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Julie 01-02-2007 06:49 PM


I just made rosemary chicken breasts, green beans and yellow rice. I'm glad I have on elastic pants.

Alffe 01-03-2007 08:55 AM

Banana nut bread...1 piece toasted and 1 cupa coffee w/splenda.

gonna get into the shower and go to Curves! My sister in law says I have to break a sweat at on the stations. :rolleyes:

I am finally, make that FINALLY going to get new glasses this afternoon and hopefully people will then stop saying to me, "do you know you have a crack in your glasses?" (how could I not know this?)

Yesterday when I was leaving fasteddies I ran into a dear man from our church and he looked wonderful!!! Mr.Alffe and I had been speculating that he'd be our next funeral because of his galloping cancer. He said he felt great and didn't even have his oxygen with him. I am very thankful for that.

FeelinGoofy 01-03-2007 10:04 AM

i just threw away a plate of 2 different kinds of sweet bread and some kind of packaged lemon cookies.... Alot of the home health places gave us tons of stuff. some good some not so good :rolleyes: I have to get my mammies grammed and hopefully go back to the dr today to find out what the chest x-ray did or didn't reveal. i just want to get rid of this hacking cough....its hung on for weeks.:Sigh:

jingle 01-03-2007 10:18 AM

Oh - I hope ((Vicky's)) Dr appointment goes well today!! Please let us know.

My plate is full of anger. Boy, I'm mad. For three weeks I've been waiting for an appointment this morning at our local hospital for an MRI of my knee. Big deal, huh? I pre-registered online more than a week ago.
Late yesterday afternoon the hospital called me to cancel !!! They will not give my knee an MRI because they do not have a full report of my brain surgery done in Feb at the big city hospital. My local Dr., who ordered the MRI, gave them a full report of every single doctor and surgeon visit, (dozens) every brain MRI,(dozens), the PET, the VEEG, every follow-up move. They have a very detailed report of the removed tumor. (The woman talking to me on the phone read that to me :eek: )

They DO have a detailed report of the breast surgery THEY did in April !!!!
But they don't have a detailed brain surgery report so they won't MRI my painful knee. We know how those two are related.

I gently told the woman how angry I was and how I did not understand what the hospital was doing or expecting. She said she could not understand it either. It makes no sense at all.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 01-03-2007 10:19 AM

I just wanted to pop in and say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
feelingoofy..I sure hope you start to feel better..
I hope your chest xray "doesn't" reveal anything...
Have you tried robotussin cough?
I got some for my mom and she said she slept for the first time in 3 days...
It has nothing but 30 ml..Ithink its
Or mg..ANyway only the cough reliever in it!!

You have a crack in your glasses??heehee
Couldn't resist:p
We used to have a Fast Eddies here but they went outta business about 2 yrs ago.I just LOVED their onion rings....
I have missed all of you!!
I am STILL trying to get rid of these darned fleas*sigh*
I am gonna spend the money and buy the advantage..What i should have done to begin with:rolleyes:
Live and learn ,i guess!!!
Have a good day everyone~
Feel better soon {{{vicky}}}

Curious 01-03-2007 10:50 AM

no plate...a bowl. oatmeal. my bowl has oatmeal in it. :o

Alffe 01-03-2007 12:52 PM

Home from Curves and stopped by church on the way to inquire about the little deer...the secretary said she has pictures of it eating the corn block so I can stop being angry at the custodian (who is a very nice man but believes in survival of the fitest so I thought he was taking the corn blocks because they were disappearing so fast) How's that for a run on sentence! :D

Anyway they are on her home computer and she promised to email them to me tonight. Now if I can just figure out someway to post them here. :rolleyes:

Jingle that would really tick me off too! What's the matter with people!!!

Goofy I am sending you lots of positive thoughts for good test results. to me about the oatmeal...instant? Unadorned? :o

Kell....:D Fast Eddies is where I get my haircut for $11.00...if they had onion rings I'd get that too. :D

Curious 01-03-2007 02:14 PM

rolled oats. the long cooking kind.
adorned. 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

cinnamon can help regulate your blood sugar. this will help me lower the fudge levels running thru my veins. i am going thru withdrawls. :(

Curious 01-03-2007 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Julie (Post 55132)

I just made rosemary chicken breasts, green beans and yellow rice. I'm glad I have on elastic pants. y'all call saffron rice yellow rice too?

FeelinGoofy 01-03-2007 02:53 PM

Lungs are clear, bronchial tubes are not :rolleyes:
got my mammies grammed and all is well with them.
my dr gave me some samples of something called Benzonatate.
He said it was suppose to numb the back of my throat
so i wouldn't cough so much due to sinus drainage.:confused:
i cant take it till night so i dont know if it works or not :rolleyes:
ANYWAY i' m going to go take a nap before i go get my daughter
at school. {{{HUGS}}}

thought i'd add that we have a fast eddies too but its a car lube place LOL no onion rings there either

Curious 01-03-2007 03:13 PM


that fast eddie gets around. :p

Abbie 01-03-2007 04:43 PM

plate is empty...
nothing sounds good...
not hungry...

