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agate 07-11-2016 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Kitty (Post 1216722)
It's been in the upper 90's here but the "heat index" has been over 100. Miserable!!

I have used nearly an entire 10# bag of ice PER DAY just filling up the outside kitties water bowl to keep cool water available for them. I worry so about them.

I have not been anywhere in over a month. Not left the cool confines of my house in over 30 days!! And I don't care!! It's cool here and I don't have to wear a bra!!! :p:p

Now, when my electric bill gets here I might have to take up a pity party collection!! :o

I know what you mean. It's been mostly cool here so far, and so I'm lucky that the appointment I have to go to today won't involve hot weather.

I hope it is my last appointment for a couple of months now. I tried to get all routine outings accomplished in the cooler months. I'm looking forward to staying home for the rest of July and August.

I never thought I'd be looking forward to staying home but if it's the coolest place to be, why not just stay there?

tkrik 07-12-2016 09:55 AM

Hi Everyone!

Starz - I love NH and VT! The country is so beautiful. We used to go to both of them as kids. I hope you all have a great time. Your thrifting adventure sounds fun! I love getting books at thrift stores. The kids will love the books.

Doydie - Family get togethers must be fun and entertaining for you all.

Kelly - It's hot here too. I only go from a/c to a/c. The temps here are supposed to go back up to 110's, I believe. UGH! And, it's our rainy season so it's more humid.

Agate - Glad to see you posting here!!! July and August are the worst 2 months. I try to get things done during the cooler months too.

I am at DD26's for the week. I'm hoping to get some swimming in (and some all natural vitamin D) while I am here. I don't swim alone as my left leg has no idea what it is supposed to do in water. It definitely has a mind of its own when in water. So, I need a lifeguard. :D:D When the get home I'll swim or if her sister-in-law comes over to take her kids swimming I will swim with them here.

I bought a little fan at Target. I wasn't too sure about it because it was so small, but the reviews were great. This fan is amazing!!! I love it. I can't believe that something so small can move air that much and with such force. I love it! The price was great too, $13 something. Fans are a summertime must for me, and I'm sure many of you as well.

I hope you all have a great day! Stay cool!:hug::grouphug:

doydie 07-12-2016 11:48 PM

tkrik, tell us more about that fan!

Yes, family get togethers are a lot of fun. The laughter can also get to me if it gets out of hand. I hate to say it but they can get pretty loud. My husband's birthday is the 24th of this month and oldest grand daughter's is the 11th of next month so we celebrate them together. So this weekend is the only weekend they can come. But younger daughter can't be here on Saturday. Her boyfriend is going sky diving and she says she wants to be available to take his dead body to his parents. I'm ashamed of her! She has my spirit. I would love to go sky diving. But both her and i have back problems and the jerk of when the parachute opens would be to hard on us. So we will celebrate a lovely almost 15 year old young ladies birthday on Sunday. And if it goes as usual, my two girls and thier men will go out to a movie on Sunday night and we get the grand kids.

tkrik 07-13-2016 10:46 AM

Good Morning, Everyone!

Doydie - The fan is a Honeywell HT900. Again, I got my at Target but I'm sure if you google other stores may pop up as selling it. Here is the link to the Target store:

I realize this morning that I am somewhat of a home body. I love going out and being around people and I almost always say yes when family or friends call to see if I want to got somewhere. Since I don't drive much anymore, I ask if I can go on errands with them.:D:D Anything to get out of the house for a while. But, at the end of the day, I want to be home. I like the familiarity of my home and I certainly like to sleep in my own bed. DD24's cooler is broken. She came over to spend the night. This morning as I was having breakfast with my grandson (yogurt and Cheerios), I thought about how kids like to be in their own homes and beds at night and how I am like that too. There's a comfort in being in our own homes. Although he loves it here, he also loves his "new house" as he calls it. So, I definitely am a home body. Never thought I would ever say that. :D

I have no plans for the day today. It's going to be too hot out and I know I won't be going anywhere unless I absolutely have to. It's 8:45 a.m. and already in the 90s. I think were supposed to go into the 100 teens. Yuck! My guess is DD24 will be back tonight if they don't get her air fixed today.

