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Starznight 05-02-2016 08:15 AM

See now... My youngest cousin, nieces, nephew, step-kids and now my GB have all learned that "nope, I don't play the want, want, want game" There is to be no whining at the store, no grabbing, no running off, no arguments, no begging, crying or throwing of tantrums. It only took one trip to the store with each of them for them to learn that nope not playing. All of them got to enjoy the "sack of potatoes" carry out. Though it was a little harder with the GBs, hurt me more than them I think but still I managed it.

I used to take 6 kids, ranging in ages 3-8, down to Toys 'R' Us with no more than $60 in my pocket for them to spend between the 6 of them (if they were lucky, sometimes it was just window shopping). And no crying, fussing, nothing. All 6 stuck together like they were super glued, as quiet as if I had duct taped their mouths, talk about the looks I got from parents and even store employees. I had several people stop me and ask how I managed to do that, after all I think I only just turned 20 when the youngest of the kids turned 3.

But I could only take all 6 kids out in public, or any combination thereof down to taking just 1 kid along, and never have any problems past the first tantrum, or faux pas that they committed. However, if their parents or someone else came along with me.... phew... all bets are and were off. The exception being my mother.

But then I followed my mother's child raising principles. It's a shame she never became a child psychologist or we might not have such degrading parenting skills as the newer and newer generations seem to be falling towards. But either way, her number one thing was you never threaten a child, you "promise" them. Which means you carry through with your promises. If you promise to take them to the park, you take them to the park come hell or high-water, but likewise if you promise that they will be physically removed from the store should they ever..... then you physically remove them from the store. Simple as that, never make a punishment you're not willing to carry through and never make a promise you can't keep.

Her other thing was never talk down to a kid, don't treat them like they're idiots because kids are far, far, smarter than they're given credit for. This doesn't mean they need a two hour discourse in the finer points of placing a napkin on their lap. But when a kid does something wrong, tell them simply and honestly why it was wrong, it shouldn't be any less of an explanation if they're 2 or any more of an explanation because they're 20. Simple and straightforward. (Growing up we dreaded dad's lectures, but feared mom, she didn't mess around.)

And finally, my mother believes that children act up and misbehave when they are seeking attention. Think about it, where are children most likely to throw a tantrum... out in public... why, because your attention is on your shopping list, on the roadway, on whatever else and not focused purely on them. Next they're more likely to show their butts when you have company over, again why, because mommy and daddy's attention is on the company and not them and the company isn't making them the center of attention either. The other times that kids are going crazy getting into things they're not supposed to and generally acting like heathens is when you're cooking or doing thing around the house that don't allow for interruption. Sort of like how every kid suddenly decides they need to have a long chat with you every time you try to go to the bathroom. Now because you can't pay attention to them, they want it when a few seconds ago they wanted nothing to do with you because you were fully available, and now you're not.

About the only one she was never able to nip was the bathroom confessional. But as far as company went we learned quickly that we were not to act like young hooligans, not that we ever acted up like some of the kids I've met going to other people's homes, my own family included. My mother would have us helping in the kitchen all through our lives, even as infants she would put us in a high chair or carry the baby bouncer into the kitchen. And when it came to going out any place, my mother's promises of what she would do to us should we act a fool, kept us in-line, no less desirable of her attention but not acting out for it. But then she'd also have us help in planning for the grocer or whatever store we were going to, have us "help" pick things out from the store, so she still paid attention to us, it wasn't undivided but we still got her attention, and we didn't have to kick up a fuss to get it. In fact if we did kick up a fuss, fun time was over and my mother was and is the sort to always carry through her promises.

But I almost dread going to the stores nowadays, GBs going along or not, and I honestly don't have to worry about them, they are extremely well behaved at the store. They ride along in the cart, laughing and chatting up a storm, never begging for anything and if they aren't in the cart they hold a hand or hold the cart and walk along, not touching or grabbing anything, not begging for this that or the other. And yet there's always at least 2 kids throwing themselves on the floor in tantrums right in front of what we're there to buy it seems. Forget listening to whatever music they might have playing over the speakers, you might catch a word or two in between the chorus of screams that surround you as kids act like they're training to be Tasmanian devils. I almost always leave the store with a migraine coming on, whether I take the GB or not. Well not a true migraine I know it's a tension headache, because I just want to the throttle the parents who either completely ignore their child because some parenting book said to ignore a tantrum, or who buy the kid what they're screaming for so you know the next aisle over that kid's going to be screaming again.

