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Alffe 04-26-2009 05:13 PM

I'm sorry Blue...I'm sure you were really looking forward to hearing them but they wouldn't be worth getting the flu ......:grouphug:

BlueMajo 04-26-2009 07:05 PM

Yeah.... And now, Im suffering of disillisionment because they acted like jerks simply living my city without saying anything... I know it was not their fault, but we wanted to say something ! or, to try to come back like in one month... something ! :mad:

It is not the first time that happen to me... I put blood, sweat and tears on trying to do something (like buying my ticket for this concert) and then, that "something" simply doesnt appreciate my effort.... argh.... :mad:

BlueMajo 04-29-2009 04:45 PM

:(:(:(:( Today I just got my money back (of the concert that was cancelled), and that just brought my memories back... :(:(:(:(:(

Sniff, sniff, I cant help, I just want to try :(

Alffe 04-29-2009 04:56 PM

I wept because I had no shoes, until I saw a man who had no feet.


FeelinGoofy 04-29-2009 05:12 PM

it ticks me off that i've got another ear infection :rolleyes:

it really ticks me off that family members.... close family members, are not planning on coming to my sons high school graduation :( and he will be singing his last solo with the choir too... :(

it ticks me off that i have to wait 2 months to get in to see the skin doctor my primary care dr said i have a pre cancerous spot on the side of my face.

Friend2U 04-29-2009 05:20 PM

Guess What?!?!?! Your DIL really TICKS ME OFF too! :hissyfit: I'm so sorry for you. No one should come between Gran and her DGS!:Noooo:


Originally Posted by Koala77 (Post 480164)
I'm ticked off that it took a "father and son" talk for us to get see our Will after nearly a month, and even then he was asleep for the whole visit!

D-I-L doesn't drive so she walks everywhere. Her grandmother lives
a few minutes walk from our house, and even though she takes our DGS to see her Gran, she never calls in. That hurts! We've never fallen out. Never had words, but DIL spends several days a week at her own mother's home, but when we invite her... there's always a reason why she can't here.

DH went and spoke to his son a few days ago. The words were gentle on both sides, so now we can only hope that the message gets through.

Neither DH or I could drive much in the past few months, hubby because he had both his knees replaced and hasn't driven since November, and me because I have an extremely painful bursitis of one hip, and have had for over 2 months.

We miss our grandson. They live around 3 minutes by car from our house. :(

That's my gripe for today.

BJ 04-29-2009 05:29 PM

It ticks me off that it's only April and I've had to put on my central air already.

It ticks me off that I washed my car and now it's all green from the pollen.

It ticks me off that my allergies are so bad I can't even go outside in my yard........... *sneeze, just like this baby panda bear

It ticks me off that my insert image button doesn't work :confused:

Edited to add: It ticks me off that I'm now old.........a senior member:Sigh:

Alffe 04-29-2009 05:37 PM

:D that Panda was hilarious! and it ticks me off because if BJ thinks she is old...what does that make me! :mad: :D

Curious 04-29-2009 05:44 PM

:eek: or me!


Doody 04-29-2009 07:40 PM

Well I'm sorry but I am NOT ticked off at this moment because I just saw BJ post again!!!!!!! Hi girlie girl. :hug:

(Actually I'm ticked off about several things right now but, blah...keep it to myself, lol. I'm just savoring that BJ was here.)

BlueMajo 04-29-2009 10:15 PM

I will follow Doody here.... :D

Im not ticked because I love to read what my friends post here and there... :grouphug:

jaded2nite 05-01-2009 07:31 PM

It ticks me off that Alissa has another Grandma that thinks its my responsibility to take Alissa to see her.

She left me a nasty message......I am keeping the baby from her......I don't want the baby to know her half sister and half brother.

I have gone out of my way on several occasions since Alissa came to stay with me to accommodate this woman, (who by the way has no responsibility for any of the grandkids) I went to her house on Easter cancelled plans with my family who all usually comesto my house on holidays. I have gone to her house for both Birthdays for Alissas brother and sister. I take Alissa to see her every other Saturday that I have off. WHAT MORE CAN I DO!!

She is going out of town Sunday for a week and expects me to bring Alissa to her after I work tomorrow so she can see her before she leaves for vacation.I suggested that she stop by my house around 6:30 tomorrow to see her. Well she just has SO much to do, after all she is going on vacation.

This really doesn't sit well with me......I cancelled my vacation to Key West in April because I felt it was more important to spend time with Alissa at home.

She wants to see her at her leisure. I'm just so ******!!!
It would have been nice if she offered to take the baby for a couple of days while she was on vacation.!!!!

Maybe I'm just tired and am overreacting. but I'm beginning to feel like a doormat!!!!

Ahhhhh I feel better getting that off my chest!


Burntmarshmallow 05-12-2009 01:44 PM

I am ticked off that some people do not stay home from work when they are sick and throwing up with fever and chills.

It ticks me off that other crew members refuse to work with one of the ladies because she is o.c.d. and has i.b.s.

