

I swear if they checked my DNA, they'd come up with elements of chocolate chip cookie mixed with genetic traits of dancing when the spirit moved me and smiling when I hear my mom's voice.

Memories are as much a part of who I am as today's choices become a part of all I will become.

But what about this new years eve thing?

Just below the sound of horns tooting and bubbly bubbling, lies the stark reality of the passing of another year. Many struggle with all they wanted to do and didn't. Some struggle with all they think they can never accomplish and still others bask in the glow of success beyond measure.

For the first time in many new year celebrations I have discovered the real truth about time.

"The Echo."

If I take away all the fond, sweet feelings of the past and remove the element of regret from things I wanted to do right or things I did wrong, I am left with the facts.

Everything I do in 2008 will be reflected in how I see my life on new years eve that year.

Thus, my theory of "The Echo."

If you stand in a canyon and shout, "Hello!" "Hello" comes back to you.

You can't yell, "How are you?" and get a reply, "Fine. Thanks for asking!" 2008 is like a canyon. You stand on the edge on new years eve and what you put into it will come back to you. The more you put in, the more will come back. If you love more, you will get more love back. If you fear more, fear will come back.

So, this new years eve when you find yourself reflecting on 2007 remember, it has nothing at all to do with memories.

It's "The Echo."

What will you get back next year?

Alffe 01-02-2008 11:50 AM

Be still, you will
destroy yourself
with rage, he said.

But, I must cry
and beat the wall
or I am dead.


Alffe 01-02-2008 11:52 AM

is a very

Now you see it,
now you don't.

Peter McWilliams

DMACK 01-04-2008 06:58 PM


I have for years belived in we 'reap what we sow'

Your 'ECHO' explination is awe inspiring................i read this post many times .And believe in a modern would be be a peferfect expleanation [SPELT WRONG I KNOW BUT SPELL CHECK HAS DISERTED ME] to my own views on life...and if you dont mind i would like to use your Theory in my work.



lou_lou 01-06-2008 01:25 PM

of my lost youth -
Of My Lost Youth
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

poem about fighting a war in his youth -his stolen youth
we may be able to identify with this on many levels
entire poem link -

Often I think of the beautiful town
That is seated by the sea;
Often in thought go up and down
The pleasant streets of that dear old town,
And my youth comes back to me.
And a verse of a Lapland song
Is haunting my memory still:
"A boy's will is the wind's will,
And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts."

I can see the shadowy lines of its trees,
And catch, in sudden gleams,
The sheen of the far-surrounding seas,
And islands that were the Hesperides
Of all my boyish dreams.
And the burden of that old song,
It murmurs and whispers still:
"A boy's will is the wind's will,
And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts."

I remember the black wharves and the ships,
And the sea-tides tossing free;
And Spanish sailors with bearded lips,
And the beauty and mystery of the ships,
And the magic of the sea.
And the voice of that wayward song

Is singing and saying still:
"A boy's will is the wind's will,
And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts."
I remember the bulwarks by the shore,
And the fort upon the hill;

The sunrise gun, with its hollow roar,
The drum-beat repeated o'er and o'er,
And the bugle wild and shrill.
And the music of that old song
Throbs in my memory still:
"A boy's will is the wind's will,
And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts."

I remember the sea-fight far away,
How it thundered o'er the tide!
And the dead captains, as they lay
In their graves, o'erlooking the tranquil bay
Where they in battle died.

And the sound of that mournful song
Goes through me with a thrill:
"A boy's will is the wind's will,
And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts."

DMACK 01-09-2008 07:36 PM


Chapter pure brilliance... and i will steal from you as a teaching tool if thats ok.................


lou_lou 01-14-2008 08:41 AM

emily dickinson - heartbrake
Heart! We will forget him!
You and I—tonight!
You may forget the warmth he gave—
I will forget the light!

When you have done, pray tell me
That I may straight begin!
Haste! lest while you're lagging
I remember him!

lou_lou 01-23-2008 04:28 AM

low self image?
A charm invests a face
Imperfectly beheld.
The lady dare not lift her veil
For fear it be dispelled.

But peers beyond her mesh,
And wishes, and denies,
'Lest interview annul a want
That image satisfies.

Emily Dickinson

lou_lou 01-30-2008 06:54 AM
my little baby boy is 22 now, and I do not know where the time went,

we had a hard start -ryan was born Emergency-c-section

a bit of me - with my only child is what I have to offer you today,
connected to life, through love - and pain...
some say no pain is not to gain a deeper aspect of life - we grow in those
painful times - when you have to live by faith one day at a time...