1 adult and 6 kids aged 3-8 through Toys 'R' Us with only $60 dollars in the pocket and we had fun, no screams, no tantrums, no misbehaving or running off. Each kid picked out the toy they wanted that they could afford and had fun looking at the toys they couldn't afford. It was great... So why can't a mother and father take one 5 year old to the grocery store of all places without the thing being a screaming dervish?!!???!?!! Why am I constantly having to watch my back, sides and front to keep from running over or being run over or plowed into little kids that are just running freely around the store. And little ones, little, little ones... Like I'd be shocked if they were older than 3 and there's no adult to be seen as they come barreling down the aisle. And then you hear the voice calling from somewhere... not the panicked voice of a parent who feels they only took their eyes off their child for a second as they were trying to read the ingredients or compare prices... but the lethargic voice of a parent who is used to their 3 year old running wild and free.... Johnny... Johnny get back over here by mommy....

Duh &%&*!!!! What psychology book is now teaching parents to raise feral children? It's not just at the grocer store and Walmart that you see that either, it's at corner stores, it's in PARKING LOTS! Every single parking lot in town you have to watch, extremely closely, because kids are just running around. Feral little children, they obviously haven't been spayed or neutered either because they're multiplying. They're in the streets... In roadways that have a 45 mph speed limit and 4, and 5 year olds are riding their bikes in the middle of the roadway. Their head barely comes up to a car headlight, and not a parent to be seen anywhere. So they must be feral.

I mean, terrible as it sounds and I'm sure there might be a few people that get offended. But when I was 16, it was shortly after I got my driver's license I would drive over to my uncle's house everyday after work. Stop in and visit, and every day this little kid would be hiding behind the bushes just before the stop sign and would suddenly dart across the street in front of my car. Most of the time I had plenty of time to stop, I'd hit the brakes and he'd make it safely to the other side of the road and stand there giggling. Well one day when he did it he had his timing way off and I very nearly hit him. I had to slam on my brake and yank the wheel because he had come out yet I figured maybe he was sick or not home that day or whatever. The adrenaline rush from him almost becoming a bug on my windshield or more so a stain on my tire, had me jumping out of the car, snatching him up by his ear because he did fall from his fright which made me think when he disappeared in front of my hood that he might have been hit, either way, I turned him over my knee and wailed on his butt yelling at him to never ever do such a thing again and if I ever caught him at such a trick he could be sure next time it would be a switch going after his butt.... I let him go, he ran completely petrified I'm sure back into his yard and into his house... it was then that I realized ... he wasn't my kid... I didn't even know his parents.... didn't even know his name... and I just beat his butt in broad daylight....

I stayed the night at my uncle's house because I thought for sure the cops were going to show up and take me away, I might as well make it easy for them to find me. I wasn't going to resist arrest or anything of the sort, at least I knew that you can't just snatch strange kids up by their ears and beat the living daylights out of them... (I say beat the living daylights but my hand didn't even tingle when I was done spanking him so I know it wasn't that hard that he was hit.)

But you know the worst of it... No parent ever even stepped outside, not when there was the sound of screeching brakes. Not when their was a child screaming bloody murder and not even when the same child ran into the house. And the kid couldn't have been above 4 possibly 5 if he was really small for his age. Seriously!? Since then, feral children have become an epidemic. In our neighborhood it went from the one kid whose parents obviously didn't give a rat's butt, to pretty much nothing but feral children running around.

Our neighbor had an autistic ** child. The boy and his sister were constantly outside without parental supervision and never in the fenced in part of the yard... oh no... they were in the driveway, in the road, across the street harassing the dogs... When his sister started school, the boy would be outside by himself... Again not in the fenced part of the yard... but just roaming around outside in a diaper and wellies in the middle of winter just wandering the streets. He'd come over to our house sometimes... sometimes he'd make 3-4 blocks over before the mom would realize he was missing. First off why are you letting your autistic child outside without any kind of supervision... secondly, you have a fenced in yard why are the kids playing in the street?? And finally how did you have enough brain cells to procreate???

Hopeless 05-02-2016 01:04 PM

Hi Starznight,

Loved your post.

When I took my little niece on my quick run to the drug store, it was my FIRST experience with having a child tag along. My Mom tried to dissuade me, guess she KNEW what I might encounter, but she let me find out for myself. The joke was on me.

