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GmaSue 03-11-2009 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 479151)
Gosh, that's so difficult for you. Did your boss give any hints or reasons why they didn't want to accept your particular area of interest? If they gave reasons, is there some way you could modify your project somewhat to accommodate them?

That's exactly what I was going to propose. Also, if you have done any preliminary work on it-maybe if you presented that to her, she could see the value in your project.

This is just my idea, but, if you cannot come to a compromise with her-I would say it would be worth it to find another professor who would-rather than work for an extended period of time on something you do not feel passionate about.

Good Luck, Blue. I've had you on my mind so much lately. Here's a cup of strenth you can have. Mix well and spread evenly.
(most of my metaphors involve food. :p)

Alffe 03-11-2009 06:20 AM

(((BlueMajo))) That's a hard choice and five years is a long time to be unhappy in your work. I assume your economy is as dreadful as ours so it might be difficult to find a new workplace. It was be easy to throw out the thine ownself be true..when only you know your circumstances.

I think Lara had a good idea about modifying your project. Keep us posted on what you decide. :hug:

(waves at GmaSue) *grin

BlueMajo 03-11-2009 12:56 PM

Thank you dear all for your replies, thoughts and advices ! :hug: :grouphug:

My boss want me to continue working in cervical cancer, but I want to do brain cancer so badly !!
I want to try the serotonin effects on glioblastoma cells...
According to her, changing from cervical cancer to brain one will be a problem mainly for me as I will need to start reading about a completely new topic... :rolleyes: But you know, I know it's gonna be difficult, I know that our brain is a monster and that I will need to study probably harder than if I work with cervix, vut that is what I want to do !!!

She also said she is not very happy changing the line of investigation of her lab (and I was like, "you are not going to do that, the rest of your students will continue with cervix !" :mad:
Also, we would need to buy all the stuff, even the cell lines as we only have breast and cervix cancer ones... but in a phD program, you have 3 bosses, not only one, so I could ask the other 2 to help me buying the cells....

I want to convinve her so badly !!!!! :(

Im used to that lab, with its bad and its good things, and leaving it, to try to find a new one, with everything new, a black box just stress me...

Sometimes I think it would be better to stay there working with cervix, but when I think it is for my next 5 years, for my phD and that I will probably dedicate my whole life to that line of investigation, I just think Id better leave and try to find somewhere that likes my project about brain tumors......


Alffe 03-11-2009 01:06 PM

:hug: It's a decision only you can make...weigh all your options. Hugs!

mistiis 03-11-2009 08:08 PM

((((lots of hugs)))) Blue...."A bird without a dream is like a broken-winged bird that cannot fly." You have a dream that has kept you going. At least, that is what it sounds like. We all need a dream, especially when we fight pain and depression. Having to move seems to be a scary and stressful thought to you. But, following your dream is freeing, and inspiring, and moving you in positive directions. I say talk to the other bosses, and weigh those options. Keep your mind and heart open to the possibilities. Lots of hugs and prayers. :hug: :)

Lara 03-12-2009 06:20 AM

I guess you have to think of this particular time... economic times as well as enjoying your work.

At this moment in time if my boss was questioning my line of research and might not want to put more money into it, then I'd maybe decide to do what they are asking. It all depends.

It must be somewhat heartbreaking to have this on you right now. Maybe stick it out there in the lab where you know you have more work, or maybe stick your neck out and go for what you want. As others have said, it's up to you.

I know that's difficult, but we don't know the whole situation or setup. You do, in my humble opinion, in these difficult economic times, need to think of the future and what would be best for you. Do you have contacts who may take you on to research the area of your own interest and if you don't have really firm contacts right now, then maybe in near future you might.

BlueMajo 03-12-2009 06:20 AM

I have to add now something to the mix...

I just found yesterday that some of my "friends" want to take my place if I decide to leave it...
Correct me if Im wrong, but they souned like "birds of prey" (I just used the dictionary, hopefully it's the correct term) to me, waiting for their "victim" to let them act.... :mad:

The good thing is that they help me realise that my place in that lab might be worth it if somebody is interested.... :rolleyes:

Still thinking...

Thanks a lot for your thoughts and prayers :hug:

Lara 03-12-2009 06:26 AM

Don't fret. My daughter says the same darn thing.

She's doing BioMedical Science Degree, and they're all (her supposed friends and peers) out there trying to get "The Job".

I love you so much for your interest but you have to think of the future for a few years yet. It's tough out there. You need to make sure that whatever you do will help you and I don't just mean because your expertise is in a certain area, but I mean because there are tough times to come with jobs and research. Money isn't going to be out there as it used to be just for a while.

BlueMajo 03-12-2009 01:00 PM

Thank you so much for that Lara.

Hey ! your daughter and me are doing the same thing ! how cool is that !? :D

I now want the tuesday to come so I can talk with my boss again and see what results...

Thanks ! :hug:

Lara 03-13-2009 06:50 AM

Yeah, I do know. It's very, very cool indeed!

She loves her microbiology right now. Hoping that love with last. :wink:
Pity she didn't love Biochemistry and Applied Physiology as well. lol
Frankly, any sorta love is good love I reckon. It might rub off and create a little optimism and that might rub off onto the other subjects.

You mentioned something in an earlier post about loving that particular lab and you sounded as if you were comfortable there despite the negatives. Just the way I read it maybe. However, then you said "Sometimes I think it would be better to stay there working with cervix, but when I think it is for my next 5 years, for my phD and that I will probably dedicate my whole life to that line of investigation, I just think Id better leave and try to find somewhere that likes my project about brain tumors......"

Heck 5 years is such a long time. I understand why you're worried and why you would be thinking of moving to a different location. Gotta be really strong and secure to leave "comfort". Depends on your particular circumstances. If you know you'd be able to pay the bills and live in a reasonably comfortable way, then it might be worth the risk, but heck, it is a risk and I see that's the problem.

I hope you can maybe find somewhere else before you leave this present lab. It'd be awful to leave and then take ages to find somewhere else. Although, I don't know how it is where you live, but here our government is actually looking out for future scientists.

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