KathyM 02-01-2008 12:19 PM

This is one of my favorite songs, especially when I'm thinking of someone I may have harmed or disappointed over the years. I can apply to anyone....even God. :)

"The Reason" - Hoobastank (LOVE that name :p )

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You

and the reason is You [x3]

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

Alffe 02-05-2008 09:48 AM


By David Ignatow

For Harvey Shapiro

I stand and listen, head bowed,
to my inner complaint.
Persons passing by think
I am searching for a lost coin.
You’re fired, I yell inside
after an especially bad episode.
I’m letting you go without notice
or terminal pay. You just lost
another chance to make good.
But then I watch myself standing at the exit,
depressed and about to leave,
and wave myself back in wearily,
for who else could I get in my place
to do the job in dark, airless conditions?

lou_lou 02-06-2008 06:40 PM

ills and pills
To Aspire~
copyrighted by tena

The most amazing part of gazing
or playing church consisted of
A uniformed penitent attire
which a giggle was to put afoot afire

Dragged by arm acrossed a pew
No joyous smile would nun forgive
It was time to be sad and mourn
Heart inside cried out,let me live

As a Catholic wildchild
twas required to attend the Mass
A weekly sacrifice to acquire
My Salvation or Damnation pass

Flunk or fail, to prevail was amusing
The singing was not of joy but dread
The sound of dirges was I to sing
To the King upon a cross lie dead

All the beauty of His Life
God was good not cruel
I did not learn as a little child
When I attended Catholic School

lou_lou 02-08-2008 05:12 PM

this is an original poem by me - DocJohn...*smiile
Stay me - at a distance dear sir
You make me feel feared
You push me away like I have no feelings
You tell me nothing I need to hear
You cant say love - not of your own wanting
But by the book you make it divine
I do not like love if forced
unless it is of free heart and will
You hate me by my genders faults
You have me well kept - dear sir
A silent listen in my brain
Dear sir you afford my lovely little cage
yet I would rather take my leave tonight
To be free of body and rejoice in my Lord
When you cut me I bleed, you say-it's about you
You tell me to listen -it's not about me
Listen -listen then in silent disconnect
You make me feared in my heart again
So if it is not love or about love
If it duty -then do the duty for God
Stay me at - a distance, dear sir

written by -tenalouise

Alffe 02-17-2008 06:41 PM


lou_lou 02-18-2008 10:25 AM

the land of beginning again -poem
The Land of Beginning Again

"I wish that there were some wonderful place
In the Land of Beginning Again.
Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches
And all of our poor selfish grief
Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door
and never put on again.
I wish we could come on it all unaware,
Like the hunter who finds a lost trail;
And I wish that the one whom our blindness had done
The greatest injustice of all
Could be there at the gates
like an old friend that waits
For the comrade he's gladdest to hail.
We would find all the things we intended to do
But forgot, and remembered too late,
Little praises unspoken, little promises broken,
And all the thousand and one
Little duties neglected that might have perfected
The day for one less fortunate.
It wouldn't be possible not to be kind
In the Land of Beginning Again,
And the ones we misjudged
and the ones whom we grudged
their moments of victory here,
Would find in the grasp of our loving hand-clasp
More than penitent lips could explain...
So I wish that there were some wonderful place
Called the Land of Beginning Again,
Where all our mistakes and all our heartaches,
And all of our poor selfish grief
Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door
And never put on again."

-Louise Fletcher Tarkington

lou_lou 02-26-2008 11:35 PM

a visual poem
entitled - doctor my eyes have seen the years...
jackson browne lyrics

lou_lou 02-27-2008 05:56 AM

poem by william butler yeats
When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

Alffe 03-10-2008 08:39 AM

Wow...turn up the volume!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yes!