FeelinGoofy 01-03-2007 05:17 PM


nothing sounds good to me either.

Alffe 01-03-2007 07:45 PM

We had a big salad for dinner and one whole wheat roll. Just got out of the hot tub and what a moon...lots of stars..just a beautiful night.

who moi 01-03-2007 11:14 PM

not much on me plate but...
...think this fella has some on his...

One day, an American was touring Spain. After his day’s sightseeing, he stopped at a local restaurant. While sipping his wine, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful.

He asked the waiter, “What is that you just served?”

The waiter replied, “Ah senor, you have excellent taste! Those are bulls balls from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!”

The American, though momentarily daunted when he learned the origin of the dish said, “What the heck, I’m on vacation! Bring me an order!”

The waiter replied, “I am so sorry, senor. There is only one serving a day since there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early tomorrow and place your order, we will be sure to serve you this delicacy!”

The next morning,the American returned, placed his order and was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, and inspecting the contents of his platter, He called to the waiter and said, “These are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday!

“The waiter promptly replied, “Si, senor! Sometimes the bull wins!”

;) :cool: :icon_twisted: :yikes: :Tip-Hat:

Alffe 01-04-2007 01:50 PM

You really are incorrigible! :p

Curious 01-04-2007 03:32 PM

he's bad...bad to the bone. :p plate today...blah house work. Attachment 624

healthy food. still working on that after holiday sluggish slug feel. had a nice salad for lunch. lots of veggies. :D

Abbie 01-04-2007 05:07 PM

too much on plate but nothing to eat...

trying to figure out how i'm going to drive 2 hrs each way tomorrow to go to my grandmothers funeral. i can't handle driving 5 minutes without the pain going through the roof and me wanting to cut my legs off.... 4 hours--oi vey.

Curious 01-04-2007 05:11 PM


my deepest sympathy over the loss of your grandmother. :(

i know there very few meds you can take. do you have some relaxing cd's..or tapes that you could listen to?

maybe the rsd forum could come up some ideas to help?

Alffe 01-04-2007 05:13 PM

oi vey? who moi? We are so bilingual around here! :D

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother Abbie...can someone drive you?
(((warm hugs)))

Abbie 01-04-2007 06:11 PM

Thank you.... she passed away overnight or early this morning.

I didn't really know my grandmother but feel I should go to the viewing/funeral in support of my dad, aunt, and uncles.

I just map quested it... and it's a 2hr and 40 min drive each way... :Sigh:
and there isn't a good way to get there from here... all state highways with lots of hills and curves... in the rain this could be very interesting.

Unfortunately there is no one who can drive me... all of my brothers and sisters have a car load with their families and none of the older nieces have a driver license yet.... so.. i'm on my own.

I do have 1 cd that keeps me relaxed so i will probably play it over and over.

meds to relax or help with pain probably wouldn't be a good idea to take and drive... i'll just have to figure something out for the pain when i get back here... so if ya'll hear someone screaming very very loudly tomorrow evening it's just me.

Doody 01-04-2007 07:49 PM

I'm very sorry to hear about your grandma Abbie. I totally understand about the long car drives. They're very hard on me as well.

Alffe 01-05-2007 12:51 PM

Thinking about you on that road trip today Abbie. (((Abbie)))

who moi 01-05-2007 04:03 PM

hi Abbie,

sorry to hear about your grandma...

I was very close to my maternal grandma...I left my native home at age 10 and never saw her since then. She passed away when I was 14... travels and (((HUGS)))

Abbie 01-05-2007 10:29 PM

I made it there and back safely but now want to cut my legs and arms off...
don't even get to rest because I have to make the same trip tomorrow... long story and not one that puts me in a very good mood.

well, i better go let the dog out and try to rest have to be back on the road by 9am.


Doody 01-05-2007 11:14 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about your pain Abbie. Car trips are difficult when in a lot of pain. Take good care on your trip tomorrow and rest a LOT when you return home.

Alffe 01-06-2007 07:38 AM

Thanks for letting us know aren't making that trip alone today..we are all right there beside least in spirit we are.

When you get home tonight..soak in a hot bubble bath! Hugs

Alffe 01-06-2007 07:41 AM

Jingle, thank you for posting the Sweet Potato Pie recipe..if I ever get to eat dessert again, or decide to reopen the kitchen, I am gonna make it.

Je suis au regime! ;)

Doody 01-06-2007 01:15 PM

My plate today is filled with hiding from the world and a large heaping scoop of guilt. Sick children, sick children, need help. :Sigh:

Julie 01-06-2007 01:24 PM

No more guilt on Doody's plate. It's time for dessert and I'm serving a big helping of a grandmother/mother's pride and love.

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