It ticks me off that I have no problem being a team player and can work with just about everyone.... so it ticks me off

Ticks me off that I got teamed up with a sick one who threw up all day at every cleaning job we least 12 - 14 times
It ticks me off that a said un named co worker took my germ x over 2 weeks ago and I want it back as I can not find any to buy at the stores ...none no germ-x at walmart or walgreens or k mart none at the food store ........
I WANT MY GERM X BACK YA THEIF !!!!!!! ASK ME I WOULD OF SHARED MINE! :( :( argggggg I dislike people who take things that belong to other people!!!!!!!!!!
NOW that felt really really good to vent about work and my boss or co workers cant hear me . Thankyou .

mistiis 05-12-2009 03:33 PM

Ticks me off too, BMW...I hope it gets better for ya...:hug:

Nik-key 05-13-2009 01:55 PM

((BMW)) Goodness I hope you don't get sick again. ACCCCK! What are people thinking? Oh wait.. they aren't!!!:p

That would tick me off too! Can't believe someone took your medication :eek:Want for me to come down there and set them straight?:D

Ok my turn.... it ticks me off that I can't depend on any of Lynn's family.

I normally worry someone I know might read here, but I am too ****** off to care. I was really sick last week. Fever, chills, throwing up etc etc, I couldn't go see Lynn. He depends on me, he will not eat for the staff. the last time I got sick, he lost 5 pounds in 3 days! He was dehydrated and very weak ...accccck!

I called and emailed his family, told them how sick I was... and told them their dad needed them. He HAD to eat! He could not afford to lose any weight or get any weaker.... they said they would all go in and I took them for their word. BIG Mistake!!:eek:

I called every day, the nurses said he wasn't eating much, but was drinking the boost for them. I assumed his kids were making sure he ate something as well. When I called the kids on the 3rd day, no one had gone in! I was shocked!!

Still sick, wearing a mask and gloves so as not to get Lynn sick...I went in to see Lynn and feed him. He was alert and not dehydrated, thank God for the nurses!! But he did lose weight and is now down to only 95 pounds. :(

I have tried so hard all these years to be understanding and not judge... I KNOW how hard it is to see someone you love in this shape... but damn it my understanding has run out! :mad: His life literally lay in their hands, and no one went to see him. I am more than ****** off, I am heart broken. I just can't understand it!! I just can't!

It took everything I have not to call them up and tell them not to ever tell me how much they love their dad again. Actions speak louder than words!

I am working overtime trying to get Lynn to gain back a little weight. almost impossible for an AD patient. He was losing weight eating well. accck. I have enough trying to deal with losing him to this damn disease, I just have nothing left for his family. My doctor calls them seagulls... they come in just long enough to crap on everything, then they leave. Sounds about right ;)

WHEW! that felt good to get off my chest!!

BlueMajo 05-18-2009 01:12 PM

it ticks me off, I mean, it TICKS ME OFF that today, I arrived to the lab, and 3 girls looked at me and started to laugh... I was like :rolleyes: and one of those said "ha ha, we were talking about you... ha ha" I mean, I dont have a clue if that was true or they were only joking, but for my crazy mood, that was just rude as they never said anything like "we are kidding, we were only saying that you this or that" if you know what I mean... :mad: So, I assume they were really saying something about me.... :mad:

I feel sad because on saturday, I spent my money buying things for them... and now what, I arrive and they act like pigs.... :mad:

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: and more :mad::mad:

Alffe 05-18-2009 06:43 PM

Sounds like you need a hug...:hug:

FeelinGoofy 05-18-2009 07:42 PM

I'm ticked off because Scotts choir teacher did it to him again. Gave him a solo part to sing at graduation then today told the choir that nobody was going to sing a solo. no explanation, nothing, just that she changed her mind. This is the first year since Scott has been in the choir that the seniors didn't get solos
I'm glad hes rid of this lady. shes really NOT a good teacher.

FeelinGoofy 05-26-2009 12:55 AM

still ticked off today but for a different reason. i dont do anger very well and old coping habits are haunting me this evening...... i'll be glad when life settles down a bit....

Alffe 05-26-2009 05:08 PM

((((Goofy)))) I hope you feel better today. I do anger really well, it's the forgiving part that eludes me. :o

Doody 05-26-2009 05:43 PM

It just ticks me off when sweet friends are ticked off and I want those reasons for being ticked off to go away and leave them alone -- including me. :o

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

Doody 06-01-2009 02:43 PM

It ticks me off that my job is being cut to 3/4 time. And that I can't afford the early retirement package. So not only can I not take the early retirement offer, I'm getting cut back to boot!

Can I cry now? :(

Alffe 06-01-2009 03:35 PM

Akkkkkkkkk I'm sorry. :( Is there another option? You'll still have full benefits? :hug: I would cry too. :grouphug:

jaded2nite 06-01-2009 03:41 PM

Oh No......I'd be in a panic! What about your benefits? Are you still getting them?