KathyM 03-11-2008 11:35 AM

A BLAST from my past. :D

My ex-husband tried to get back with me after we divorced. Things were going along fine when one day I ran into his mother at the hospital where I worked. She asked me if I'd seen her son lately, then asked if I was aware he'd remarried. HUH - WTH? :eek::mad:

Boy did that one ever blow up in his face. There was no talking his way out of this one. His new wife was a singer and when she got wind of him continuing to see me, she made this song. It was her only hit - at least she got something out of it. :D After all these years, she's STILL livid. Oh well, her kids are sweet. Here she is venting her anger at my ex.....:p

lou_lou 03-28-2008 08:16 AM

Morning smiles - aka FEAR
Morning smiles
like the face of a newborn child
innocent unknowing
Winter's end
promises of a long lost friend
speaks to me of comfort
but I fear
I have nothing to give
I have so much to lose
here in this lonely place
tangled up in our embrace
there's nothing I'd like
better than to fall
but I fear I have nothing to give
Wind in time
rapes the flower trembling on the vine
nothing yields to shelter it
from above
they say temptation will destroy our love
the never ending hunger
but I fear
I have nothing to give
I have so much to lose
here in this lonely place
tangled up in our embrace
there's nothing I'd like
better than to fall
but I fear
I have nothing to give
I have so much to lose
I have nothing to give
We have so much to lose...

Sarah McLachlan

my youtube film

Alffe 03-28-2008 04:22 PM

The Portrait by Stanley Kunitz
My mother never forgave my father
for killing himself,
especially at such an awkward time
and in a public park,
that spring
when I was waiting to be born.

She locked his name
in her deepest cabinet
and would not let him out,
though I could hear him thumping.

When I came down from the attic
wih the pastel portrait in my hand
of a long-lipped stranger
with a brave moustache
and deep brown level eyes,
she ripped it into shreds
without a single word
and slapped me hard.

In my sixty-fourth year
I can feel my cheek
still burning.

Alffe 03-30-2008 11:42 AM

Hast thou no scar
by Amy Carmichael

Hast thou no scar?
No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?
I hear thee sung as mighty in the land,
I hear them hail thy bright ascendant star,
Hast thou no scar?

No wound? No scar?
Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,
And pierced are the feet that follow Me;
But thine are whole. Can he have followed far
Who has nor wound nor scar?

KathyM 03-30-2008 02:53 PM

This song was playing on the radio as I helped take my best friend home - driving behind her family in her funeral procession. She liked the song too.

Take that look of worry
I'm an ordinary man
They don't tell me nothing
So I find out what I can
There's a fire that's been burning
Right outside my door
I can't see but I feel it
And it helps to keep me warm
So I, I don't mind
No I, I don't mind

Seems so long I've been waiting
Still don't know what for
There's no point escaping
I don't worry anymore
I can't come out to find you
I don't like to go outside
They can't turn off my feelings
Like they're turning off a light
But I, I don't mind
No I, I don't mind
Oh I, I don't mind
No I, I don't mind

So take, take me home
Cos I don't remember
Take, take me home
Cos I don't remember
Take, take me home
Cos I don't remember
Take, take me home, oh lord
Cos I've been a prisoner all my life
And I can say to you

Take that look of worry, mine's an ordinary life
Working when it's daylight
And sleeping when it's night
I've got no far horizons
I don't wish upon a star
They don't think that I listen
Oh but I know who they are
And I, I don't mind
No I, I don't mind
Oh I, I don't mind
No I, I don't mind

So take, take me home
Cos I don't remember
Take, take me home
Cos I don't remember
Take, take me home
Cos I don't remember
Take, take me home, oh lord
Well I've been a prisoner all my life
And I can say to you

But I don't remember
Take, take me home..

lou_lou 03-30-2008 05:36 PM

my favorite poem
by jimmy stewart
its a tear jerker -
on youtube

lou_lou 03-31-2008 06:41 AM

life's scars
Life's Scars

by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

They say the world is round, and yet
I often think it square,
So many little hurts we get
From corners here and there.
But one great truth in life I've found,
While journeying to the West-
The only folks who really wound
Are those we love the best.

The man you thoroughly despise
Can rouse your wrath, 'tis true;
Annoyance in your heart will rise
At things mere strangers do;
But those are only passing ills;
This rule all lives will prove;
The rankling wound which aches and thrills
Is dealt by hands we love.

The choicest garb, the sweetest grace,
Are oft to strangers shown;
The careless mien, the frowning face,
Are given to our own.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.

Love does not grow on every tree,
Nor true hearts yearly bloom.
Alas for those who only see
This cut across a tomb!
But, soon or late, the fact grows plain
To all through sorrow's test:
The only folks who give us pain
Are those we love the best.

lou_lou 04-13-2008 09:13 AM

a quote from a poem -
O men, grown sick with toil and care,
Leave for awhile the crowded mart;
O women, sinking with despair,
Weary of limb and faint of heart,
Forget your years to-day and come
As children back to childhood's house

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