My ONLY experiences with kids were babysitting them AT HOME, not taking any of them in public anywhere. While she did not throw any temper tantrums or the like, I was not prepared for the "Will you buy me's".

I think your Mom had some great ideas on parenting. Really enjoyed reading your posts.

doydie 05-03-2016 10:40 PM

Sometimes I thought it unfair that we ad 2 girls and no boys. That meant bathroom issues were for me all the time! When they acted up when we were out I would take them into the bathroom and have a 'discussion'. They knew that if they acted up again and we went to the bathroom, it would not be a discussion. We rarely had to go back. I remember one time we were eating supper at Grandy's. The younger one had diarrhea all the way down to the floor from the high chair. I mean what in the world do you do with that but wheel the high chair into the bathroom. Of course big sister had to go. Those were the days that they did not have changing 'tables' in the ladies restroom. And BTW, why was it only in the ladies restroom? So I am getting enough paper towels to put all over the bathroom floor, older sister wants to go potty so I help her with that. She pees crooked and pees all over her pants. Now I am used to taking along an extra set of clothes for baby sister but not the 4 year old. So she has to go out in wet pants. Finally get baby sister cleaned up, get the floor and the highchair cleaned up and go out to where husband is sitting. He has finished eating his food and started on mine!!!!!!:eek: Well by that time I wasn't in any mood to eat anyway. He learned his lesson that night though. You NEVER mess with Mom.

Starznight 05-04-2016 04:36 AM

Aren't men lovely sometimes :rolleyes: My DH is driving me nuts right now over the situation with his 'biological daughter', by expecting me as 'mom' (conveniently drops the step prefix when it suits his needs) to have already solved the problem and pulled out of thin air all the monies the my daughter owes and while I'm at I might as well conjure up enough money to get her a new car, oh yeah and to pay for child care as HE'S tired of babysitting the GB (who he sees from between 5 and 7 at night till 8 or 9 when she goes to bed.) Meanwhile I'm the one who's actually babysitting and you know changing diapers, cleaning up underwear, washing hands and faces, potty training, getting drinks, getting food, finding toys, putting on movies or shows, reading books, playing with her, listening to her various stories, demands, requests and whines... but HE'S done. I thought you actually had to do something to be done doing something :rolleyes: but I guess not in guy world.

He even dared to tell me that last night it was my GB's fault that I twerked my back a bit. I had been doing laundry most of the day, and was cleaning up from dinner when the back just finally said #$@A off! It's not like I was picking up the GB all day, or even snuggling with her, and honestly she helped me out quite a bit as she's great for getting things out of the back of the front-loading washer. Less I have to bend or reach, plus she's not a bad helper when it comes to putting away the clothes. She knows our sock drawers and puts them away, even the underwear drawers and has no problems separating and putting the little items away leaving me with just the folding and hanging of the clothes.

The other thing the DH doesn't seem to realize is that needing to watch the GB is a great excuse for me to get up out of bed on my bad days. I can no longer just lay around thinking about the amount of pain I'm in... I need to get up, I have a two year old to keep track of, I can't just lay in bed and let her do as she will to my house. Which isn't to say that if I'm having a really bad day, my mom and dad won't take her off my hands for a little bit or sometimes even for a whole day or two. My mother is actually practically living at our house recently on the days that I babysit at least, just in case, she doesn't leave till after the DH gets home more times than not, at least so long as she isn't working.

And of course the DH isn't any help at all when it comes to the mistakes his daughter has made either. He just harps on them, and harps on them, both to her and to me, until I'm just ready to cover his mouth with duct tape and super glue. And then he can't figure out why his daughter doesn't come to him when she's having a problem, why is she always running to me, and why does she lie to him, why can't she just be honest.... Let's see, she was honest about her car breaking down and you didn't all but.. you did call her a moron for not knowing what the red oil can light was on her dashboard, and you haven't dropped it since... It's been months now... let it go... But you expect her to come running to tell you she hasn't paid rent to your friend huh....(killed a car unwittingly because you didn't understand a warning light... blew all your money because you weren't keeping track of your income or spending... hmmmm... dad hasn't let go of the car.... what's he going to be like when I say I can't pay rent???)