I hope you all have a great day!:hug::grouphug:

barb02 07-13-2016 12:17 PM

I have been going from ac to ac too, but those few minutes in the 100 degree temperatures are just too much. The heat index is usually around 110 to 115 by late afternoon. Luckily, the ac and fans in my new place are working well.

My sister got out of the hospital on Thursday. That was her 5th trip back to the hospital in over 6 weeks I believe. This has been the longest she has managed to stay home. She is still on TPN and trying to eat little nibbles of food, but ths is still throwing up some too. She also has to go in and get extra fluids three times a week.

She tried to sleep in bed last night for the first time and got realy sick at 4:00 in the morning, probably from acid reflux. From what I understand she no longer has a flap between esophagus and stomach so she always needs to be elevated. She used a wedge and extra pillows, but probably still ended up too flat. They are thinking about getting a sleep number bed that she can adust the top so she is closer to a sitting position. For now, she has moved backed to their reclining chair.

They are getting closer to finishing some of the houses around me. I will be happy to have neighbors and no longer live in a construction zone. I had to have three trucks and a backhoe move yesterday just so I could get my car out to the street. It is so dusty!

Well that's all my news for now. I need to go hang out with my niece while my sister and brother in law go to the clinic for her treatment,

doydie 07-14-2016 12:10 AM

barb I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a construction zone. All the dust and noise, extra cleaning, bother of big machines. But the nice new pretty houses are nice. And then you get new neighbors. Hope they are all nice.

We have had really nasty weather. Either really hot temps or bad storms. And it is so humid going in to those storms. One of them was going to hit right at the time to go to choir practice so I didn't go. after it was over I went to the mall. My oldest daughter and family is coming this weekend and we will celebrate oldest grand daughter's 15th birthday. We got a picture of ehr in Florida with friends and it showed that she now has a lovely mature 15 year old figure. This was the first time I had seen she really had a figure before. She had just looked like a 14 year old bean pole. But she says she is still in a 0 or 2. She is 5'6". So I'm not sure if she had a Victoria's secret bra on in that picture or not. We shall see when she gets here. But the sky was beautiful. Then I went to Walmart for a few things. So now we wait for tomorrow's storm.

Grand daughter Trinity has always liked the maxi dresses. She loves this store Rue 21. they aren't making maxi dresses anymore. She also like the hi'low dresses. So I got her one of those. I can't believe the high waist jeans are back in style but that's what she wanted so I got her a pair of those and a top. When I was looking at their web site, the body suit is back in fashion also!!!!!!!!!!:eek: The body suit was how my daughter and son in law got together. Christina had a figure like WOW and she had this green body suit and it made son in law's eyes pop out. I doubt they will ever let Trinity ever wear one.

Debbie D 07-14-2016 08:20 AM

Hi all...been AWOL again...

So much heat for so many this year!! The weather folks predicted correctly.

Trish, so glad that DD is moving. Its so great that you see your girls as often as you do.

Kitty, you do so much for kitties around're their guardian angel:)

Barb, prayers for your sister. So glad you're down that way to be close:hug: And once those trucks are gone, it will be so great in your neighborhood!!

We have had a busy couple of days. Got a call from our cabin neighbor Tuesday morning. NW Wisconsin, and especially the area where our cabin is, received 911" of rain in hours:eek: Our neighbor told us that our fishing boat was full and the motor was almost under water, and that the water was rising.

We hightailed it up there (7 hr. drive) and couldn't believe how quickly the water was coming up. We are 29-30 feet up from the beach, and the water is about 25 feet from the base of the steps. The water was halfway up the beach. We got busy helping our neighbors; they had already emptied both boats (one with a bucket), and we scurried getting chairs, kayaks, etc. up to the base of the hill. Our other next door neighbor's dock panels were beginning to float, so I went there and got several up to the base of the hill. At that time the water was about thigh deep.

It rose more and more quickly, so another neighbor and I tried to get the rest of the planks out a couple hours later. By then the water was up to our chests:eek: and we couldn't reach the last few.

the water was about 2/3 of the way to our steps when darkness fell...

