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who moi 02-17-2009 02:02 PM

now, rumors had it that on the mountain top lived a very smart wise Kangaroo. He's known as the GooRoo...

it was said that GooRoo was over 500 years old and came to the mountains because of the "Dingo Berries" pandemic.

It was also said that GooRoo was on the great Marred Sue Appeal trial where
he won the case that women that carried purses are NOT considered Marsupials...but he got into a bit of trouble by calling them wombats...

either way, these were just rumors for no one has ever really seen GooRoo...

in the meantime, back at the swampy marsh, Tumble tried desparately to get Globin's attention. She would tumble,mumble,bumble, and even offered a gumball to Globin but Globin was paying her no mind...


(:D mist, it's great to see you writing! :D)

who moi 02-17-2009 02:04 PM

to recap our story so far:


Originally Posted by who moi (Post 466661)
In a tiny swamp some would call a marsh, lived a family of mosquitos...

there was papa, "dracula" who was known to his friends as "Platelets"

and then there was mama, "Elizabeth Báthory" who called herself, "plasma"

they had two children:

daughter "Hemo" and son "Globin".

papa and mama liked to make withdraws from blood banks...or go to parties where humans hung out.

but now, hemo, she was unlike any other mosquitos....


Originally Posted by DMACK (Post 466741)
She loved the life around her ...and most of all human life.....
so much so..she had made it a life choice not to feed on human blood and was very adamant with her choice as a MAMAMAL only mosquito.
.....other mosquito's saw her as an equivalent to the Human vegetarian .......
...there were a few others like Hemo, but not all were as strict in their beliefs as Hemo. [who verged on a VEGAN mosquito belief]

Hemo saw something in humans that other Mosquitos could not contemplate...she saw a life purpose and a meaning, with passion and sadness, with laughter and tears............
above all she saw human love........and envied the compassion that some humans showed to others, a trait that was never visible in the Mosquito world she lived in.

Deep down inside Hemo wanted to be human..........but knew that taking a humans blood was a destructive act....... so she bravely she choose too abstain.


Originally Posted by who moi (Post 466743)
now hemo had a best friend, but she was NOT a mosquito, she was a bumble bee named "Tumble" because unlike other bumble bees that were agile and adroit, she tumbled a lot...

and she adored hemo for her "vegan" beliefs...


Originally Posted by Alffe (Post 466747)
but while Tumble adored hemo, she had a secret crush on globin. She kept buzzin around him, talking about the milk of human kindness in some peoples veins but she really had honey on her mind. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by mistiis (Post 466896)
Meanwhile, back at the mosquito marsh, Platelets and Plasma were buzzing around trying to come up with some fresh draws from the 'blood bank!' Platelet buzzed into Plasma's ear, "This one's gone in the red, I thought I was in the blue! *#@*%%#" Plasma flew into a rage! She saw red everywhere. But, what could Plasma do? She just had to go with the flow. In the meantime, Platelets couldn't draw anything out. Platelet buzzed to Plasma, "Alas, there is nothing left, we need to fly to plumper pastures!" Plasma calmed down, because, after all, she couldn't help it when Platelets buzzed into her ear like that.


Originally Posted by Koala77 (Post 466898)
And so they flew across the waters. Where shall we go says Plasma?

As quick as a flash Platelets calls out......Tahiti looks nice at this time of the year.

and so...........


Originally Posted by who moi (Post 467036)

with the promise of tourists and their meaty flesh, Plasma and Platelet set off on their journey and told Hemo that she was in charge.

Hemo didn't liked the idea of her parents setting off to feast on the humans, but she didn't have a choice.

So, Hemo and Globin bid their parents good-bye and a safe journey...

One of Hemo's job was to make sure Globin was fed well three squares a day, but Globin was like his parents, a human lover...

so whenever Hemo would give Globin a vegan diet, Globin would turn his head and refuse to eat...

Hemo was now in a dilemma...


