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nohope 04-06-2008 10:00 AM

I wonder if it was Hwy 101 on the west coast and I too, lived in Santa Barbara! Most beautiful and expensive place I ever lived.

Doody 04-06-2008 11:29 AM

I wonder that it's called several things? 101, 1, Redwood Highway, Coastal highway. It runs almost the entire length of the coast all the way up into Oregon. It's especially beautiful along the Oregon coast too. Ah, such beauty.

I wonder how difficult it is to type with a weiner dog AND a cat both on my lap. :rolleyes:

I wonder what Alffe's link is to because it doesn't work for me. Boo hoo!

I wonder how anxious I am to get in to see the rheumy. They couldn't get me in until the 24th of April, darn it. My hands just seem to get worse every day. Aargh.

I wonder, being the lazy fatigued person that I am, what a challenge it is for me to stick to trying to train Bruna to go potty outside. Oi vey.

I wonder if Wren knows that I also sigh thinking of the Monterey/Carmel area. Sigh.

I wonder if Wren got to go on 17 mile drive where Pebble Beach is. My friend Bev and I have an old friend who lives on that drive in a gated community and omg, it is so beautiful.

Wren 04-06-2008 12:55 PM

I wonder if I can tell you I have to give up my PC now. I don't know whn Ill be back. I hope and pray it can be tomorrow.
Much love to everyone.

Alffe 04-06-2008 02:23 PM

I wonder if it's cause of the painters...:D

I wonder if wren knows that we'll be here waiting for her....:grouphug:

I wonder why that young robin keeps banging into our granny porch door...

I wonder if our Pastor knows how I love the old time gospel sheet music in our last two services......

I wonder at how proud I am to be done with those shutters!!!

I wonder when I'll start the parlor doors...:rolleyes:

I wonder why I can't get that link anymore either Doody....I guess I wasn't supposed to link it here...........:o

I wonder at that beautiful sunshine and how happy I am that we are taking Cooper on the new river walk in a few minutes....

I wonder what Twink is doing....and Tammy.........riding around? *grin

I wonder if Abbie screwed her courage to the sticking point and went to that little church....:hug:

I wonder if KathyM has ever heard Nina Simone sing her tribute to Martin Luther King......"Why the King of Love is Dead"

I wonder why Goofy is being so quiet and how the party went...and how
the cake turned out...........

I wonder if Curious can feel the love....:grouphug:

Abbie 04-06-2008 04:42 PM

I wonder if I can tell you all thank you....

I wonder if I share the lifeguard if Alffe will ever send him back my way... he's a cutie....

I wonder if I can tell Alffe... No.. I just couldn't bring myself to go... maybe next week. :(

I wonder if I can let you all know that I did make it outside yesterday for a bit... and a little bit today too... skies and sunshine.

I wonder if I can let you all know that I am fighting... trying... but I still feel as though I am drowning.

I wonder if I can let you all know how much I enjoy reading of your west coast stories.... I love the west coast... Santa Barbara--beautiful!!! I was there about 6 yrs ago... Ate lunch out on Stern's Wharf...first time in my life that I ever tasted fish.

Doody 04-06-2008 06:03 PM

(((Abbie)))!!!! Yay for you, I don't wonder that you did get out in the beautiful weather. It was an amazing weekend here weatherwise. Oh yesssss, buds on the trees, crocuses popping up, lilac bushes budding...

I wonder if Abbie knows she has so many who care about her in this wonderful NeuroTalk community.

I wonder at how nice it is to have NeuroTalk. It is so comfortable here.

I wonder at how jealous I am of last night's hottubing. *sniff sniff, I wanna hottub with Ms. Kicky Legs and have Mr. Kicky Legs wait on us.

I wonder at how cute it was last year when Ms. Kicky Legs and I were in the hottub and when the drinks disappeared, this cute guy appeared out of the darkness to refill the glasses. :D

I wonder if Wren will be back soon because she will be very missed until she gets back! Hurry back dear lady!!! :hug:

I wonder how BP is doing. I miss hearing from her. Does anyone know, are she and her babies doing okay????

I wonder how Curious is doing and if she needs me to come down there and kick some butt.

I wonder at how surprised I was to find out granddoody does like Curious George and I had no idea!!!!

I wonder at what a good boy he was this weekend. And he got to go outside and play alot in the lovely weather.

I wonder at how cute Bruna's new halter, leash and collar are. I love her gold heart on her tags that says "HUA - Reward" and gives their phone number should she ever get lost.

I wonder if you'd like to read an amazing and inspiring story over at the pet forum. Eagle therapy

Abbie 04-07-2008 02:30 AM

I wonder if I can tell you all... It's almost 3:30am and I am still WIDE AWAKE!!!!

I wonder why I either want to sleep all the time or am awake all the time?

I wonder if I've ever told you my streak for staying awake is 15 days.... last time it was 8 days... that was about 3 weeks ago.

I wonder if I can say thank you to all of you... it's great to have some place I can come and just ramble...

I wonder if you all know how nice it is for me to have someone to talk to..


Doody 04-07-2008 09:21 AM

I wonder if Abbie would please go to a doctor and get some temporary help with the sleep problems. Our bodies and brains need sleep really bad! I finally figured out that I am definitely an 8-hour sleep person. Otherwise I'm just no good.

I wonder if Abbie knows it was fun to see her at Pogo last night.

I wonder at how quickly my hands are deteriorating. Oh wait, I think I've mentioned that a bazillion times lately. :rolleyes:

I wonder why it is so quiet in this forum. Well, that's probably a good sign?

Abbie 04-07-2008 11:50 AM

I wonder if I can sleep tonight?? I've tried every sleeping pill out there.. I think... they lasted 2 or 3 days.. then poof...they don't work any more.

I wonder if I can let you all know that even though I haven't slept... I am in shallow water now... :Sinking:

I wonder how Curious is doing... thank you for tugging the rope.

I wonder too why it's so quiet...

I wonder if it's because everyone is out in the sun??

I wonder if Alffe finished painting or if this is an ongoing project with no end in sight ?

I wonder how NoHope, the girls, and Nina are doing??

I wonder if Wren know's she's very inspiring to me???

I wonder if Doody and Bruna have been outside playing?? Well, Bruna playing and Doody enjoying.

I wonder if KathyM knows just how much I like reading her posts!!! She's really opened my eyes, made me want to research things and taught me so much!!!

I wonder if I can thank Twinkletoes and Tamiloo for joining our little group???

I wonder how everyone is doing??? So many people have gotten so quiet lately.... PLEASE EVERYONE... CHECK IN!!!

I wonder if I should go now...


Wren 04-07-2008 12:41 PM

I wonder if I can tell you all hello --- too much other stuff to say.
I love you

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