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Old 09-25-2019, 04:41 PM #1
yipke yipke is offline
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yipke yipke is offline
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Default Hello all

Greetings to you all.

I have found out thru a Pelvic MRI that I have multiple Tarlov cysts on my sacrum. I didn't know what they were and looked them up and became terribly frightened. What a terrible thing to see on a report and have no one mention it to you.
Anyway, I also have an L4-5 herniated disc that caused me sciatica. PT helped get rid of the sciatica.
I presumed all my pain was from the herniated disc. But started to have left sided pelvic pain so got an MRI that found the Tarlov cysts and no explanation for the pelvic pain. I also have a questionable spot showing around my rectum with no explanation but not cancer. Im guessing its the Tarlov cysts. I have not had any further testing.
I have good days and other days just some pain. Tolerable with no pain meds. I cant exercise or run without pain. I miss working out and lifting weights. Most of my day is sitting and when I get up quickly my left side hip and back hurt. Im not totally debilitated but cannot do what I want to do and be very active.
Im scared to get surgery and want to wait until they discover more about Tarlov cysts but I don't think any medical field is that interested in it besides who already do the surgeries. Im hoping my cysts don't grow more.

I do equate more pain when I have a cold sore on my lip Herpes outbreak which is also nerve related.
A TENS unit helps with pain and I discovered a PEMF device called an OSKA that really helps with my pain. It reduces inflammation. Its a small device that I can wear and I use it about 3 hours a day. It helps. I highly recommend it and would like to see it researched more for Tarlov cyst disease.
Blessings to all.
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cysts, helps, pain, pelvic, tarlov

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