But then the DH doesn't think I ever yell at her, and of course I never tell her she made any kind of a mistake, and I never make her do without because she made a mistake... Umm... He must be deaf because I did blow my top when I found out how much she was behind in rent... I did tell her that she should have stopped her car when the light was R-E-D RED... what does RED mean Buggins??? "Red mean 'top namma..." So the 2 year old would have known to stop the car and pull over, what's your excuse dear daughter o' mine? (so yeah, I all but called her a moron... but it was but... it wasn't flat out...) But then what's the difference between DH and me? I rant and rave for a bit, then let it go, and then we start figuring out a solution. There is no point in continuing to harp on a mistake and especially if you are not assisting with coming up with a solution... and no, saying "guess you should have pulled the car over..." is not helping in solving the problem at hand.

Sorry... can you tell I'm not real happy with DH this morning? He's driving me crazy and isn't even acknowledging that the DSD has already caught up by over a tenth of what she owes and last week was a slow week for her. But even if she only maintains her current earnings, she'll be caught back up in no time, since I found out that it's not only the DSD that hasn't thought to pay rent... but her roommate hasn't paid the DSD any rent either. So if she's able to get that out of her roommate that will be a huge boost to what she owes in back rent. But can the DH acknowledge any of that, offer a bit of encouragement since she realized she is terrible with money and needed our help to get her head on straight? Nope all he can do is harp on how she screwed up yet again. :mad:

I swear it makes me so desperate to start writing down every single time he screws up even the smallest little thing and then just start leaving post-its all around the house every morning telling him... "You dropped your razor, dummy".... "You forgot your keys...." "You forgot your wallet April 3rd at 7:39 am oh and did I tell you? You dropped your razor, dummy." I mean honestly, I'm still not happy with my DSD, I'm not exactly proud of some of her choice of late, but it does no good for me to harp on every little thing. No good for her, and seriously no good for me either, do you know how much more stressful that is?! I don't know how he keeps it up without having a heart attack.

Oh well, my rant is far from over but hands are starting to cramp up and not listen to me so I guess we'll call it over... Time to let this one go :p

doydie 05-05-2016 11:52 PM

Starz, I didn't know you and i are married to the same man. I know that if I kept reminding of those things, he would blow up and there would be another hole in the wall. So I just keep my mouth shut. I try to praise the things he does well thinking he will keep on doing those things and not the others. And he is right, if he didn't take his anger out on the walls, he would take it out on people and he will never do that. I just wish he didn't have the anger to begin with. If I could just reach into his brain and find out what did happen to him in his childhood that he is so silent about.

Starznight 05-11-2016 04:31 PM

Sorry I haven't been on in the past couple of days... things with the DSD went a bit south. She decided that since mom was upset with her over her lack of budgeting that she would lie to me about how much she made, and not give me her tips so she could still spend them on things she wanted rather than paying back the debt she owed. :mad:

In addition to that she got a ride home from one of her friends who ended up taking her to her own house rather than my daughters house. So she wasn't home when we were heading to her house to drop off my granddaughter. Now when I drop off my grandbaby I pretty much open the door and give a holler that she's here and tell the little bug to go wake up mommy... Thankfully she finally responded to my texts that we were on our way and told us before the grandbaby was left home alone. :eek: But if ever I've been tempted to wring someone's neck that was the day. Mother's Day of all day and never did I feel more like a mother.

So today we had a nice little sit down and chat about one: how she has lost my trust and how her actions with her money make it hard for me to help her. I never told her she couldn't get her nails done once a month, never said she couldn't get the occasional carmel macchiato whatever drink thingy from Dunkin' Donuts. I simply asked her what she spends her money on each month, kind of necessary for doing up a budget. How much do you make is one thing that needs to be known and where you spend it is the other half of the equation. Let me at least give your Uncle Paul an idea on how long it will take you with your current spending and now attempts to save to pay him back. That's it. So why lie to me???

Then we had to have a chat about my grandbaby... and how dropping her off sick and not telling me till you pick her up that "oh yeah she was sick today" is not appropriate, MS is an auto-immune disease, it would be nice to know that I really shouldn't eat that sandwich that the kid managed to take a big bite out of because she's sick, it'd be really really nice to know that she needs to wear diapers today because she has the runs and to not put her in her panties for her to make a mess on my couch... And if she's been fed or not, did she have a nap today or not (15 mins in the backseat of a car or on the couch doesn't constitute a nap for a toddler) And for the love of god if you're going to be hours late in picking her up from work, text, call, something... inform me so I'm not trying to keep a kid up past 9 o'clock at night, because mommy's getting off at 10pm when mommy isn't really getting off till 2 am or 3 am.

