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Old 01-24-2017, 02:42 AM #1
KatherineLB KatherineLB is offline
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KatherineLB KatherineLB is offline
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Default intro and possible perineural cysts (or schwannomas)

Hi All

I've only just found you guys while searching for information on an MRI report I got yesterday. I've posted an intro post on the intro area but wanted to post here more specifically too - particularly to help me understand my MRI results while I wait for my next round of tests.

Basically, about 18 months ago i hurt my neck (long story short - i have chronic cluster headaches & while crawling round on the floor in pain i managed to pick up a wooden double bed on the back of my neck and jam it into a wall for a while...) Anyway, progressively pain in neck increased, spread down back and I started getting peripheral numbness, tingling, weakness, gradually dropping things. Had regular remedial massages, did stretches etc. During that time diagnosed with osteoporosis. Jump forward 18 months to request MRI last week.

Results are "mild spondylitic change within lower cervical spine where there is reversal of the normal cervical spine lordosis and mild canal stenosis."

C5/C6 there is a left posterior disc osteophyte complex measuring up to 3mm in maximal thickness with moderate narrowing of the left C5/6 neural exit foramen. There is possible irritation of the exiting left C6 nerve root.

There are several T2 hyperintense and T1 hypointense lesions within the neural exit foramina at C7/T1 T1/T2 T2/T3 and T5/T6 measuring up to 10mm in maximal diameter.

The conclusion suggests that these "may represent incidental perineureal cysts ... or benign schwannomas"

- but since the MRI was only of my cervical spine to find out why I have neck and back pain and arm numbness, tingling and weakness (especially left) - i have been called back for a full chest CT to cover the thoracic spine.

They also found that my thyroid is mildly enlarged and has a T2 hyperintense 18mm nodule!

So more tests at the end of the week!!! But now I have a week to worry over what all this means!!!!

At least some of my pain may be explained and I don't quite feel as alone as I did yesterday


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left, mri, neck, pain, spine

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