We woke up about 5 am and looked out. three steps were covered by water, our firewood (which was covered and secured) was floating on the water, my weber fire pit was under water at the base of the hill, and neighbors were already emptying the beach and bringing boats, kayaks, everything we could carry up near the houses at the top of the hill. A dam downstream had broken, and a dam holding back water in a lake 3x ours was being watched. If that goes, we may get water up to our house. When we left, the water was about 9 steps up...20 to go to get to the top. More rain is expected throughout the rest of the week.

Before we left, a village worker stopped by and told us they were bagging sand for all who needed it. DH and I went over and got as many as we could and bagged in front of our walkout door, just in case.

Added to this, our next door neighbors are elderly and stubborn. they were heaving things up to the hill, and the husband scared me with how ashen he looked. his wife has circulation problems in her legs and was in pain. I let their daughter know and she and her sister came up to help.

What would we do without wonderful neighbors??

Haven't heard yet how it is up there...we are worried and praying...

tkrik 07-15-2016 10:50 AM

Good morning, Everyone!

Debbie - YIKES!!!:eek::eek: I hope it will stop raining so everyone can breathe a little easier. You are such a good neighbor to help out your neighbors and for your care and concern for them. :hug: That must have been quite the scene and scary as well. Glad you are back posting.

Barb - How's your sister doing? She is on my daily prayer list. How do you like your new place? I am sure it will be nice to have neighbors instead of a construction crew for neighbors. The house looks so adorable!

I don't have much planned for the day. I have to get some lab work done and pick up my prescriptions. That will be the excitement for the day. A family friend is coming to pick me up and take me on the errands. She works at a local university and is off for the summer. She is a friend of both of my daughters and spent quite a bit of time at my house when the girls were in high school. She thinks of me as her 2nd mother.

Tomorrow I will be watching my grandson. DD24 will be taking her certification exam for medical assisting. She loves what she is doing and plans to go on to nursing school to get her degree. She wants to do OB/Gyn nursing. The place where she works adores her and they are using her as a float as they didn't have a position opened but didn't want to lose her. It's a big practice with lots of offices around town. The plan is that in September she will go back to the office where she did her externship and have a permanent job (not a float job) there. I just so proud of her for all that she has accomplished.

My grandson is getting so big and is so chatty!!! He is now talking in 3 word sentences like, "My new home." It's so cute. He loves to be read to and sung to. He's at a fun age and yet little glimpses of a 2-year old emerge every now and then. He's going to be so good at throwing fits. :D

I hope you all have a great day!:hug::grouphug:

doydie 07-15-2016 10:31 PM

Debbie, it is so wonderful to have neighbors just pitch in and work for the common good. You don't need to ask, you just do it.. We need more of that. Hope everything is OK and you don't lose anymore than a wood pile.

tkrik 07-19-2016 12:19 PM

Good morning, Everyone!

Debbie - How are things going up at the lake? I've been praying for you all.

Barb - How is your sister doing? I have been praying for her as well. I know it has been a challenge for you all. :hug:

I have not been up to much. DD26 and SIL come home today. Phew!! It is so hard to be in someone else's house without them there. I get so lonely because I am only here by myself when they go away. Well, last year DD24 and my grandson went to the beach with them and the year before DD24 was pregnant and not feeling the best so she stayed and worked. Still, it's just so weird. I'm by myself most of the time but I am at my house by myself. Plus, it's hard to be away from home when you are not feeling the greatest. The heat and humidity are getting to me so I am feeling the fatigue and muscle weakness more as of late. UGH!

I haven't been reading. My plan was to read Middlemarch while I was here. I haven't even touched the book. :D I had other things to do and things that got me distracted. Once I get home I will start on it. I have a Kindle but there is something about actually holding a book that I really like. I don't feel as though I am reading a book when I use the Kindle. I do like that the Kindle is easy to take with you to doctor's appointments and such (the only place I go during the summer). I have a few books on there that I am reading.

I hope you all have a great day and are staying cool!:hug::grouphug:

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