I mean she lives and breathes with a cell phone in her hand but can't seem to communicate the simplest of things. :mad: What is happening to our youth? I mean forget asking directions anywhere... We live in GA and someone told my mom that it was the Pacific Ocean off our coast. So my mom started asking everyone that came into her store which ocean it was off the coast... It really took until the customers looked to more than old enough to buy cigarettes or beer before they answered with kind of a puzzled look like why would anyone ask such a question. Everyone younger than about 25 couldn't answer it correctly. Heaven help them if they go out on a boat and need to call the coast guard to save them :eek: Some of them won't even know if they're in the ocean or in a river even.

They always have their cell phones on them, and are just tapping away at the screen texting and snap chatting, but can't communicate the simplest of idea face to face or even over the phone. They know what BTW mean but how many kids today would know what tsp. means without using their smartphones to tell them? I mean my daughter wanted a good kitchen so she could cook... loves to cook... and what does she cook??? Hot dogs in the microwave, the odd boiled shrimp (bought cleaned at the store like she can afford that :rolleyes:) and velveta mac n' cheese... she has one pyrex measuring cup... that's it... If you're cooking basically ready made food why on earth do you want a "nice big kitchen" to cook in. I'd say all you really need is a "nice big freezer" to hold your Stoffer's lasagna in.

I just feel like beating my head off the computer desk right now... honestly, what is going on with the world today? It is a sad sad state of affairs. And I feel so very old right now and I'm only 36, I'm too young to feel that our "youth" is this stupid. We're talking only a single generation, one... that's it and I just can't imagine what they put in the baby formula after my generation to explain it. :confused: It's gotta be that DHA or whatever "brain powering" nutrient they started putting in there. Hate to tell them, but I don't think it's working. :p

doydie 05-11-2016 11:55 PM

Ah starz, so sorry your daughter is giving you such a hard time. This is a time in your life that you should be enjoying an adult daughter and being a Grandma. HUGS:hug:

Starznight 05-16-2016 11:40 AM

Okay so this doesn't just seem like I am complaining about my DSD and passing it off on all the youth of the world today....

Yesterday, we went to the store to do our weekly food shopping. And though I despise going to Walmart, the DH needed to get some things from there and dragged me kicking and screaming inside. I'm sure I have caught every flu bug going through Camden county thanks to the trip but, I'll digress. We get up to check out and there's a young lady in front of us, with a full shopping cart (we're talking over flowingly full) The cashier rings everything up, the total comes to $200 and some change. Naturally we hear "Ohh I don't have enough...what if I put this back???" And so the what if game continues, until she's down to about 2 bags worth of things and finally says "well I only have $50 how much more do I have to put back?" :Bang-Head:

Who in the heck can't tell, that an overflowing shopping cart is not equal to $50. And before some of you start to defend with wellllll... we've all forgotten money at the house, or forgotten our checkbooks.... She never even checked her wallet. We got in line right after she pulled into line. Never once checked her wallet. And the one item that she decided she "had to have" with her $50 was a pair of shoes, which she then argued over the price. Because they were "49.95" what do you mean you want "53.44" for them.... sales tax dippy. So the girl who only had $50 pulls out another $5.00 bill and complains all the way about being robbed. And low prices her #$@.

Seriously?! I don't mind someone needing to put one or even two things back, I don't think they're in idiot of it, sometimes keeping track of the prices on everything in the cart and sales tax on top of it all can get squirrelly. But you don't put an item in your cart that costs 5 cents less than your max and proceed to fill the cart with everything else in the store. For once I tried to delay how long we were in there, because I honestly didn't want to see if that girl was operating a motorized vehicle or not.

And that's not the end of the currency challenged day. Next stop was Publix... we've never had any kind of problem with the employees there, they're always smart, happy and chatty people. It's great, the store is clean, and it's even rare to see a kid acting up or hear one screaming inside Publix. But anyways, we finished up our shopping... we get in line.... and because we were the "horrors of horrors" 4th people in line, they opened another lane. We put our stuff up, and the usual chat of did you find everything, how was your day... begins. We notice it's a new cashier, we know most all of the employees up there as we go in several times a week at all different hours...The cashier tells us our total, the DH hands him the money. It was like $107 and some change... so the DH gave him 4, 20's 2, 10's and 2, 5's ($110.) The cashier counts the money and tells the DH that he's short by $2.00...... ummm... the DH starts to wonder if he gave him the other 5, but then realizes... that can't be right anyways because there's change with the $107.xx. So he politely tells the kid to check that again.