BJ 06-01-2009 08:53 PM

You can cry all you want to :hug: I would be too. I hope you can work something out. I'm so sorry :grouphug:

Wren 06-02-2009 05:53 AM


Doody 06-02-2009 08:13 AM

I'm just ticked off because I can't even wrap my mind around it. I HATE having things like this consuming my every waking thought. But yes, I'll still have benefits - 3/4 of what I have now basically. My job will be cut from 40 to 30 hours. I've been here for 24 years so...I dunno. You'd think after 24 years one could afford to retire but the last how many years? have taken their toll on my 401K...BIG time.

I just need to have someone to talk it out with and discuss options because my conversations with myself are getting nowhere. :rolleyes:

I'll survive, I'm just not sure how yet. Still waiting for Mr. Alffe to give in and adopt me.

thanks you guys

Alffe 06-02-2009 09:34 AM

Mr.Alffe is fully intending to discuss your options with you when you're here dear friend. (unfortunately it won't include adoption..:D) so bring your "stuff"...there will probably be a test! ('s the professor in him) :hug:

I wonder how long you have to decide?

Doody 06-02-2009 01:11 PM

Welllll, the chair said next year and I'm assuming he means the fiscal year. but I'm not sure if he meant by 'next' as this one coming up 2009-10 or fiscal year 2010-11.

But the early retirement incentive has to be applied for before June 30. And these people have to set a retirement date before Jan 1.

You mean...Mr. Alffe doesn't want to look after 2 women? lol

Alffe 06-02-2009 03:33 PM

Oh he might want to but he wants a lot of things he can't have.:D

Any idea how many people are going for the early retirement?

Doody 06-02-2009 06:07 PM

A lot of people are jumping at the early retirement. 2 women I know in our college are retiring for sure. But then, one is married to a banker and the other a lawyer, so...I think they can afford it. :rolleyes:

The only incentive is that health/dental benefits will be paid for until 65, but the health insurance alone costs a fortune. Oh, plus they still pitch in to the 401K plan as well which is big.

FeelinGoofy 06-03-2009 09:50 AM

it ticks me off that doody is having to make this decision :(

it ticks me off that my neighbors decided to tear down the fence in the back and replace and didn't bother to tell us. when i got home from work yesterday i opened the door to let the dog out like i always do, and when he didn't ask t come back in after bout 15 mintues i checked on him and discovered him gone. :( we looked for him for over 3 hours last night catching glimpses of him twice. he took off into a field and disappeared. we have no idea where he is or what has happened to him. i just pray somebody has him and is keeping him safe. we live close to 2 hwys. :( I'm scared to go out and look for him this morning because i'm afraid i'll find him hurt or dead. guess we'll make fliers and post them. :(

Doody 06-03-2009 10:59 AM

OH NO VIC!!!!!! Omg, let us know when you find him!

Alffe 06-03-2009 12:17 PM

Oh no...please keep us posted! :grouphug:

FeelinGoofy 06-03-2009 10:53 PM

hes home :) i put fliers up in several of the local convience stores and a man saw it and told the owner he had our dog. the owner called me and said "this man says he has your dog". i jumped in the car and followed him to his house and sure enough it was Caspian. he had stayed the night on the mans porch because it rained alot last night. i guess he hung around thinking the man was going to feed him.
He was covered in stickers and so far we've pulled at least 20 ticks off him. i gave him a flea and tick bath and had to cut the stickers out of his hair.. they were to matted in his long hair. i guess in a few days we'll put that m edicine on him that you put on his shoulders to kill the rest of the bugs we havent found.
i hope hes learned his lesson.... the little toot walked about 5 miles away. he was in another town. i'm just glad hes home.... :)

jaded2nite 06-04-2009 05:22 AM

What great news!!! Does he have a micro-chip? If not, now may be a good time to get one! Little Devil!

Burntmarshmallow 06-04-2009 07:08 AM

home at last safe and sound :cool: that is more good news to smile about :)

FeelinGoofy 06-04-2009 10:13 AM

i told Rick we need to microchip him.... this is twice hes run off since we've had him.... thanks guys.... :) you are so sweet to be concerned

Doody 06-04-2009 11:13 AM

I am thrilled to hear this. Bruna is microchipped. Course, the microchip is only as good as long as the person takes the animal to a clinic. But then, I have a Home Again tag on Bruna so people will know she is microchipped!

Burntmarshmallow 06-08-2009 07:25 AM

It ticks me off that every time I have family cook out or dinner with my side of family at my place...I invite my twin bro :) :cool:.. he says he will come. Then the day arrives and he never shows up. :( :( It ticks me off that it is just not dinners or cook outs. I plan a card night with just friends we both know and it is the same thing I will be there but then never shows. :mad:
It ticks me off that I do not know why :mad: and it is getting "old" jummping threw the hoops and routine of oh its going to be great hanging out but instead I am just left hanging to explaine to my big sister and b.i.l. neices and newphews amd the grands why my twin bro isnt there. My sis and b.i.l. only come to florida once or twice a year. oh and lets not mention my mom . I guess I am really hurt and ticked off about my twin brother. :mad: :mad: but I love him very much
:Heart: and thats why it hurts too . :(
I wonder what I did ???????????????????????????????

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