Originally Posted by mistiis (Post 467105)
Our poor dear Hemo, so young, so much responsibility! She wringed her little feet and antenna, oh what to do? Globin refused to eat off of cows, and other sweet vegan creatures. Her sweet spirit couldn't stand to see him wasting away. "He is so stubborn," she thought to herself.

She buzzed up to the mountain top one bright morning to ponder and contemplate the mysteries of life.

Meanwhile Globin was 'tumbling' around with dear Tumble, who was having a hard time flying straight.


Originally Posted by who moi (Post 467116)
now, rumors had it that on the mountain top lived a very smart wise Kangaroo. He's known as the GooRoo...

it was said that GooRoo was over 500 years old and came to the mountains because of the "Dingo Berries" pandemic.

It was also said that GooRoo was on the great Marred Sue Appeal trial where
he won the case that women that carried purses are NOT considered Marsupials...but he got into a bit of trouble by calling them wombats...

either way, these were just rumors for no one has ever really seen GooRoo...

in the meantime, back at the swampy marsh, Tumble tried desparately to get Globin's attention. She would tumble,mumble,bumble, and even offered a gumball to Globin but Globin was paying her no mind...

Alffe 02-17-2009 03:26 PM

What none of them even suspected was what GooRoo carried in his pouch.....a large spray can of OFF!

*whisper...running late here....will report in later. :grouphug:

da duck 02-17-2009 06:19 PM

There are a million questions
and a million small things to say.
Is it wrong to feed on the humans,
or were we just made that way?

The parents consider it sacred.
The brother just thinks it is fun.
I think it might be immoral...
but am I the only one?

What if the humans have feelings?
What if the humans have souls?
I know that it sounds unbelievable,
but the wondering takes a large toll.

I asked the wisest of my kind.
I asked the silliest bee...
but Tumble has eyes only for Globin
and will not listen to me.

So I decided to take a long journey
a quest for the karmic replies
Will GooRoo in all of his wisdom
have words to put rest to my "whys"?

Tumble keeps chasing my brother
I eat mouse blood, and chase down a rat...
read the Daily Fauna Factoid
and I wonder....
just what is a wombat?

Each answer leads to more questions
each question leads to lost sleep
I know only one thing for certain.
It would be easier being a sheep

Hemo Mosquito ( with the help of a Duck) 2/17/09

who moi 02-18-2009 09:32 AM

that's an awesome poem...

you and david should do poetry tag...LOL or Poetry Jib Jab....hmmmm...stop giving me ideas... :thud:

well, I am not sure where we're going with the story. If anyone feel like they want to start fresh, feel free...:)

(((HUGS))) for the broom...

mistiis 02-18-2009 11:15 AM

Now GooRoo, being a very wise marsupial, knew that Hemo was on the mountain top, seeking wisdom. And being wise, he also knew that FEAR must be overcome if one is to find their true place in life and live by the beat of their own drum.
GooRoo was also very musically talented, by the way. He had a drum in that pouch of his too.

He watched Hemo from a distance! He had plans for that can of Off that he was carrying.....:D

In the meantime, Platelets and Plasma had set off across the ocean with visions of those meaty tourists in their hearts. Platelets said to Plasma, "Look, I see storms in the distance. I think we are headed into some strong headwinds!" They held each other close as they buzzed into their future.

who moi 02-19-2009 03:13 PM

alas...the storm was too rough so Platelet and Plasma decided to make a stop.

They didn't know where they were but were fortunate enough to run into another couple of fellow tourists.

Rhett and Motha, the moths.

Rhett and Motha had trotted all around the globe and were from Harlem...

'twas night so Rhett and Motha offered to take Platelet and Plasma to the near by roach motel...

as the couples talked, flew, and had fun, they saw two lights coming their way...Motha decided to fly up close to take a closer look...

By the time Rhett yelled out, "watch out, Motha!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

it was too late....

Motha was gone with the windshield....

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