The kid counts the money again, and goes "Oh, never mind you gave me too much." And tries to hand a $10 back to my DH. (The DH always knows how much money he has in his wallet and the denominations, he's a freak, like that who can also tell you within a penny or two what the check out total will be on a shopping cart before even one item has been rung up) So my DH again, politely tells the kid that he really might want to check that again.

Well now the bagger comes over to count the money. $110... that's right, put in the computer, okay... she goes back to bagging. Only now the kid can't make change. It's written on the screen your change is $2.xx. First he hands the DH $3.00 back. That's not right... next he hands him back just $2.00... that's still not right... so he starts to grab a $5.00 bill to hand back to him.... DH points out "look, it says the change is $2.xx. Try using some of the coins."

So the kid puts back the $5.00 and seems to grab some coins at random. Like he's making a grab bag. Now my DH is really starting to lose his patience. He can understand the new job jitters, but honestly he's been nothing but patient with the kid and this kid just ain't getting it. We've known the bagger since she started working there 6 years ago, and we just ask her... "little help here?" She's been watching the whole process just kind of slack jawed and spell bound... that snapped her out of it, and she came over and counted out the correct change and told him to turn off his light. Because the change that he had just kind of randomly grabbed out of the drawer added up to more than a dollar.

It was seeming less and less like new job jitters and more and more like a kid who has never seen cash. Maybe that was his sister at Walmart earlier in the day. :Bang-Head: But one of the other things I like about Publix is, that he probably won't be fired over that, he'll either quit or they'll make him a bagger or find something else he can do. They're pretty nice about it so I don't have to feel as though I lost some kid their source of employment.

doydie 05-17-2016 12:20 AM

So sorry you had a rough day. I have no idea who educates some of these people. Or if they do educate them, who passed them through. I am a people watcher and I love to stand in line when one of those overloaded carts come in. Once it was what looked like to be daughter and Mom, each had a cart on same ticket. That was over $1000. I would assume they do those monthly shopping trips and then take a whole weekend and make up a months meals and freezes them. Now I only do stuff like this when I am shopping by myself. Hubs would not tolerate it.

Erin524 05-17-2016 01:42 AM

Did he not know how to make change because he didn't have a piece of paper to draw lines on paper to do his Common Core math? (also known as Singapore math)

To see how they're teaching math now, look at this video with some lady who had to figure out the Common Core math on her own so she could teach it to her second grader. (not trying to be political, just trying to come up with a reason why the kid at Publix couldn't make change)

I'm math challenged myself. So, I try to do it as little as possible. But, I was a cashier for ten years. I had the ability to make change, AND I was so good at keeping track of large amounts of money that I could tell you to the penny how much was in my cash drawer. I have (had?) an awesome memory back then, and was able to use it. (I can do math as long as I think of it in terms of money)

I was a neat freak with my cash drawer. My money all lay with the president's faces face down in the drawer...counterfeiters will take $1 bills, and through some sort of counterfeiting magic put what looks like the corners of $20s or $100s on them. The $1 bill has a giant ONE printed across the back. No one looks at the president's faces. They just look at the numbers in the corners. (things may have changed with money. The last time I was a cashier was in 2003. There might be new security measures. I don't handle real money much anymore. I use credit cards pretty much exclusively now). I'd gotten a few counterfeits in the years I cashiered. A couple of them were the $1's that were masquerading as $20s. The counterfeits I saw had the corners bleached, with the corners of $20s on them. When you looked at the back of it, it still had the giant ONE printed on the back. I never, to my knowledge got a high quality counterfeit. But, I did get the morons who would print them out on their home printers. That was usually when I'd suddenly "need" change, and go get my managers.

Kids now don't pay attention to things. I was walking down the hall at the hospital to my physical therapy session the other day. Some lady was walking down the hall, pecking away at her phone. There I am walking with a walker towards her. She was doing a meandering walk. All over the place in the hall. So, I was trying to get out of her way. She was pretty far down the hall at the time, but when she'd be heading straight for me, I'd move to hopefully miss her. Finally she was on a collision course with me, and wearing headphones so she couldn't hear me say "excuse me". She finally looked up just before she would have walked into me. And then got all mad at me for nearly walking into her. Ummm...I'm not the one totally engrossed in my phone. Good thing we were at the hospital. If she kept walking like that, she was going to hit someone, or walk into a glass wall, and need the ER.

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